blob: 5271c0afd48c08f6d4dc2b511e54713691248238 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import static;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.objectweb.asm.Handle;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;
public abstract class DexValue extends DexItem implements StructuralItem<DexValue> {
public enum DexValueKind {
public static DexValueKind fromId(int id) {
switch (id) {
case 0x00:
return BYTE;
case 0x02:
return SHORT;
case 0x03:
return CHAR;
case 0x04:
return INT;
case 0x06:
return LONG;
case 0x10:
return FLOAT;
case 0x11:
return DOUBLE;
case 0x15:
case 0x16:
case 0x17:
return STRING;
case 0x18:
return TYPE;
case 0x19:
return FIELD;
case 0x1a:
return METHOD;
case 0x1b:
return ENUM;
case 0x1c:
return ARRAY;
case 0x1d:
case 0x1e:
return NULL;
case 0x1f:
return BOOLEAN;
throw new Unreachable();
private final byte b;
DexValueKind(int b) {
this.b = (byte) b;
byte toByte() {
return b;
public DexValue self() {
return this;
public final StructuralMapping<DexValue> getStructuralMapping() {
// DexValue is not generic at its base type (and can't as we use it as a polymorphic value),
// so each concrete value must implement polymorphic accept functions. This base class
// implements (most of) the polymorphic checks and concrete types implement the internal
// variants for that type.
throw new Unreachable();
public final int acceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
// Order first on 'kind', only equal kinds then forward to the 'kind' specific internal compare.
if (getValueKind() != other.getValueKind()) {
return visitor.visitInt(getValueKind().toByte(), other.getValueKind().toByte());
} else {
return internalAcceptCompareTo(other, visitor);
public final void acceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
// Always hash the 'kind' which ensures that raw values of different type are distinct.
abstract int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor);
abstract void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor);
public static final DexValue[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {};
public abstract DexValueKind getValueKind();
public boolean isDexItemBasedValueString() {
return false;
public DexItemBasedValueString asDexItemBasedValueString() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueMethodHandle() {
return false;
public DexValueMethodHandle asDexValueMethodHandle() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueMethodType() {
return false;
public DexValueMethodType asDexValueMethodType() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueAnnotation() {
return false;
public DexValueAnnotation asDexValueAnnotation() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueArray() {
return false;
public DexValueArray asDexValueArray() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueBoolean() {
return false;
public DexValueBoolean asDexValueBoolean() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueByte() {
return false;
public DexValueByte asDexValueByte() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueDouble() {
return false;
public DexValueDouble asDexValueDouble() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueChar() {
return false;
public DexValueChar asDexValueChar() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueEnum() {
return false;
public DexValueEnum asDexValueEnum() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueField() {
return false;
public DexValueField asDexValueField() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueFloat() {
return false;
public DexValueFloat asDexValueFloat() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueInt() {
return false;
public DexValueInt asDexValueInt() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueLong() {
return false;
public DexValueLong asDexValueLong() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueMethod() {
return false;
public DexValueMethod asDexValueMethod() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueNull() {
return false;
public DexValueNull asDexValueNull() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueNumber() {
return false;
public DexValueNumber asDexValueNumber() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueShort() {
return false;
public DexValueShort asDexValueShort() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueString() {
return false;
public DexValueString asDexValueString() {
return null;
public boolean isDexValueType() {
return false;
public DexValueType asDexValueType() {
return null;
public boolean isNestedDexValue() {
return false;
public abstract AbstractValue toAbstractValue(AbstractValueFactory factory);
public static DexValue fromAsmBootstrapArgument(
Object value, JarApplicationReader application, DexType clazz) {
if (value instanceof Integer) {
return DexValue.DexValueInt.create((Integer) value);
} else if (value instanceof Long) {
return DexValue.DexValueLong.create((Long) value);
} else if (value instanceof Float) {
return DexValue.DexValueFloat.create((Float) value);
} else if (value instanceof Double) {
return DexValue.DexValueDouble.create((Double) value);
} else if (value instanceof String) {
return new DexValue.DexValueString(application.getString((String) value));
} else if (value instanceof Type) {
Type type = (Type) value;
switch (type.getSort()) {
case Type.OBJECT:
return new DexValue.DexValueType(
application.getTypeFromDescriptor(((Type) value).getDescriptor()));
case Type.METHOD:
return new DexValue.DexValueMethodType(
application.getProto(((Type) value).getDescriptor()));
throw new Unreachable("Type sort is not supported: " + type.getSort());
} else if (value instanceof Handle) {
return new DexValue.DexValueMethodHandle(
DexMethodHandle.fromAsmHandle((Handle) value, application, clazz));
} else {
throw new Unreachable(
"Unsupported bootstrap static argument of type " + value.getClass().getSimpleName());
private static void writeHeader(DexValueKind kind, int arg, DexOutputBuffer dest) {
dest.putByte((byte) ((arg << 5) | kind.toByte()));
public void collectIndexedItems(AppView<?> appView, IndexedItemCollection indexedItems) {
// Intentionally left empty
void collectMixedSectionItems(MixedSectionCollection mixedItems) {
// Should never be visited.
