blob: ffaf42b62aef20bc1cbb5cee7983632c9a9e6e73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceAVLTreeMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceMap.Entry;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceMaps;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceSortedMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Builder for constructing a list of debug events suitable for DexDebugInfo.
* This builder is intended to be very pedantic and ensure a well-formed structure of the resulting
* event stream.
public class DexDebugEventBuilder {
private static final int NO_PC_INFO = -1;
private static final int NO_LINE_INFO = -1;
private final DexEncodedMethod method;
private final DexItemFactory factory;
// In order list of non-this argument locals.
private ArrayList<DebugLocalInfo> arguments;
// Mapping from register to the last known local in that register (See DBG_RESTART_LOCAL).
private Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> lastKnownLocals;
// Mapping from register to local for currently open/visible locals.
private Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> pendingLocals = null;
// Conservative pending-state of locals to avoid some equality checks on locals.
// pendingLocalChanges == true ==> localsEqual(emittedLocals, pendingLocals).
private boolean pendingLocalChanges = false;
// State of pc, line, file and locals in the emitted event stream.
private int emittedPc = NO_PC_INFO;
private int emittedLine = NO_LINE_INFO;
private DexString emittedFile = null;
private Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> emittedLocals;
// Emitted events.
private final List<DexDebugEvent> events = new ArrayList<>();
// Initial known line for the method.
private int startLine = NO_LINE_INFO;
public DexDebugEventBuilder(DexEncodedMethod method, DexItemFactory factory) {
this.method = method;
this.factory = factory;
// Public method for the DebugStripper.
public void setPosition(int pc, int line) {
emitDebugPosition(pc, line, null);
/** Add events at pc for instruction. */
public void add(int pc, Instruction instruction) {
// Initialize locals state on block entry.
if (instruction.getBlock().entry() == instruction) {
assert pendingLocals != null;
if (instruction.isDebugPosition()) {
emitDebugPosition(pc, instruction.asDebugPosition());
} else if (instruction.isMoveException()) {
MoveException move = instruction.asMoveException();
if (move.getPosition() != null) {
emitDebugPosition(pc, move.getPosition());
} else if (instruction.isArgument()) {
} else if (instruction.isDebugLocalsChange()) {
} else if (instruction.getBlock().exit() == instruction) {
// If this is the end of the block clear out the pending state.
pendingLocals = null;
pendingLocalChanges = false;
} else {
// For non-exit / pc-advancing instructions emit any pending changes.
/** Build the resulting DexDebugInfo object. */
public DexDebugInfo build() {
assert pendingLocals == null;
assert !pendingLocalChanges;
if (startLine == NO_LINE_INFO) {
return null;
DexString[] params = new DexString[method.method.getArity()];
if (arguments != null) {
assert params.length == arguments.size();
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
DebugLocalInfo local = arguments.get(i);
params[i] = (local == null || local.signature != null) ? null :;
return new DexDebugInfo(startLine, params, events.toArray(new DexDebugEvent[events.size()]));
private void updateBlockEntry(Instruction instruction) {
assert pendingLocals == null;
assert !pendingLocalChanges;
Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> locals = instruction.getBlock().getLocalsAtEntry();
if (locals == null) {
pendingLocals = Int2ReferenceMaps.emptyMap();
} else {
pendingLocals = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>(locals);
pendingLocalChanges = true;
if (emittedLocals == null) {
private void initialize(Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> locals) {
assert arguments == null;
assert emittedLocals == null;
assert lastKnownLocals == null;
assert startLine == NO_LINE_INFO;
if (locals == null) {
emittedLocals = Int2ReferenceMaps.emptyMap();
lastKnownLocals = Int2ReferenceMaps.emptyMap();
// Implicitly open all unparameterized arguments.
emittedLocals = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>();
for (Entry<DebugLocalInfo> entry : locals.int2ReferenceEntrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().signature == null) {
emittedLocals.put(entry.getIntKey(), entry.getValue());
lastKnownLocals = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>(emittedLocals);
private void startArgument(Argument argument) {
if (arguments == null) {
arguments = new ArrayList<>(method.method.getArity());
if (!argument.outValue().isThis()) {
private void updateLocals(DebugLocalsChange change) {
pendingLocalChanges = true;
for (Entry<DebugLocalInfo> end : change.getEnding().int2ReferenceEntrySet()) {
assert pendingLocals.get(end.getIntKey()) == end.getValue();
for (Entry<DebugLocalInfo> start : change.getStarting().int2ReferenceEntrySet()) {
assert !pendingLocals.containsKey(start.getIntKey());
pendingLocals.put(start.getIntKey(), start.getValue());
private boolean localsChanged() {
if (!pendingLocalChanges) {
return false;
pendingLocalChanges = !localsEqual(emittedLocals, pendingLocals);
return pendingLocalChanges;
private void emitDebugPosition(int pc, DebugPosition position) {
emitDebugPosition(pc, position.line, position.file);
private void emitDebugPosition(int pc, int line, DexString file) {
// The position requires a pc change event and possible events for line, file and local changes.
