blob: 7ab2a568a47a103e1136a028b8ea69b42492c209 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Rex project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
* Abstraction for hidden dex marker intended for the main dex file.
public class Marker {
public static final String VERSION = "version";
public static final String MIN_API = "min-api";
public static final String SHA1 = "sha-1";
public static final String COMPILATION_MODE = "compilation-mode";
public static final String HAS_CHECKSUMS = "has-checksums";
public static final String PG_MAP_ID = "pg-map-id";
public enum Tool {
public static Tool[] valuesR8andD8() {
return new Tool[] {Tool.D8, Tool.R8};
private static final char PREFIX_CHAR = '~';
private static final String PREFIX = "~~";
private static final String D8_PREFIX = PREFIX + Tool.D8 + "{";
private static final String R8_PREFIX = PREFIX + Tool.R8 + "{";
private static final String L8_PREFIX = PREFIX + Tool.L8 + "{";
private final JsonObject jsonObject;
private final Tool tool;
public Marker(Tool tool) {
this(tool, new JsonObject());
private Marker(Tool tool, JsonObject jsonObject) {
this.tool = tool;
this.jsonObject = jsonObject;
public Tool getTool() {
return tool;
public boolean isD8() {
return tool == Tool.D8;
public boolean isR8() {
return tool == Tool.R8;
public boolean isL8() {
return tool == Tool.L8;
public String getVersion() {
return jsonObject.get(VERSION).getAsString();
public Marker setVersion(String version) {
assert !jsonObject.has(VERSION);
jsonObject.addProperty(VERSION, version);
return this;
public Long getMinApi() {
return jsonObject.get(MIN_API).getAsLong();
public Marker setMinApi(long minApi) {
assert !jsonObject.has(MIN_API);
jsonObject.addProperty(MIN_API, minApi);
return this;
public String getSha1() {
return jsonObject.get(SHA1).getAsString();
public Marker setSha1(String sha1) {
assert !jsonObject.has(SHA1);
jsonObject.addProperty(SHA1, sha1);
return this;
public String getCompilationMode() {
return jsonObject.get(COMPILATION_MODE).getAsString();
public Marker setCompilationMode(CompilationMode mode) {
assert !jsonObject.has(COMPILATION_MODE);
jsonObject.addProperty(COMPILATION_MODE, mode.toString().toLowerCase());
return this;
public boolean getHasChecksums() {
return jsonObject.get(HAS_CHECKSUMS).getAsBoolean();
public Marker setHasChecksums(boolean hasChecksums) {
assert !jsonObject.has(HAS_CHECKSUMS);
jsonObject.addProperty(HAS_CHECKSUMS, hasChecksums);
return this;
public String getPgMapId() {
return jsonObject.get(PG_MAP_ID).getAsString();
public Marker setPgMapId(String pgMapId) {
assert !jsonObject.has(PG_MAP_ID);
jsonObject.addProperty(PG_MAP_ID, pgMapId);
return this;
public String toString() {
// In order to make printing of markers deterministic we sort the entries by key.
final JsonObject sortedJson = new JsonObject();
.forEach(entry -> sortedJson.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
return PREFIX + tool + sortedJson;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof Marker) {
Marker other = (Marker) obj;
return (tool == other.tool) && jsonObject.equals(other.jsonObject);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return tool.hashCode() + 3 * jsonObject.hashCode();
// Try to parse str as a marker.
// Returns null if parsing fails.
public static Marker parse(DexString dexString) {
if (dexString.size > 2
&& dexString.content[0] == PREFIX_CHAR
&& dexString.content[1] == PREFIX_CHAR) {
String str = dexString.toString();
if (str.startsWith(D8_PREFIX)) {
return internalParse(Tool.D8, str.substring(D8_PREFIX.length() - 1));
if (str.startsWith(R8_PREFIX)) {
return internalParse(Tool.R8, str.substring(R8_PREFIX.length() - 1));
if (str.startsWith(L8_PREFIX)) {
return internalParse(Tool.L8, str.substring(L8_PREFIX.length() - 1));
return null;
private static Marker internalParse(Tool tool, String str) {
try {
JsonElement result = new JsonParser().parse(str);
if (result.isJsonObject()) {
return new Marker(tool, result.getAsJsonObject());
} catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
// Fall through.
return null;