Add test using class not found on Android (java.lang.ClassValue)

Bug: b/259501764
Change-Id: Iadfb06d7a0f73e1b76dd02fbc56878b680ca088e
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/apimodel/ b/src/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/apimodel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad9ea40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/apimodel/
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
+import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
+import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
+import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter;
+import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
+public class ClassValueTest extends TestBase {
+  @Parameter() public TestParameters parameters;
+  @Parameters(name = "{0}")
+  public static List<Object[]> data() {
+    return buildParameters(getTestParameters().withAllRuntimesAndApiLevels().build());
+  }
+  private static final String EXPECTED_OUTPUT = StringUtils.lines(TestClass.class.getTypeName());
+  private void computeValuePresent(CodeInspector inspector) {
+    assertThat(
+        inspector.clazz(ClassValueSub.class).uniqueMethodWithOriginalName("computeValue"),
+        isPresent());
+  }
+  private void computeValueAbsent(CodeInspector inspector) {
+    assertThat(
+        inspector.clazz(ClassValueSub.class).uniqueMethodWithOriginalName("computeValue"),
+        isAbsent());
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testReference() throws Exception {
+    assumeTrue(parameters.isCfRuntime());
+    testForRuntime(parameters)
+        .addInnerClasses(getClass())
+        .run(parameters.getRuntime(), TestClass.class)
+        .assertSuccessWithOutput(EXPECTED_OUTPUT);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testD8() throws Exception {
+    assumeTrue(parameters.isDexRuntime());
+    testForD8(parameters.getBackend())
+        .addInnerClasses(getClass())
+        .setMinApi(parameters.getApiLevel())
+        .compile()
+        .inspect(this::computeValuePresent)
+        .run(parameters.getRuntime(), TestClass.class)
+        .assertFailureWithErrorThatThrows(NoClassDefFoundError.class);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testR8() throws Exception {
+    testForR8(parameters.getBackend())
+        .addLibraryFiles(ToolHelper.getAndroidJar(AndroidApiLevel.T))
+        .addInnerClasses(getClass())
+        .addKeepMainRule(TestClass.class)
+        .setMinApi(parameters.getApiLevel())
+        .addDontWarn(ClassValue.class)
+        .compile()
+        .inspect(this::computeValueAbsent)
+        .run(parameters.getRuntime(), TestClass.class)
+        .applyIf(
+            parameters.isCfRuntime(),
+            r -> r.assertFailureWithErrorThatThrows(AbstractMethodError.class),
+            r -> r.assertFailureWithErrorThatThrows(NoClassDefFoundError.class));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testProguard() throws Exception {
+    assumeTrue(parameters.isCfRuntime());
+    testForProguard(ProguardVersion.V7_0_0)
+        .addLibraryFiles(ToolHelper.getAndroidJar(AndroidApiLevel.T))
+        .addInnerClasses(getClass())
+        .addKeepMainRule(TestClass.class)
+        .setMinApi(parameters.getApiLevel())
+        // ProGuard warns about the inner class attributes referring to this outer class.
+        .addDontWarn(this.getClass().getTypeName())
+        // ProGuard also warns about ClassValueSub not having method get.
+        .addDontWarn(ClassValueSub.class.getTypeName())
+        .compile()
+        .inspect(this::computeValueAbsent)
+        .run(parameters.getRuntime(), TestClass.class)
+        .applyIf(
+            parameters.isCfRuntime(),
+            r -> r.assertFailureWithErrorThatThrows(AbstractMethodError.class),
+            r -> r.assertFailureWithErrorThatThrows(NoClassDefFoundError.class));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testR8KeepExtendsMissingType() throws Exception {
+    testForR8(parameters.getBackend())
+        .addLibraryFiles(ToolHelper.getAndroidJar(AndroidApiLevel.T))
+        .addInnerClasses(getClass())
+        .addKeepMainRule(TestClass.class)
+        .setMinApi(parameters.getApiLevel())
+        .addDontWarn(ClassValue.class)
+        // Try to keep computeValue on classes extending unknown type.
