blob: c6d1968338c48fc064fd4a360a96c3b767ad018d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
/** Immutable command structure for an invocation of the {@link ExtractMarker} tool. */
public class ExtractMarkerCommand {
/** Builder for constructing a {@link ExtractMarkerCommand}. */
public static class Builder {
private boolean printHelp = false;
private final List<Path> programFiles = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<Pair<Origin, byte[]>> dexData = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<Pair<Origin, byte[]>> cfData = new ArrayList<>();
private MarkerInfoConsumer consumer;
private DiagnosticsHandler handler;
Builder(DiagnosticsHandler handler) {
this.handler = handler;
public Builder setPrintHelp(boolean printHelp) {
this.printHelp = printHelp;
return this;
public boolean isPrintHelp() {
return printHelp;
* Add program files to extract marker information from.
* <p>All program files supported by the input and output of D8/R8 can be passed here.
public Builder addProgramFiles(Path... programFiles) {
return addProgramFiles(Arrays.asList(programFiles));
* Add program files to extract marker information from.
* <p>Each file added here will result in exactly one callback to {@link
* MarkerInfoConsumer#acceptMarkerInfo}.
* <p>All program files supported by the input and output of D8/R8 can be passed here.
public Builder addProgramFiles(Collection<Path> programFiles) {
return this;
* Add dex encoded bytes to extract marker information from.
* <p>Each data & origin pair added here will result in exactly one callback to {@link
* MarkerInfoConsumer#acceptMarkerInfo}.
public Builder addDexProgramData(byte[] data, Origin origin) {
dexData.add(new Pair<>(origin, data));
return this;
* Add classfile encoded bytes to extract marker information from.
* <p>Each data & origin pair added here will result in exactly one callback to {@link
* MarkerInfoConsumer#acceptMarkerInfo}.
public Builder addClassProgramData(byte[] data, Origin origin) {
cfData.add(new Pair<>(origin, data));
return this;
/** Set the callback to obtain the collected marker information. */
public Builder setMarkerInfoConsumer(MarkerInfoConsumer consumer) {
this.consumer = consumer;
return this;
public ExtractMarkerCommand build() {
// If printing versions ignore everything else.
if (isPrintHelp()) {
return new ExtractMarkerCommand(isPrintHelp());
return new ExtractMarkerCommand(handler, consumer, programFiles, dexData, cfData);
static final String USAGE_MESSAGE =
"Usage: extractmarker [options] <input-files>",
" where <input-files> are D8 supported input/output files and options are:",
" --help # Print this message."));
public static Builder builder() {
return builder(new DiagnosticsHandler() {});
public static Builder builder(DiagnosticsHandler handler) {
return new Builder(handler);
public static Builder parse(String[] args) {
Builder builder = builder();
parse(args, builder);
return builder;
private static void parse(String[] args, Builder builder) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
String arg = args[i].trim();
if (arg.equals("--help")) {
} else {
if (arg.startsWith("--")) {
throw new CompilationError("Unknown option: " + arg);
private final boolean printHelp;
private final DiagnosticsHandler handler;
private final MarkerInfoConsumer consumer;
private final List<Path> programFiles;
private final List<Pair<Origin, byte[]>> dexData;
private final List<Pair<Origin, byte[]>> cfData;
private ExtractMarkerCommand(
DiagnosticsHandler handler,
MarkerInfoConsumer consumer,
List<Path> programFiles,
List<Pair<Origin, byte[]>> dexData,
List<Pair<Origin, byte[]>> cfData) {
this.printHelp = false;
this.handler = handler;
this.consumer = consumer;
this.programFiles = programFiles;
this.dexData = dexData;
this.cfData = cfData;
private ExtractMarkerCommand(boolean printHelp) {
this.printHelp = printHelp;
handler = null;
consumer = null;
programFiles = null;
dexData = null;
cfData = null;
public boolean isPrintHelp() {
return printHelp;
public MarkerInfoConsumer getMarkerInfoConsumer() {
return consumer;
public DiagnosticsHandler getDiagnosticsHandler() {
return handler;
public void forEachEntry(
BiConsumer<Path, Origin> onProgramFile,
BiConsumer<byte[], Origin> onDexData,
BiConsumer<byte[], Origin> onCfData) {
programFiles.forEach(path -> onProgramFile.accept(path, new PathOrigin(path)));
dexData.forEach(pair -> onDexData.accept(pair.getSecond(), pair.getFirst()));
cfData.forEach(pair -> onCfData.accept(pair.getSecond(), pair.getFirst()));