Run with --console=plain and --info on bots

Hopefuly this will avoid the ANSI coloring in logs when there are failures.

Change-Id: I0c6c34df28c61d0100cac14ea10333c7d3e19b30
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 6d6f0fe..9182539 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -737,6 +737,8 @@
           '-Pandroid.enableR8.fullMode=' + str(IsR8FullMode(shrinker)).lower()]
   if app.has_lint_task:
     args.extend(['-x', app_module + ':lintVital' + app_flavor])
+  if
+    args.extend(['--console=plain', '--info'])
   # Warm up gradle if pre_runs > 0. For posterity we generate the same sequence
   # as the benchmarking at