+        .addKeepRules("-keep class * extends " + ClassValue.class.getTypeName() + " { *; }")
+        .allowUnusedProguardConfigurationRules()
+        .compileWithExpectedDiagnostics(
+            diagnostics ->
+                diagnostics.assertInfoThatMatches(
+                    diagnosticMessage(
+                        containsString(
+                            "Proguard configuration rule does not match anything: "
+                                + "`-keep class * extends "
+                                + ClassValue.class.getTypeName()
+                                + " {"))))
+        .inspect(this::computeValueAbsent)
+        .run(parameters.getRuntime(), TestClass.class)
+        .applyIf(
+            parameters.isCfRuntime(),
+            r -> r.assertFailureWithErrorThatThrows(AbstractMethodError.class),
+            r -> r.assertFailureWithErrorThatThrows(NoClassDefFoundError.class));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testProguardKeepExtendsMissingTypeProguard() throws Exception {
+    assumeTrue(parameters.isCfRuntime() && parameters.asCfRuntime().getVm() == CfVm.JDK11);
+    testForProguard(ProguardVersion.V7_0_0)
+        .addLibraryFiles(ToolHelper.getAndroidJar(AndroidApiLevel.T))
+        .addInnerClasses(getClass())
+        .addKeepMainRule(TestClass.class)
+        .setMinApi(parameters.getApiLevel())
+        // ProGuard warns about the inner class attributes referring to this outer class.
+        .addDontWarn(this.getClass().getTypeName())
+        // Just -dontwarn on ClassValue is not sufficient. ProGuard also warns about ClassValueSub
+        // not having method get.
+        .addDontWarn(ClassValueSub.class.getTypeName())
+        // Try to keep computeValue on classes extending unknown type.
+        .addKeepRules("-keep class * extends " + ClassValue.class.getTypeName() + " { *; }")
+        // TODO(b/261971620): Support extends matching names of missing classes.
+        .compile()
+        .inspect(this::computeValueAbsent)
+        .run(parameters.getRuntime(), TestClass.class)
+        .assertFailureWithErrorThatThrows(AbstractMethodError.class);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testR8KeepConcreteMethod() throws Exception {
+    for (String dontWarn :
+        ImmutableList.of(ClassValue.class.getTypeName(), ClassValueSub.class.getTypeName())) {
+      testForR8(parameters.getBackend())
+          .addLibraryFiles(ToolHelper.getAndroidJar(AndroidApiLevel.T))
+          .addInnerClasses(getClass())
+          .addKeepMainRule(TestClass.class)
+          .setMinApi(parameters.getApiLevel())
+          .addDontWarn(dontWarn)
+          .addKeepRules(
+              "-keep class "
+                  + ClassValueSub.class.getTypeName()
+                  + " { ** computeValue(java.lang.Class); }")
+          .compile()
+          .inspect(this::computeValuePresent)
+          .run(parameters.getRuntime(), TestClass.class)
+          .applyIf(
+              parameters.isCfRuntime(),
+              r -> r.assertSuccessWithOutput(EXPECTED_OUTPUT),
+              r -> r.assertFailureWithErrorThatThrows(NoClassDefFoundError.class));
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testProguardKeepConcreteMethod() throws Exception {
+    assumeTrue(parameters.isCfRuntime() && parameters.asCfRuntime().getVm() == CfVm.JDK11);
+    testForProguard(ProguardVersion.V7_0_0)
+        .addInnerClasses(getClass())
+        .addKeepMainRule(TestClass.class)
+        // ProGuard warns about the inner class attributes referring to this outer class.
+        .addDontWarn(this.getClass().getTypeName())
+        // Just -dontwarn on ClassValue is not sufficient. ProGuard also warns about ClassValueSub
+        // not having method get.
+        .addDontWarn(ClassValueSub.class.getTypeName())
+        .addKeepRules(
+            "-keep class "
+                + ClassValueSub.class.getTypeName()
+                + " { ** computeValue(java.lang.Class); }")
+        .compile()
+        .inspect(this::computeValuePresent)
+        .run(parameters.getRuntime(), TestClass.class)
+        .applyIf(
+            parameters.isCfRuntime(),
+            r -> r.assertSuccessWithOutput(EXPECTED_OUTPUT),
+            r -> r.assertFailureWithErrorThatThrows(NoClassDefFoundError.class));
+  }
+  static class ClassValueSub extends ClassValue<Object> {
+    @Override
+    protected Object computeValue(Class<?> clazz) {
+      return clazz.getTypeName();
+    }
+  }
+  static class TestClass {
+    static ClassValueSub classValueSub = new ClassValueSub();
+    public static void main(String[] args) {
+      System.out.println(classValueSub.get(TestClass.class));
+    }
+  }