blob: eff968120efd9e30d9a0599e315de7d64ac19b4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class ClassTypeLatticeElement extends ReferenceTypeLatticeElement {
// Least upper bound of interfaces that this class type is implementing.
// Lazily computed on demand via DexItemFactory, where the canonicalized set will be maintained.
private Set<DexType> lazyInterfaces;
private AppView<? extends AppInfoWithSubtyping> appView;
// On-demand link between other nullability-variants.
private final NullabilityVariants<ClassTypeLatticeElement> variants;
private final DexType type;
public static ClassTypeLatticeElement create(
DexType classType, Nullability nullability, Set<DexType> interfaces) {
assert interfaces != null;
return NullabilityVariants.create(
(variants) ->
new ClassTypeLatticeElement(classType, nullability, interfaces, variants, null));
public static ClassTypeLatticeElement create(
DexType classType, Nullability nullability, AppView<? extends AppInfoWithSubtyping> appView) {
assert appView != null;
return NullabilityVariants.create(
(variants) -> new ClassTypeLatticeElement(classType, nullability, null, variants, appView));
private ClassTypeLatticeElement(
DexType classType,
Nullability nullability,
Set<DexType> interfaces,
NullabilityVariants<ClassTypeLatticeElement> variants,
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithSubtyping> appView) {
assert classType.isClassType();
assert interfaces != null || appView != null;
type = classType;
this.appView = appView;
lazyInterfaces = interfaces;
this.variants = variants;
public DexType getClassType() {
return type;
public Set<DexType> getInterfaces() {
if (lazyInterfaces == null) {
assert appView != null;
lazyInterfaces =
.getOrComputeLeastUpperBoundOfImplementedInterfaces(type, appView);
assert lazyInterfaces != null;
return lazyInterfaces;
private ClassTypeLatticeElement createVariant(
Nullability nullability, NullabilityVariants<ClassTypeLatticeElement> variants) {
assert this.nullability != nullability;
return new ClassTypeLatticeElement(type, nullability, lazyInterfaces, variants, appView);
public boolean isRelatedTo(ClassTypeLatticeElement other, AppView<?> appView) {
return lessThanOrEqualUpToNullability(other, appView)
|| other.lessThanOrEqualUpToNullability(this, appView);
public ClassTypeLatticeElement getOrCreateVariant(Nullability nullability) {
ClassTypeLatticeElement variant = variants.get(nullability);
if (variant != null) {
return variant;
return variants.getOrCreateElement(nullability, this::createVariant);
public boolean isBasedOnMissingClass(AppView<? extends AppInfoWithSubtyping> appView) {
return appView.appInfo().isMissingOrHasMissingSuperType(getClassType())
|| getInterfaces().stream()
.anyMatch(type -> appView.appInfo().isMissingOrHasMissingSuperType(type));
public boolean isClassType() {
return true;
public ClassTypeLatticeElement asClassTypeLatticeElement() {
return this;
public ClassTypeLatticeElement asMeetWithNotNull() {
return getOrCreateVariant(;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(" ");
builder.append(" {");
Set<DexType> interfaces = getInterfaces();
if (interfaces != null) {
builder.append(", ")));
return builder.toString();
public int hashCode() {
// The interfaces of a type do not contribute to its hashCode as they are lazily computed.
return Objects.hash(nullability, type);
public ClassTypeLatticeElement fixupClassTypeReferences(
Function<DexType, DexType> mapping, AppView<? extends AppInfoWithSubtyping> appView) {
DexType mappedType = mapping.apply(type);
if (mappedType != type) {
return create(mappedType, nullability, appView);
// If the mapped type is not object and no computation of interfaces, we can return early.
if (mappedType != appView.dexItemFactory().objectType && lazyInterfaces == null) {
return this;
// For most types there will not have been a change thus we iterate without allocating a new
// set for holding modified interfaces.
boolean hasChangedInterfaces = false;
DexClass interfaceToClassChange = null;
for (DexType iface : getInterfaces()) {
DexType substitutedType = mapping.apply(iface);
if (iface != substitutedType) {
hasChangedInterfaces = true;
DexClass mappedClass = appView.definitionFor(substitutedType);
if (!mappedClass.isInterface()) {
if (interfaceToClassChange != null && mappedClass != interfaceToClassChange) {
throw new CompilationError(
"More than one interface has changed to a class: "
+ interfaceToClassChange
+ " and "
+ mappedClass);
interfaceToClassChange = mappedClass;
if (hasChangedInterfaces) {
if (interfaceToClassChange != null) {
assert !interfaceToClassChange.isInterface();
assert type == appView.dexItemFactory().objectType;
return create(interfaceToClassChange.type, nullability, appView);
} else {
Set<DexType> newInterfaces = new HashSet<>();
for (DexType iface : lazyInterfaces) {
return create(mappedType, nullability, newInterfaces);
return this;
ClassTypeLatticeElement join(ClassTypeLatticeElement other, AppView<?> appView) {
Nullability nullability = nullability().join(other.nullability());
if (!appView.appInfo().hasSubtyping()) {
assert lazyInterfaces != null && lazyInterfaces.isEmpty();
assert other.lazyInterfaces != null && other.lazyInterfaces.isEmpty();
return ClassTypeLatticeElement.create(
getClassType() == other.getClassType()
? getClassType()
: appView.dexItemFactory().objectType,
DexType lubType =
appView.appInfo().withSubtyping(), getClassType(), other.getClassType());
Set<DexType> c1lubItfs = getInterfaces();
Set<DexType> c2lubItfs = other.getInterfaces();
Set<DexType> lubItfs = null;
if (c1lubItfs.size() == c2lubItfs.size() && c1lubItfs.containsAll(c2lubItfs)) {
lubItfs = c1lubItfs;
if (lubItfs == null) {
lubItfs = computeLeastUpperBoundOfInterfaces(appView.withSubtyping(), c1lubItfs, c2lubItfs);
return ClassTypeLatticeElement.create(lubType, nullability, lubItfs);
private enum InterfaceMarker {
private static class InterfaceWithMarker {
final DexType itf;
final InterfaceMarker marker;
InterfaceWithMarker(DexType itf, InterfaceMarker marker) {
this.itf = itf;
this.marker = marker;
public static DexType computeLeastUpperBoundOfClasses(
AppInfoWithSubtyping appInfo, DexType type1, DexType type2) {
// Compiling R8 with R8, this hits more than 1/3 of cases.
