blob: 3c6a20a5ab8802c65fe0ca3a1f5bc0a0658acbeb [file] [log] [blame]
Mads Ager418d1ca2017-05-22 09:35:49 +02001// Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
2// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
3// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
4import org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem;
6apply plugin: 'java'
7apply plugin: 'idea'
8apply plugin: 'jacoco'
10apply from: 'copyAdditionalJctfCommonFiles.gradle'
12repositories {
13 mavenCentral()
16// Custom source set for example tests and generated tests.
17sourceSets {
18 test {
19 java {
20 srcDirs = [
21 'src/test/java',
22 'build/generated/test/java',
23 ]
24 }
25 }
26 debugTestResources {
27 java {
28 srcDirs = ['src/test/debugTestResources']
29 }
30 output.resourcesDir = 'build/classes/debugTestResources'
31 }
32 examples {
33 java {
34 srcDirs = ['src/test/examples']
35 }
36 output.resourcesDir = 'build/classes/examples'
37 }
38 examplesAndroidN {
39 java {
40 srcDirs = ['src/test/examplesAndroidN']
41 }
42 output.resourcesDir = 'build/classes/examplesAndroidN'
43 }
44 examplesAndroidO {
45 java {
46 srcDirs = ['src/test/examplesAndroidO']
47 }
48 output.resourcesDir = 'build/classes/examplesAndroidO'
49 }
50 jctfCommon {
51 java {
52 srcDirs = [
53 'third_party/jctf/Harness/src',
54 'third_party/jctf/LibTests/src/com/google/jctf/test/categories',
55 'third_party/jctf/LibTests/src/com/google/jctf/test/helper',
56 'third_party/jctf/LibTests/src/com/google/jctf/testHelpers',
57 'third_party/jctf/LibTests/src/org',
58 'build/additionalJctfCommonFiles'
59 ]
60 }
61 resources {
62 srcDirs = ['third_party/jctf/LibTests/resources']
63 }
64 }
65 jctfTests {
66 java {
67 srcDirs = [
68 'third_party/jctf/LibTests/src/com/google/jctf/test/lib',
69 // 'third_party/jctf/VMTests/src',
70 ]
71 }
72 }
75dependencies {
76 compile 'net.sf.jopt-simple:jopt-simple:4.6'
77 compile group: '', name: 'guava', version: '19.0'
78 compile group: 'org.apache.commons', name: 'commons-compress', version: '1.12'
79 compile group: 'org.ow2.asm', name: 'asm', version: '5.1'
80 compile group: 'org.ow2.asm', name: 'asm-commons', version: '5.1'
81 compile group: 'org.ow2.asm', name: 'asm-tree', version: '5.1'
82 compile group: 'org.ow2.asm', name: 'asm-util', version: '5.1'
83 testCompile sourceSets.examples.output
84 testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
85 testCompile group: 'org.smali', name: 'smali', version: '2.2b4'
86 testCompile files('third_party/jasmin/jasmin-2.4.jar')
87 testCompile files('third_party/jdwp-tests/apache-harmony-jdwp-tests-host.jar')
88 jctfCommonCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
89 jctfTestsCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
90 jctfTestsCompile sourceSets.jctfCommon.output
91 examplesAndroidOCompile group: 'org.ow2.asm', name: 'asm', version: '5.1'
94def osString = OperatingSystem.current().isLinux() ? "linux" : "mac"
96def cloudDependencies = [
97 "tests" : [
98 "art.tar.gz"
99 ],
100 "third_party": [
101 "android_jar/lib-v14.tar.gz",
102 "android_jar/lib-v19.tar.gz",
103 "android_jar/lib-v24.tar.gz",
104 "android_jar/lib-v25.tar.gz",
105 "android_jar/lib-v26.tar.gz",
106 "proguard/proguard5.2.1.tar.gz",
107 "gradle/gradle.tar.gz",
108 "jdwp-tests.tar.gz",
109 "jasmin.tar.gz",
110 "jctf.tar.gz",
111 "android_cts_baseline.tar.gz",
112 ],
113 // All dex-vms have a fixed OS of Linux, as they are only supported on Linux, and will be run in a Docker
114 // container on other platforms where supported.
