blob: 969197f1d6191e2dbab84f4f5b1c44ebeb442a31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* This defines a simple fixpoint solver for running an intraprocedural dataflow analysis.
* <p>The solver computes an {@link AbstractState} for each {@link Block} using the {@link
* AbstractTransferFunction} which defines the abstract semantics for each instruction.
* <p>Once the fixpoint is reached the analysis returns a {@link SuccessfulDataflowAnalysisResult}.
* If the supplied {@link AbstractTransferFunction} returns a {@link FailedTransferFunctionResult}
* for a given instruction and abstract state, then the analysis return a {@link
* FailedDataflowAnalysisResult}.
public class IntraProceduralDataflowAnalysisBase<
Block, Instruction, StateType extends AbstractState<StateType>> {
final StateType bottom;
final ControlFlowGraph<Block, Instruction> cfg;
// The transfer function that defines the abstract semantics for each instruction.
final AbstractTransferFunction<Block, Instruction, StateType> transfer;
// The state of the analysis.
final Map<Block, StateType> blockExitStates = new IdentityHashMap<>();
// The entry states for each block that satisfies the predicate
// shouldCacheBlockEntryStateFor(block). These entry states can be computed from the exit states
// of the predecessors, but doing so can be expensive when a block has many predecessors.
final Map<Block, StateType> blockEntryStatesCache = new IdentityHashMap<>();
public IntraProceduralDataflowAnalysisBase(
StateType bottom,
ControlFlowGraph<Block, Instruction> cfg,
AbstractTransferFunction<Block, Instruction, StateType> transfer) {
this.bottom = bottom;
this.cfg = cfg;
this.transfer = transfer;
public DataflowAnalysisResult run(Block root) {
return run(root, Timing.empty());
public DataflowAnalysisResult run(Block root, Timing timing) {
return run(WorkList.newIdentityWorkList(root), timing);
private DataflowAnalysisResult run(WorkList<Block> worklist, Timing timing) {
while (worklist.hasNext()) {
Block initialBlock =;
Block block = initialBlock;
Block end = null;
// Compute the abstract state upon entry to the basic block, by joining all the predecessor
// exit states.
StateType state =
timing.time("Compute block entry state", () -> computeBlockEntryState(initialBlock));
timing.begin("Compute transfers");
do {
TraversalContinuation<FailedDataflowAnalysisResult, StateType> traversalContinuation =
(instruction, previousState) -> {
TransferFunctionResult<StateType> transferResult =
transfer.apply(instruction, previousState);
if (transferResult.isFailedTransferResult()) {
return TraversalContinuation.doBreak(new FailedDataflowAnalysisResult());
assert transferResult.isAbstractState();
return TraversalContinuation.doContinue(transferResult.asAbstractState());
if (traversalContinuation.isBreak()) {
return traversalContinuation.asBreak().getValue();
state = traversalContinuation.asContinue().getValue();
if (cfg.hasUniqueSuccessorWithUniquePredecessor(block)) {
block = cfg.getUniqueSuccessor(block);
} else {
end = block;
block = null;
} while (block != null);
// Update the block exit state, and re-enqueue all successor blocks if the abstract state
// changed.
if (setBlockExitState(end, state)) {
// Add the computed exit state to the entry state of each successor that satisfies the
// predicate shouldCacheBlockEntryStateFor(successor).
updateBlockEntryStateCacheForSuccessors(end, state);
return new SuccessfulDataflowAnalysisResult<>(blockExitStates);
StateType computeBlockEntryState(Block block) {
if (shouldCacheBlockEntryStateFor(block)) {
return blockEntryStatesCache.getOrDefault(block, bottom);
StateType result = bottom;
for (Block predecessor : cfg.getPredecessors(block)) {
StateType edgeState =
block, predecessor, blockExitStates.getOrDefault(predecessor, bottom));
result = result.join(edgeState);
return result;
boolean setBlockExitState(Block block, StateType state) {
assert !cfg.hasUniqueSuccessorWithUniquePredecessor(block);
StateType previous = blockExitStates.put(block, state);
assert previous == null || state.isGreaterThanOrEquals(previous);
return !state.equals(previous);
void updateBlockEntryStateCacheForSuccessors(Block block, StateType state) {
for (Block successor : cfg.getSuccessors(block)) {
if (shouldCacheBlockEntryStateFor(successor)) {
StateType edgeState = transfer.computeBlockEntryState(successor, block, state);
StateType previous = blockEntryStatesCache.getOrDefault(successor, bottom);
blockEntryStatesCache.put(successor, previous.join(edgeState));
boolean shouldCacheBlockEntryStateFor(Block block) {
return cfg.getPredecessors(block).size() > 2;