throw new Unreachable();
public abstract void sort();
public abstract void writeTo(DexOutputBuffer dest, ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping);
public abstract int hashCode();
public abstract boolean equals(Object other);
public abstract String toString();
public static DexValue defaultForType(DexType type) {
switch (type.toShorty()) {
case 'Z':
return DexValueBoolean.DEFAULT;
case 'B':
return DexValueByte.DEFAULT;
case 'C':
return DexValueChar.DEFAULT;
case 'S':
return DexValueShort.DEFAULT;
case 'I':
return DexValueInt.DEFAULT;
case 'J':
return DexValueLong.DEFAULT;
case 'F':
return DexValueFloat.DEFAULT;
case 'D':
return DexValueDouble.DEFAULT;
case 'L':
return DexValueNull.NULL;
throw new Unreachable("No default value for unexpected type " + type);
public abstract DexType getType(DexItemFactory factory);
public abstract Object getBoxedValue();
/** Returns an instruction that can be used to materialize this {@link DexValue} (or null). */
public ConstInstruction asConstInstruction(
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView, IRCode code, DebugLocalInfo local) {
return null;
public boolean isDefault(DexType type) {
return this == defaultForType(type);
* Whether creating this value as a default value for a field might trigger an allocation.
* <p>This is conservative. It also considers allocations due to class loading when referencing a
* field or method.
public boolean mayHaveSideEffects() {
return true;
public abstract Object asAsmEncodedObject();
private abstract static class SimpleDexValue extends DexValue {
public void sort() {
// Intentionally empty
public boolean mayHaveSideEffects() {
return false;
static void writeIntegerTo(DexValueKind kind, long value, int expected, DexOutputBuffer dest) {
// Leave space for header.
int length = dest.putSignedEncodedValue(value, expected);
dest.rewind(length + 1);
writeHeader(kind, length - 1, dest);
public abstract static class DexValueNumber extends SimpleDexValue {
public abstract long getRawValue();
public boolean isDexValueNumber() {
return true;
public DexValueNumber asDexValueNumber() {
return this;
public AbstractValue toAbstractValue(AbstractValueFactory factory) {
return factory.createSingleNumberValue(getRawValue());
public static class DexValueByte extends DexValueNumber {
public static final DexValueByte DEFAULT = new DexValueByte((byte) 0);
final byte value;
private DexValueByte(byte value) {
this.value = value;
public static DexValueByte create(byte value) {
return value == DEFAULT.value ? DEFAULT : new DexValueByte(value);
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitInt(value, other.asDexValueByte().value);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
public byte getValue() {
return value;
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.BYTE;
public DexType getType(DexItemFactory factory) {
return factory.byteType;
public long getRawValue() {
return value;
public boolean isDexValueByte() {
return true;
public DexValueByte asDexValueByte() {
return this;
public Object getBoxedValue() {
return getValue();
public void writeTo(DexOutputBuffer dest, ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping) {
writeHeader(DexValueKind.BYTE, 0, dest);
dest.putSignedEncodedValue(value, 1);
public Object asAsmEncodedObject() {
return Integer.valueOf(value);
public int hashCode() {
return value * 3;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == this) {
return true;
return other instanceof DexValueByte && value == ((DexValueByte) other).value;
public String toString() {
return "Byte " + value;
public ConstInstruction asConstInstruction(
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView, IRCode code, DebugLocalInfo local) {
return code.createIntConstant(value, local);
public static class DexValueShort extends DexValueNumber {
public static final DexValueShort DEFAULT = new DexValueShort((short) 0);
final short value;
private DexValueShort(short value) {
this.value = value;
public static DexValueShort create(short value) {
return value == DEFAULT.value ? DEFAULT : new DexValueShort(value);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitInt(value, other.asDexValueShort().getValue());
public short getValue() {
return value;
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.SHORT;
public DexType getType(DexItemFactory factory) {
return factory.shortType;
public long getRawValue() {
return value;
public boolean isDexValueShort() {
return true;
public DexValueShort asDexValueShort() {
return this;
public Object getBoxedValue() {
return getValue();