115 "tools" : [
116 "linux/art.tar.gz",
117 "linux/art-5.1.1.tar.gz",
118 "linux/art-6.0.1.tar.gz",
119 "linux/art-7.0.0.tar.gz",
120 "linux/dalvik.tar.gz",
121 "${osString}/dx.tar.gz",
122 ]
125cloudDependencies.each { entry ->
126 entry.value.each { entryFile ->
127 task "download_deps_${entry.key}/${entryFile}"(type: Exec) {
128 def gzFile = "${entry.key}/${entryFile}"
129 def sha1File = "${gzFile}.sha1"
130 inputs.file sha1File
131 outputs.file gzFile
132 executable "bash"
133 args "-c", "download_from_google_storage -n -b r8-deps -u -s ${sha1File}"
134 }
135 }
138def x20Dependencies = [
139 "third_party": [
140 "gmscore/v4.tar.gz",
141 "gmscore/v5.tar.gz",
142 "gmscore/v6.tar.gz",
143 "gmscore/v7.tar.gz",
144 "gmscore/v8.tar.gz",
145 "gmscore/gmscore_v9.tar.gz",
146 "gmscore/gmscore_v10.tar.gz",
147 "youtube/youtube.android_11.47.tar.gz",
148 "youtube/youtube.android_12.10.tar.gz",
149 "proguardsettings.tar.gz",
150 ],
153x20Dependencies.each { entry ->
154 entry.value.each { entryFile ->
155 task "download_deps_${entry.key}/${entryFile}"(type: Exec) {
156 def gzFile = "${entry.key}/${entryFile}"
157 def sha1File = "${gzFile}.sha1"
158 inputs.file sha1File
159 outputs.file gzFile
160 executable "bash"
161 args "-c", "tools/ ${sha1File}"
162 }
163 }
166task downloadDeps {
167 cloudDependencies.each { entry ->
168 entry.value.each { entryFile ->
169 dependsOn "download_deps_${entry.key}/${entryFile}"
170 }
171 }
172 if (!project.hasProperty('no_internal')) {
173 x20Dependencies.each { entry ->
174 entry.value.each { entryFile ->
175 dependsOn "download_deps_${entry.key}/${entryFile}"
176 }
177 }
178 }
181allprojects {
182 sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
183 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
186tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
187 options.compilerArgs << '-Xlint:unchecked'
190compileJctfCommonJava {
191 dependsOn 'copyAdditionalJctfCommonFiles'
192 options.compilerArgs = ['-Xlint:none']
195compileJctfTestsJava {
196 dependsOn 'jctfCommonClasses'
197 options.compilerArgs = ['-Xlint:none']
200task R8(type: Jar) {
201 from sourceSets.main.output
202 baseName 'r8'
203 manifest {
204 attributes 'Main-Class': ''
205 }
206 // In order to build without dependencies, pass the exclude_deps property using:
207 // gradle -Pexclude_deps R8
208 if (!project.hasProperty('exclude_deps')) {
209 // Also include dependencies
210 from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
211 }
214task D8(type: Jar) {
215 from sourceSets.main.output
216 baseName 'd8'
217 manifest {
218 attributes 'Main-Class': ''
219 }
220 // In order to build without dependencies, pass the exclude_deps property using:
221 // gradle -Pexclude_deps D8
222 if (!project.hasProperty('exclude_deps')) {
223 // Also include dependencies
224 from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
225 }
228task CompatDx(type: Jar) {
229 from sourceSets.main.output
230 baseName 'compatdx'
231 manifest {
232 attributes 'Main-Class': ''
233 }
234 // In order to build without dependencies, pass the exclude_deps property using:
235 // gradle -Pexclude_deps CompatDx
236 if (!project.hasProperty('exclude_deps')) {
237 // Also include dependencies
238 from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
239 }
242task disasm(type: Jar) {
243 from sourceSets.main.output
244 baseName 'disasm'
245 manifest {
246 attributes 'Main-Class': ''
247 }
248 // In order to build without dependencies, pass the exclude_deps property using:
249 // gradle -Pexclude_deps D8
250 if (!project.hasProperty('exclude_deps')) {
251 // Also include dependencies
252 from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
253 }
256task bisect(type: Jar) {
257 from sourceSets.main.output
258 baseName 'bisect'
259 manifest {
260 attributes 'Main-Class': ''
261 }
262 // In order to build without dependencies, pass the exclude_deps property using:
263 // gradle -Pexclude_deps R8
264 if (!project.hasProperty('exclude_deps')) {
265 // Also include dependencies
266 from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
267 }
270task sourceJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
271 classifier = 'src'
272 from sourceSets.main.allSource
275task jctfCommonJar(type: Jar) {
276 from sourceSets.jctfCommon.output
277 baseName 'jctfCommon'
280artifacts {
281 archives sourceJar
284task createArtTests(type: Exec) {
285 def outputDir = "build/generated/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/art"
