blob: c6b7ee0e9450d3bb8842e89b5dbeed3b8d5d2283 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.function.Function;
class MethodNamingState<KeyType> extends MethodNamingStateBase<KeyType, InternalNewNameState> {
private final MethodReservationState<?> reservationState;
private final MethodNamingState<KeyType> parentNamingState;
private final MemberNamingStrategy namingStrategy;
private MethodNamingState(
MethodNamingState<KeyType> parentNamingState,
Function<DexMethod, KeyType> keyTransform,
MemberNamingStrategy strategy,
MethodReservationState<?> reservationState) {
this.parentNamingState = parentNamingState;
this.namingStrategy = strategy;
this.reservationState = reservationState;
static <KeyType> MethodNamingState<KeyType> createRoot(
Function<DexMethod, KeyType> keyTransform,
MemberNamingStrategy namingStrategy,
MethodReservationState<?> reservationState) {
return new MethodNamingState<>(null, keyTransform, namingStrategy, reservationState);
MethodNamingState<KeyType> createChild(MethodReservationState<?> frontierReservationState) {
return new MethodNamingState<>(
this, this.keyTransform, this.namingStrategy, frontierReservationState);
DexString newOrReservedNameFor(DexMethod method) {
return newOrReservedNameFor(method, this::isAvailable);
DexString newOrReservedNameFor(DexMethod method, BiPredicate<DexString, DexMethod> isAvailable) {
DexString newName = getAssignedName(method);
if (newName != null) {
return newName;
Set<DexString> reservedNamesFor = reservationState.getReservedNamesFor(method);
// Reservations with applymapping can cause multiple reserved names added to the frontier. In
// that case, the strategy will return the correct one.
if (reservedNamesFor != null && reservedNamesFor.size() == 1) {
DexString candidate = reservedNamesFor.iterator().next();
if (isAvailable(candidate, method)) {
return candidate;
InternalNewNameState internalState = getOrCreateInternalState(method);
newName =, internalState, isAvailable);
assert newName != null;
return newName;
void addRenaming(DexString newName, DexMethod method) {
InternalNewNameState internalState = getOrCreateInternalState(method);
internalState.addRenaming(newName, method);
boolean isAvailable(DexString candidate, DexMethod method) {
Set<DexString> usedBy = getUsedBy(candidate, method);
if (usedBy != null && usedBy.contains( {
return true;
boolean isReserved = reservationState.isReserved(candidate, method);
if (!isReserved && usedBy == null) {
return true;
// We now have a reserved name. We therefore have to check if the reservation is
// equal to candidate, otherwise the candidate is not available.
if (isReserved && usedBy == null) {
Set<DexString> methodReservedNames = reservationState.getReservedNamesFor(method);
return methodReservedNames != null && methodReservedNames.contains(candidate);
return false;
private Set<DexString> getUsedBy(DexString name, DexMethod method) {
InternalNewNameState internalState = getInternalState(method);
Set<DexString> nameUsedBy = null;
if (internalState != null) {
nameUsedBy = internalState.getUsedBy(name);
if (nameUsedBy == null && parentNamingState != null) {
return parentNamingState.getUsedBy(name, method);
return nameUsedBy;
private DexString getAssignedName(DexMethod method) {
DexString assignedName = null;
InternalNewNameState internalState = getInternalState(method);
if (internalState != null) {
assignedName = internalState.getAssignedName(;
if (assignedName == null && parentNamingState != null) {
assignedName = parentNamingState.getAssignedName(method);
return assignedName;
InternalNewNameState createInternalState(DexMethod method) {
InternalNewNameState parentInternalState = null;
if (this.parentNamingState != null) {
parentInternalState = parentNamingState.getOrCreateInternalState(method);
return new InternalNewNameState(parentInternalState);
static class InternalNewNameState implements InternalNamingState {
private final InternalNewNameState parentInternalState;
private Map<DexString, DexString> originalToRenamedNames = new HashMap<>();
private Map<DexString, Set<DexString>> usedBy = new HashMap<>();
private static final int INITIAL_NAME_COUNT = 1;
private static final int INITIAL_DICTIONARY_INDEX = 0;
private int virtualNameCount;
private int directNameCount = 0;
private int dictionaryIndex;
private InternalNewNameState(InternalNewNameState parentInternalState) {
this.parentInternalState = parentInternalState;
this.dictionaryIndex =
parentInternalState == null
: parentInternalState.dictionaryIndex;
this.virtualNameCount =
parentInternalState == null ? INITIAL_NAME_COUNT : parentInternalState.virtualNameCount;
public int getDictionaryIndex() {
return dictionaryIndex;
public int incrementDictionaryIndex() {
return dictionaryIndex++;
Set<DexString> getUsedBy(DexString name) {
return usedBy.get(name);
DexString getAssignedName(DexString originalName) {
return originalToRenamedNames.get(originalName);
void addRenaming(DexString newName, DexMethod method) {
originalToRenamedNames.put(, newName);
usedBy.computeIfAbsent(newName, ignore -> new HashSet<>()).add(;
private boolean checkParentPublicNameCountIsLessThanOrEqual() {
int maxParentCount = 0;
InternalNewNameState tmp = parentInternalState;
while (tmp != null) {
maxParentCount = Math.max(tmp.virtualNameCount, maxParentCount);
tmp = tmp.parentInternalState;
assert maxParentCount <= virtualNameCount;
return true;
public int incrementNameIndex(boolean isDirectMethodCall) {
assert checkParentPublicNameCountIsLessThanOrEqual();
if (isDirectMethodCall) {
return virtualNameCount + directNameCount++;
} else {
// TODO(b/144877828): is it guaranteed?
assert directNameCount == 0;
return virtualNameCount++;