public void writeTo(DexOutputBuffer dest, ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping) {
writeIntegerTo(DexValueKind.SHORT, value, Short.BYTES, dest);
public Object asAsmEncodedObject() {
return Integer.valueOf(value);
public int hashCode() {
return value * 7;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == this) {
return true;
return other instanceof DexValueShort && value == ((DexValueShort) other).value;
public String toString() {
return "Short " + value;
public ConstInstruction asConstInstruction(
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView, IRCode code, DebugLocalInfo local) {
return code.createIntConstant(value, local);
public static class DexValueChar extends DexValueNumber {
public static final DexValueChar DEFAULT = new DexValueChar((char) 0);
final char value;
private DexValueChar(char value) {
this.value = value;
public static DexValueChar create(char value) {
return value == DEFAULT.value ? DEFAULT : new DexValueChar(value);
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitInt(value, other.asDexValueChar().value);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
public char getValue() {
return value;
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.CHAR;
public DexType getType(DexItemFactory factory) {
return factory.charType;
public long getRawValue() {
return value;
public boolean isDexValueChar() {
return true;
public DexValueChar asDexValueChar() {
return this;
public Object getBoxedValue() {
return getValue();
public void writeTo(DexOutputBuffer dest, ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping) {
int length = dest.putUnsignedEncodedValue(value, 2);
dest.rewind(length + 1);
writeHeader(DexValueKind.CHAR, length - 1, dest);
public Object asAsmEncodedObject() {
return Integer.valueOf(value);
public int hashCode() {
return value * 5;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == this) {
return true;
return other instanceof DexValueChar && value == ((DexValueChar) other).value;
public String toString() {
return "Char " + value;
public ConstInstruction asConstInstruction(
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView, IRCode code, DebugLocalInfo local) {
return code.createIntConstant(value, local);
public static class DexValueInt extends DexValueNumber {
public static final DexValueInt DEFAULT = new DexValueInt(0);
public final int value;
private DexValueInt(int value) {
this.value = value;
public static DexValueInt create(int value) {
return value == DEFAULT.value ? DEFAULT : new DexValueInt(value);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitInt(value, other.asDexValueInt().value);
public int getValue() {
return value;
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.INT;
public DexType getType(DexItemFactory factory) {
return factory.intType;
public long getRawValue() {
return value;
public Object getBoxedValue() {
return getValue();
public void writeTo(DexOutputBuffer dest, ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping) {
writeIntegerTo(DexValueKind.INT, value, Integer.BYTES, dest);
public boolean isDexValueInt() {
return true;
public DexValueInt asDexValueInt() {
return this;
public Object asAsmEncodedObject() {
return Integer.valueOf(value);
public int hashCode() {
return value * 11;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == this) {
return true;
return other instanceof DexValueInt && value == ((DexValueInt) other).value;
public String toString() {
return "Int " + value;
public ConstInstruction asConstInstruction(
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView, IRCode code, DebugLocalInfo local) {
return code.createIntConstant(value, local);
public static class DexValueLong extends DexValueNumber {
public static final DexValueLong DEFAULT = new DexValueLong(0);
final long value;
private DexValueLong(long value) {
this.value = value;
public static DexValueLong create(long value) {
return value == DEFAULT.value ? DEFAULT : new DexValueLong(value);
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitLong(value, other.asDexValueLong().value);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
public long getValue() {
return value;
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.LONG;
public DexType getType(DexItemFactory factory) {
return factory.longType;
public long getRawValue() {
return value;
public boolean isDexValueLong() {
return true;
public DexValueLong asDexValueLong() {
return this;
public Object getBoxedValue() {
return getValue();
public void writeTo(DexOutputBuffer dest, ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping) {
writeIntegerTo(DexValueKind.LONG, value, Long.BYTES, dest);