286 def createArtTestsScript = "scripts/"
287 inputs.file "tests/art.tar.gz"
288 inputs.file createArtTestsScript
289 outputs.dir outputDir
290 dependsOn downloadDeps
291 executable "bash"
292 args "${projectDir}/${createArtTestsScript}"
293 workingDir = projectDir
296task createJctfTests(type: Exec) {
297 def outputDir = "build/generated/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/art"
298 def script = "scripts/"
299 inputs.file script
300 outputs.dir outputDir
301 dependsOn downloadDeps
302 executable "bash"
303 args "${projectDir}/${script}"
304 workingDir = projectDir
307compileTestJava {
308 dependsOn createArtTests
309 dependsOn createJctfTests
312task buildDebugInfoExamplesDex {
313 def examplesDir = file("src/test/java")
314 def hostJar = "debuginfo_examples.jar"
315 def hostDexJar = "debuginfo_examples_dex.jar"
316 task "compile_debuginfo_examples"(type: JavaCompile) {
317 source = fileTree(dir: examplesDir, include: "com/android/tools/r8/debuginfo/*")
318 destinationDir = file("build/test/debuginfo_examples/classes")
319 classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
320 sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
321 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
322 options.compilerArgs += ["-Xlint:-options"]
323 }
324 task "jar_debuginfo_examples"(type: Jar, dependsOn: "compile_debuginfo_examples") {
325 archiveName = hostJar
326 destinationDir = file("build/test/")
327 from "build/test/debuginfo_examples/classes"
328 include "**/*.class"
329 }
330 task "dex_debuginfo_examples"(type: Exec,
331 dependsOn: ["jar_debuginfo_examples", "downloadDeps"]) {
332 executable file("tools/linux/dx/bin/dx");
333 args "--dex"
334 args "--output=build/test/${hostDexJar}"
335 args "build/test/${hostJar}"
336 inputs.file file("build/test/${hostJar}")
337 outputs.file file("build/test/${hostDexJar}")
338 }
339 dependsOn dex_debuginfo_examples
342task buildDebugTestResourcesJars {
343 dependsOn downloadDeps
344 def resourcesDir = file("src/test/debugTestResources")
345 def hostJar = "debug_test_resources.jar"
346 task "compile_debugTestResources"(type: JavaCompile) {
347 source = fileTree(dir: resourcesDir, include: '**/*.java')
348 destinationDir = file("build/test/debugTestResources/classes")
349 classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
350 sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
351 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
352 options.compilerArgs += ["-g", "-Xlint:-options"]
353 }
354 task "jar_debugTestResources"(type: Jar, dependsOn: "compile_debugTestResources") {
355 archiveName = hostJar
356 destinationDir = file("build/test/")
357 from "build/test/debugTestResources/classes"
358 include "**/*.class"
359 }
360 dependsOn jar_debugTestResources
363task buildExampleJars {
364 dependsOn downloadDeps
365 def examplesDir = file("src/test/examples")
366 def proguardScript = "third_party/proguard/proguard5.2.1/bin/"
367 task "compile_examples"(type: JavaCompile) {
368 source = fileTree(dir: examplesDir, include: '**/*.java')
369 destinationDir = file("build/test/examples/classes")
370 classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
371 sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
372 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
373 options.compilerArgs += ["-Xlint:-options"]
374 }
375 examplesDir.eachDir { dir ->
376 def name = dir.getName();
377 def exampleOutputDir = file("build/test/examples");
378 def jarName = "${name}.jar"
379 dependsOn "jar_example_${name}"
380 // The "throwing" test verifies debugging/stack info on the post-proguarded output.
381 def proguardConfigPath = "${dir}/proguard.cfg"
382 if (new File(proguardConfigPath).exists()) {
383 task "pre_proguard_example_${name}"(type: Jar, dependsOn: "compile_examples") {
384 archiveName = "${name}_pre_proguard.jar"
385 destinationDir = exampleOutputDir
386 from "build/test/examples/classes"
387 include "**/" + name + "/**/*.class"
388 }
389 def jarPath = files(tasks.getByPath("pre_proguard_example_${name}")).files.first();
390 def proguardJarPath = "${exampleOutputDir}/${jarName}"
391 def proguardMapPath = "${exampleOutputDir}/${name}/${name}.map"
392 task "jar_example_${name}"(type: Exec, dependsOn: "pre_proguard_example_${name}") {
393 inputs.files tasks.getByPath("pre_proguard_example_${name}")
394 inputs.file proguardConfigPath
395 // Enable these to get stdout and stderr redirected to files...
