blob: 31ea06f00aa9e94e529c8f61e1eab613e7a5dfc7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceRBTreeMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceSortedMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntBidirectionalIterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class RewrittenPrototypeDescription {
public interface ArgumentInfo {
static ArgumentInfo combine(ArgumentInfo arg1, ArgumentInfo arg2) {
if (arg1 == null) {
assert arg2 != null;
return arg2;
if (arg2 == null) {
assert arg1 != null;
return arg1;
return arg1.combine(arg2);
ArgumentInfo NO_INFO =
info -> {
assert false : "ArgumentInfo NO_INFO should not be combined";
return info;
default boolean isRemovedArgumentInfo() {
return false;
default RemovedArgumentInfo asRemovedArgumentInfo() {
return null;
default boolean isRewrittenTypeInfo() {
return false;
default RewrittenTypeInfo asRewrittenTypeInfo() {
return null;
// ArgumentInfo are combined with `this` first, and the `info` argument second.
ArgumentInfo combine(ArgumentInfo info);
public static class RemovedArgumentInfo implements ArgumentInfo {
public static class Builder {
private boolean isAlwaysNull = false;
private DexType type = null;
public Builder setIsAlwaysNull() {
this.isAlwaysNull = true;
return this;
public Builder setType(DexType type) {
this.type = type;
return this;
public RemovedArgumentInfo build() {
assert type != null;
return new RemovedArgumentInfo(isAlwaysNull, type);
private final boolean isAlwaysNull;
private final DexType type;
private RemovedArgumentInfo(boolean isAlwaysNull, DexType type) {
this.isAlwaysNull = isAlwaysNull;
this.type = type;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public DexType getType() {
return type;
public boolean isAlwaysNull() {
return isAlwaysNull;
public boolean isNeverUsed() {
return !isAlwaysNull;
public boolean isRemovedArgumentInfo() {
return true;
public RemovedArgumentInfo asRemovedArgumentInfo() {
return this;
public ArgumentInfo combine(ArgumentInfo info) {
assert false : "Once the argument is removed one cannot modify it any further.";
return this;
public static class RewrittenTypeInfo implements ArgumentInfo {
private final DexType oldType;
private final DexType newType;
static RewrittenTypeInfo toVoid(DexType oldReturnType, AppView<?> appView) {
return new RewrittenTypeInfo(oldReturnType, appView.dexItemFactory().voidType);
public RewrittenTypeInfo(DexType oldType, DexType newType) {
this.oldType = oldType;
this.newType = newType;
public DexType getNewType() {
return newType;
public DexType getOldType() {
return oldType;
boolean hasBeenChangedToReturnVoid(AppView<?> appView) {
return newType == appView.dexItemFactory().voidType;
public boolean isRewrittenTypeInfo() {
return true;
public RewrittenTypeInfo asRewrittenTypeInfo() {
return this;
public ArgumentInfo combine(ArgumentInfo info) {
if (info.isRemovedArgumentInfo()) {
return info;
assert info.isRewrittenTypeInfo();
RewrittenTypeInfo rewrittenTypeInfo = info.asRewrittenTypeInfo();
assert newType == rewrittenTypeInfo.oldType;
return new RewrittenTypeInfo(oldType, rewrittenTypeInfo.newType);
public static class ArgumentInfoCollection {
private static final ArgumentInfoCollection EMPTY = new ArgumentInfoCollection();
private final Int2ReferenceSortedMap<ArgumentInfo> argumentInfos;
// Specific constructor for empty.
