| // Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| package com.android.tools.r8.graph; |
| |
| import static com.android.tools.r8.ir.analysis.type.ClassTypeElement.computeLeastUpperBoundOfInterfaces; |
| import static com.android.tools.r8.ir.desugar.LambdaClass.LAMBDA_INSTANCE_FIELD_NAME; |
| import static com.android.tools.r8.utils.ConsumerUtils.emptyConsumer; |
| |
| import com.android.tools.r8.dex.Constants; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.dex.Marker; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.errors.Unreachable; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexDebugEvent.AdvanceLine; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexDebugEvent.AdvancePC; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexDebugEvent.Default; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexDebugEvent.EndLocal; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexDebugEvent.RestartLocal; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexDebugEvent.SetEpilogueBegin; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexDebugEvent.SetFile; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexDebugEvent.SetPositionFrame; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexDebugEvent.SetPrologueEnd; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexMethodHandle.MethodHandleType; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.ir.analysis.type.ArrayTypeElement; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.ir.analysis.type.ClassTypeElement; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.ir.analysis.type.InterfaceCollection; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.ir.analysis.type.Nullability; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.ir.analysis.type.ReferenceTypeElement; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.ir.analysis.type.TypeElement; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.Position; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.Value; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.ir.desugar.LambdaClass; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.kotlin.Kotlin; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.references.ClassReference; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.references.FieldReference; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.references.MethodReference; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.synthesis.SyntheticNaming; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.utils.ArrayUtils; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.utils.DescriptorUtils; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.utils.LRUCacheTable; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.utils.ListUtils; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.utils.SetUtils; |
| import com.google.common.collect.BiMap; |
| import com.google.common.collect.HashBiMap; |
| import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; |
| import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; |
| import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; |
| import com.google.common.collect.Sets; |
| import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceArrayMap; |
| import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceMap; |
| import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap; |
| import java.util.ArrayDeque; |
| import java.util.ArrayList; |
| import java.util.Arrays; |
| import java.util.Collection; |
| import java.util.Collections; |
| import java.util.Deque; |
| import java.util.HashMap; |
| import java.util.HashSet; |
| import java.util.IdentityHashMap; |
| import java.util.List; |
| import java.util.Map; |
| import java.util.Optional; |
| import java.util.Set; |
| import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; |
| import java.util.function.Consumer; |
| import java.util.function.Function; |
| import java.util.function.Predicate; |
| import java.util.function.Supplier; |
| import java.util.stream.Collectors; |
| |
| public class DexItemFactory { |
| |
| public static final String throwableDescriptorString = "Ljava/lang/Throwable;"; |
| public static final String dalvikAnnotationSignatureString = "Ldalvik/annotation/Signature;"; |
| public static final String recordTagDescriptorString = "Lcom/android/tools/r8/RecordTag;"; |
| public static final String recordDescriptorString = "Ljava/lang/Record;"; |
| public static final String desugarVarHandleDescriptorString = |
| "Lcom/android/tools/r8/DesugarVarHandle;"; |
| public static final String varHandleDescriptorString = "Ljava/lang/invoke/VarHandle;"; |
| public static final String desugarMethodHandlesLookupDescriptorString = |
| "Lcom/android/tools/r8/DesugarMethodHandlesLookup;"; |
| public static final String methodHandlesLookupDescriptorString = |
| "Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;"; |
| public static final String androidUtilSparseArrayDescriptorString = "Landroid/util/SparseArray;"; |
| public static final String androidContentResTypedArrayDescriptorString = |
| "Landroid/content/res/TypedArray;"; |
| public static final String androidContentContentProviderClientDescriptorString = |
| "Landroid/content/ContentProviderClient;"; |
| public static final String androidDrmDrmManagerClientDescriptorString = |
| "Landroid/drm/DrmManagerClient;"; |
| public static final String androidMediaMediaDrmDescriptorString = "Landroid/media/MediaDrm;"; |
| public static final String androidMediaMediaMetadataRetrieverDescriptorString = |
| "Landroid/media/MediaMetadataRetriever;"; |
| public static final String androidResourcesDescriptorString = "Landroid/content/res/Resources;"; |
| |
| /** Set of types that may be synthesized during compilation. */ |
| private final Set<DexType> possibleCompilerSynthesizedTypes = Sets.newIdentityHashSet(); |
| |
| private final Map<DexString, DexString> markers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
| private final Map<DexString, DexString> strings = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
| private final Map<DexString, DexType> types = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
| private final Map<DexField, DexField> fields = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
| private final Map<DexProto, DexProto> protos = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
| private final Map<DexMethod, DexMethod> methods = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
| private final Map<DexMethodHandle, DexMethodHandle> methodHandles = |
| new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
| |
| // DexDebugEvent Canonicalization. |
| private final Int2ReferenceMap<AdvanceLine> advanceLines = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>(); |
| private final Int2ReferenceMap<AdvancePC> advancePCs = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>(); |
| private final Int2ReferenceMap<Default> defaults = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>(); |
| private final Int2ReferenceMap<EndLocal> endLocals = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>(); |
| private final Int2ReferenceMap<RestartLocal> restartLocals = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>(); |
| private final SetEpilogueBegin setEpilogueBegin = new SetEpilogueBegin(); |
| private final SetPrologueEnd setPrologueEnd = new SetPrologueEnd(); |
| private final Map<DexString, SetFile> setFiles = new HashMap<>(); |
| private final Map<SetPositionFrame, SetPositionFrame> setInlineFrames = new HashMap<>(); |
| public final DexDebugEvent.Default zeroChangeDefaultEvent = createDefault(0, 0); |
| public final DexDebugEvent.Default oneChangeDefaultEvent = createDefault(1, 1); |
| |
| // ReferenceTypeElement canonicalization. |
| private final ConcurrentHashMap<DexType, ReferenceTypeElement> referenceTypes = |
| new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
| private final ConcurrentHashMap<DexType, InterfaceCollection> classTypeInterfaces = |
| new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
| public final LRUCacheTable<InterfaceCollection, InterfaceCollection, InterfaceCollection> |
| leastUpperBoundOfInterfacesTable = LRUCacheTable.create(8, 8); |
| boolean sorted = false; |
| |
| // Internal type containing only the null value. |
| public static final DexType nullValueType = new DexType(new DexString("NULL")); |
| |
| public static final DexString unknownTypeName = new DexString("UNKNOWN"); |
| |
| private static final IdentityHashMap<DexItem, DexItem> internalSentinels = |
| new IdentityHashMap<>( |
| ImmutableMap.of( |
| nullValueType, nullValueType, |
| unknownTypeName, unknownTypeName)); |
| |
| public DexItemFactory() { |
| this.kotlin = new Kotlin(this); |
| } |
| |
| public static boolean isInternalSentinel(DexItem item) { |
| return internalSentinels.containsKey(item); |
| } |
| |
| public final DexString booleanDescriptor = createString("Z"); |
| public final DexString byteDescriptor = createString("B"); |
| public final DexString charDescriptor = createString("C"); |
| public final DexString doubleDescriptor = createString("D"); |
| public final DexString floatDescriptor = createString("F"); |
| public final DexString intDescriptor = createString("I"); |
| public final DexString longDescriptor = createString("J"); |
| public final DexString shortDescriptor = createString("S"); |
| public final DexString voidDescriptor = createString("V"); |
| public final DexString descriptorSeparator = createString("/"); |
| public final DexString comSunDescriptorPrefix = createString("Lcom/sun/"); |
| public final DexString javaDescriptorPrefix = createString("Ljava/"); |
| public final DexString javaxDescriptorPrefix = createString("Ljavax/"); |
| public final DexString jdkDescriptorPrefix = createString("Ljdk/"); |
| public final DexString sunDescriptorPrefix = createString("Lsun/"); |
| public final DexString jDollarDescriptorPrefix = createString("Lj$/"); |
| |
| private final DexString booleanArrayDescriptor = createString("[Z"); |
| private final DexString byteArrayDescriptor = createString("[B"); |
| private final DexString charArrayDescriptor = createString("[C"); |
| private final DexString doubleArrayDescriptor = createString("[D"); |
| private final DexString floatArrayDescriptor = createString("[F"); |
| private final DexString intArrayDescriptor = createString("[I"); |
| private final DexString longArrayDescriptor = createString("[J"); |
| private final DexString shortArrayDescriptor = createString("[S"); |
| |
| public final DexString boxedBooleanDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Boolean;"); |
| public final DexString boxedByteDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Byte;"); |
| public final DexString boxedCharDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Character;"); |
| public final DexString boxedDoubleDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Double;"); |
| public final DexString boxedFloatDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Float;"); |
| public final DexString boxedIntDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Integer;"); |
| public final DexString boxedLongDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Long;"); |
| public final DexString boxedShortDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Short;"); |
| public final DexString boxedNumberDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Number;"); |
| public final DexString boxedVoidDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Void;"); |
| |
| public final DexString waitMethodName = createString("wait"); |
| public final DexString notifyMethodName = createString("notify"); |
| public final DexString notifyAllMethodName = createString("notifyAll"); |
| |
| public final DexString unboxBooleanMethodName = createString("booleanValue"); |
| public final DexString unboxByteMethodName = createString("byteValue"); |
| public final DexString unboxCharMethodName = createString("charValue"); |
| public final DexString unboxShortMethodName = createString("shortValue"); |
| public final DexString unboxIntMethodName = createString("intValue"); |
| public final DexString unboxLongMethodName = createString("longValue"); |
| public final DexString unboxFloatMethodName = createString("floatValue"); |
| public final DexString unboxDoubleMethodName = createString("doubleValue"); |
| |
| public final DexString isEmptyMethodName = createString("isEmpty"); |
| public final DexString lengthMethodName = createString("length"); |
| |
| public final DexString concatMethodName = createString("concat"); |
| public final DexString containsMethodName = createString("contains"); |