396 // standardOutput = new FileOutputStream('proguard.stdout')
397 // errorOutput = new FileOutputStream('proguard.stderr')
398 executable "bash"
399 args "-c", "${proguardScript} '-verbose -dontwarn java.** -injars ${jarPath}" +
400 " -outjars ${proguardJarPath}" +
401 " -include ${proguardConfigPath}" +
402 " -printmapping ${proguardMapPath}'"
403 outputs.file proguardJarPath
404 }
405 } else {
406 task "jar_example_${name}"(type: Jar, dependsOn: "compile_examples") {
407 archiveName = jarName
408 destinationDir = exampleOutputDir
409 from "build/test/examples/classes"
410 include "**/" + name + "/**/*.class"
411 }
412 }
413 }
416task buildExampleAndroidNJars {
417 dependsOn downloadDeps
418 def examplesDir = file("src/test/examplesAndroidN")
419 task "compile_examplesAndroidN"(type: JavaCompile) {
420 source = fileTree(dir: examplesDir, include: '**/*.java')
421 destinationDir = file("build/test/examplesAndroidN/classes")
422 classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
423 sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
424 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
425 options.compilerArgs += ["-Xlint:-options"]
426 }
427 examplesDir.eachDir { dir ->
428 def name = dir.getName();
429 def exampleOutputDir = file("build/test/examplesAndroidN");
430 def jarName = "${name}.jar"
431 dependsOn "jar_examplesAndroidN_${name}"
432 task "jar_examplesAndroidN_${name}"(type: Jar, dependsOn: "compile_examplesAndroidN") {
433 archiveName = jarName
434 destinationDir = exampleOutputDir
435 from "build/test/examplesAndroidN/classes"
436 include "**/" + name + "/**/*.class"
437 }
438 }
442task buildExampleAndroidOJars {
443 dependsOn downloadDeps
444 def examplesDir = file("src/test/examplesAndroidO")
445 // NOTE: we want to enable a scenario when test needs to reference some
446 // classes generated by legacy (1.6) Java compiler to test some specific
447 // behaviour. To do so we compile all the java files located in sub-directory
448 // called 'legacy' with Java 1.6, then compile the rest of the files with
449 // Java 1.8 and a reference to previously generated 1.6 classes.
451 // Compiling all classes in dirs 'legacy' with old Java version.
452 task "compile_examplesAndroidO_Legacy"(type: JavaCompile) {
453 source = fileTree(dir: examplesDir, include: '**/legacy/**/*.java')
454 destinationDir = file("build/test/examplesAndroidOLegacy/classes")
455 classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
456 sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_6
457 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_6
458 options.compilerArgs += ["-Xlint:-options", "-parameters"]
459 }
460 // Compiling the rest of the files as Java 1.8 code.
461 task "compile_examplesAndroidO"(type: JavaCompile) {
462 dependsOn "compile_examplesAndroidO_Legacy"
463 source = fileTree(dir: examplesDir, include: '**/*.java', exclude: '**/legacy/**/*.java')
464 destinationDir = file("build/test/examplesAndroidO/classes")
465 classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
466 classpath += files("build/test/examplesAndroidOLegacy/classes")
467 sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
468 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
469 options.compilerArgs += ["-Xlint:-options", "-parameters"]
470 }
471 examplesDir.eachDir { dir ->
472 def name = dir.getName();
473 def destinationDir = file("build/test/examplesAndroidO/classes");
474 if (file("src/test/examplesAndroidO/" + name + "/").isFile()) {
475 task "generate_examplesAndroidO_${name}"(type: JavaExec,
476 dependsOn: "compile_examplesAndroidO") {
477 main = name + ".TestGenerator"
478 classpath = files(destinationDir, sourceSets.main.compileClasspath)
479 args destinationDir
480 }
481 } else {
482 task "generate_examplesAndroidO_${name}" () {}
483 }
484 }
485 examplesDir.eachDir { dir ->
486 def name = dir.getName();
487 def exampleOutputDir = file("build/test/examplesAndroidO");
488 def jarName = "${name}.jar"
489 dependsOn "jar_examplesAndroidO_${name}"
490 task "jar_examplesAndroidO_${name}"(type: Jar, dependsOn: ["compile_examplesAndroidO",
491 "generate_examplesAndroidO_${name}"]) {
492 archiveName = jarName
493 destinationDir = exampleOutputDir
494 from "build/test/examplesAndroidO/classes" // Java 1.8 classes
495 from "build/test/examplesAndroidOLegacy/classes" // Java 1.6 classes
496 include "**/" + name + "/**/*.class"
497 // Do not include generator into the test runtime jar, it is not useful.
498 // Otherwise, shrinking will need ASM jars.
499 exclude "**/TestGenerator*"
500 }
501 }
504task buildExamples {
505 if (OperatingSystem.current().isMacOsX()) {
506 logger.lifecycle("WARNING: Testing (including building examples) is only partially supported on Mac OS.")
