| #!/bin/bash |
| # |
| # Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| # |
| # Clone and build AOSP, using D8 instead of JACK or DX, |
| # then run the Android-CTS on the emulator and compare results |
| # to a baseline. |
| # |
| # This script uses the repo manifest file 'third_party/aosp_manifest.xml' |
| # which is a snapshot of the aosp repo set. |
| # The manifest file can be updated with the following commands: |
| # |
| # cd build/aosp |
| # repo manifest -o ../../third_party/aosp_manifest.xml -r |
| # |
| # The baseline is the `test_result.xml` file which is created with an AOSP |
| # build which uses the default (JACK) toolset. |
| # |
| # To reproduce the baseline results, follow the instructions in this script, |
| # except don't set `ANDROID_COMPILE_WITH_JACK=false` for the `make` command. |
| # Also, you don't need to apply either of the patches (PATCH#1 and #2, see |
| # below) |
| # |
| |
| set -e |
| |
| readonly R8_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})"/..; pwd) |
| readonly AOSP_ROOT="$R8_ROOT/build/aosp" |
| readonly CTS_BASELINE="$R8_ROOT/third_party/android_cts_baseline/test_result.xml" |
| readonly D8_JAR="$R8_ROOT/build/libs/d8.jar" |
| readonly J_OPTION="-j8" |
| readonly OUT_IMG=out_img # output dir for android image build |
| readonly OUT_CTS=out_cts # output dir for CTS build |
| |
| # Process an Android CTS test_result.xml file for easy comparison with a |
| # baseline. |
| # |
| # The function transforms these lines: |
| # |
| # <Test result="pass|fail" name="<name>" /> |
| # |
| # to this: |
| # |
| # <module-name>/<testcase-name>/<name> -> PASS|FAIL |
| # |
| flatten_xml() { |
| local input_file="$1" |
| local module |
| local testcase |
| local testname |
| while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do |
| if [[ $line =~ \<Module\ name=\"([^\"]*)\" ]]; then |
| module=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} |
| elif [[ $line =~ \<TestCase\ name=\"([^\"]*)\" ]]; then |
| testcase=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} |
| elif [[ $line =~ \<Test\ result=\"pass\"\ name=\"([^\"]*)\" ]]; then |
| echo "$module/$testcase/${BASH_REMATCH[1]} -> PASS" |
| elif [[ $line =~ \<Test\ result=\"fail\"\ name=\"([^\"]*)\" ]]; then |
| echo "$module/$testcase/${BASH_REMATCH[1]} -> FAIL" |
| fi |
| done < "$input_file" |
| } |
| |
| #### MAIN #### |
| |
| cd "$R8_ROOT" |
| tools/gradle.py d8 |
| |
| mkdir -p "$AOSP_ROOT" |
| cd "$AOSP_ROOT" |
| |
| # Two output dirs, one for the android image and one for cts tests. The output |
| # is compiled with d8 and jack, respectively. |
| mkdir -p "$OUT_IMG" "$OUT_CTS" |
| |
| # remove dex files older than the current d8 tool |
| find "$OUT_IMG" ! -newer "$R8_ROOT/build/libs/d8.jar" -name '*.dex' -exec rm {} \; |
| |
| # checkout AOSP source |
| mkdir -p .repo/manifests |
| cp "$R8_ROOT/third_party/aosp_manifest.xml" .repo/manifests |
| |
| repo init -u "https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest" -m aosp_manifest.xml |
| repo sync -dq $J_OPTION |
| |
| # activate $OUT_CTS |
| rm -rf out |
| ln -s "$OUT_CTS" out |
| |
| . build/envsetup.sh |
| lunch aosp_x86-eng |
| make $J_OPTION cts |
| |
| # activate $OUT_IMG |
| rm -rf out |
| ln -s "$OUT_IMG" out |
| |
| . build/envsetup.sh |
| lunch aosp_x86-eng |
| |
| # create sdcard image for media tests |
| |
| mkdir -p "$R8_ROOT/build/tmp" |
| sdcard_file="$R8_ROOT/build/tmp/sdcard.img" |
| rm -f "$sdcard_file" |
| mksdcard 4G "$sdcard_file" |
| |
| emulator -partition-size 4096 -wipe-data -sdcard "$sdcard_file" & |
| emulator_pid=$! |
| |
| adb wait-for-device |
| adb shell 'while [[ -z $(getprop sys.boot_completed) ]]; do sleep 1; done; input keyevent 82' |
| |
| echo "exit" | \ |
| "$OUT_CTS/host/linux-x86/cts/android-cts/tools/cts-tradefed" run cts |
| |
| kill $emulator_pid |
| rm -f "$sdcard_file" |
| |
| # find the newest test_result.xml |
| |
| results_dir="$OUT_CTS/host/linux-x86/cts/android-cts/results" |
| timestamp="$(ls --group-directories-first -t "$results_dir" | head -1)" |
| results_xml="$results_dir/$timestamp/test_result.xml" |
| |
| echo "Summary from current test results: $results_xml" |
| grep "<Summary " "$results_xml" |
| |
| echo "Summary from baseline: $CTS_BASELINE" |
| grep "<Summary " "$CTS_BASELINE" |
| |
| echo "Comparing test results to baseline" |
| |
| diff <(flatten_xml "$results_xml") <(flatten_xml "$CTS_BASELINE") |
| exit $? # make it explicit that the result of the diff must be the result of this script |
| |