| public final DexString startsWithMethodName = createString("startsWith"); |
| public final DexString endsWithMethodName = createString("endsWith"); |
| public final DexString equalsMethodName = createString("equals"); |
| public final DexString hashCodeMethodName = createString("hashCode"); |
| public final DexString identityHashCodeName = createString("identityHashCode"); |
| public final DexString equalsIgnoreCaseMethodName = createString("equalsIgnoreCase"); |
| public final DexString contentEqualsMethodName = createString("contentEquals"); |
| public final DexString indexOfMethodName = createString("indexOf"); |
| public final DexString lastIndexOfMethodName = createString("lastIndexOf"); |
| public final DexString compareToMethodName = createString("compareTo"); |
| public final DexString compareToIgnoreCaseMethodName = createString("compareToIgnoreCase"); |
| public final DexString cloneMethodName = createString("clone"); |
| public final DexString formatMethodName = createString("format"); |
| public final DexString substringName = createString("substring"); |
| public final DexString trimName = createString("trim"); |
| |
| public final DexString valueOfMethodName = createString("valueOf"); |
| public final DexString valuesMethodName = createString("values"); |
| public final DexString toStringMethodName = createString("toString"); |
| public final DexString internMethodName = createString("intern"); |
| |
| public final DexString convertMethodName = createString("convert"); |
| public final DexString wrapperFieldName = createString("wrappedValue"); |
| |
| public final DexString iteratorName = createString("iterator"); |
| public final DexString hasNextName = createString("hasNext"); |
| public final DexString nextName = createString("next"); |
| public final DexString getClassMethodName = createString("getClass"); |
| public final DexString finalizeMethodName = createString("finalize"); |
| public final DexString ordinalMethodName = createString("ordinal"); |
| public final DexString nameMethodName = createString("name"); |
| public final DexString desiredAssertionStatusMethodName = createString("desiredAssertionStatus"); |
| public final DexString forNameMethodName = createString("forName"); |
| public final DexString getNameName = createString("getName"); |
| public final DexString getCanonicalNameName = createString("getCanonicalName"); |
| public final DexString getSimpleNameName = createString("getSimpleName"); |
| public final DexString getTypeNameName = createString("getTypeName"); |
| public final DexString getDeclaredConstructorName = createString("getDeclaredConstructor"); |
| public final DexString getFieldName = createString("getField"); |
| public final DexString getDeclaredFieldName = createString("getDeclaredField"); |
| public final DexString getMethodName = createString("getMethod"); |
| public final DexString getDeclaredMethodName = createString("getDeclaredMethod"); |
| public final DexString newInstanceName = createString("newInstance"); |
| public final DexString assertionsDisabled = createString("$assertionsDisabled"); |
| public final DexString invokeMethodName = createString("invoke"); |
| public final DexString invokeExactMethodName = createString("invokeExact"); |
| |
| public final DexString runtimeExceptionDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/RuntimeException;"); |
| public final DexString assertionErrorDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/AssertionError;"); |
| public final DexString noSuchElementExceptionDescriptor = |
| createString("Ljava/util/NoSuchElementException;"); |
| public final DexString charSequenceDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/CharSequence;"); |
| public final DexString charSequenceArrayDescriptor = createString("[Ljava/lang/CharSequence;"); |
| public final DexString stringDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/String;"); |
| public final DexString stringArrayDescriptor = createString("[Ljava/lang/String;"); |
| public final DexString objectDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Object;"); |
| public final DexString recordDescriptor = createString(recordDescriptorString); |
| public final DexString recordTagDescriptor = createString(recordTagDescriptorString); |
| public final DexString objectArrayDescriptor = createString("[Ljava/lang/Object;"); |
| public final DexString classDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Class;"); |
| public final DexString classLoaderDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;"); |
| public final DexString autoCloseableDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/AutoCloseable;"); |
| public final DexString classArrayDescriptor = createString("[Ljava/lang/Class;"); |
| public final DexString classDescDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/constant/ClassDesc;"); |
| public final DexString enumDescDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Enum$EnumDesc;"); |
| public final DexString constructorDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor;"); |
| public final DexString fieldDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;"); |
| public final DexString methodDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;"); |
| public final DexString enumDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Enum;"); |
| public final DexString javaLangSystemDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/System;"); |
| public final DexString annotationDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;"); |
| public final DexString objectsDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/Objects;"); |
| public final DexString collectionsDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/Collections;"); |
| public final DexString iterableDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Iterable;"); |
| public final DexString mathDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Math;"); |
| public final DexString strictMathDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/StrictMath;"); |
| public final DexString closeableDescriptor = createString("Ljava/io/Closeable;"); |
| public final DexString zipFileDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/zip/ZipFile;"); |
| |
| public final DexString bufferDescriptor = createString("Ljava/nio/Buffer;"); |
| public final DexString byteBufferDescriptor = createString("Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;"); |
| public final DexString mappedByteBufferDescriptor = createString("Ljava/nio/MappedByteBuffer;"); |
| public final DexString charBufferDescriptor = createString("Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;"); |
| public final DexString shortBufferDescriptor = createString("Ljava/nio/ShortBuffer;"); |
| public final DexString intBufferDescriptor = createString("Ljava/nio/IntBuffer;"); |
| public final DexString longBufferDescriptor = createString("Ljava/nio/LongBuffer;"); |
| public final DexString floatBufferDescriptor = createString("Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer;"); |
| public final DexString doubleBufferDescriptor = createString("Ljava/nio/DoubleBuffer;"); |
| |
| public final DexString stringBuilderDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;"); |
| public final DexString stringBufferDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;"); |
| |
| public final DexString varHandleDescriptor = createString(varHandleDescriptorString); |
| public final DexString methodHandleDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandle;"); |
| public final DexString methodHandlesDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles;"); |
| public final DexString methodHandlesLookupDescriptor = |
| createString(methodHandlesLookupDescriptorString); |
| public final DexString methodTypeDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;"); |
| public final DexString invocationHandlerDescriptor = |
| createString("Ljava/lang/reflect/InvocationHandler;"); |
| public final DexString proxyDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/reflect/Proxy;"); |
| public final DexString serviceLoaderDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/ServiceLoader;"); |
| public final DexString serviceLoaderConfigurationErrorDescriptor = |
| createString("Ljava/util/ServiceConfigurationError;"); |
| public final DexString localeDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/Locale;"); |
| public final DexString listDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/List;"); |
| public final DexString setDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/Set;"); |
| public final DexString mapDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/Map;"); |
| public final DexString mapEntryDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/Map$Entry;"); |
| public final DexString collectionDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/Collection;"); |
| public final DexString comparatorDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/Comparator;"); |
| public final DexString callableDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;"); |
| public final DexString supplierDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/function/Supplier;"); |
| public final DexString predicateDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/function/Predicate;"); |
| public final DexString consumerDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/function/Consumer;"); |
| public final DexString runnableDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/Runnable;"); |
| public final DexString optionalDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/Optional;"); |
| public final DexString optionalDoubleDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/OptionalDouble;"); |
| public final DexString optionalIntDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/OptionalInt;"); |
| public final DexString optionalLongDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/OptionalLong;"); |
| public final DexString streamDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/stream/Stream;"); |
| public final DexString arraysDescriptor = createString("Ljava/util/Arrays;"); |
| public final DexString threadLocalDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/ThreadLocal;"); |
| public final DexString concurrentHashMapDescriptor = |
| createString("Ljava/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap;"); |
| public final DexString concurrentHaspMapKeySetViewDescriptor = |
| createString("Ljava/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap$KeySetView;"); |
| |
| public final DexString throwableDescriptor = createString(throwableDescriptorString); |
| public final DexString illegalAccessErrorDescriptor = |
| createString("Ljava/lang/IllegalAccessError;"); |
| public final DexString illegalArgumentExceptionDescriptor = |
| createString("Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;"); |
| public final DexString abstractMethodErrorDescriptor = |
| createString("Ljava/lang/AbstractMethodError;"); |
| public final DexString icceDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/IncompatibleClassChangeError;"); |
| public final DexString exceptionInInitializerErrorDescriptor = |
| createString("Ljava/lang/ExceptionInInitializerError;"); |
| public final DexString noClassDefFoundErrorDescriptor = |
| createString("Ljava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError;"); |
| public final DexString noSuchFieldErrorDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/NoSuchFieldError;"); |
| public final DexString npeDescriptor = createString("Ljava/lang/NullPointerException;"); |
| public final DexString reflectiveOperationExceptionDescriptor = |
| createString("Ljava/lang/ReflectiveOperationException;"); |
| public final DexString kotlinMetadataDescriptor = createString("Lkotlin/Metadata;"); |
| public final DexString kotlinJvmNameDescriptor = createString("Lkotlin/jvm/JvmName;"); |
| |
| public final DexString intFieldUpdaterDescriptor = |
| createString("Ljava/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;"); |
| public final DexString longFieldUpdaterDescriptor = |
| createString("Ljava/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicLongFieldUpdater;"); |
| public final DexString referenceFieldUpdaterDescriptor = |
| createString("Ljava/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;"); |
| public final DexString newUpdaterName = createString("newUpdater"); |
| |
| public final DexString constructorMethodName = createString(Constants.INSTANCE_INITIALIZER_NAME); |