507 } else if (!OperatingSystem.current().isLinux()) {
508 logger.lifecycle("WARNING: Testing (including building examples) is not supported on your platform. " +
509 "It is fully supported on Linux and partially supported on Mac OS")
510 return;
511 }
512 dependsOn buildDebugTestResourcesJars
513 dependsOn buildExampleJars
514 dependsOn buildExampleAndroidNJars
515 dependsOn buildExampleAndroidOJars
516 def examplesDir = file("src/test/examples")
517 examplesDir.eachDir { dir ->
518 def name = dir.getName();
519 dependsOn "dex_example_${name}"
520 def exampleOutputDir = file("build/test/examples/" + name);
521 def dexPath = file("${exampleOutputDir}")
522 def debug = (name == "throwing")
523 if (!dexPath.exists()) {
524 dexPath.mkdirs()
525 }
526 task "dex_example_${name}"(type: dx.Dx, dependsOn: "jar_example_${name}") {
527 source = files(tasks.getByPath("jar_example_${name}")).asFileTree
528 destination = dexPath
529 debug = debug
530 }
531 }
534task buildSmali {
535 def smaliDir = file("src/test/smali")
536 smaliDir.eachDirRecurse() { dir ->
537 def name = dir.getName();
538 def relativeDir = smaliDir.toPath().relativize(dir.toPath());
539 def smaliOutputDir = file("build/test/smali/" + relativeDir);
540 smaliOutputDir.mkdirs()
541 outputs.dir smaliOutputDir
542 def taskName = "smali_build_${relativeDir.toString().replace('/', '_')}"
543 def smaliFiles = fileTree(dir: dir, include: '*.smali')
544 def javaFiles = fileTree(dir: dir, include: '*.java')
545 def destDir = smaliOutputDir;
546 def destFile = destDir.toPath().resolve("${name}.dex").toFile()
547 def intermediateFileName = "${name}-intermediate.dex";
548 def intermediateFile = destDir.toPath().resolve(intermediateFileName).toFile()
549 if (javaFiles.empty) {
550 if (!smaliFiles.empty) {
551 dependsOn "${taskName}_smali"
552 task "${taskName}_smali"(type: smali.Smali) {
553 source = smaliFiles
554 destination = destFile
555 }
556 }
557 } else {
558 dependsOn "${taskName}_dexmerger"
559 task "${taskName}_smali"(type: smali.Smali) {
560 source = smaliFiles
561 destination = intermediateFile
562 }
563 task "${taskName}_java"(type: JavaCompile) {
564 source = javaFiles
565 destinationDir destDir
566 classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
567 sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
568 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
569 options.compilerArgs += ["-Xlint:-options"]
570 }
571 task "${taskName}_jar"(type: Jar, dependsOn: "${taskName}_java") {
572 archiveName = "Test.jar"
573 destinationDir = destDir
574 from fileTree(dir: destDir, include: 'Test.class')
575 }
576 task "${taskName}_dx"(type: dx.Dx, dependsOn: "${taskName}_jar") {
577 source = fileTree(dir: destDir, include: 'Test.jar')
578 destination = destDir
579 }
580 task "${taskName}_dexmerger"(
581 type: dx.DexMerger, dependsOn: ["${taskName}_dx", "${taskName}_smali"]) {
582 source = fileTree(dir: destDir, include: ["classes.dex", intermediateFileName])
583 destination = destFile
584 }
585 }
586 }
589tasks.withType(Test) {
590 def userDefinedCoresPerFork = System.getenv('R8_GRADLE_CORES_PER_FORK')
591 def coresPerFork = userDefinedCoresPerFork ? userDefinedCoresPerFork.toInteger() : 3
592 // See
593 maxParallelForks = Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors().intdiv(coresPerFork) ?: 1
594 forkEvery = 0
595 // Use the Concurrent Mark Sweep GC (CMS) to keep memory usage at a resonable level.
596 jvmArgs = ["-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"]
599task buildPreNJdwpTestsJar(type: Jar) {
600 baseName = 'jdwp-tests-preN'
601 from zipTree('third_party/jdwp-tests/apache-harmony-jdwp-tests-host.jar')
602 // Exclude the classes containing java8
603 exclude 'org/apache/harmony/jpda/tests/jdwp/InterfaceType/*.class'
604 exclude 'org/apache/harmony/jpda/tests/jdwp/ObjectReference/InvokeMethodDefault*.class'
605 includeEmptyDirs = false
608test {
609 testLogging.exceptionFormat = 'full'
610 if (project.hasProperty('print_test_stdout')) {
611 testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
612 }
613 if (project.hasProperty('dex_vm')) {
614 println "Running with non default vm: " +'dex_vm')
615 systemProperty 'dex_vm','dex_vm')
616 if ('dex_vm') == '5.1.1' ||'dex_vm') == '6.0.1') {
617 // R8 and D8 compute the dex file version number based on the input.