public Object asAsmEncodedObject() {
return Long.valueOf(value);
public int hashCode() {
return (int) value * 13;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == this) {
return true;
return other instanceof DexValueLong && value == ((DexValueLong) other).value;
public String toString() {
return "Long " + value;
public ConstInstruction asConstInstruction(
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView, IRCode code, DebugLocalInfo local) {
return code.createLongConstant(value, local);
public static class DexValueFloat extends DexValueNumber {
public static final DexValueFloat DEFAULT = new DexValueFloat(0);
final float value;
private DexValueFloat(float value) {
this.value = value;
public static DexValueFloat create(float value) {
return, DEFAULT.value) == 0 ? DEFAULT : new DexValueFloat(value);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitFloat(value, other.asDexValueFloat().value);
public float getValue() {
return value;
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.FLOAT;
public DexType getType(DexItemFactory factory) {
return factory.floatType;
public long getRawValue() {
return Float.floatToIntBits(value);
public boolean isDexValueFloat() {
return true;
public DexValueFloat asDexValueFloat() {
return this;
public Object getBoxedValue() {
return getValue();
public void writeTo(DexOutputBuffer dest, ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping) {
int length = EncodedValueUtils.putFloat(dest, value);
dest.rewind(length + 1);
writeHeader(DexValueKind.FLOAT, length - 1, dest);
public Object asAsmEncodedObject() {
return Float.valueOf(value);
public ConstInstruction asConstInstruction(
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView, IRCode code, DebugLocalInfo local) {
return code.createFloatConstant(value, local);
public int hashCode() {
return (int) (value * 19);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == this) {
return true;
return other instanceof DexValueFloat
&&, ((DexValueFloat) other).value) == 0;
public String toString() {
return "Float " + value;
public static class DexValueDouble extends DexValueNumber {
public static final DexValueDouble DEFAULT = new DexValueDouble(0);
final double value;
private DexValueDouble(double value) {
this.value = value;
public static DexValueDouble create(double value) {
return, DEFAULT.value) == 0 ? DEFAULT : new DexValueDouble(value);
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitDouble(value, other.asDexValueDouble().value);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
public double getValue() {
return value;
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.DOUBLE;
public DexType getType(DexItemFactory factory) {
return factory.doubleType;
public long getRawValue() {
return Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value);
public boolean isDexValueDouble() {
return true;
public DexValueDouble asDexValueDouble() {
return this;
public Object getBoxedValue() {
return getValue();
public void writeTo(DexOutputBuffer dest, ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping) {
int length = EncodedValueUtils.putDouble(dest, value);
dest.rewind(length + 1);
writeHeader(DexValueKind.DOUBLE, length - 1, dest);
public Object asAsmEncodedObject() {
return Double.valueOf(value);
public ConstInstruction asConstInstruction(
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView, IRCode code, DebugLocalInfo local) {
return code.createDoubleConstant(value, local);
public int hashCode() {
return (int) (value * 29);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == this) {
return true;
return (other instanceof DexValueDouble) &&
(, ((DexValueDouble) other).value) == 0);
public String toString() {
return "Double " + value;
static private abstract class NestedDexValue<T extends IndexedDexItem> extends DexValue {
public final T value;
private NestedDexValue(T value) {
this.value = value;
public boolean isNestedDexValue() {
return true;
public DexType getType(DexItemFactory factory) {
throw new Unreachable();
public T getValue() {
return value;
public void writeTo(DexOutputBuffer dest, ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping) {
int offset = value.getOffset(mapping);
int length = dest.putUnsignedEncodedValue(offset, 4);
dest.rewind(length + 1);
writeHeader(getValueKind(), length - 1, dest);
public Object getBoxedValue() {
throw new Unreachable("No boxed value for DexValue " + this.getClass().getSimpleName());
public Object asAsmEncodedObject() {
throw new Unreachable("No ASM conversion for DexValue " + this.getClass().getSimpleName());
public void sort() {
// Intentionally empty.