| public final DexString classConstructorMethodName = |
| createString(Constants.CLASS_INITIALIZER_NAME); |
| |
| public final DexString thisName = createString("this"); |
| public final DexString lambdaInstanceFieldName = createString(LAMBDA_INSTANCE_FIELD_NAME); |
| public final DexString javacLambdaMethodPrefix = |
| |
| // As much as possible, R8 should rely on the content of the static enum field, using |
| // enumMembers.isValuesFieldCandidate or checking the object state in the optimization info. |
| // The field name is unrealiable since the filed can be minified prior to this compilation. |
| // We keep enumValuesFieldName as a heuristic only. |
| public final DexString enumValuesFieldName = createString("$VALUES"); |
| |
| public final DexString enabledFieldName = createString("ENABLED"); |
| |
| public final DexString throwableArrayDescriptor = createString("[Ljava/lang/Throwable;"); |
| |
| public final DexString valueString = createString("value"); |
| public final DexString kindString = createString("kind"); |
| public final DexString versionHashString = createString("versionHash"); |
| public final DexString apiLevelString = createString("apiLevel"); |
| |
| // Prefix for runtime affecting yet potential class-retained annotations. |
| public final DexString dalvikAnnotationPrefix = createString("Ldalvik/annotation/"); |
| public final DexString dalvikAnnotationCodegenCovariantReturnTypePrefix = |
| createString("Ldalvik/annotation/codegen/CovariantReturnType"); |
| public final DexString dalvikAnnotationOptimizationPrefix = |
| createString("Ldalvik/annotation/optimization/"); |
| |
| // Method names used on VarHandle. |
| public final DexString getString = createString("get"); |
| public final DexString setString = createString("set"); |
| public final DexString compareAndSetString = createString("compareAndSet"); |
| public final DexString weakCompareAndSetString = createString("weakCompareAndSet"); |
| public final DexString getVolatileString = createString("getVolatile"); |
| public final DexString setVolatileString = createString("setVolatile"); |
| public final DexString setReleaseString = createString("setRelease"); |
| |
| // Method names used on MethodHandles. |
| public final DexString lookupString = createString("lookup"); |
| public final DexString privateLookupInString = createString("privateLookupIn"); |
| |
| public final DexType booleanType = createStaticallyKnownType(booleanDescriptor); |
| public final DexType byteType = createStaticallyKnownType(byteDescriptor); |
| public final DexType charType = createStaticallyKnownType(charDescriptor); |
| public final DexType doubleType = createStaticallyKnownType(doubleDescriptor); |
| public final DexType floatType = createStaticallyKnownType(floatDescriptor); |
| public final DexType intType = createStaticallyKnownType(intDescriptor); |
| public final DexType longType = createStaticallyKnownType(longDescriptor); |
| public final DexType shortType = createStaticallyKnownType(shortDescriptor); |
| public final DexType voidType = createStaticallyKnownType(voidDescriptor); |
| |
| public final DexType booleanArrayType = createStaticallyKnownType(booleanArrayDescriptor); |
| public final DexType byteArrayType = createStaticallyKnownType(byteArrayDescriptor); |
| public final DexType charArrayType = createStaticallyKnownType(charArrayDescriptor); |
| public final DexType doubleArrayType = createStaticallyKnownType(doubleArrayDescriptor); |
| public final DexType floatArrayType = createStaticallyKnownType(floatArrayDescriptor); |
| public final DexType intArrayType = createStaticallyKnownType(intArrayDescriptor); |
| public final DexType longArrayType = createStaticallyKnownType(longArrayDescriptor); |
| public final DexType shortArrayType = createStaticallyKnownType(shortArrayDescriptor); |
| |
| public final DexType boxedBooleanType = createStaticallyKnownType(boxedBooleanDescriptor); |
| public final DexType boxedByteType = createStaticallyKnownType(boxedByteDescriptor); |
| public final DexType boxedCharType = createStaticallyKnownType(boxedCharDescriptor); |
| public final DexType boxedDoubleType = createStaticallyKnownType(boxedDoubleDescriptor); |
| public final DexType boxedFloatType = createStaticallyKnownType(boxedFloatDescriptor); |
| public final DexType boxedIntType = createStaticallyKnownType(boxedIntDescriptor); |
| public final DexType boxedLongType = createStaticallyKnownType(boxedLongDescriptor); |
| public final DexType boxedShortType = createStaticallyKnownType(boxedShortDescriptor); |
| public final DexType boxedNumberType = createStaticallyKnownType(boxedNumberDescriptor); |
| public final DexType boxedVoidType = createStaticallyKnownType(boxedVoidDescriptor); |
| |
| public final DexType charSequenceType = createStaticallyKnownType(charSequenceDescriptor); |
| public final DexType charSequenceArrayType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(charSequenceArrayDescriptor); |
| public final DexType stringType = createStaticallyKnownType(stringDescriptor); |
| public final DexType stringArrayType = createStaticallyKnownType(stringArrayDescriptor); |
| public final DexType objectType = createStaticallyKnownType(objectDescriptor); |
| public final DexType recordType = createStaticallyKnownType(recordDescriptor); |
| public final DexType recordTagType = createStaticallyKnownType(recordTagDescriptor); |
| public final DexType objectArrayType = createStaticallyKnownType(objectArrayDescriptor); |
| public final DexType classArrayType = createStaticallyKnownType(classArrayDescriptor); |
| public final DexType enumType = createStaticallyKnownType(enumDescriptor); |
| public final DexType annotationType = createStaticallyKnownType(annotationDescriptor); |
| public final DexType arraysType = createStaticallyKnownType(arraysDescriptor); |
| public final DexType objectsType = createStaticallyKnownType(objectsDescriptor); |
| public final DexType collectionsType = createStaticallyKnownType(collectionsDescriptor); |
| public final DexType iterableType = createStaticallyKnownType(iterableDescriptor); |
| public final DexType mathType = createStaticallyKnownType(mathDescriptor); |
| public final DexType strictMathType = createStaticallyKnownType(strictMathDescriptor); |
| public final DexType referenceFieldUpdaterType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(referenceFieldUpdaterDescriptor); |
| |
| public final DexType classType = createStaticallyKnownType(classDescriptor); |
| public final DexType packageType = createStaticallyKnownType(Package.class); |
| public final DexType classLoaderType = createStaticallyKnownType(classLoaderDescriptor); |
| public final DexType constructorType = createStaticallyKnownType(constructorDescriptor); |
| public final DexType fieldType = createStaticallyKnownType(fieldDescriptor); |
| public final DexType methodType = createStaticallyKnownType(methodDescriptor); |
| public final DexType autoCloseableType = createStaticallyKnownType(autoCloseableDescriptor); |
| |
| public final DexType closeableType = createStaticallyKnownType(closeableDescriptor); |
| public final DexType zipFileType = createStaticallyKnownType(zipFileDescriptor); |
| |
| public final DexType stringBuilderType = createStaticallyKnownType(stringBuilderDescriptor); |
| public final DexType stringBufferType = createStaticallyKnownType(stringBufferDescriptor); |
| |
| public final DexType classDescType = createStaticallyKnownType(classDescDescriptor); |
| public final DexType enumDescType = createStaticallyKnownType(enumDescDescriptor); |
| |
| public final DexType javaLangAnnotationRetentionPolicyType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/lang/annotation/RetentionPolicy;"); |
| public final DexType javaLangReflectArrayType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/lang/reflect/Array;"); |
| public final DexType javaLangSystemType = createStaticallyKnownType(javaLangSystemDescriptor); |
| public final DexType javaIoPrintStreamType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/io/PrintStream;"); |
| |
| public final DexType varHandleType = createStaticallyKnownType(varHandleDescriptor); |
| public final DexType methodHandleType = createStaticallyKnownType(methodHandleDescriptor); |
| public final DexType methodHandlesType = createStaticallyKnownType(methodHandlesDescriptor); |
| public final DexType methodHandlesLookupType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(methodHandlesLookupDescriptor); |
| public final DexType methodTypeType = createStaticallyKnownType(methodTypeDescriptor); |
| public final DexType invocationHandlerType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(invocationHandlerDescriptor); |
| public final DexType proxyType = createStaticallyKnownType(proxyDescriptor); |
| public final DexType serviceLoaderType = createStaticallyKnownType(serviceLoaderDescriptor); |
| public final DexType serviceLoaderConfigurationErrorType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(serviceLoaderConfigurationErrorDescriptor); |
| public final DexType setType = createStaticallyKnownType(setDescriptor); |
| public final DexType mapType = createStaticallyKnownType(mapDescriptor); |
| public final DexType mapEntryType = createStaticallyKnownType(mapEntryDescriptor); |
| public final DexType abstractMapSimpleEntryType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/AbstractMap$SimpleEntry;"); |
| public final DexType collectionType = createStaticallyKnownType(collectionDescriptor); |
| public final DexType comparatorType = createStaticallyKnownType(comparatorDescriptor); |
| public final DexType callableType = createStaticallyKnownType(callableDescriptor); |
| public final DexType supplierType = createStaticallyKnownType(supplierDescriptor); |
| public final DexType predicateType = createStaticallyKnownType(predicateDescriptor); |
| public final DexType consumerType = createStaticallyKnownType(consumerDescriptor); |
| public final DexType runnableType = createStaticallyKnownType(runnableDescriptor); |
| public final DexType optionalType = createStaticallyKnownType(optionalDescriptor); |
| public final DexType optionalDoubleType = createStaticallyKnownType(optionalDoubleDescriptor); |
| public final DexType optionalIntType = createStaticallyKnownType(optionalIntDescriptor); |
| public final DexType optionalLongType = createStaticallyKnownType(optionalLongDescriptor); |
| public final DexType streamType = createStaticallyKnownType(streamDescriptor); |
| public final DexType threadLocalType = createStaticallyKnownType(threadLocalDescriptor); |
| public final DexType concurrentHashMapType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(concurrentHashMapDescriptor); |
| public final DexType concurrentHashMapKeySetViewType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(concurrentHaspMapKeySetViewDescriptor); |
| |
| public final DexType bufferType = createStaticallyKnownType(bufferDescriptor); |
| public final DexType byteBufferType = createStaticallyKnownType(byteBufferDescriptor); |
| public final DexType mappedByteBufferType = createStaticallyKnownType(mappedByteBufferDescriptor); |
| public final DexType charBufferType = createStaticallyKnownType(charBufferDescriptor); |
| public final DexType shortBufferType = createStaticallyKnownType(shortBufferDescriptor); |
| public final DexType intBufferType = createStaticallyKnownType(intBufferDescriptor); |
| public final DexType longBufferType = createStaticallyKnownType(longBufferDescriptor); |
| public final DexType floatBufferType = createStaticallyKnownType(floatBufferDescriptor); |
| public final DexType doubleBufferType = createStaticallyKnownType(doubleBufferDescriptor); |
| public final List<DexType> typeSpecificBuffers = |
| ImmutableList.of( |
| byteBufferType, |
| mappedByteBufferType, |
| charBufferType, |
| shortBufferType, |
| intBufferType, |
| longBufferType, |
| floatBufferType, |
| doubleBufferType); |
| |
| private static final List<String> MULTIDEX_PREFIXES = |
| ImmutableList.of("androidx/", "android/support/"); |
| private static final List<String> MULTIDEX_SUFFIXES = |
| ImmutableList.of( |
| "multidex/MultiDex$V14$ElementConstructor;", |
| "multidex/MultiDex$V14$ICSElementConstructor;", |
| "multidex/MultiDex$V14$JBMR11ElementConstructor;", |
| "multidex/MultiDex$V14$JBMR2ElementConstructor;", |
| "multidex/MultiDex$V14;", |
| "multidex/MultiDex$V19;", |
| "multidex/MultiDex$V21_PLUS;", |
| "multidex/MultiDex$V4;", |
| "multidex/MultiDexApplication;", |
| "multidex/MultiDexExtractor$1;", |
| "multidex/MultiDexExtractor$ExtractedDex;", |
| "multidex/MultiDexExtractor;", |