private ArgumentInfoCollection() {
this.argumentInfos = new Int2ReferenceRBTreeMap<>();
private ArgumentInfoCollection(Int2ReferenceSortedMap<ArgumentInfo> argumentInfos) {
assert argumentInfos != null : "should use empty.";
assert !argumentInfos.isEmpty() : "should use empty.";
this.argumentInfos = argumentInfos;
public static ArgumentInfoCollection empty() {
return EMPTY;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return this == EMPTY;
public boolean hasRemovedArguments() {
for (ArgumentInfo value : argumentInfos.values()) {
if (value.isRemovedArgumentInfo()) {
return true;
return false;
public int numberOfRemovedArguments() {
int removed = 0;
for (ArgumentInfo value : argumentInfos.values()) {
if (value.isRemovedArgumentInfo()) {
return removed;
public ArgumentInfo getArgumentInfo(int argumentIndex) {
return argumentInfos.getOrDefault(argumentIndex, ArgumentInfo.NO_INFO);
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static class Builder {
private Int2ReferenceSortedMap<ArgumentInfo> argumentInfos;
public void addArgumentInfo(int argIndex, ArgumentInfo argInfo) {
if (argumentInfos == null) {
argumentInfos = new Int2ReferenceRBTreeMap<>();
assert !argumentInfos.containsKey(argIndex);
argumentInfos.put(argIndex, argInfo);
public ArgumentInfoCollection build() {
if (argumentInfos == null || argumentInfos.isEmpty()) {
return EMPTY;
return new ArgumentInfoCollection(argumentInfos);
public DexType[] rewriteParameters(DexEncodedMethod encodedMethod) {
// Currently not allowed to remove the receiver of an instance method. This would involve
// changing invoke-direct/invoke-virtual into invoke-static.
assert encodedMethod.isStatic() || !getArgumentInfo(0).isRemovedArgumentInfo();
DexType[] params = encodedMethod.method.proto.parameters.values;
if (isEmpty()) {
return params;
DexType[] newParams = new DexType[params.length - numberOfRemovedArguments()];
int offset = encodedMethod.isStatic() ? 0 : 1;
int newParamIndex = 0;
for (int oldParamIndex = 0; oldParamIndex < params.length; oldParamIndex++) {
ArgumentInfo argInfo = argumentInfos.get(oldParamIndex + offset);
if (argInfo == null) {
newParams[newParamIndex++] = params[oldParamIndex];
} else if (argInfo.isRewrittenTypeInfo()) {
RewrittenTypeInfo rewrittenTypeInfo = argInfo.asRewrittenTypeInfo();
assert params[oldParamIndex] == rewrittenTypeInfo.oldType;
newParams[newParamIndex++] = rewrittenTypeInfo.newType;
return newParams;
public ArgumentInfoCollection combine(ArgumentInfoCollection info) {
if (isEmpty()) {
return info;
} else {
if (info.isEmpty()) {
return this;
Int2ReferenceSortedMap<ArgumentInfo> newArgInfos = new Int2ReferenceRBTreeMap<>();
IntBidirectionalIterator iterator = argumentInfos.keySet().iterator();
int offset = 0;
int nextArgIndex;
for (int pendingArgIndex : info.argumentInfos.keySet()) {
nextArgIndex = peekNextOrMax(iterator);
while (nextArgIndex <= pendingArgIndex + offset) {
ArgumentInfo argumentInfo = argumentInfos.get(nextArgIndex);
nextArgIndex = peekNextOrMax(iterator);
if (argumentInfo.isRemovedArgumentInfo()) {
ArgumentInfo newArgInfo =
nextArgIndex == pendingArgIndex + offset
? ArgumentInfo.combine(
argumentInfos.get(nextArgIndex), info.argumentInfos.get(pendingArgIndex))
: info.argumentInfos.get(pendingArgIndex);
newArgInfos.put(pendingArgIndex + offset, newArgInfo);
assert Ordering.natural().isOrdered(newArgInfos.keySet());
return new ArgumentInfoCollection(newArgInfos);
static int peekNextOrMax(IntBidirectionalIterator iterator) {
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
int i = iterator.nextInt();
return i;
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public Consumer<DexEncodedMethod.Builder> createParameterAnnotationsRemover(
DexEncodedMethod method) {
if (numberOfRemovedArguments() > 0 && !method.parameterAnnotationsList.isEmpty()) {
return builder -> {
int firstArgumentIndex = BooleanUtils.intValue(!method.isStatic());
oldIndex -> getArgumentInfo(oldIndex + firstArgumentIndex).isRemovedArgumentInfo());
return null;
private static final RewrittenPrototypeDescription none = new RewrittenPrototypeDescription();
private final List<ExtraParameter> extraParameters;
private final ArgumentInfoCollection argumentInfoCollection;
private final RewrittenTypeInfo rewrittenReturnInfo;