public int hashCode() {
return value.hashCode() * 7 + getValueKind().toByte();
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == this) {
return true;
if (other instanceof NestedDexValue) {
NestedDexValue<?> that = (NestedDexValue<?>) other;
return that.getValueKind() == getValueKind() && that.value.equals(value);
return false;
public String toString() {
return "Item " + getValueKind() + " " + value;
static public class DexValueString extends NestedDexValue<DexString> {
public DexValueString(DexString value) {
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
int order = DexItemBasedValueString.compareAndCheckValueStrings(this, other, visitor);
if (order != 0) {
return order;
return value.acceptCompareTo(other.asDexValueString().value, visitor);
public void collectIndexedItems(AppView<?> appView, IndexedItemCollection indexedItems) {
public DexValueString asDexValueString() {
return this;
public boolean isDexValueString() {
return true;
public Object asAsmEncodedObject() {
return value.toString();
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.STRING;
public DexType getType(DexItemFactory factory) {
return factory.stringType;
public ConstInstruction asConstInstruction(
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView, IRCode code, DebugLocalInfo local) {
TypeElement type = TypeElement.stringClassType(appView, definitelyNotNull());
Value outValue = code.createValue(type, local);
ConstString instruction = new ConstString(outValue, value);
if (!instruction.instructionInstanceCanThrow()) {
return instruction;
return null;
public boolean mayHaveSideEffects() {
// Assuming that strings do not have side-effects.
return false;
public AbstractValue toAbstractValue(AbstractValueFactory factory) {
return factory.createSingleStringValue(value);
public static class DexItemBasedValueString extends NestedDexValue<DexReference> {
// Helper to ensure a consistent order on DexValueString and DexItemBasedValueString which are
// both defined to have kind 'string'.
static int compareAndCheckValueStrings(DexValue v1, DexValue v2, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
assert v1.getValueKind() == DexValueKind.STRING;
assert v2.getValueKind() == DexValueKind.STRING;
int order1 = v1.isDexItemBasedValueString() ? 1 : 0;
int order2 = v2.isDexItemBasedValueString() ? 1 : 0;
return visitor.visitInt(order1, order2);
private final NameComputationInfo<?> nameComputationInfo;
public DexItemBasedValueString(DexReference value, NameComputationInfo<?> nameComputationInfo) {
this.nameComputationInfo = nameComputationInfo;
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
int order = compareAndCheckValueStrings(this, other, visitor);
if (order != 0) {
return order;
return visitor.visitDexReference(value, other.asDexItemBasedValueString().value);
public void collectIndexedItems(AppView<?> appView, IndexedItemCollection indexedItems) {
value.collectIndexedItems(appView, indexedItems);
public NameComputationInfo<?> getNameComputationInfo() {
return nameComputationInfo;
public boolean isDexItemBasedValueString() {
return true;
public DexItemBasedValueString asDexItemBasedValueString() {
return this;
public Object asAsmEncodedObject() {
return value.toString();
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.STRING;
public DexType getType(DexItemFactory factory) {
return factory.stringType;
public ConstInstruction asConstInstruction(
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView, IRCode code, DebugLocalInfo local) {
TypeElement type = TypeElement.stringClassType(appView, definitelyNotNull());
Value outValue = code.createValue(type, local);
DexItemBasedConstString instruction =
new DexItemBasedConstString(outValue, value, nameComputationInfo);
// DexItemBasedConstString cannot throw.