618 // Jack generates dex files with version 37 which art 5.1.1 and 6.0.1 will not run.
619 // Therefore we skip the jack generated art tests with those art versions.
620 exclude "com/android/tools/r8/art/jack/**"
621 }
622 }
623 if (project.hasProperty('one_line_per_test')) {
624 beforeTest { desc ->
625 println "Start executing test ${} [${desc.className}]"
626 }
627 afterTest { desc, result ->
628 println "Done executing test ${} [${desc.className}] with result: ${result.resultType}"
629 }
630 }
631 if (project.hasProperty('no_internal')) {
632 exclude "com/android/tools/r8/internal/**"
633 }
634 if (project.hasProperty('only_internal')) {
635 include "com/android/tools/r8/internal/**"
636 }
637 if (project.hasProperty('tool')) {
638 if ('tool') == 'r8') {
639 exclude "com/android/tools/r8/art/*/d8/**"
640 } else {
641 assert('tool') == 'd8')
642 exclude "com/android/tools/r8/art/*/r8/**"
643 }
644 }
645 if (!project.hasProperty('all_tests')) {
646 exclude "com/android/tools/r8/art/dx/**"
647 exclude "com/android/tools/r8/art/jack/**"
648 }
649 // TODO(tamaskenez) enable jctf on all_tests when consolidated
650 if (!project.hasProperty('jctf') && !project.hasProperty('only_jctf')) {
651 exclude "com/android/tools/r8/art/jctf/**"
652 }
653 if (project.hasProperty('only_jctf')) {
654 include "com/android/tools/r8/art/jctf/**"
655 }
656 if (project.hasProperty('jctf_compile_only')) {
657 println "JCTF: compiling only"
658 systemProperty 'jctf_compile_only', '1'
659 }
661 if (OperatingSystem.current().isLinux() || OperatingSystem.current().isMacOsX()) {
662 if (OperatingSystem.current().isMacOsX()) {
663 logger.lifecycle("WARNING: Testing in only partially supported on Mac OS. " +
664 "Art only runs on Linux and tests requiring Art runs in a Docker container, which must be present. " +
665 "See tools/docker/ for details.")
666 }
667 dependsOn downloadDeps
668 dependsOn buildExamples
669 dependsOn buildSmali
670 dependsOn jctfCommonJar
671 dependsOn jctfTestsClasses
672 dependsOn buildDebugInfoExamplesDex
673 dependsOn buildPreNJdwpTestsJar
674 } else {
675 logger.lifecycle("WARNING: Testing in not supported on your platform. Testing is only fully supported on " +
676 "Linux and partially supported on Mac OS. Art does not run on other platforms.")
677 }
680// The Art tests we use for R8 are pre-build and downloaded from Google Cloud Storage.
682// To build and upload a new set of the Art tests for use with R8 follow these steps:
684// First of all an Android checkout is required. Currently it must be located
685// in $HOME/android/master.
687// TODO(ricow): simplify this
689// Before: update the checked in art, see scripts/
691// 1. Get an android checkout in $HOME/android/master and apply the patch from
694// 2. run the following commands in the Android checkout directory:
696// source build/
697// lunch aosp_angler-userdebug
698// make -j30 test-art-host
700// 3. In the R8 project root directory, make sure we have a clean state before starting:
701// tools/ downloadDeps
702// tools/ clean
703// rm -rf tests/art
705// 4. Now build in the R8 checkout (-P hack to not generate dirs when not running this target)
706// Make sure you have smali on your path, there is a build binary in the out directory of
707// the android checkout:
709// tools/ -Pandroid_source buildArtTests
711// 4a. If any failures are produced in step 4, figure out what went wrong and add an entry in
712// skippedTests with an explanation. Rerun from step 3.
714// 5. Run the tests:
715// tools/ clean
716// tools/
718// 5a. If any more tests fail, either fix the issue or add them to the toBeTriaged list (note that
719// you need to change "_" to "-" from stdout). Rerun from step 3 if anything was added to
720// toBeTriaged.
722// 6. To upload a new version to Google Cloud Storage
723// cd tests
724// -a --bucket r8-deps art
726enum DexTool {
727 JACK,
728 DX
731def androidCheckoutDir = file("${System.env.HOME}/android/master")
732def androidCheckoutJack = file("${androidCheckoutDir}/out/host/linux-x86/bin/jack");
733def androidCheckoutJackServer = file("${androidCheckoutDir}/out/host/linux-x86/bin/jack-admin");
735def artTestDir = file("${androidCheckoutDir}/art/test")
737if (project.hasProperty('android_source')) {
738 task buildArtTests {
739 outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
740 def toBeTriaged = [
741 "903-hello-tagging",
742 "904-object-allocation",
743 "905-object-free",
744 "906-iterate-heap",
745 "907-get-loaded-classes",
746 "908-gc-start-finish",
747 "954-invoke-polymorphic-verifier",
748 "955-methodhandles-smali",
749 "596-monitor-inflation",
750 ]
751 def skippedTests = toBeTriaged + [
752 // This test produces no jar.
753 "000-nop",
754 // This does not build, as it tests the error when the application exceeds more
755 // than 65536 methods
756 "089-many-methods",
757 // Requires some jack beta jar
758 "956-methodhandles",
759 ]
761 def skippedTestsDx = [
762 // Tests with custom build scripts, where javac is not passed the options
763 // -source 1.7 -target 1.7.
764 "462-checker-inlining-across-dex-files",
765 "556-invoke-super",
766 "569-checker-pattern-replacement",
767 // These tests use jack even when --build-with-javac-dx is specified.
768 "004-JniTest",
769 "048-reflect-v8",
770 "146-bad-interface",
771 "563-checker-invoke-super",
772 "580-checker-string-fact-intrinsics", // java.lang.StringFactory
773 "604-hot-static-interface",
774 "957-methodhandle-transforms",
775 "958-methodhandle-emulated-stackframe",
776 "959-invoke-polymorphic-accessors",
777 "961-default-iface-resolution-gen",
778 "962-iface-static",
779 "963-default-range-smali",
780 "964-default-iface-init-gen",
781 "965-default-verify",
782 "966-default-conflict",
783 "967-default-ame",
784 "968-default-partial-compile-gen",
785 "969-iface-super",
786 "970-iface-super-resolution-gen",
787 "971-iface-super",
788 // These tests does not build with --build-with-javac-dx
789 "004-NativeAllocations", // Javac error
790 "031-class-attributes",
791 "138-duplicate-classes-check",
792 "157-void-class", // Javac error
793 "580-checker-string-factory-intrinsics",
794 "612-jit-dex-cache",
795 "613-inlining-dex-cache",
796 "900-hello-plugin", // --experimental agents
797 "901-hello-ti-agent", // --experimental agents
798 "902-hello-transformation", // --experimental agents
799 "909-attach-agent", // --experimental agents
800 "946-obsolete-throw", // -source 1.7 -target 1.7, but use lambda
801 "950-redefine-intrinsic", // -source 1.7 -target 1.7, but use method references
802 "951-threaded-obsolete", // -source 1.7 -target 1.7, but use lambda
803 "960-default-smali", // --experimental default-methods
804 // These tests force the build to use jack
805 "953-invoke-polymorphic-compiler",
806 "958-methodhandle-stackframe",
807 ]
809 def artTestBuildDir = file("${projectDir}/tests/art")
811 if (androidCheckoutDir.exists()) {
812 dependsOn downloadDeps
813 artTestBuildDir.mkdirs()
814 // Ensure Jack server is running.
815 "${androidCheckoutJackServer} start-server".execute()
816 artTestDir.eachDir { dir ->
817 def name = dir.getName();
818 def markerFile = dir.toPath().resolve("info.txt").toFile();
819 if (markerFile.exists() && !(name in skippedTests)) {
820 if (!(name in skippedTestsDx)) {
821 dependsOn buildArtTest(androidCheckoutDir, artTestBuildDir, dir, DexTool.DX);
822 }
823 dependsOn buildArtTest(androidCheckoutDir, artTestBuildDir, dir, DexTool.JACK);
824 }
825 }
826 }
827 doFirst {
828 if (!androidCheckoutDir.exists()) {
829 throw new InvalidUserDataException(
830 "This task requires an Android checkout in ${androidCheckoutDir}");
831 } else if (!androidCheckoutJack.exists() ||
832 !androidCheckoutJackServer.exists()) {
833 throw new InvalidUserDataException(
834 "This task requires that tools for host testing have been build in the " +
835 "Android checkout in ${androidCheckoutDir}");
836 }
837 }
838 doLast {
839 copy {
840 from file("${androidCheckoutDir}/out/host/linux-x86/nativetest64")
841 into file("${artTestBuildDir}/lib64")
842 include 'lib*.so'
843 }
844 copy {
845 from file("${androidCheckoutDir}/out/host/linux-x86/lib64")
846 into file("${artTestBuildDir}/lib64")
847 include ''
848 include ''
849 include ''
850 include ''
851 include ''
852 include ''
853 include ''
854 include ''
855 include ''
856 include ''
857 include ''
858 include ''
859 }
860 copy {
861 from file("${androidCheckoutDir}/out/host/linux-x86/nativetest")
862 into file("${artTestBuildDir}/lib")
863 include 'lib*.so'
864 }
865 copy {
866 from file("${androidCheckoutDir}/out/host/linux-x86/lib")
867 into file("${artTestBuildDir}/lib")
868 include ''
869 include ''
870 include ''
871 include ''
872 include ''
873 include ''
874 include ''
875 include ''
876 include ''
877 include ''
878 include ''
879 include ''
880 }
881 }
882 }
885def buildArtTest(androidCheckoutDir, artTestBuildDir, dir, dexTool) {
886 def artTestDir = file("${androidCheckoutDir}/art/test")
887 def artRunTestScript = file("${artTestDir}/run-test")
888 def dxExecutable = new File("tools/linux/dx/bin/dx");
889 def dexMergerExecutable = new File("tools/linux/dx/bin/dexmerger");
890 def dexToolName = dexTool == DexTool.DX ? "dx" : "jack"
892 def name = dir.getName();
893 def buildTask = "build_art_test_${dexToolName}_${name}"
894 def sanitizeTask = "sanitize_art_test_${dexToolName}_${name}"
895 def copyCheckTask = "copy_check_art_test_${dexToolName}_${name}"
896 def smaliToDexTask = "smali_to_dex_${dexToolName}_${name}"
898 def buildInputs = fileTree(dir: dir, include: '**/*')
899 def testDir = file("${artTestBuildDir}/${dexToolName}/${name}")
900 def outputJar = testDir.toPath().resolve("${name}.jar").toFile()
901 testDir.mkdirs()
902 if (dexTool == DexTool.DX) {
903 task "$buildTask"(type: Exec) {
904 outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
905 inputs.file buildInputs
906 executable "${artRunTestScript}"
907 args "--host"
908 args "--build-only"
909 args "--build-with-javac-dx"
910 args "--output-path", "${testDir}"
911 args "${name}"
912 environment DX: "${dxExecutable.absolutePath}"
913 environment DXMERGER: "${dexMergerExecutable.absolutePath}"
914 outputs.file outputJar
915 }
916 } else {
917 assert dexTool == DexTool.JACK
918 def javaLibs = "${androidCheckoutDir}/out/host/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES"
919 def jackClasspath = "${javaLibs}/core-libart-hostdex_intermediates/classes.jack:" +
920 "${javaLibs}/core-oj-hostdex_intermediates/classes.jack"
921 task "$buildTask"(type: Exec) {
922 outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
923 inputs.file buildInputs
924 executable "${artRunTestScript}"
925 args "--host"
926 args "--build-only"
927 args "--output-path", "${testDir}"
928 args "${name}"
929 environment JACK: "${androidCheckoutDir}/out/host/linux-x86/bin/jack"
930 environment JACK_CLASSPATH: jackClasspath
931 environment DXMERGER: "${dexMergerExecutable.absolutePath}"
932 environment ANDROID_BUILD_TOP: "${androidCheckoutDir}"
933 outputs.file outputJar
934 }
935 }
936 task "${sanitizeTask}"(type: Exec, dependsOn: buildTask) {
937 outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
938 executable "/bin/bash"
939 args "-c"
940 args "rm -rf ${testDir}/smali_*.dex ${testDir}/*-ex.dex ${testDir}/*-ex.jar" +
941 " ${testDir}/classes-ex ${testDir}/check"
942 }
944 task "${smaliToDexTask}"(type: Exec) {
945 workingDir "${testDir}/smali"
946 executable "/bin/bash"
947 args "-c", "smali -o out.dex *.smali"
948 }
950 task "${copyCheckTask}"(type: Copy, dependsOn: sanitizeTask) {
951 def smali_dir = file("${dir}/smali")
952 outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
953 if (smali_dir.exists() && dexTool == DexTool.DX) {
954 dependsOn smaliToDexTask
955 }
956 from("${artTestDir}/${name}") {
957 include 'check'
958 }
959 into testDir
960 }
962 return copyCheckTask
965task javadocD8(type: Javadoc) {
966 classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
967 source = sourceSets.main.allJava
968 include '**/com/android/tools/r8/'
969 include '**/com/android/tools/r8/'
970 include '**/com/android/tools/r8/'
971 include '**/com/android/tools/r8/'
972 include '**/com/android/tools/r8/'
973 include '**/com/android/tools/r8/'
974 include '**/com/android/tools/r8/'
975 include '**/com/android/tools/r8/'