private RewrittenPrototypeDescription() {
this(Collections.emptyList(), null, ArgumentInfoCollection.empty());
private RewrittenPrototypeDescription(
List<ExtraParameter> extraParameters,
RewrittenTypeInfo rewrittenReturnInfo,
ArgumentInfoCollection argumentsInfo) {
assert argumentsInfo != null;
this.extraParameters = extraParameters;
this.rewrittenReturnInfo = rewrittenReturnInfo;
this.argumentInfoCollection = argumentsInfo;
public static RewrittenPrototypeDescription createForUninstantiatedTypes(
DexMethod method,
AppView<AppInfoWithLiveness> appView,
ArgumentInfoCollection removedArgumentsInfo) {
DexType returnType = method.proto.returnType;
RewrittenTypeInfo returnInfo =
returnType.isAlwaysNull(appView) ? RewrittenTypeInfo.toVoid(returnType, appView) : null;
return new RewrittenPrototypeDescription(
Collections.emptyList(), returnInfo, removedArgumentsInfo);
public static RewrittenPrototypeDescription createForRewrittenTypes(
RewrittenTypeInfo returnInfo, ArgumentInfoCollection rewrittenArgumentsInfo) {
return new RewrittenPrototypeDescription(
Collections.emptyList(), returnInfo, rewrittenArgumentsInfo);
public static RewrittenPrototypeDescription none() {
return none;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return extraParameters.isEmpty()
&& rewrittenReturnInfo == null
&& argumentInfoCollection.isEmpty();
public Collection<ExtraParameter> getExtraParameters() {
return extraParameters;
public int numberOfExtraParameters() {
return extraParameters.size();
public boolean hasBeenChangedToReturnVoid(AppView<?> appView) {
return rewrittenReturnInfo != null && rewrittenReturnInfo.hasBeenChangedToReturnVoid(appView);
public ArgumentInfoCollection getArgumentInfoCollection() {
return argumentInfoCollection;
public boolean hasRewrittenReturnInfo() {
return rewrittenReturnInfo != null;
public RewrittenTypeInfo getRewrittenReturnInfo() {
return rewrittenReturnInfo;
* Returns the {@link ConstInstruction} that should be used to materialize the result of
* invocations to the method represented by this {@link RewrittenPrototypeDescription}.
* <p>This method should only be used for methods that return a constant value and whose return
* type has been changed to void.
* <p>Note that the current implementation always returns null at this point.
public ConstInstruction getConstantReturn(IRCode code, Position position) {
ConstInstruction instruction = code.createConstNull();
return instruction;
public DexProto rewriteProto(DexEncodedMethod encodedMethod, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
if (isEmpty()) {
return encodedMethod.method.proto;
DexType newReturnType =
rewrittenReturnInfo != null
? rewrittenReturnInfo.newType
: encodedMethod.method.proto.returnType;
DexType[] newParameters = argumentInfoCollection.rewriteParameters(encodedMethod);
return dexItemFactory.createProto(newReturnType, newParameters);
public RewrittenPrototypeDescription withConstantReturn(
DexType oldReturnType, AppView<?> appView) {
assert rewrittenReturnInfo == null;
return !hasBeenChangedToReturnVoid(appView)
? new RewrittenPrototypeDescription(
RewrittenTypeInfo.toVoid(oldReturnType, appView),
: this;
public RewrittenPrototypeDescription withRemovedArguments(ArgumentInfoCollection other) {
if (other.isEmpty()) {
return this;
return new RewrittenPrototypeDescription(
extraParameters, rewrittenReturnInfo, argumentInfoCollection.combine(other));
public RewrittenPrototypeDescription withExtraUnusedNullParameter() {
return withExtraUnusedNullParameters(1);
public RewrittenPrototypeDescription withExtraUnusedNullParameters(
int numberOfExtraUnusedNullParameters) {
List<ExtraParameter> parameters =
Collections.nCopies(numberOfExtraUnusedNullParameters, new ExtraUnusedNullParameter());
return withExtraParameters(parameters);
public RewrittenPrototypeDescription withExtraParameter(ExtraParameter parameter) {
return withExtraParameters(Collections.singletonList(parameter));
public RewrittenPrototypeDescription withExtraParameters(List<ExtraParameter> parameters) {
if (parameters.isEmpty()) {
return this;
List<ExtraParameter> newExtraParameters = new ArrayList<>();
return new RewrittenPrototypeDescription(
newExtraParameters, rewrittenReturnInfo, argumentInfoCollection);