blob: c4dfbc450838650caf93105cd472e004f923fa12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.Set;
public class Assume<An extends Assumption> extends Instruction {
private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE =
"Expected Assume instructions to be removed after IR processing.";
private final An assumption;
private final Instruction origin;
private Assume(An assumption, Value dest, Value src, Instruction origin, AppView<?> appView) {
super(dest, src);
assert assumption != null;
assert assumption.verifyCorrectnessOfValues(dest, src, appView);
assert dest != null;
this.assumption = assumption;
this.origin = origin;
public static Assume<NoAssumption> createAssumeNoneInstruction(
Value dest, Value src, Instruction origin, AppView<?> appView) {
return new Assume<>(NoAssumption.get(), dest, src, origin, appView);
public static Assume<NonNullAssumption> createAssumeNonNullInstruction(
Value dest, Value src, Instruction origin, AppView<?> appView) {
return new Assume<>(NonNullAssumption.get(), dest, src, origin, appView);
public static Assume<DynamicTypeAssumption> createAssumeDynamicTypeInstruction(
TypeLatticeElement type,
ClassTypeLatticeElement lowerBoundType,
Value dest,
Value src,
Instruction origin,
AppView<?> appView) {
return new Assume<>(
new DynamicTypeAssumption(type, lowerBoundType), dest, src, origin, appView);
public int opcode() {
return Opcodes.ASSUME;
public boolean verifyInstructionIsNeeded(AppView<?> appView) {
if (isAssumeDynamicType()) {
assert assumption.verifyCorrectnessOfValues(outValue(), src(), appView);
return true;
public <T> T accept(InstructionVisitor<T> visitor) {
return visitor.visit(this);
public An getAssumption() {
return assumption;
public Value src() {
return inValues.get(0);
public Instruction origin() {
return origin;
public boolean outTypeKnownToBeBoolean(Set<Phi> seen) {
return src().knownToBeBoolean(seen);
public String getInstructionName() {
if (isAssumeNone()) {
return "AssumeNone";
if (isAssumeDynamicType()) {
return "AssumeDynamicType";
if (isAssumeNonNull()) {
return "AssumeNonNull";
throw new Unimplemented();
public boolean isAssume() {
return true;
public Assume<An> asAssume() {
return this;
public boolean isAssumeNone() {
return assumption.isAssumeNone();
public Assume<NoAssumption> asAssumeNone() {
assert isAssumeNone();
Assume<NoAssumption> self = (Assume<NoAssumption>) this;
return self;
public boolean isAssumeDynamicType() {
return assumption.isAssumeDynamicType();
public Assume<DynamicTypeAssumption> asAssumeDynamicType() {
assert isAssumeDynamicType();
Assume<DynamicTypeAssumption> self = (Assume<DynamicTypeAssumption>) this;
return self;
public boolean isAssumeNonNull() {
return assumption.isAssumeNonNull();
public Assume<NonNullAssumption> asAssumeNonNull() {
assert isAssumeNonNull();
Assume<NonNullAssumption> self = (Assume<NonNullAssumption>) this;
return self;
public boolean couldIntroduceAnAlias(AppView<?> appView, Value root) {
assert root != null && root.getTypeLattice().isReference();
assert outValue != null;
TypeLatticeElement outType = outValue.getTypeLattice();
if (outType.isPrimitive()) {
return false;
if (assumption.isAssumeNone()) {
// The main purpose of AssumeNone is to test local alias tracking.
return true;
if (assumption.isAssumeDynamicType()) {
outType = asAssumeDynamicType().assumption.getType();
if (appView.appInfo().hasSubtyping()) {
if (outType.isClassType()
&& root.getTypeLattice().isClassType()
&& appView.appInfo().withSubtyping().inDifferentHierarchy(
root.getTypeLattice().asClassTypeLatticeElement().getClassType())) {
return false;
return outType.isReference();
public boolean isIntroducingAnAlias() {
return true;
public Value getAliasForOutValue() {
return src();
public void buildDex(DexBuilder builder) {
throw new Unreachable(ERROR_MESSAGE);
public void buildCf(CfBuilder builder) {
throw new Unreachable(ERROR_MESSAGE);
public int maxInValueRegister() {
throw new Unreachable(ERROR_MESSAGE);
public int maxOutValueRegister() {
throw new Unreachable(ERROR_MESSAGE);
public boolean isOutConstant() {
return false;
public boolean identicalNonValueNonPositionParts(Instruction other) {
if (!other.isAssume()) {
return false;
Assume<?> assumeInstruction = other.asAssume();
return assumption.equals(assumeInstruction.assumption);
public ConstraintWithTarget inliningConstraint(
InliningConstraints inliningConstraints, DexType invocationContext) {
return inliningConstraints.forAssume();
public TypeLatticeElement evaluate(AppView<?> appView) {
if (assumption.isAssumeNone() || assumption.isAssumeDynamicType()) {
return src().getTypeLattice();
if (assumption.isAssumeNonNull()) {
assert src().getTypeLattice().isReference();
return src().getTypeLattice().asReferenceTypeLatticeElement().asNotNull();
throw new Unimplemented();
public DexType computeVerificationType(AppView<?> appView, TypeVerificationHelper helper) {
return helper.getDexType(src());
public boolean hasInvariantOutType() {
return false;
public void insertLoadAndStores(InstructionListIterator it, LoadStoreHelper helper) {
throw new Unreachable(ERROR_MESSAGE);
public boolean instructionMayTriggerMethodInvocation(AppView<?> appView, DexType context) {
return false;
public boolean verifyTypes(AppView<?> appView) {
assert super.verifyTypes(appView);
TypeLatticeElement inType = src().getTypeLattice();
TypeLatticeElement outType = outValue().getTypeLattice();
if (isAssumeNone() || isAssumeDynamicType()) {
assert inType.isReference() : inType;
assert outType.equals(inType)
: "At " + this + System.lineSeparator() + outType + " != " + inType;
} else {
assert isAssumeNonNull() : this;
assert inType.isReference() : inType;
assert inType.isNullType()
|| outType.equals(inType.asReferenceTypeLatticeElement().asNotNull())
: "At " + this + System.lineSeparator() + outType + " != " + inType;
return true;
public String toString() {
String originString = "(origin: `" + origin.toString() + "`)";
if (isAssumeNone()) {
return super.toString() + "; nothing " + originString;
if (isAssumeDynamicType()) {
return super.toString()
+ "; type: " + asAssumeDynamicType().getAssumption().type + originString;
if (isAssumeNonNull()) {
return super.toString() + "; not null " + originString;
return super.toString();
abstract static class Assumption {
public boolean isAssumeNone() {
return false;
public boolean isAssumeDynamicType() {
return false;
public boolean isAssumeNonNull() {
return false;
public boolean verifyCorrectnessOfValues(Value dest, Value src, AppView<?> appView) {
return true;
public static class NoAssumption extends Assumption {
private static final NoAssumption instance = new NoAssumption();
private NoAssumption() {}
static NoAssumption get() {
return instance;
public boolean isAssumeNone() {
return true;
public boolean verifyCorrectnessOfValues(Value dest, Value src, AppView<?> appView) {
assert dest.getTypeLattice() == src.getTypeLattice();
return true;
public static class DynamicTypeAssumption extends Assumption {
private final TypeLatticeElement type;
private final ClassTypeLatticeElement lowerBoundType;
private DynamicTypeAssumption(TypeLatticeElement type, ClassTypeLatticeElement lowerBoundType) {
this.type = type;
this.lowerBoundType = lowerBoundType;
public TypeLatticeElement getType() {
return type;
public ClassTypeLatticeElement getLowerBoundType() {
return lowerBoundType;
public boolean isAssumeDynamicType() {
return true;
public boolean verifyCorrectnessOfValues(Value dest, Value src, AppView<?> appView) {
assert type.lessThanOrEqualUpToNullability(src.getTypeLattice(), appView);
return true;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != other.getClass()) {
return false;
DynamicTypeAssumption assumption = (DynamicTypeAssumption) other;
return type == assumption.type;
public int hashCode() {
return type.hashCode();
public static class NonNullAssumption extends Assumption {
private static final NonNullAssumption instance = new NonNullAssumption();
private NonNullAssumption() {}
public static NonNullAssumption get() {
return instance;
public boolean isAssumeNonNull() {
return true;
public boolean verifyCorrectnessOfValues(Value dest, Value src, AppView<?> appView) {
assert !src.isNeverNull();
return true;