| "multidex/MultiDex;", |
| "multidex/ZipUtil;", |
| "multidex/ZipUtil$CentralDirectory;"); |
| private static final List<String> MULTIDEX_INSTRUMENTATION = |
| ImmutableList.of( |
| "Landroid/support/multidex/instrumentation/BuildConfig;", |
| "Landroid/test/runner/MultiDexTestRunner;"); |
| |
| private List<DexType> createMultiDexTypes() { |
| ImmutableList.Builder<DexType> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); |
| for (String prefix : MULTIDEX_PREFIXES) { |
| for (String suffix : MULTIDEX_SUFFIXES) { |
| builder.add(createType("L" + prefix + suffix)); |
| } |
| } |
| for (String typeString : MULTIDEX_INSTRUMENTATION) { |
| builder.add(createType(typeString)); |
| } |
| return builder.build(); |
| } |
| |
| public List<DexType> multiDexTypes = createMultiDexTypes(); |
| |
| public final DexType doubleConsumer = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/function/DoubleConsumer;"); |
| public final DexType longConsumer = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/function/LongConsumer;"); |
| public final DexType intConsumer = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/function/IntConsumer;"); |
| |
| public final DexType retentionType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/lang/annotation/Retention;"); |
| public final DexType runtimeExceptionType = createStaticallyKnownType(runtimeExceptionDescriptor); |
| public final DexType assertionErrorType = createStaticallyKnownType(assertionErrorDescriptor); |
| public final DexType throwableType = createStaticallyKnownType(throwableDescriptor); |
| public final DexType noSuchElementExceptionType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(noSuchElementExceptionDescriptor); |
| public final DexMethod noSuchElementExceptionInit = |
| createInstanceInitializer(noSuchElementExceptionType); |
| |
| public final DexType illegalAccessErrorType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(illegalAccessErrorDescriptor); |
| public final DexType illegalArgumentExceptionType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(illegalArgumentExceptionDescriptor); |
| public final DexType abstractMethodErrorType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(abstractMethodErrorDescriptor); |
| public final DexType icceType = createStaticallyKnownType(icceDescriptor); |
| public final DexType exceptionInInitializerErrorType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(exceptionInInitializerErrorDescriptor); |
| public final DexType noClassDefFoundErrorType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(noClassDefFoundErrorDescriptor); |
| public final DexType noSuchFieldErrorType = createStaticallyKnownType(noSuchFieldErrorDescriptor); |
| public final DexType noSuchMethodErrorType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/lang/NoSuchMethodError;"); |
| public final DexType npeType = createStaticallyKnownType(npeDescriptor); |
| public final DexType reflectiveOperationExceptionType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(reflectiveOperationExceptionDescriptor); |
| public final DexType kotlinMetadataType = createStaticallyKnownType(kotlinMetadataDescriptor); |
| public final DexType kotlinJvmNameType = createStaticallyKnownType(kotlinJvmNameDescriptor); |
| |
| public final DexType kotlinEnumEntriesList = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Lkotlin/enums/EnumEntriesList;"); |
| public final DexMethod kotlinEnumEntriesListInit = |
| createInstanceInitializer(kotlinEnumEntriesList, createArrayType(1, enumType)); |
| |
| public final DexType javaIoFileType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/io/File;"); |
| public final DexType javaMathBigIntegerType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/math/BigInteger;"); |
| public final DexType javaNioByteOrderType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/nio/ByteOrder;"); |
| public final DexType javaUtilCollectionsType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/Collections;"); |
| public final DexType javaUtilIteratorType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/Iterator;"); |
| public final DexProto javaUtilIteratorProto = createProto(javaUtilIteratorType); |
| public final DexType javaUtilComparatorType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/Comparator;"); |
| public final DexType javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/concurrent/TimeUnit;"); |
| public final DexType javaUtilFormattableType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/Formattable;"); |
| public final DexType javaUtilListType = createStaticallyKnownType(listDescriptor); |
| public final DexType javaUtilArrayListType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/ArrayList;"); |
| public final DexType javaUtilLinkedListType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/LinkedList;"); |
| public final DexType comGoogleCommonCollectImmutableListType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList;"); |
| public final DexType javaUtilConcurrentCopyOnWriteArrayListType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/concurrent/CopyOnWriteArrayList;"); |
| public final DexType javaUtilLocaleType = createStaticallyKnownType(localeDescriptor); |
| public final DexType javaUtilLoggingLevelType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/logging/Level;"); |
| public final DexType javaUtilLoggingLoggerType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/logging/Logger;"); |
| public final DexType javaUtilSetType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/Set;"); |
| public final DexType javaUtilEnumMapType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/EnumMap;"); |
| public final DexType javaUtilEnumSetType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/EnumSet;"); |
| |
| public final DexType androidAppActivity = createStaticallyKnownType("Landroid/app/Activity;"); |
| public final DexType androidAppFragment = createStaticallyKnownType("Landroid/app/Fragment;"); |
| public final DexType androidAppZygotePreload = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Landroid/app/ZygotePreload;"); |
| public final DexType androidOsBuildType = createStaticallyKnownType("Landroid/os/Build;"); |
| public final DexType androidOsBuildVersionType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Landroid/os/Build$VERSION;"); |
| public final DexType androidOsBundleType = createStaticallyKnownType("Landroid/os/Bundle;"); |
| public final DexType androidOsHandlerType = createStaticallyKnownType("Landroid/os/Handler;"); |
| public final DexType androidOsParcelableCreatorType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Landroid/os/Parcelable$Creator;"); |
| public final DexType androidSystemOsConstantsType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Landroid/system/OsConstants;"); |
| public final DexType androidUtilLogType = createStaticallyKnownType("Landroid/util/Log;"); |
| public final DexType androidUtilPropertyType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Landroid/util/Property;"); |
| public final DexType androidViewViewType = createStaticallyKnownType("Landroid/view/View;"); |
| public final DexType androidUtilSparseArrayType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(androidUtilSparseArrayDescriptorString); |
| public final DexType androidContentResTypedArrayType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(androidContentResTypedArrayDescriptorString); |
| public final DexType androidContentContentProviderClientType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(androidContentContentProviderClientDescriptorString); |
| public final DexType androidDrmDrmManagerClientType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(androidDrmDrmManagerClientDescriptorString); |
| public final DexType androidMediaMediaDrmType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(androidMediaMediaDrmDescriptorString); |
| public final DexType androidMediaMediaMetadataRetrieverType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(androidMediaMediaMetadataRetrieverDescriptorString); |
| public final DexType androidResourcesType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(androidResourcesDescriptorString); |
| public final DexString androidResourcesGetStringName = createString("getString"); |
| public final DexProto androidResourcesGetStringProto = createProto(stringType, intType); |
| public final DexMethod androidResourcesGetStringMethod = |
| createMethod( |
| androidResourcesType, androidResourcesGetStringProto, androidResourcesGetStringName); |
| |
| public final StringBuildingMethods stringBuilderMethods = |
| new StringBuildingMethods(stringBuilderType); |
| public final StringBuildingMethods stringBufferMethods = |
| new StringBuildingMethods(stringBufferType); |
| public final BooleanMembers booleanMembers = new BooleanMembers(); |
| public final ByteMembers byteMembers = new ByteMembers(); |
| public final CharMembers charMembers = new CharMembers(); |
| public final FloatMembers floatMembers = new FloatMembers(); |
| public final IntegerMembers integerMembers = new IntegerMembers(); |
| public final LongMembers longMembers = new LongMembers(); |
| public final VoidMembers voidMembers = new VoidMembers(); |
| public final ObjectsMethods objectsMethods = new ObjectsMethods(); |
| public final ObjectMembers objectMembers = new ObjectMembers(); |
| public final BufferMembers bufferMembers = new BufferMembers(); |
| public final RecordMembers recordMembers = new RecordMembers(); |
| public final ShortMembers shortMembers = new ShortMembers(); |
| public final StringMembers stringMembers = new StringMembers(); |
| public final SupplierMembers supplierMembers = new SupplierMembers(); |
| public final DoubleMembers doubleMembers = new DoubleMembers(); |
| public final ThrowableMethods throwableMethods = new ThrowableMethods(); |
| public final AssertionErrorMethods assertionErrorMethods = new AssertionErrorMethods(); |
| public final ClassMethods classMethods = new ClassMethods(); |
| public final ConstructorMethods constructorMethods = new ConstructorMethods(); |
| public final MethodMethods methodMethods = new MethodMethods(); |
| public final EnumMembers enumMembers = new EnumMembers(); |
| public final AndroidUtilLogMembers androidUtilLogMembers = new AndroidUtilLogMembers(); |
| public final JavaLangReflectArrayMembers javaLangReflectArrayMembers = |
| new JavaLangReflectArrayMembers(); |
| public final JavaLangAnnotationRetentionPolicyMembers javaLangAnnotationRetentionPolicyMembers = |
| new JavaLangAnnotationRetentionPolicyMembers(); |
| public final JavaLangInvokeVarHandleMembers javaLangInvokeVarHandleMembers = |
| new JavaLangInvokeVarHandleMembers(); |
| public final JavaLangSystemMembers javaLangSystemMembers = new JavaLangSystemMembers(); |
| public final JavaIoPrintStreamMembers javaIoPrintStreamMembers = new JavaIoPrintStreamMembers(); |
| public final NullPointerExceptionMethods npeMethods = new NullPointerExceptionMethods(); |
| public final IllegalArgumentExceptionMethods illegalArgumentExceptionMethods = |
| new IllegalArgumentExceptionMethods(); |
| public final PrimitiveTypesBoxedTypeFields primitiveTypesBoxedTypeFields = |
| new PrimitiveTypesBoxedTypeFields(); |
| public final AtomicFieldUpdaterMethods atomicFieldUpdaterMethods = |
| new AtomicFieldUpdaterMethods(); |
| public final Kotlin kotlin; |
| public final PolymorphicMethods polymorphicMethods = new PolymorphicMethods(); |
| public final ProxyMethods proxyMethods = new ProxyMethods(); |
| |
| // android.** |
| public final AndroidOsBuildMembers androidOsBuildMembers = new AndroidOsBuildMembers(); |
| public final AndroidOsBuildVersionMembers androidOsBuildVersionMembers = |
| new AndroidOsBuildVersionMembers(); |
| public final AndroidOsBundleMembers androidOsBundleMembers = new AndroidOsBundleMembers(); |
| public final AndroidSystemOsConstantsMembers androidSystemOsConstantsMembers = |
| new AndroidSystemOsConstantsMembers(); |
| public final AndroidViewViewMembers androidViewViewMembers = new AndroidViewViewMembers(); |
| public final AndroidUtilSparseArrayMembers androidUtilSparseArrayMembers = |
| new AndroidUtilSparseArrayMembers(); |
| public final AndroidContentResTypedArrayMembers androidContentResTypedArrayMembers = |
| new AndroidContentResTypedArrayMembers(); |
| public final AndroidContentContentProviderClientMembers |
| androidContentContentProviderClientMembers = new AndroidContentContentProviderClientMembers(); |
| public final AndroidDrmDrmManagerClientMembers androidDrmDrmManagerClientMembers = |
| new AndroidDrmDrmManagerClientMembers(); |