// Verify that we do not ever produce two subsequent positions at the same pc.
assert emittedPc != pc;
if (startLine == NO_LINE_INFO) {
assert emittedLine == NO_LINE_INFO;
startLine = line;
emittedLine = line;
emitAdvancementEvents(emittedPc, emittedLine, emittedFile, pc, line, file, events, factory);
emittedPc = pc;
emittedLine = line;
emittedFile = file;
if (localsChanged()) {
emitLocalChangeEvents(emittedLocals, pendingLocals, lastKnownLocals, events, factory);
assert localsEqual(emittedLocals, pendingLocals);
pendingLocalChanges = false;
private void emitLocalChanges(int pc) {
// If pc advanced since the locals changed and locals indeed have changed, emit the changes.
if (localsChanged()) {
emittedPc, emittedLine, emittedFile, pc, emittedLine, emittedFile, events, factory);
emittedPc = pc;
emitLocalChangeEvents(emittedLocals, pendingLocals, lastKnownLocals, events, factory);
pendingLocalChanges = false;
assert localsEqual(emittedLocals, pendingLocals);
private static void emitAdvancementEvents(
int previousPc,
int previousLine,
DexString previousFile,
int nextPc,
int nextLine,
DexString nextFile,
List<DexDebugEvent> events,
DexItemFactory factory) {
int pcDelta = previousPc == NO_PC_INFO ? nextPc : nextPc - previousPc;
int lineDelta = nextLine == NO_LINE_INFO ? 0 : nextLine - previousLine;
assert pcDelta >= 0;
if (nextFile != previousFile) {
if (lineDelta < Constants.DBG_LINE_BASE
|| lineDelta - Constants.DBG_LINE_BASE >= Constants.DBG_LINE_RANGE) {
// TODO(herhut): To be super clever, encode only the part that is above limit.
lineDelta = 0;
if (pcDelta >= Constants.DBG_ADDRESS_RANGE) {
pcDelta = 0;
// TODO(herhut): Maybe only write this one if needed (would differ from DEX).
int specialOpcode =
0x0a + (lineDelta - Constants.DBG_LINE_BASE) + Constants.DBG_LINE_RANGE * pcDelta;
assert specialOpcode >= 0x0a;
assert specialOpcode <= 0xff;
public static void emitLocalChangeEvents(
Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> previousLocals,
Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> nextLocals,
Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> lastKnownLocals,
List<DexDebugEvent> events,
DexItemFactory factory) {
Int2ReferenceSortedMap<DebugLocalInfo> ending = new Int2ReferenceAVLTreeMap<>();
Int2ReferenceSortedMap<DebugLocalInfo> starting = new Int2ReferenceAVLTreeMap<>();
for (Entry<DebugLocalInfo> entry : previousLocals.int2ReferenceEntrySet()) {
int register = entry.getIntKey();
DebugLocalInfo local = entry.getValue();
if (nextLocals.get(register) != local) {
ending.put(register, local);
for (Entry<DebugLocalInfo> entry : nextLocals.int2ReferenceEntrySet()) {
int register = entry.getIntKey();
DebugLocalInfo local = entry.getValue();
if (previousLocals.get(register) != local) {
starting.put(register, local);
assert !ending.isEmpty() || !starting.isEmpty();
for (Entry<DebugLocalInfo> end : ending.int2ReferenceEntrySet()) {
int register = end.getIntKey();
if (!starting.containsKey(register)) {
for (Entry<DebugLocalInfo> start : starting.int2ReferenceEntrySet()) {
int register = start.getIntKey();
DebugLocalInfo local = start.getValue();
previousLocals.put(register, local);
if (lastKnownLocals.get(register) == local) {
} else {
events.add(new StartLocal(register, local));
lastKnownLocals.put(register, local);
private static boolean localsEqual(
Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> locals1, Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> locals2) {
if (locals1 == locals2) {
return true;
if (locals1.size() != locals2.size()) {
return false;
for (Int2ReferenceMap.Entry<DebugLocalInfo> entry : locals1.int2ReferenceEntrySet()) {
if (locals2.get(entry.getIntKey()) != entry.getValue()) {
return false;
return true;