blob: 42286db988312b9c308d1a0923ad788f66fa341c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* A common interface for {@link DexType}, {@link DexField}, and {@link DexMethod}.
public abstract class DexReference extends IndexedDexItem {
public boolean isDexType() {
return false;
public DexType asDexType() {
return null;
public boolean isDexMember() {
return false;
public DexMember<?, ?> asDexMember() {
return null;
public boolean isDexField() {
return false;
public DexField asDexField() {
return null;
public boolean isDexMethod() {
return false;
public DexMethod asDexMethod() {
return null;
public static Stream<DexReference> filterDexReference(Stream<DexItem> stream) {
return DexItem.filter(stream, DexReference.class);
public DexDefinition toDefinition(AppInfo appInfo) {
if (isDexType()) {
return appInfo.definitionFor(asDexType());
} else if (isDexField()) {
return appInfo.definitionFor(asDexField());
} else {
assert isDexMethod();
return appInfo.definitionFor(asDexMethod());
public static Stream<DexDefinition> mapToDefinition(
Stream<DexReference> references, AppInfo appInfo) {
return -> r.toDefinition(appInfo)).filter(Objects::nonNull);
private static <T extends DexReference> Stream<T> filter(
Stream<DexReference> stream,
Predicate<DexReference> pred,
Function<DexReference, T> f) {
return stream.filter(pred).map(f);
public static Stream<DexType> filterDexType(Stream<DexReference> stream) {
return filter(stream, DexReference::isDexType, DexReference::asDexType);
public static Stream<DexField> filterDexField(Stream<DexReference> stream) {
return filter(stream, DexReference::isDexField, DexReference::asDexField);
public static Stream<DexMethod> filterDexMethod(Stream<DexReference> stream) {
return filter(stream, DexReference::isDexMethod, DexReference::asDexMethod);