blob: aad62cb1db1b7119b29830932e925ecc138462ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public abstract class TestShrinkerBuilder<
C extends BaseCompilerCommand,
B extends BaseCompilerCommand.Builder<C, B>,
CR extends TestCompileResult<CR, RR>,
RR extends TestRunResult<RR>,
T extends TestShrinkerBuilder<C, B, CR, RR, T>>
extends TestCompilerBuilder<C, B, CR, RR, T> {
protected boolean enableTreeShaking = true;
protected boolean enableOptimization = true;
protected boolean enableMinification = true;
private final Set<Class<? extends Annotation>> addedTestingAnnotations =
TestShrinkerBuilder(TestState state, B builder, Backend backend) {
super(state, builder, backend);
public boolean isProguardTestBuilder() {
return false;
public boolean isTestShrinkerBuilder() {
return true;
public T setMinApi(AndroidApiLevel minApiLevel) {
if (backend == Backend.DEX) {
return super.setMinApi(minApiLevel.getLevel());
return self();
public T treeShaking(boolean enable) {
enableTreeShaking = enable;
return self();
public T noTreeShaking() {
return treeShaking(false);
public T optimization(boolean enable) {
enableOptimization = enable;
return self();
public T noOptimization() {
return optimization(false);
public T minification(boolean enable) {
enableMinification = enable;
return self();
public T noMinification() {
return minification(false);
public T addClassObfuscationDictionary(String... names) throws IOException {
Path path = getState().getNewTempFolder().resolve("classobfuscationdictionary.txt");
FileUtils.writeTextFile(path, StringUtils.join(" ", names));
return addKeepRules("-classobfuscationdictionary " + path.toString());
public abstract T addDataEntryResources(DataEntryResource... resources);
public abstract T addKeepRuleFiles(List<Path> files);
public T addKeepRuleFiles(Path... files) {
return addKeepRuleFiles(Arrays.asList(files));
public abstract T addKeepRules(Collection<String> rules);
public T addKeepRules(String... rules) {
return addKeepRules(Arrays.asList(rules));
public T addDontWarn(Class<?>... classes) {
for (Class<?> clazz : classes) {
return self();
public T addDontWarn(Collection<String> classes) {
for (String clazz : classes) {
addKeepRules("-dontwarn " + clazz);
return self();
public T addDontWarn(String... classes) {
return addDontWarn(Arrays.asList(classes));
public T addDontWarnGoogle() {
return addDontWarn("**");
public T addDontWarnJavax() {
return addDontWarn("javax.**");
public T addDontWarnJavaxNullableAnnotation() {
return addDontWarn("javax.annotation.Nullable");
public T addIgnoreWarnings() {
return addIgnoreWarnings(true);
public T addIgnoreWarnings(boolean condition) {
return condition ? addKeepRules("-ignorewarnings") : self();
public T addKeepKotlinMetadata() {
return addKeepRules("-keep class kotlin.Metadata { *; }");
public T addKeepAllClassesRule() {
return addKeepRules("-keep class ** { *; }");
public T addKeepAllClassesRuleWithAllowObfuscation() {
return addKeepRules("-keep,allowobfuscation class ** { *; }");
public T addKeepAllInterfacesRule() {
return addKeepRules("-keep interface ** { *; }");
public T addKeepClassRules(Class<?>... classes) {
return addKeepClassRules([]::new));
public T addKeepClassRules(String... classes) {
for (String clazz : classes) {
addKeepRules("-keep class " + clazz);
return self();
public T addKeepClassRulesWithAllowObfuscation(Class<?>... classes) {
return addKeepClassRulesWithAllowObfuscation([]::new));
public T addKeepClassRulesWithAllowObfuscation(String... classes) {
for (String clazz : classes) {
addKeepRules("-keep,allowobfuscation class " + clazz);
return self();
public T addKeepClassAndMembersRules(Class<?>... classes) {
return addKeepClassAndMembersRules([]::new));
public T addKeepClassAndMembersRules(String... classes) {
for (String clazz : classes) {
addKeepRules("-keep class " + clazz + " { *; }");
return self();
public T addKeepClassAndMembersRulesWithAllowObfuscation(Class<?>... classes) {
return addKeepClassAndMembersRulesWithAllowObfuscation([]::new));
public T addKeepClassAndMembersRulesWithAllowObfuscation(String... classes) {
for (String clazz : classes) {
addKeepRules("-keep,allowobfuscation class " + clazz + " { *; }");
return self();
public T addKeepClassAndDefaultConstructor(Class<?>... classes) {
return addKeepClassAndDefaultConstructor([]::new));
public T addKeepClassAndDefaultConstructor(String... classes) {
for (String clazz : classes) {
addKeepRules("-keep class " + clazz + " { <init>(); }");
return self();
public T addKeepPackageRules(Package pkg) {
return addKeepRules("-keep class " + pkg.getName() + ".*");
public T addKeepPackageNamesRule(Package pkg) {
return addKeepPackageNamesRule(pkg.getName());
public T addKeepPackageNamesRule(String packageName) {
return addKeepRules("-keeppackagenames " + packageName);
public T addKeepMainRule(Class<?> mainClass) {
return addKeepMainRule(mainClass.getTypeName());
public T addKeepMainRules(Class<?>... mainClasses) {
for (Class<?> mainClass : mainClasses) {
return self();
public T addKeepMainRule(String mainClass) {
return addKeepRules(
"-keep class " + mainClass + " { public static void main(java.lang.String[]); }");
public T addKeepMainRules(List<String> mainClasses) {
return self();
public T addKeepFeatureMainRule(Class<?> mainClass) {
return addKeepFeatureMainRule(mainClass.getTypeName());