assert !instruction.instructionInstanceCanThrow();
return instruction;
public AbstractValue toAbstractValue(AbstractValueFactory factory) {
return factory.createSingleDexItemBasedStringValue(value, nameComputationInfo);
public void writeTo(DexOutputBuffer dest, ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping) {
throw new Unreachable(
"DexItemBasedValueString values should always be rewritten into DexValueString");
static public class DexValueType extends NestedDexValue<DexType> {
public DexValueType(DexType value) {
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return value.acceptCompareTo(other.asDexValueType().value, visitor);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.TYPE;
public void collectIndexedItems(AppView<?> appView, IndexedItemCollection indexedItems) {
value.collectIndexedItems(appView, indexedItems);
public DexValueType asDexValueType() {
return this;
public boolean isDexValueType() {
return true;
public AbstractValue toAbstractValue(AbstractValueFactory factory) {
return UnknownValue.getInstance();
static public class DexValueField extends NestedDexValue<DexField> {
public DexValueField(DexField value) {
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return value.acceptCompareTo(other.asDexValueField().value, visitor);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.FIELD;
public void collectIndexedItems(AppView<?> appView, IndexedItemCollection indexedItems) {
value.collectIndexedItems(appView, indexedItems);
public boolean isDexValueField() {
return true;
public DexValueField asDexValueField() {
return this;
public AbstractValue toAbstractValue(AbstractValueFactory factory) {
return UnknownValue.getInstance();
static public class DexValueMethod extends NestedDexValue<DexMethod> {
public DexValueMethod(DexMethod value) {
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return value.acceptCompareTo(other.asDexValueMethod().value, visitor);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.METHOD;
public void collectIndexedItems(AppView<?> appView, IndexedItemCollection indexedItems) {
value.collectIndexedItems(appView, indexedItems);
public boolean isDexValueMethod() {
return true;
public DexValueMethod asDexValueMethod() {
return this;
public AbstractValue toAbstractValue(AbstractValueFactory factory) {
return UnknownValue.getInstance();
static public class DexValueEnum extends NestedDexValue<DexField> {
public DexValueEnum(DexField value) {
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return value.acceptCompareTo(other.asDexValueEnum().value, visitor);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.ENUM;
public void collectIndexedItems(AppView<?> appView, IndexedItemCollection indexedItems) {
value.collectIndexedItems(appView, indexedItems);
public boolean isDexValueEnum() {
return true;
public DexValueEnum asDexValueEnum() {
return this;
public AbstractValue toAbstractValue(AbstractValueFactory factory) {
return UnknownValue.getInstance();
static public class DexValueMethodType extends NestedDexValue<DexProto> {
public DexValueMethodType(DexProto value) {
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return value.acceptCompareTo(other.asDexValueMethodType().value, visitor);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
public boolean isDexValueMethodType() {
return true;
public DexValueMethodType asDexValueMethodType() {
return this;
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.METHOD_TYPE;
public void collectIndexedItems(AppView<?> appView, IndexedItemCollection indexedItems) {
value.collectIndexedItems(appView, indexedItems);
public AbstractValue toAbstractValue(AbstractValueFactory factory) {
return UnknownValue.getInstance();
static public class DexValueArray extends DexValue {
final DexValue[] values;
public DexValueArray(DexValue[] values) {
this.values = values;
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitItemArray(values, other.asDexValueArray().values);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
public void forEachElement(Consumer<DexValue> consumer) {
for (DexValue value : values) {
public DexValue[] getValues() {
return values;
public int size() {
return values.length;
public DexValue getValue(int i) {
return values[i];
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.ARRAY;
public void collectIndexedItems(AppView<?> appView, IndexedItemCollection indexedItems) {
for (DexValue value : values) {
value.collectIndexedItems(appView, indexedItems);
public void writeTo(DexOutputBuffer dest, ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping) {
writeHeader(DexValueKind.ARRAY, 0, dest);
for (DexValue value : values) {
value.writeTo(dest, mapping);
public DexType getType(DexItemFactory factory) {
throw new Unreachable();
public Object getBoxedValue() {
throw new Unreachable("No boxed value for DexValueArray");
public AbstractValue toAbstractValue(AbstractValueFactory factory) {
return UnknownValue.getInstance();
public Object asAsmEncodedObject() {
throw new Unreachable("No ASM conversion for DexValueArray");
public void sort() {
for (DexValue value : values) {
public int hashCode() {
return Arrays.hashCode(values);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == this) {
return true;
if (other instanceof DexValueArray) {
DexValueArray that = (DexValueArray) other;
return Arrays.equals(that.values, values);
return false;
public String toString() {
return "Array " + Arrays.toString(values);
public boolean isDexValueArray() {
return true;
public DexValueArray asDexValueArray() {
return this;