| public final AndroidMediaMediaDrmMembers androidMediaMediaDrmMembers = |
| new AndroidMediaMediaDrmMembers(); |
| public final AndroidMediaMetadataRetrieverMembers androidMediaMetadataRetrieverMembers = |
| new AndroidMediaMetadataRetrieverMembers(); |
| |
| // java.** |
| public final JavaIoFileMembers javaIoFileMembers = new JavaIoFileMembers(); |
| public final JavaMathBigIntegerMembers javaMathBigIntegerMembers = |
| new JavaMathBigIntegerMembers(); |
| public final JavaNioByteOrderMembers javaNioByteOrderMembers = new JavaNioByteOrderMembers(); |
| public final JavaUtilArraysMethods javaUtilArraysMethods = new JavaUtilArraysMethods(); |
| public final JavaUtilComparatorMembers javaUtilComparatorMembers = |
| new JavaUtilComparatorMembers(); |
| public final JavaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitMembers javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitMembers = |
| new JavaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitMembers(); |
| |
| public final JavaUtilListMembers javaUtilListMembers = new JavaUtilListMembers(); |
| public final JavaUtilLocaleMembers javaUtilLocaleMembers = new JavaUtilLocaleMembers(); |
| public final JavaUtilLoggingLevelMembers javaUtilLoggingLevelMembers = |
| new JavaUtilLoggingLevelMembers(); |
| public final JavaUtilEnumMapMembers javaUtilEnumMapMembers = new JavaUtilEnumMapMembers(); |
| public final JavaUtilEnumSetMembers javaUtilEnumSetMembers = new JavaUtilEnumSetMembers(); |
| |
| public final List<LibraryMembers> libraryMembersCollection = |
| ImmutableList.of( |
| booleanMembers, |
| floatMembers, |
| integerMembers, |
| longMembers, |
| stringMembers, |
| // android.** |
| androidOsBuildMembers, |
| androidOsBuildVersionMembers, |
| androidOsBundleMembers, |
| androidSystemOsConstantsMembers, |
| androidViewViewMembers, |
| // java.** |
| enumMembers, |
| javaIoFileMembers, |
| javaMathBigIntegerMembers, |
| javaNioByteOrderMembers, |
| javaUtilComparatorMembers, |
| javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitMembers, |
| javaUtilLocaleMembers, |
| javaUtilLoggingLevelMembers); |
| |
| public final DexString twrCloseResourceMethodName = createString("$closeResource"); |
| public final DexProto twrCloseResourceMethodProto = |
| createProto(voidType, throwableType, autoCloseableType); |
| |
| public final DexString deserializeLambdaMethodName = createString("$deserializeLambda$"); |
| public final DexType serializedLambdaType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/lang/invoke/SerializedLambda;"); |
| public final DexProto deserializeLambdaMethodProto = |
| createProto(objectType, serializedLambdaType); |
| |
| public final String defaultSourceFileAttributeString = "SourceFile"; |
| public final DexString defaultSourceFileAttribute = |
| createString(defaultSourceFileAttributeString); |
| |
| // Dex system annotations. |
| // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/dalvik/dex-format.html#system-annotation |
| public final DexType annotationDefault = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ldalvik/annotation/AnnotationDefault;"); |
| public final DexType annotationEnclosingClass = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ldalvik/annotation/EnclosingClass;"); |
| public final DexType annotationEnclosingMethod = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ldalvik/annotation/EnclosingMethod;"); |
| public final DexType annotationInnerClass = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ldalvik/annotation/InnerClass;"); |
| public final DexType annotationMemberClasses = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ldalvik/annotation/MemberClasses;"); |
| public final DexType annotationMethodParameters = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ldalvik/annotation/MethodParameters;"); |
| public final DexType annotationSignature = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(dalvikAnnotationSignatureString); |
| public final DexType annotationNestHost = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ldalvik/annotation/NestHost;"); |
| public final DexType annotationNestMembers = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ldalvik/annotation/NestMembers;"); |
| public final DexType annotationPermittedSubclasses = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ldalvik/annotation/PermittedSubclasses;"); |
| public final DexType annotationRecord = createStaticallyKnownType("Ldalvik/annotation/Record;"); |
| public final DexString annotationRecordComponentNames = createString("componentNames"); |
| public final DexString annotationRecordComponentTypes = createString("componentTypes"); |
| public final DexString annotationRecordComponentSignatures = createString("componentSignatures"); |
| public final DexString annotationRecordComponentAnnotationVisibilities = |
| createString("componentAnnotationVisibilities"); |
| public final DexString annotationRecordComponentAnnotations = |
| createString("componentAnnotations"); |
| public final DexType annotationSourceDebugExtension = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ldalvik/annotation/SourceDebugExtension;"); |
| public final DexType annotationThrows = createStaticallyKnownType("Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;"); |
| public final DexType annotationSynthesizedClass = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Lcom/android/tools/r8/annotations/SynthesizedClassV2;"); |
| |
| public final String annotationReachabilitySensitiveDesc = |
| "Ldalvik/annotation/optimization/ReachabilitySensitive;"; |
| public final DexType annotationReachabilitySensitive = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(annotationReachabilitySensitiveDesc); |
| |
| private static final String METAFACTORY_METHOD_NAME = "metafactory"; |
| private static final String METAFACTORY_ALT_METHOD_NAME = "altMetafactory"; |
| |
| public final DexType metafactoryType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/lang/invoke/LambdaMetafactory;"); |
| public final DexType constantBootstrapsType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/lang/invoke/ConstantBootstraps;"); |
| public final DexType switchBootstrapType = createType("Ljava/lang/runtime/SwitchBootstraps;"); |
| public final DexType callSiteType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;"); |
| public final DexType lookupType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;"); |
| public final DexMethod constantDynamicBootstrapMethod = |
| createMethod( |
| constantBootstrapsType, |
| createProto( |
| objectType, |
| methodHandlesLookupType, |
| stringType, |
| classType, |
| methodHandleType, |
| objectArrayType), |
| invokeMethodName); |
| public final DexProto switchBootstrapMethodProto = |
| createProto( |
| callSiteType, methodHandlesLookupType, stringType, methodTypeType, objectArrayType); |
| public final DexMethod typeSwitchMethod = |
| createMethod(switchBootstrapType, switchBootstrapMethodProto, createString("typeSwitch")); |
| public final DexMethod enumSwitchMethod = |
| createMethod(switchBootstrapType, switchBootstrapMethodProto, createString("enumSwitch")); |
| public final DexProto typeSwitchProto = createProto(intType, objectType, intType); |
| public final DexMethod enumDescMethod = |
| createMethod(enumDescType, createProto(enumDescType, classDescType, stringType), "of"); |
| public final DexMethod classDescMethod = |
| createMethod(classDescType, createProto(classDescType, stringType), "of"); |
| public final DexType objectMethodsType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/lang/runtime/ObjectMethods;"); |
| public final DexType typeDescriptorType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/lang/invoke/TypeDescriptor;"); |
| public final DexType listIteratorType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/ListIterator;"); |
| public final DexType enumerationType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/util/Enumeration;"); |
| public final DexType serializableType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/io/Serializable;"); |
| public final DexType externalizableType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/io/Externalizable;"); |
| public final DexType cloneableType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/lang/Cloneable;"); |
| public final DexType comparableType = createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/lang/Comparable;"); |
| public final DexType stringConcatFactoryType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType("Ljava/lang/invoke/StringConcatFactory;"); |
| public final DexType unsafeType = createStaticallyKnownType("Lsun/misc/Unsafe;"); |
| public final DexType desugarVarHandleType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(desugarVarHandleDescriptorString); |
| public final DexType desugarMethodHandlesLookupType = |
| createStaticallyKnownType(desugarMethodHandlesLookupDescriptorString); |
| |
| public final ObjectMethodsMembers objectMethodsMembers = new ObjectMethodsMembers(); |
| public final ServiceLoaderMethods serviceLoaderMethods = new ServiceLoaderMethods(); |
| public final IteratorMethods iteratorMethods = new IteratorMethods(); |
| public final StringConcatFactoryMembers stringConcatFactoryMembers = |
| new StringConcatFactoryMembers(); |
| |
| private final SyntheticNaming syntheticNaming = new SyntheticNaming(); |
| |
| public SyntheticNaming getSyntheticNaming() { |
| return syntheticNaming; |
| } |
| |
| public final BiMap<DexType, DexType> primitiveToBoxed = HashBiMap.create( |
| ImmutableMap.<DexType, DexType>builder() |
| .put(booleanType, boxedBooleanType) |
| .put(byteType, boxedByteType) |
| .put(charType, boxedCharType) |
| .put(shortType, boxedShortType) |
| .put(intType, boxedIntType) |
| .put(longType, boxedLongType) |
| .put(floatType, boxedFloatType) |
| .put(doubleType, boxedDoubleType) |
| .build()); |
| |
| public final Map<DexType, DexMethod> unboxPrimitiveMethod = |
| ImmutableMap.<DexType, DexMethod>builder() |
| .put(boxedBooleanType, createUnboxMethod(booleanType, unboxBooleanMethodName)) |
| .put(boxedByteType, createUnboxMethod(byteType, unboxByteMethodName)) |
| .put(boxedCharType, createUnboxMethod(charType, unboxCharMethodName)) |
| .put(boxedShortType, createUnboxMethod(shortType, unboxShortMethodName)) |
| .put(boxedIntType, createUnboxMethod(intType, unboxIntMethodName)) |
| .put(boxedLongType, createUnboxMethod(longType, unboxLongMethodName)) |
| .put(boxedFloatType, createUnboxMethod(floatType, unboxFloatMethodName)) |
| .put(boxedDoubleType, createUnboxMethod(doubleType, unboxDoubleMethodName)) |
| .build(); |
| |
| private DexMethod createUnboxMethod(DexType primitiveType, DexString unboxMethodName) { |
| DexProto proto = createProto(primitiveType); |
| return createMethod(primitiveToBoxed.get(primitiveType), proto, unboxMethodName); |
| } |
| |
| // Works both with the boxed and unboxed type. |
| public DexMethod getUnboxPrimitiveMethod(DexType type) { |
| DexType boxType = primitiveToBoxed.getOrDefault(type, type); |
| DexMethod unboxMethod = unboxPrimitiveMethod.get(boxType); |
| if (unboxMethod == null) { |
| throw new Unreachable("Invalid primitive type descriptor: " + type); |
| } |
| return unboxMethod; |
| } |
| |
| // Works both with the boxed and unboxed type. |
| public DexMethod getBoxPrimitiveMethod(DexType type) { |
| DexType boxType = primitiveToBoxed.getOrDefault(type, type); |
| DexType primitive = getPrimitiveFromBoxed(boxType); |
| if (primitive == null) { |
| throw new Unreachable("Invalid primitive type descriptor: " + type); |
| } |
| DexProto proto = createProto(boxType, primitive); |
| return createMethod(boxType, proto, valueOfMethodName); |
| } |
| |
| public BoxUnboxPrimitiveMethodRoundtrip getBoxUnboxPrimitiveMethodRoundtrip(DexType type) { |
| if (type.isPrimitiveType()) { |
| return new BoxUnboxPrimitiveMethodRoundtrip( |
| getBoxPrimitiveMethod(type), getUnboxPrimitiveMethod(type)); |
| } else if (primitiveToBoxed.containsValue(type)) { |
| return new BoxUnboxPrimitiveMethodRoundtrip( |
| getUnboxPrimitiveMethod(type), getBoxPrimitiveMethod(type)); |
| } else { |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public static class BoxUnboxPrimitiveMethodRoundtrip { |
| |
| private final DexMethod boxIfPrimitiveElseUnbox; |
| private final DexMethod unboxIfPrimitiveElseBox; |
| |
| public BoxUnboxPrimitiveMethodRoundtrip( |
| DexMethod boxIfPrimitiveElseUnbox, DexMethod unboxIfPrimitiveElseBox) { |
| this.boxIfPrimitiveElseUnbox = boxIfPrimitiveElseUnbox; |
| this.unboxIfPrimitiveElseBox = unboxIfPrimitiveElseBox; |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod getBoxIfPrimitiveElseUnbox() { |
| return boxIfPrimitiveElseUnbox; |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod getUnboxIfPrimitiveElseBox() { |
| return unboxIfPrimitiveElseBox; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public DexType getBoxedForPrimitiveType(DexType primitive) { |
| assert primitive.isPrimitiveType(); |
| return primitiveToBoxed.get(primitive); |
| } |
| |
| public BoxedPrimitiveMembers getBoxedMembersForPrimitiveOrVoidType(DexType type) { |
| assert type.isPrimitiveType() || type.isVoidType(); |
| switch (type.getDescriptor().getFirstByteAsChar()) { |
| case 'B': |
| return byteMembers; |
| case 'C': |
| return charMembers; |
| case 'D': |
| return doubleMembers; |
| case 'F': |
| return floatMembers; |
| case 'I': |
| return integerMembers; |
| case 'J': |
| return longMembers; |
| case 'S': |
| return shortMembers; |
| case 'V': |
| return voidMembers; |
| case 'Z': |
| return booleanMembers; |
| default: |
| throw new Unreachable("Unknown type " + type); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public DexType getPrimitiveFromBoxed(DexType boxedPrimitive) { |
| return primitiveToBoxed.inverse().get(boxedPrimitive); |
| } |
| |
| // Boxed Boxed#valueOf(Primitive), e.g., Boolean Boolean#valueOf(B) |
| public Set<DexMethod> boxedValueOfMethods() { |
| return primitiveToBoxed.entrySet().stream() |
| .map( |
| entry -> { |
| DexType primitive = entry.getKey(); |
| DexType boxed = entry.getValue(); |
| return createMethod( |
| boxed.descriptor, |
| valueOfMethodName, |
| boxed.descriptor, |
| new DexString[] {primitive.descriptor}); |
| }) |
| .collect(Collectors.toSet()); |
| } |
| |
| public final DexMethod metafactoryMethod = |
| createMethod( |
| metafactoryType, |
| createProto( |
| callSiteType, |
| lookupType, |
| stringType, |
| methodTypeType, |
| methodTypeType, |
| methodHandleType, |
| methodTypeType), |
| |
| public final DexMethod metafactoryAltMethod = |
| createMethod( |
| metafactoryType, |
| createProto(callSiteType, lookupType, stringType, methodTypeType, objectArrayType), |
| |
| public final DexMethod deserializeLambdaMethod = |
| createMethod(objectType, deserializeLambdaMethodProto, deserializeLambdaMethodName); |
| |
| public Map<DexMethod, int[]> libraryMethodsNonNullParamOrThrow = |
| buildLibraryMethodsNonNullParamOrThrow(); |
| |
| private Map<DexMethod, int[]> buildLibraryMethodsNonNullParamOrThrow() { |
| ImmutableMap.Builder<DexMethod, int[]> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); |
| for (DexMethod requireNonNullMethod : objectsMethods.requireNonNullMethods()) { |
| builder.put(requireNonNullMethod, new int[] {0}); |
| } |
| return builder.build(); |
| } |
| |
| public Set<DexMethod> libraryMethodsReturningReceiver = |
| ImmutableSet.<DexMethod>builder() |
| .addAll(stringBufferMethods.appendMethods) |
| .addAll(stringBuilderMethods.appendMethods) |
| .build(); |
| |
| // Library methods listed here are based on their original implementations. That is, we assume |
| // these cannot be overridden. |
| public final Set<DexMethod> libraryMethodsReturningNonNull = |
| ImmutableSet.<DexMethod>builder() |
| .add( |
| classMethods.getName, |
| classMethods.getSimpleName, |
| classMethods.forName, |
| objectMembers.getClass, |
| objectsMethods.requireNonNull, |
| objectsMethods.requireNonNullWithMessage, |
| objectsMethods.requireNonNullWithMessageSupplier, |
| stringMembers.format, |
| stringMembers.formatWithLocale, |
| stringMembers.valueOf) |
| .addAll(boxedValueOfMethods()) |
| .addAll(stringBufferMethods.appendMethods) |
| .addAll(stringBuilderMethods.appendMethods) |
| .build(); |
| |
| // TODO(b/119596718): More idempotent methods? Any singleton accessors? E.g., |
| // java.util.Calendar#getInstance(...) // 4 variants |
| // java.util.Locale#getDefault() // returns JVM default locale. |
| // android.os.Looper#myLooper() // returns the associated Looper instance. |
| // Note that this set is used for canonicalization of method invocations, together with a set of |
| // library methods that do not have side effects. |
| public Set<DexMethod> libraryMethodsWithReturnValueDependingOnlyOnArguments = |
| ImmutableSet.<DexMethod>builder() |
| .addAll(boxedValueOfMethods()) |
| .build(); |
| |
| public Set<DexType> libraryTypesAssumedToBePresent = |
| ImmutableSet.<DexType>builder() |
| .add( |
| androidAppActivity, |
| androidOsHandlerType, |
| callableType, |
| enumType, |
| npeType, |
| objectType, |
| stringBufferType, |
| stringBuilderType, |
| stringType) |
| .addAll(primitiveToBoxed.values()) |
| .build(); |
| |
| public Set<DexType> libraryClassesWithoutStaticInitialization = |
| ImmutableSet.of( |
| boxedBooleanType, |
| boxedByteType, |
| boxedCharType, |
| boxedDoubleType, |
| boxedFloatType, |
| boxedIntType, |
| boxedLongType, |
| boxedNumberType, |
| boxedShortType, |
| boxedVoidType, |
| enumType, |
| javaLangSystemType, |
| npeType, |
| objectType, |
| stringBufferType, |
| stringBuilderType, |
| stringType); |
| |
| private boolean skipNameValidationForTesting = false; |
| |
| public void setSkipNameValidationForTesting(boolean skipNameValidationForTesting) { |
| this.skipNameValidationForTesting = skipNameValidationForTesting; |
| } |
| |
| public boolean getSkipNameValidationForTesting() { |
| return skipNameValidationForTesting; |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean isLambdaMetafactoryMethod(DexMethod dexMethod) { |
| return dexMethod == metafactoryMethod || dexMethod == metafactoryAltMethod; |
| } |
| |
| public abstract static class LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) {} |
| } |
| |
| public abstract static class BoxedPrimitiveMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public abstract DexField getTypeField(); |
| } |
| |
| public class AndroidOsBuildMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField BOOTLOADER = createField(androidOsBuildType, stringType, "BOOTLOADER"); |
| public final DexField BRAND = createField(androidOsBuildType, stringType, "BRAND"); |
| public final DexField CPU_ABI = createField(androidOsBuildType, stringType, "CPU_ABI"); |
| public final DexField CPU_ABI2 = createField(androidOsBuildType, stringType, "CPU_ABI2"); |
| public final DexField DEVICE = createField(androidOsBuildType, stringType, "DEVICE"); |
| public final DexField DISPLAY = createField(androidOsBuildType, stringType, "DISPLAY"); |
| public final DexField FINGERPRINT = createField(androidOsBuildType, stringType, "FINGERPRINT"); |
| public final DexField HARDWARE = createField(androidOsBuildType, stringType, "HARDWARE"); |
| public final DexField MANUFACTURER = |
| createField(androidOsBuildType, stringType, "MANUFACTURER"); |
| public final DexField MODEL = createField(androidOsBuildType, stringType, "MODEL"); |
| public final DexField PRODUCT = createField(androidOsBuildType, stringType, "PRODUCT"); |
| public final DexField SERIAL = createField(androidOsBuildType, stringType, "SERIAL"); |
| public final DexField SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS = |
| createField(androidOsBuildType, stringArrayType, "SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS"); |
| public final DexField SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS = |
| createField(androidOsBuildType, stringArrayType, "SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS"); |
| public final DexField SUPPORTED_ABIS = |
| createField(androidOsBuildType, stringArrayType, "SUPPORTED_ABIS"); |
| public final DexField TIME = createField(androidOsBuildType, longType, "TIME"); |
| public final DexField TYPE = createField(androidOsBuildType, stringType, "TYPE"); |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(BOOTLOADER); |
| consumer.accept(BRAND); |
| consumer.accept(CPU_ABI); |
| consumer.accept(CPU_ABI2); |
| consumer.accept(DEVICE); |
| consumer.accept(DISPLAY); |
| consumer.accept(FINGERPRINT); |
| consumer.accept(HARDWARE); |
| consumer.accept(MANUFACTURER); |
| consumer.accept(MODEL); |
| consumer.accept(PRODUCT); |
| consumer.accept(SERIAL); |
| consumer.accept(SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS); |
| consumer.accept(SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS); |
| consumer.accept(SUPPORTED_ABIS); |
| consumer.accept(TIME); |
| consumer.accept(TYPE); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class AndroidOsBuildVersionMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField CODENAME = createField(androidOsBuildVersionType, stringType, "CODENAME"); |
| public final DexField RELEASE = createField(androidOsBuildVersionType, stringType, "RELEASE"); |
| public final DexField SDK = createField(androidOsBuildVersionType, stringType, "SDK"); |
| public final DexField SDK_INT = createField(androidOsBuildVersionType, intType, "SDK_INT"); |
| public final DexField SDK_INT_FULL = |
| createField(androidOsBuildVersionType, intType, "SDK_INT_FULL"); |
| public final DexField SECURITY_PATCH = |
| createField(androidOsBuildVersionType, stringType, "SECURITY_PATCH"); |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(CODENAME); |
| consumer.accept(RELEASE); |
| consumer.accept(SDK); |
| consumer.accept(SDK_INT); |
| consumer.accept(SECURITY_PATCH); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class AndroidOsBundleMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField CREATOR = |
| createField(androidOsBundleType, androidOsParcelableCreatorType, "CREATOR"); |
| public final DexField EMPTY = createField(androidOsBundleType, androidOsBundleType, "EMPTY"); |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(CREATOR); |
| consumer.accept(EMPTY); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class AndroidSystemOsConstantsMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField S_IRUSR = createField(androidSystemOsConstantsType, intType, "S_IRUSR"); |
| public final DexField S_IXUSR = createField(androidSystemOsConstantsType, intType, "S_IXUSR"); |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(S_IRUSR); |
| consumer.accept(S_IXUSR); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class AndroidViewViewMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField TRANSLATION_Z = |
| createField(androidViewViewType, androidUtilPropertyType, "TRANSLATION_Z"); |
| public final DexField EMPTY_STATE_SET = |
| createField(androidViewViewType, intArrayType, "EMPTY_STATE_SET"); |
| public final DexField ENABLED_STATE_SET = |
| createField(androidViewViewType, intArrayType, "ENABLED_STATE_SET"); |
| public final DexField PRESSED_ENABLED_STATE_SET = |
| createField(androidViewViewType, intArrayType, "PRESSED_ENABLED_STATE_SET"); |
| public final DexField SELECTED_STATE_SET = |
| createField(androidViewViewType, intArrayType, "SELECTED_STATE_SET"); |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(TRANSLATION_Z); |
| consumer.accept(EMPTY_STATE_SET); |
| consumer.accept(ENABLED_STATE_SET); |
| consumer.accept(PRESSED_ENABLED_STATE_SET); |
| consumer.accept(SELECTED_STATE_SET); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // android.util.SparseArray |
| public class AndroidUtilSparseArrayMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| public final DexMethod put = |
| createMethod(androidUtilSparseArrayType, createProto(voidType, intType, objectType), "put"); |
| public final DexMethod set = |
| createMethod( |
| androidUtilSparseArrayType, createProto(voidType, intType, objectType), setString); |
| } |
| |
| // android.content.res.TypedArray |
| public class AndroidContentResTypedArrayMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| public final DexMethod recycle = |
| createMethod(androidContentResTypedArrayType, createProto(voidType), "recycle"); |
| public final DexMethod close = |
| createMethod(androidContentResTypedArrayType, createProto(voidType), "close"); |
| } |
| |
| // android.content.ContentProviderClient |
| public class AndroidContentContentProviderClientMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| public final DexMethod release = |
| createMethod(androidContentContentProviderClientType, createProto(booleanType), "release"); |
| public final DexMethod close = |
| createMethod(androidContentContentProviderClientType, createProto(voidType), "close"); |
| } |
| |
| // android.drm.DrmManagerClient |
| public class AndroidDrmDrmManagerClientMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| public final DexMethod release = |
| createMethod(androidDrmDrmManagerClientType, createProto(voidType), "release"); |
| public final DexMethod close = |
| createMethod(androidDrmDrmManagerClientType, createProto(voidType), "close"); |
| } |
| |
| // android.media.MediaDrm |
| public class AndroidMediaMediaDrmMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| public final DexMethod release = |
| createMethod(androidMediaMediaDrmType, createProto(voidType), "release"); |
| public final DexMethod close = |
| createMethod(androidMediaMediaDrmType, createProto(voidType), "close"); |
| } |
| |
| // android.media.MediaMetadataRetriever |
| public class AndroidMediaMetadataRetrieverMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| public final DexMethod release = |
| createMethod(androidMediaMediaMetadataRetrieverType, createProto(voidType), "release"); |
| public final DexMethod close = |
| createMethod(androidMediaMediaMetadataRetrieverType, createProto(voidType), "close"); |
| } |
| |
| public class BooleanMembers extends BoxedPrimitiveMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField FALSE = createField(boxedBooleanType, boxedBooleanType, "FALSE"); |
| public final DexField TRUE = createField(boxedBooleanType, boxedBooleanType, "TRUE"); |
| public final DexField TYPE = createField(boxedBooleanType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| |
| public final DexMethod booleanValue = |
| createMethod(boxedBooleanType, createProto(booleanType), "booleanValue"); |
| public final DexMethod parseBoolean = |
| createMethod(boxedBooleanType, createProto(booleanType, stringType), "parseBoolean"); |
| public final DexMethod valueOf = |
| createMethod(boxedBooleanType, createProto(boxedBooleanType, booleanType), "valueOf"); |
| public final DexMethod toString = |
| createMethod(boxedBooleanType, createProto(stringType), "toString"); |
| public final DexMethod staticHashCode = |
| createMethod(boxedBooleanType, createProto(intType, booleanType), "hashCode"); |
| |
| private BooleanMembers() {} |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(FALSE); |
| consumer.accept(TRUE); |
| consumer.accept(TYPE); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public DexField getTypeField() { |
| return TYPE; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class ByteMembers extends BoxedPrimitiveMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField TYPE = createField(boxedByteType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| |
| public final DexMethod byteValue = |
| createMethod(boxedByteType, createProto(byteType), "byteValue"); |
| public final DexMethod toString = |
| createMethod(boxedByteType, createProto(stringType), "toString"); |
| public final DexMethod valueOf = |
| createMethod(boxedByteType, createProto(boxedByteType, byteType), "valueOf"); |
| |
| private ByteMembers() {} |
| |
| @Override |
| public DexField getTypeField() { |
| return TYPE; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class CharMembers extends BoxedPrimitiveMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField TYPE = createField(boxedCharType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| |
| public final DexMethod charValue = |
| createMethod(boxedCharType, createProto(charType), "charValue"); |
| public final DexMethod toString = |
| createMethod(boxedCharType, createProto(stringType), "toString"); |
| public final DexMethod valueOf = |
| createMethod(boxedCharType, createProto(boxedCharType, charType), "valueOf"); |
| |
| private CharMembers() {} |
| |
| @Override |
| public DexField getTypeField() { |
| return TYPE; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class FloatMembers extends BoxedPrimitiveMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField TYPE = createField(boxedFloatType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| |
| public final DexMethod floatValue = |
| createMethod(boxedFloatType, createProto(floatType), "floatValue"); |
| public final DexMethod toString = |
| createMethod(boxedFloatType, createProto(stringType), "toString"); |
| public final DexMethod valueOf = |
| createMethod(boxedFloatType, createProto(boxedFloatType, floatType), "valueOf"); |
| public final DexMethod staticHashCode = |
| createMethod(boxedFloatType, createProto(intType, floatType), "hashCode"); |
| |
| private FloatMembers() {} |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(TYPE); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public DexField getTypeField() { |
| return TYPE; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaIoFileMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField pathSeparator = createField(javaIoFileType, stringType, "pathSeparator"); |
| public final DexField separator = createField(javaIoFileType, stringType, "separator"); |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(pathSeparator); |
| consumer.accept(separator); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaMathBigIntegerMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField ONE = createField(javaMathBigIntegerType, javaMathBigIntegerType, "ONE"); |
| public final DexField ZERO = |
| createField(javaMathBigIntegerType, javaMathBigIntegerType, "ZERO"); |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(ONE); |
| consumer.accept(ZERO); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaNioByteOrderMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField LITTLE_ENDIAN = |
| createField(javaNioByteOrderType, javaNioByteOrderType, "LITTLE_ENDIAN"); |
| public final DexField BIG_ENDIAN = |
| createField(javaNioByteOrderType, javaNioByteOrderType, "BIG_ENDIAN"); |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(LITTLE_ENDIAN); |
| consumer.accept(BIG_ENDIAN); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaUtilArraysMethods { |
| |
| public final DexMethod asList; |
| public final DexMethod hashCode = |
| createMethod(arraysType, createProto(intType, objectArrayType), "hashCode"); |
| public final DexMethod equalsObjectArray; |
| |
| private JavaUtilArraysMethods() { |
| asList = |
| createMethod( |
| arraysDescriptor, |
| createString("asList"), |
| listDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {objectArrayDescriptor}); |
| equalsObjectArray = |
| createMethod( |
| arraysDescriptor, |
| equalsMethodName, |
| booleanDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {objectArrayDescriptor, objectArrayDescriptor}); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaUtilComparatorMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField EMPTY_LIST = |
| createField(javaUtilCollectionsType, javaUtilListType, "EMPTY_LIST"); |
| public final DexField EMPTY_SET = |
| createField(javaUtilCollectionsType, javaUtilSetType, "EMPTY_SET"); |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(EMPTY_LIST); |
| consumer.accept(EMPTY_SET); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField DAYS = |
| createField(javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitType, javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitType, "DAYS"); |
| public final DexField HOURS = |
| createField(javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitType, javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitType, "HOURS"); |
| public final DexField MICROSECONDS = |
| createField(javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitType, javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitType, "MICROSECONDS"); |
| public final DexField MILLISECONDS = |
| createField(javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitType, javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitType, "MILLISECONDS"); |
| public final DexField MINUTES = |
| createField(javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitType, javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitType, "MINUTES"); |
| public final DexField NANOSECONDS = |
| createField(javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitType, javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitType, "NANOSECONDS"); |
| public final DexField SECONDS = |
| createField(javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitType, javaUtilConcurrentTimeUnitType, "SECONDS"); |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(DAYS); |
| consumer.accept(HOURS); |
| consumer.accept(MICROSECONDS); |
| consumer.accept(MILLISECONDS); |
| consumer.accept(MINUTES); |
| consumer.accept(NANOSECONDS); |
| consumer.accept(SECONDS); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaUtilListMembers { |
| public final DexMethod size = |
| createMethod(javaUtilListType, createProto(intType), createString("size")); |
| public final DexMethod get = |
| createMethod(javaUtilListType, createProto(objectType, intType), getString); |
| public final DexMethod iterator = |
| createMethod(javaUtilListType, createProto(javaUtilIteratorType), iteratorName); |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaUtilLocaleMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField ENGLISH = createField(javaUtilLocaleType, javaUtilLocaleType, "ENGLISH"); |
| public final DexField ROOT = createField(javaUtilLocaleType, javaUtilLocaleType, "ROOT"); |
| public final DexField US = createField(javaUtilLocaleType, javaUtilLocaleType, "US"); |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(ENGLISH); |
| consumer.accept(ROOT); |
| consumer.accept(US); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaUtilLoggingLevelMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField CONFIG = |
| createField(javaUtilLoggingLevelType, javaUtilLoggingLevelType, "CONFIG"); |
| public final DexField FINE = |
| createField(javaUtilLoggingLevelType, javaUtilLoggingLevelType, "FINE"); |
| public final DexField FINER = |
| createField(javaUtilLoggingLevelType, javaUtilLoggingLevelType, "FINER"); |
| public final DexField FINEST = |
| createField(javaUtilLoggingLevelType, javaUtilLoggingLevelType, "FINEST"); |
| public final DexField SEVERE = |
| createField(javaUtilLoggingLevelType, javaUtilLoggingLevelType, "SEVERE"); |
| public final DexField WARNING = |
| createField(javaUtilLoggingLevelType, javaUtilLoggingLevelType, "WARNING"); |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(CONFIG); |
| consumer.accept(FINE); |
| consumer.accept(FINER); |
| consumer.accept(FINEST); |
| consumer.accept(SEVERE); |
| consumer.accept(WARNING); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaUtilEnumMapMembers { |
| public final DexMethod constructor = |
| createMethod(javaUtilEnumMapType, createProto(voidType, classType), constructorMethodName); |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaUtilEnumSetMembers { |
| private final DexString allOfString = createString("allOf"); |
| private final DexString noneOfString = createString("noneOf"); |
| private final DexString ofString = createString("of"); |
| private final DexString rangeString = createString("range"); |
| |
| public boolean isFactoryMethod(DexMethod invokedMethod) { |
| if (!invokedMethod.getHolderType().equals(javaUtilEnumSetType)) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| DexString name = invokedMethod.getName(); |
| return name.isIdenticalTo(allOfString) |
| || name.isIdenticalTo(noneOfString) |
| || name.isIdenticalTo(ofString) |
| || name.isIdenticalTo(rangeString); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class LongMembers extends BoxedPrimitiveMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField TYPE = createField(boxedLongType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| |
| public final DexMethod compare = |
| createMethod(boxedLongType, createProto(intType, longType, longType), "compare"); |
| public final DexMethod longValue = |
| createMethod(boxedLongType, createProto(longType), "longValue"); |
| public final DexMethod toString = |
| createMethod(boxedLongType, createProto(stringType), "toString"); |
| public final DexMethod valueOf = |
| createMethod(boxedLongType, createProto(boxedLongType, longType), "valueOf"); |
| public final DexMethod staticHashCode = |
| createMethod(boxedLongType, createProto(intType, longType), "hashCode"); |
| |
| private LongMembers() {} |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(TYPE); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public DexField getTypeField() { |
| return TYPE; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class DoubleMembers extends BoxedPrimitiveMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField TYPE = createField(boxedDoubleType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| |
| public final DexMethod doubleValue = |
| createMethod(boxedDoubleType, createProto(doubleType), "doubleValue"); |
| public final DexMethod isNaN = |
| createMethod(boxedDoubleType, createProto(booleanType, doubleType), "isNaN"); |
| public final DexMethod toString = |
| createMethod(boxedDoubleType, createProto(stringType), "toString"); |