if (type1 == type2) {
return type1;
// Compiling R8 with R8, this hits more than 1/3 of cases.
DexType objectType = appInfo.dexItemFactory().objectType;
if (type1 == objectType || type2 == objectType) {
return objectType;
// Compiling R8 with R8, there are no hierarchies above height 10.
// The overhead of a hash map likely outweighs the speed of scanning an array.
Collection<DexType> types = new ArrayList<>(10);
DexType type = type1;
while (true) {
if (type == type2) {
return type;
DexClass clazz = appInfo.definitionFor(type);
if (clazz == null || clazz.superType == null || clazz.superType == objectType) {
type = clazz.superType;
// In pathological cases, realloc to a set if large.
if (types.size() > 20) {
types = SetUtils.newIdentityHashSet(types);
type = type2;
while (true) {
if (types.contains(type)) {
return type;
DexClass clazz = appInfo.definitionFor(type);
if (clazz == null || clazz.superType == null || clazz.superType == objectType) {
type = clazz.superType;
return objectType;
public static Set<DexType> computeLeastUpperBoundOfInterfaces(
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithSubtyping> appView, Set<DexType> s1, Set<DexType> s2) {
if (s1.isEmpty() || s2.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptySet();
Set<DexType> cached = appView.dexItemFactory().leastUpperBoundOfInterfacesTable.get(s1, s2);
if (cached != null) {
return cached;
cached = appView.dexItemFactory().leastUpperBoundOfInterfacesTable.get(s2, s1);
if (cached != null) {
return cached;
Map<DexType, Set<InterfaceMarker>> seen = new IdentityHashMap<>();
Queue<InterfaceWithMarker> worklist = new ArrayDeque<>();
for (DexType itf1 : s1) {
worklist.add(new InterfaceWithMarker(itf1, InterfaceMarker.LEFT));
for (DexType itf2 : s2) {
worklist.add(new InterfaceWithMarker(itf2, InterfaceMarker.RIGHT));
while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
InterfaceWithMarker item = worklist.poll();
DexType itf = item.itf;
InterfaceMarker marker = item.marker;
Set<InterfaceMarker> markers = seen.computeIfAbsent(itf, k -> new HashSet<>());
// If this interface is a lower one in this set, skip.
if (markers.contains(marker)) {
// If this interface is already visited by the other set, add marker for this set and skip.
if (markers.size() == 1) {
// Otherwise, this type is freshly visited.
// Put super interfaces into the worklist.
DexClass itfClass = appView.definitionFor(itf);
if (itfClass != null) {
for (DexType superItf : itfClass.interfaces.values) {
markers = seen.computeIfAbsent(superItf, k -> new HashSet<>());
if (!markers.contains(marker)) {
worklist.add(new InterfaceWithMarker(superItf, marker));
ImmutableSet.Builder<DexType> commonBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (Map.Entry<DexType, Set<InterfaceMarker>> entry : seen.entrySet()) {
// Keep commonly visited interfaces only
if (entry.getValue().size() < 2) {
Set<DexType> commonlyVisited =;
ImmutableSet.Builder<DexType> lubBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (DexType itf : commonlyVisited) {
// If there is a strict sub interface of this interface, it is not the least element.
boolean notTheLeast = false;
for (DexType other : commonlyVisited) {
if (appView.appInfo().isStrictSubtypeOf(other, itf)) {
notTheLeast = true;
if (notTheLeast) {
Set<DexType> lub =;
// Cache the computation result only if the given two sets of interfaces are different.
if (s1.size() != s2.size() || !s1.containsAll(s2)) {
synchronized (appView.dexItemFactory().leastUpperBoundOfInterfacesTable) {
appView.dexItemFactory().leastUpperBoundOfInterfacesTable.put(s1, s2, lub);
return lub;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof ClassTypeLatticeElement)) {
return false;
ClassTypeLatticeElement other = (ClassTypeLatticeElement) o;
if (nullability() != other.nullability()) {
return false;
if (!type.equals(other.type)) {
return false;
Set<DexType> thisInterfaces = getInterfaces();
Set<DexType> otherInterfaces = other.getInterfaces();
if (thisInterfaces == otherInterfaces) {
return true;
if (thisInterfaces.size() != otherInterfaces.size()) {
return false;
return thisInterfaces.containsAll(otherInterfaces);