blob: 6f1f43554f9105d1433f9999fc5f72be490c3c1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.List;
public class HumanTopLevelFlags {
private final AndroidApiLevel requiredCompilationAPILevel;
private final String synthesizedLibraryClassesPackagePrefix;
private final String identifier;
private final String jsonSource;
// Setting supportAllCallbacksFromLibrary reduces the number of generated call-backs,
// more specifically:
// - no call-back is generated for emulated interface method overrides (forEach, etc.)
// - no call-back is generated inside the desugared library itself.
// Such setting decreases significantly the desugared library dex file, but virtual calls from
// within the library to desugared library classes instances as receiver may be incorrect, for
// example the method forEach in Iterable may be executed over a concrete implementation.
private final boolean supportAllCallbacksFromLibrary;
private final List<String> extraKeepRules;
AndroidApiLevel requiredCompilationAPILevel,
String synthesizedLibraryClassesPackagePrefix,
String identifier,
String jsonSource,
boolean supportAllCallbacksFromLibrary,
List<String> extraKeepRules) {
this.requiredCompilationAPILevel = requiredCompilationAPILevel;
this.synthesizedLibraryClassesPackagePrefix = synthesizedLibraryClassesPackagePrefix;
this.identifier = identifier;
this.jsonSource = jsonSource;
this.supportAllCallbacksFromLibrary = supportAllCallbacksFromLibrary;
this.extraKeepRules = extraKeepRules;
public static HumanTopLevelFlags empty() {
return new HumanTopLevelFlags(
AndroidApiLevel.B, "unused", null, null, true, ImmutableList.of());
public static HumanTopLevelFlags testing() {
return new HumanTopLevelFlags(
AndroidApiLevel.R, "unused", "testing", null, true, ImmutableList.of());
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public AndroidApiLevel getRequiredCompilationAPILevel() {
return requiredCompilationAPILevel;
public String getSynthesizedLibraryClassesPackagePrefix() {
return synthesizedLibraryClassesPackagePrefix;
public String getIdentifier() {
return identifier;
public String getJsonSource() {
return jsonSource;
public boolean supportAllCallbacksFromLibrary() {
return supportAllCallbacksFromLibrary;
public List<String> getExtraKeepRules() {
return extraKeepRules;
public static class Builder implements TopLevelFlagsBuilder<Builder> {
private AndroidApiLevel requiredCompilationAPILevel;
private String synthesizedLibraryClassesPackagePrefix;
private String identifier;
private String jsonSource;
private Boolean supportAllCallbacksFromLibrary;
private List<String> extraKeepRules;
Builder() {}
public Builder setRequiredCompilationAPILevel(AndroidApiLevel requiredCompilationAPILevel) {
this.requiredCompilationAPILevel = requiredCompilationAPILevel;
return this;
public Builder setSynthesizedLibraryClassesPackagePrefix(String prefix) {
this.synthesizedLibraryClassesPackagePrefix = prefix.replace('.', '/');
return this;
public Builder setDesugaredLibraryIdentifier(String identifier) {
this.identifier = identifier;
return this;
public Builder setJsonSource(String jsonSource) {
this.jsonSource = jsonSource;
return this;
public Builder setSupportAllCallbacksFromLibrary(boolean supportAllCallbacksFromLibrary) {
this.supportAllCallbacksFromLibrary = supportAllCallbacksFromLibrary;
return this;
public Builder setExtraKeepRules(List<String> rules) {
extraKeepRules = rules;
return this;
public HumanTopLevelFlags build() {
assert synthesizedLibraryClassesPackagePrefix != null;
assert supportAllCallbacksFromLibrary != null;
return new HumanTopLevelFlags(