Update Art and Art tests from aosp master

- This update to Art 5b6e881153143a0c7b613fc7129a11d285c8df26 is
to have the const-method-handle and const-method-type support.

Change-Id: Ie91ed39ccb8916bd2eeb1a09a889dc22d64e4f73
diff --git a/tools/create_art_tests.py b/tools/create_art_tests.py
index 600c140..54de423 100755
--- a/tools/create_art_tests.py
+++ b/tools/create_art_tests.py
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
 OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.join('build', 'generated', 'test', 'java', 'com',
                           'android', 'tools', 'r8', 'art')
-TEST_DIR = os.path.join('tests', '2017-07-27', 'art')
+# Test that comes from Jack are generated from the legacy snapshot.
+JACK_TEST = os.path.join('tests', '2016-12-19', 'art')
+TEST_DIR = os.path.join('tests', '2017-10-04', 'art')
 TOOLCHAINS = ["dx", "jack", "none"]
 TOOLS = ["r8", "d8"]
 TEMPLATE = Template(
@@ -60,6 +62,9 @@
 def create_tests(toolchain):
   source_dir = join(TEST_DIR, "dx" if toolchain == "none" else toolchain)
+  # For the toolchain "jack" tests are generated from a previous snapshot.
+  if (toolchain == "jack"):
+    source_dir = join(JACK_TEST, toolchain)
   dirs = [d for d in listdir(source_dir)
           if isdir(join(source_dir, d))]
   for dir in dirs: