blob: fcb79fedd24e8a48044b97efaaf6918440730f9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class DexField extends DexMember<DexEncodedField, DexField> {
public final DexType type;
DexField(DexType holder, DexType type, DexString name, boolean skipNameValidationForTesting) {
super(holder, name);
this.type = type;
if (!skipNameValidationForTesting && !name.isValidFieldName()) {
throw new CompilationError(
"Field name '" + name.toString() + "' cannot be represented in dex format.");
public DexType getHolderType() {
return holder;
public DexType getType() {
return type;
public DexEncodedField lookupOnClass(DexClass clazz) {
return clazz != null ? clazz.lookupField(this) : null;
public <T> T apply(
Function<DexType, T> classConsumer,
Function<DexField, T> fieldConsumer,
Function<DexMethod, T> methodConsumer) {
return fieldConsumer.apply(this);
public void accept(
Consumer<DexType> classConsumer,
Consumer<DexField> fieldConsumer,
Consumer<DexMethod> methodConsumer) {
public <T> void accept(
BiConsumer<DexType, T> classConsumer,
BiConsumer<DexField, T> fieldConsumer,
BiConsumer<DexMethod, T> methodConsumer,
T arg) {
fieldConsumer.accept(this, arg);
public int computeHashCode() {
return holder.hashCode()
+ type.hashCode() * 7
+ name.hashCode() * 31;
public boolean computeEquals(Object other) {
if (other instanceof DexField) {
DexField o = (DexField) other;
return holder.equals(o.holder)
&& type.equals(o.type)
&& name.equals(;
return false;
public String toString() {
return "Field " + type + " " + holder + "." + name;
public void collectIndexedItems(IndexedItemCollection indexedItems) {
if (indexedItems.addField(this)) {
public int getOffset(ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping) {
return mapping.getOffsetFor(this);
public boolean isDexField() {
return true;
public DexField asDexField() {
return this;
public int slowCompareTo(DexField other) {
int result = holder.slowCompareTo(other.holder);
if (result != 0) {
return result;
result = name.slowCompareTo(;
if (result != 0) {
return result;
return type.slowCompareTo(other.type);
public int slowCompareTo(DexField other, NamingLens namingLens) {
int result = holder.slowCompareTo(other.holder, namingLens);
if (result != 0) {
return result;
result = namingLens.lookupName(this).slowCompareTo(namingLens.lookupName(other));
if (result != 0) {
return result;
return type.slowCompareTo(other.type, namingLens);
public boolean match(DexField field) {
return == name && field.type == type;
public boolean match(DexEncodedField encodedField) {
return match(encodedField.field);
public String qualifiedName() {
return holder + "." + name;
public String toSmaliString() {
return holder.toSmaliString() + "->" + name + ":" + type.toSmaliString();
public String toSourceString() {
return type.toSourceString() + " " + holder.toSourceString() + "." + name.toSourceString();
public DexField withHolder(DexType holder, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
return dexItemFactory.createField(holder, type, name);