static public class DexValueAnnotation extends DexValue {
public final DexEncodedAnnotation value;
public DexValueAnnotation(DexEncodedAnnotation value) {
this.value = value;
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return value.acceptCompareTo(other.asDexValueAnnotation().value, visitor);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
public DexEncodedAnnotation getValue() {
return value;
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.ANNOTATION;
public boolean isDexValueAnnotation() {
return true;
public DexValueAnnotation asDexValueAnnotation() {
return this;
public void collectIndexedItems(AppView<?> appView, IndexedItemCollection indexedItems) {
value.collectIndexedItems(appView, indexedItems);
public AbstractValue toAbstractValue(AbstractValueFactory factory) {
return UnknownValue.getInstance();
public void writeTo(DexOutputBuffer dest, ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping) {
writeHeader(DexValueKind.ANNOTATION, 0, dest);
FileWriter.writeEncodedAnnotation(value, dest, mapping);
public DexType getType(DexItemFactory factory) {
throw new Unreachable();
public Object getBoxedValue() {
throw new Unreachable("No boxed value for DexValueAnnotation");
public Object asAsmEncodedObject() {
throw new Unreachable("No ASM conversion for DexValueAnnotation");
public void sort() {
public int hashCode() {
return value.hashCode() * 7;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == this) {
return true;
if (other instanceof DexValueAnnotation) {
DexValueAnnotation that = (DexValueAnnotation) other;
return that.value.equals(value);
return false;
public String toString() {
return "Annotation " + value;
public static class DexValueNull extends DexValueNumber {
public static final DexValue NULL = new DexValueNull();
// See DexValueNull.NULL
private DexValueNull() {
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
assert this == NULL;
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
assert this == NULL;
assert other == NULL;
return 0;
public Object getValue() {
return null;
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.NULL;
public DexType getType(DexItemFactory factory) {
throw new Unreachable();
public long getRawValue() {
return 0;
public void writeTo(DexOutputBuffer dest, ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping) {
writeHeader(DexValueKind.NULL, 0, dest);
public boolean isDexValueNull() {
return true;
public DexValueNull asDexValueNull() {
return this;
public Object getBoxedValue() {
return null;
public Object asAsmEncodedObject() {
return null;
public int hashCode() {
return 42;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == this) {
return true;
return other instanceof DexValueNull;
public String toString() {
return "Null";
public ConstInstruction asConstInstruction(
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView, IRCode code, DebugLocalInfo local) {
return code.createConstNull(local);
public static class DexValueBoolean extends DexValueNumber {
private static final DexValueBoolean TRUE = new DexValueBoolean(true);
private static final DexValueBoolean FALSE = new DexValueBoolean(false);
// Use a separate instance for the default value to distinguish it from an explicit false value.
private static final DexValueBoolean DEFAULT = new DexValueBoolean(false);
final boolean value;
private DexValueBoolean(boolean value) {
this.value = value;
public static DexValueBoolean create(boolean value) {
return value ? TRUE : FALSE;
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitBool(value, other.asDexValueBoolean().value);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
public boolean getValue() {
return value;
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.BOOLEAN;
public DexType getType(DexItemFactory factory) {
return factory.booleanType;
public long getRawValue() {
return BooleanUtils.longValue(value);
public boolean isDexValueBoolean() {
return true;
public DexValueBoolean asDexValueBoolean() {
return this;
public Object getBoxedValue() {
return getValue();
public void writeTo(DexOutputBuffer dest, ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping) {
writeHeader(DexValueKind.BOOLEAN, value ? 1 : 0, dest);
public Object asAsmEncodedObject() {
return Integer.valueOf(value ? 1 : 0);
public int hashCode() {
return value ? 1234 : 4321;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == this) {
return true;
return other instanceof DexValueBoolean && ((DexValueBoolean) other).value == value;
public String toString() {
return value ? "True" : "False";
public ConstInstruction asConstInstruction(
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView, IRCode code, DebugLocalInfo local) {
return code.createIntConstant(BooleanUtils.intValue(value), local);
static public class DexValueMethodHandle extends NestedDexValue<DexMethodHandle> {
public DexValueMethodHandle(DexMethodHandle value) {
int internalAcceptCompareTo(DexValue other, CompareToVisitor visitor) {
return value.acceptCompareTo(other.asDexValueMethodHandle().value, visitor);
void internalAcceptHashing(HashingVisitor visitor) {
public boolean isDexValueMethodHandle() {
return true;
public DexValueMethodHandle asDexValueMethodHandle() {
return this;
public DexValueKind getValueKind() {
return DexValueKind.METHOD_HANDLE;
public void collectIndexedItems(AppView<?> appView, IndexedItemCollection indexedItems) {
value.collectIndexedItems(appView, indexedItems);
public AbstractValue toAbstractValue(AbstractValueFactory factory) {
return UnknownValue.getInstance();