public T addKeepFeatureMainRules(Class<?>... mainClasses) {
for (Class<?> mainClass : mainClasses) {
return self();
public T addKeepFeatureMainRule(String mainClass) {
return addKeepRules(
"-keep public class " + mainClass,
" implements " + RunInterface.class.getTypeName() + " {",
" public void <init>();",
" public void run();",
public T addKeepFeatureMainRules(List<String> mainClasses) {
return self();
public T addKeepMethodRules(Class<?> clazz, String... methodSignatures) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("-keep class " + clazz.getTypeName() + " {\n");
for (String methodSignature : methodSignatures) {
sb.append(" " + methodSignature + ";\n");
return self();
public T addKeepMethodRules(MethodReference... methods) {
for (MethodReference method : methods) {
"-keep class "
+ method.getHolderClass().getTypeName()
+ " { "
+ getMethodLine(method)
+ " }");
return self();
public T addPrintSeeds() {
return addKeepRules("-printseeds");
public T allowAccessModification() {
return allowAccessModification(true);
public T allowAccessModification(boolean allowAccessModification) {
if (allowAccessModification) {
return addKeepRules("-allowaccessmodification");
return self();
public T addKeepAttributes(String... attributes) {
return addKeepAttributes(Arrays.asList(attributes));
public T addKeepAttributes(List<String> attributes) {
return addKeepRules("-keepattributes " + String.join(",", attributes));
public T addKeepAttributeExceptions() {
return addKeepAttributes(ProguardKeepAttributes.EXCEPTIONS);
public T addKeepAttributeInnerClassesAndEnclosingMethod() {
return addKeepAttributes(
ProguardKeepAttributes.INNER_CLASSES, ProguardKeepAttributes.ENCLOSING_METHOD);
public T addKeepAttributeLineNumberTable() {
return addKeepAttributes(ProguardKeepAttributes.LINE_NUMBER_TABLE);
public T addKeepAttributeSignature() {
return addKeepAttributes(ProguardKeepAttributes.SIGNATURE);
public T addKeepAttributeSourceFile() {
return addKeepAttributes(ProguardKeepAttributes.SOURCE_FILE);
public T addKeepRuntimeVisibleAnnotations() {
return addKeepAttributes(ProguardKeepAttributes.RUNTIME_VISIBLE_ANNOTATIONS);
public T addKeepRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations() {
return addKeepAttributes(ProguardKeepAttributes.RUNTIME_VISIBLE_PARAMETER_ANNOTATIONS);
public T addKeepAllAttributes() {
return addKeepAttributes("*");
public abstract T addApplyMapping(String proguardMap);
public final T addAlwaysInliningAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(AlwaysInline.class);
public final T addAssumeNotNullAnnotation() {
return addTestingAnnotation(AssumeNotNull.class);
public final T addAssumeNoClassInitializationSideEffectsAnnotation() {
return addTestingAnnotation(AssumeNoClassInitializationSideEffects.class);
public final T addAssumeNoSideEffectsAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(AssumeNoSideEffects.class);
public final T addConstantArgumentAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(KeepConstantArguments.class);
public final T addForceInliningAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(ForceInline.class);
public final T addInliningAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(NeverInline.class);
public final T addKeepAnnotation() {
return addTestingAnnotation(Keep.class);
public final T addMemberValuePropagationAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(NeverPropagateValue.class);
public final T addNeverClassInliningAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(NeverClassInline.class);
public final T addNeverReprocessClassInitializerAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(NeverReprocessClassInitializer.class);
public final T addNeverReprocessMethodAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(NeverReprocessMethod.class);
public final T addNeverSingleCallerInlineAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(NeverSingleCallerInline.class);
public final T addNoHorizontalClassMergingAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(NoHorizontalClassMerging.class);
public final T addNoUnusedInterfaceRemovalAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(NoUnusedInterfaceRemoval.class);
public final T addNoVerticalClassMergingAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(NoVerticalClassMerging.class);
public final T addReprocessClassInitializerAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(ReprocessClassInitializer.class);
public final T addReprocessMethodAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(ReprocessMethod.class);
public final T addSideEffectAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(AssumeMayHaveSideEffects.class);
public final T addUnusedArgumentAnnotations() {
return addTestingAnnotation(KeepUnusedArguments.class);
private T addTestingAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> clazz) {
return addedTestingAnnotations.add(clazz) ? addProgramClasses(clazz) : self();
private static String getMethodLine(MethodReference method) {
// Should we encode modifiers in method references?
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
.append(method.getReturnType() == null ? "void" : method.getReturnType().getTypeName())
.append(' ')
boolean first = true;
for (TypeReference parameterType : method.getFormalTypes()) {
if (!first) {
builder.append(", ");
first = false;
return builder.append(");").toString();