blob: 93d124874897a4abcc35cd4541da0283537df36f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Set;
* A synthesizing context is a description of the context that gives rise to a synthetic item.
* <p>Note that a context can only itself be a synthetic item if it was provided as an input that
* was marked as synthetic already, in which case the context consists of the synthetic input type
* as well as the original synthesizing context type specified in it synthesis annotation.
* <p>This class is internal to the synthetic items collection, thus package-protected.
class SynthesizingContext implements Comparable<SynthesizingContext> {
// The synthesizing context is the type used for ensuring a hygienic placement of a synthetic.
// Thus this type will potentially be used as the prefix of a synthetic class.
private final DexType synthesizingContextType;
// The input context is the program input type that is the actual context of a synthetic.
// In particular, if the synthetic type is itself a program input, then it will be its own
// input context but it will have a distinct synthesizing context (encoded in its annotation).
private final DexType inputContextType;
private final Origin inputContextOrigin;
static SynthesizingContext fromNonSyntheticInputClass(DexProgramClass clazz) {
// A context that is itself non-synthetic is the single context, thus both the input context
// and synthesizing context coincide.
return new SynthesizingContext(clazz.type, clazz.type, clazz.origin);
static SynthesizingContext fromSyntheticInputClass(
DexProgramClass clazz, DexType synthesizingContextType) {
assert synthesizingContextType != null;
// A context that is itself synthetic must denote a synthesizing context from which to ensure
// hygiene. This synthesizing context type is encoded on the synthetic for intermediate builds.
return new SynthesizingContext(synthesizingContextType, clazz.type, clazz.origin);
private SynthesizingContext(
DexType synthesizingContextType, DexType inputContextType, Origin inputContextOrigin) {
this.synthesizingContextType = synthesizingContextType;
this.inputContextType = inputContextType;
this.inputContextOrigin = inputContextOrigin;
public int compareTo(SynthesizingContext other) {
return Comparator
// The first item to compare is the synthesizing context type. This is the type used to
// choose the context prefix for items.
.comparing(SynthesizingContext::getSynthesizingContextType, DexType::slowCompareTo)
// To ensure that equals coincides with compareTo == 0, we then compare 'type'.
.thenComparing(c -> c.inputContextType, DexType::slowCompareTo)
.compare(this, other);
Origin getInputContextOrigin() {
return inputContextOrigin;
DexType createHygienicType(int syntheticId, DexItemFactory factory) {
// If the context is a synthetic input, then use its annotated context as the hygienic context.
String contextDesc = synthesizingContextType.toDescriptorString();
String prefix = contextDesc.substring(0, contextDesc.length() - 1);
String suffix = SyntheticItems.INTERNAL_SYNTHETIC_CLASS_SEPARATOR + syntheticId + ";";
return factory.createType(prefix + suffix);
SynthesizingContext rewrite(NonIdentityGraphLens lens) {
DexType rewrittenInputeContextType = lens.lookupType(inputContextType);
DexType rewrittenSynthesizingContextType = lens.lookupType(synthesizingContextType);
return rewrittenInputeContextType == inputContextType
&& rewrittenSynthesizingContextType == synthesizingContextType
? this
: new SynthesizingContext(
rewrittenSynthesizingContextType, rewrittenInputeContextType, inputContextOrigin);
DexType getSynthesizingContextType() {
return synthesizingContextType;
void addIfDerivedFromMainDexClass(
DexProgramClass externalSyntheticClass,
MainDexClasses mainDexClasses,
Set<DexType> allMainDexTypes,
Set<DexType> derivedMainDexTypesToIgnore) {
// The input context type (not the annotated context) determines if the derived class is to be
// in main dex.
// TODO(b/168584485): Once resolved allMainDexTypes == mainDexClasses.
if (allMainDexTypes.contains(inputContextType)) {
// Mark the type as to be ignored when computing main-dex placement for legacy types.