blob: 0b5d10037371f19ebcae265393932b6adb32d794 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
public class AppInfo implements DexDefinitionSupplier {
private final DexApplication app;
private final DexItemFactory dexItemFactory;
// TODO(b/151804585): Remove this cache.
private final ConcurrentHashMap<DexType, Map<DexField, DexEncodedField>> fieldDefinitionsCache;
// For some optimizations, e.g. optimizing synthetic classes, we may need to resolve the current
// class being optimized.
private final ConcurrentHashMap<DexType, DexProgramClass> synthesizedClasses;
// Set when a new AppInfo replaces a previous one. All public methods should verify that the
// current instance is not obsolete, to ensure that we almost use the most recent AppInfo.
private final BooleanBox obsolete;
public AppInfo(DexApplication application) {
this(application, new ConcurrentHashMap<>(), new ConcurrentHashMap<>(), new BooleanBox());
// For desugaring.
protected AppInfo(AppInfo appInfo) {
this(, appInfo.fieldDefinitionsCache, appInfo.synthesizedClasses, appInfo.obsolete);
// For AppInfoWithLiveness.
protected AppInfo(AppInfoWithClassHierarchy previous) {
((AppInfo) previous).app,
new ConcurrentHashMap<>(((AppInfo) previous).fieldDefinitionsCache),
new ConcurrentHashMap<>(((AppInfo) previous).synthesizedClasses),
new BooleanBox());
private AppInfo(
DexApplication application,
ConcurrentHashMap<DexType, Map<DexField, DexEncodedField>> fieldDefinitionsCache,
ConcurrentHashMap<DexType, DexProgramClass> synthesizedClasses,
BooleanBox obsolete) { = application;
this.dexItemFactory = application.dexItemFactory;
this.fieldDefinitionsCache = fieldDefinitionsCache;
this.synthesizedClasses = synthesizedClasses;
this.obsolete = obsolete;
protected InternalOptions options() {
return app.options;
public void copyMetadataFromPrevious(AppInfo previous) {
public boolean isObsolete() {
return obsolete.get();
public void markObsolete() {
public void unsetObsolete() {
public boolean checkIfObsolete() {
assert !isObsolete();
return true;
public DexApplication app() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return app;
public DexItemFactory dexItemFactory() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return dexItemFactory;
public void addSynthesizedClass(DexProgramClass clazz) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
assert clazz.type.isD8R8SynthesizedClassType();
DexProgramClass previous = synthesizedClasses.put(clazz.type, clazz);
assert previous == null || previous == clazz;
public Collection<DexProgramClass> synthesizedClasses() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(synthesizedClasses.values());
private Map<DexField, DexEncodedField> computeFieldDefinitions(DexType type) {
Builder<DexField, DexEncodedField> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
DexClass clazz = definitionFor(type);
if (clazz != null) {
clazz.forEachField(field -> builder.put(field.field, field));
public Collection<DexProgramClass> classes() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return app.classes();
public Iterable<DexProgramClass> classesWithDeterministicOrder() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return app.classesWithDeterministicOrder();
public DexDefinition definitionFor(DexReference reference) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
if (reference.isDexType()) {
return definitionFor(reference.asDexType());
if (reference.isDexMethod()) {
return definitionFor(reference.asDexMethod());
assert reference.isDexField();
return definitionFor(reference.asDexField());
public DexClass definitionFor(DexType type) {
return definitionForWithoutExistenceAssert(type);
public final DexClass definitionForWithoutExistenceAssert(DexType type) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
DexProgramClass cached = synthesizedClasses.get(type);
if (cached != null) {
assert app.definitionFor(type) == null;
return cached;
return app.definitionFor(type);
public DexClass definitionForDesugarDependency(DexClass dependent, DexType type) {
if (dependent.type == type) {
return dependent;
DexClass definition = definitionFor(type);
if (definition != null && !definition.isLibraryClass() && dependent.isProgramClass()) {
dependent.asProgramClass(), definition, options());
return definition;
public DexProgramClass definitionForProgramType(DexType type) {
return app.programDefinitionFor(type);
public Origin originFor(DexType type) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
DexClass definition = app.definitionFor(type);
return definition == null ? Origin.unknown() : definition.origin;
public DexEncodedMethod definitionFor(DexMethod method) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
assert method.holder.isClassType();
if (!method.holder.isClassType()) {
return null;
DexClass clazz = definitionFor(method.holder);
if (clazz == null) {
return null;
return clazz.getMethodCollection().getMethod(method);
public DexEncodedField definitionFor(DexField field) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return getFieldDefinitions(field.holder).get(field);
private Map<DexField, DexEncodedField> getFieldDefinitions(DexType type) {
return fieldDefinitionsCache.computeIfAbsent(type, this::computeFieldDefinitions);
public void invalidateFieldCacheFor(DexType type) {
* Lookup static method on the method holder, or answers null.
* @param method the method to lookup
* @param context the method the invoke is contained in, i.e., the caller.
* @return The actual target for {@code method} if on the holder, or {@code null}.
public final DexEncodedMethod lookupStaticTargetOnItself(
DexMethod method, ProgramMethod context) {
if (method.holder != context.getHolderType()) {
return null;
DexEncodedMethod singleTarget = context.getHolder().lookupDirectMethod(method);
if (singleTarget != null && singleTarget.isStatic()) {
return singleTarget;
return null;
* Lookup direct method on the method holder, or answers null.
* @param method the method to lookup
* @param context the method the invoke is contained in, i.e., the caller.
* @return The actual target for {@code method} if on the holder, or {@code null}.
public final DexEncodedMethod lookupDirectTargetOnItself(
DexMethod method, ProgramMethod context) {
if (method.holder != context.getHolderType()) {
return null;
DexEncodedMethod singleTarget = context.getHolder().lookupDirectMethod(method);
if (singleTarget != null && !singleTarget.isStatic()) {
return singleTarget;
return null;
public boolean hasClassHierarchy() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return false;
public AppInfoWithClassHierarchy withClassHierarchy() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return null;
public boolean hasLiveness() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return false;
public AppInfoWithLiveness withLiveness() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return null;
public boolean isInMainDexList(DexType type) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return app.mainDexList.contains(type);
public final FieldResolutionResult resolveField(DexField field, ProgramMethod context) {
return resolveFieldOn(field.holder, field, context);
public FieldResolutionResult resolveFieldOn(DexType type, DexField field, ProgramMethod context) {
// Only allow resolution if the field is declared in the context.
if (type != context.getHolderType()) {
return FieldResolutionResult.failure();
DexProgramClass clazz = context.getHolder();
DexEncodedField definition = clazz.lookupField(field);
return definition != null
? new SuccessfulFieldResolutionResult(clazz, clazz, definition)
: FieldResolutionResult.unknown();