| public final DexMethod valueOf = |
| createMethod(boxedDoubleType, createProto(boxedDoubleType, doubleType), "valueOf"); |
| public final DexMethod staticHashCode = |
| createMethod(boxedDoubleType, createProto(intType, doubleType), "hashCode"); |
| |
| private DoubleMembers() {} |
| |
| @Override |
| public DexField getTypeField() { |
| return TYPE; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class IntegerMembers extends BoxedPrimitiveMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField TYPE = createField(boxedIntType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| |
| public final DexMethod intValue = createMethod(boxedIntType, createProto(intType), "intValue"); |
| public final DexMethod toString = |
| createMethod(boxedIntType, createProto(stringType), "toString"); |
| public final DexMethod valueOf = |
| createMethod(boxedIntType, createProto(boxedIntType, intType), "valueOf"); |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(TYPE); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public DexField getTypeField() { |
| return TYPE; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class StringConcatFactoryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexMethod makeConcat = |
| createMethod( |
| stringConcatFactoryType, |
| createProto(callSiteType, lookupType, stringType, methodTypeType), |
| createString("makeConcat")); |
| public final DexMethod makeConcatWithConstants = |
| createMethod( |
| stringConcatFactoryType, |
| createProto( |
| callSiteType, lookupType, stringType, methodTypeType, stringType, objectArrayType), |
| createString("makeConcatWithConstants")); |
| } |
| |
| public class VoidMembers extends BoxedPrimitiveMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField TYPE = createField(voidType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| |
| @Override |
| public DexField getTypeField() { |
| return TYPE; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class ThrowableMethods { |
| |
| public final DexMethod addSuppressed; |
| public final DexMethod getMessage; |
| public final DexMethod getSuppressed; |
| public final DexMethod initCause; |
| |
| private ThrowableMethods() { |
| addSuppressed = createMethod(throwableDescriptor, |
| createString("addSuppressed"), voidDescriptor, new DexString[]{throwableDescriptor}); |
| getSuppressed = createMethod(throwableDescriptor, |
| createString("getSuppressed"), throwableArrayDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| initCause = createMethod(throwableDescriptor, createString("initCause"), throwableDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] { throwableDescriptor }); |
| getMessage = |
| createMethod( |
| throwableDescriptor, |
| createString("getMessage"), |
| stringDescriptor, |
| DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class AssertionErrorMethods { |
| public final DexMethod initMessage; |
| public final DexMethod initMessageAndCause; |
| |
| private AssertionErrorMethods() { |
| this.initMessage = |
| createMethod(assertionErrorDescriptor, constructorMethodName, voidDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] { objectDescriptor }); |
| this.initMessageAndCause = |
| createMethod(assertionErrorDescriptor, constructorMethodName, voidDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] { stringDescriptor, throwableDescriptor }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class RecordMembers { |
| public final DexMethod constructor = createMethod(recordType, createProto(voidType), "<init>"); |
| public final DexMethod equals = |
| createMethod(recordType, createProto(booleanType, objectType), "equals"); |
| public final DexMethod hashCode = createMethod(recordType, createProto(intType), "hashCode"); |
| public final DexMethod toString = createMethod(recordType, createProto(stringType), "toString"); |
| } |
| |
| public class ObjectMethodsMembers { |
| public final DexMethod bootstrap = |
| createMethod( |
| objectMethodsType, |
| createProto( |
| objectType, |
| lookupType, |
| stringType, |
| typeDescriptorType, |
| classType, |
| stringType, |
| createArrayType(1, methodHandleType)), |
| "bootstrap"); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean isArrayClone(DexMethod method) { |
| return method.getHolderType().isArrayType() |
| && isObjectCloneWithoutHolderCheck(method.getProto(), method.getName()); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean isObjectCloneWithoutHolderCheck(DexProto proto, DexString name) { |
| return cloneMethodName.isIdenticalTo(name) |
| && proto.getParameters().isEmpty() |
| && objectType.isIdenticalTo(proto.getReturnType()); |
| } |
| |
| public class ObjectMembers { |
| |
| /** |
| * This field is not on {@link Object}, but will be synthesized on program classes as a static |
| * field, for the compiler to have a principled way to trigger the initialization of a given |
| * class. |
| */ |
| public final DexField clinitField = createField(objectType, intType, "$r8$clinit"); |
| |
| public final DexMethod clone; |
| public final DexMethod equals = |
| createMethod(objectType, createProto(booleanType, objectType), "equals"); |
| public final DexMethod getClass; |
| public final DexMethod hashCode = createMethod(objectType, createProto(intType), "hashCode"); |
| public final DexMethod constructor; |
| public final DexMethod finalize; |
| public final DexMethod toString; |
| public final DexMethod notify; |
| public final DexMethod notifyAll; |
| public final DexMethod wait; |
| public final DexMethod waitLong; |
| public final DexMethod waitLongInt; |
| |
| private ObjectMembers() { |
| // The clone method is installed on each array, so one has to use method.match(clone). |
| clone = createMethod(objectType, createProto(objectType), cloneMethodName); |
| getClass = createMethod(objectDescriptor, |
| getClassMethodName, classDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| constructor = createMethod(objectDescriptor, |
| constructorMethodName, voidType.descriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| finalize = createMethod(objectDescriptor, |
| finalizeMethodName, voidType.descriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| toString = createMethod(objectDescriptor, |
| toStringMethodName, stringDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| notify = |
| createMethod(objectDescriptor, notifyMethodName, voidDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| notifyAll = |
| createMethod( |
| objectDescriptor, notifyAllMethodName, voidDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| wait = createMethod(objectDescriptor, waitMethodName, voidDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| waitLong = |
| createMethod( |
| objectDescriptor, waitMethodName, voidDescriptor, new DexString[] {longDescriptor}); |
| waitLongInt = |
| createMethod( |
| objectDescriptor, |
| waitMethodName, |
| voidDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {longDescriptor, intDescriptor}); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean isObjectMember(DexMethod method) { |
| return method.match(clone) |
| || method.match(getClass) |
| || method.match(constructor) |
| || method.match(finalize) |
| || method.match(toString) |
| || method.match(hashCode) |
| || method.match(equals) |
| || method.match(notify) |
| || method.match(notifyAll) |
| || method.match(wait) |
| || method.match(waitLong) |
| || method.match(waitLongInt); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod matchingPublicObjectMember(DexMethod method) { |
| switch (method.getName().byteAt(0)) { |
| case 't': |
| if (method.match(toString)) { |
| return toString; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'h': |
| if (method.match(hashCode)) { |
| return hashCode; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'e': |
| if (method.match(equals)) { |
| return equals; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'g': |
| if (method.match(getClass)) { |
| return getClass; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'n': |
| if (method.match(notify)) { |
| return notify; |
| } |
| if (method.match(notifyAll)) { |
| return notifyAll; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'w': |
| if (method.match(wait)) { |
| return wait; |
| } |
| if (method.match(waitLong)) { |
| return waitLong; |
| } |
| if (method.match(waitLongInt)) { |
| return waitLongInt; |
| } |
| break; |
| default: |
| // Methods finalize and clone are not public. |
| return null; |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class BufferMembers { |
| public final DexMethod positionArg = |
| createMethod(bufferType, createProto(bufferType, intType), "position"); |
| public final DexMethod limitArg = |
| createMethod(bufferType, createProto(bufferType, intType), "limit"); |
| public final DexMethod mark = createMethod(bufferType, createProto(bufferType), "mark"); |
| public final DexMethod reset = createMethod(bufferType, createProto(bufferType), "reset"); |
| public final DexMethod clear = createMethod(bufferType, createProto(bufferType), "clear"); |
| public final DexMethod flip = createMethod(bufferType, createProto(bufferType), "flip"); |
| public final DexMethod rewind = createMethod(bufferType, createProto(bufferType), "rewind"); |
| public final List<DexMethod> bufferCovariantMethods = |
| ImmutableList.of(positionArg, limitArg, mark, reset, clear, flip, rewind); |
| } |
| |
| public class ObjectsMethods { |
| |
| public final DexMethod equals = |
| createMethod(objectsType, createProto(booleanType, objectType, objectType), "equals"); |
| public final DexMethod hash = |
| createMethod(objectsType, createProto(intType, objectArrayType), "hash"); |
| public final DexMethod hashCode = |
| createMethod(objectsType, createProto(intType, objectType), "hashCode"); |
| public final DexMethod isNull = |
| createMethod(objectsType, createProto(booleanType, objectType), "isNull"); |
| public final DexMethod nonNull = |
| createMethod(objectsType, createProto(booleanType, objectType), "nonNull"); |
| public final DexMethod requireNonNull; |
| public final DexMethod requireNonNullWithMessage; |
| public final DexMethod requireNonNullWithMessageSupplier; |
| public final DexMethod requireNonNullElse = |
| createMethod( |
| objectsType, createProto(objectType, objectType, objectType), "requireNonNullElse"); |
| public final DexMethod requireNonNullElseGet = |
| createMethod( |
| objectsType, |
| createProto(objectType, objectType, supplierType), |
| "requireNonNullElseGet"); |
| public final DexMethod toStringWithObject = |
| createMethod(objectsType, createProto(stringType, objectType), "toString"); |
| public final DexMethod toStringWithObjectAndNullDefault = |
| createMethod(objectsType, createProto(stringType, objectType, stringType), "toString"); |
| |
| private ObjectsMethods() { |
| DexString requireNonNullMethodName = createString("requireNonNull"); |
| requireNonNull = |
| createMethod(objectsType, createProto(objectType, objectType), requireNonNullMethodName); |
| requireNonNullWithMessage = |
| createMethod( |
| objectsType, |
| createProto(objectType, objectType, stringType), |
| requireNonNullMethodName); |
| requireNonNullWithMessageSupplier = |
| createMethod( |
| objectsType, |
| createProto(objectType, objectType, supplierType), |
| requireNonNullMethodName); |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean isRequireNonNullMethod(DexMethod method) { |
| return method == requireNonNull |
| || method == requireNonNullWithMessage |
| || method == requireNonNullWithMessageSupplier |
| || method == requireNonNullElse |
| || method == requireNonNullElseGet; |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean isToStringMethod(DexMethod method) { |
| return method == toStringWithObject || method == toStringWithObjectAndNullDefault; |
| } |
| |
| public Iterable<DexMethod> requireNonNullMethods() { |
| return ImmutableList.of( |
| requireNonNull, requireNonNullWithMessage, requireNonNullWithMessageSupplier); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class ClassMethods { |
| |
| public final DexMethod desiredAssertionStatus; |
| public final DexMethod forName; |
| public final DexMethod forName3; |
| public final DexMethod getClassLoader = |
| createMethod(classType, createProto(classLoaderType), "getClassLoader"); |
| public final DexMethod getName; |
| public final DexMethod getCanonicalName; |
| public final DexMethod getSimpleName; |
| public final DexMethod getTypeName; |
| public final DexMethod getConstructor; |
| public final DexMethod getDeclaredConstructor; |
| public final DexMethod getField; |
| public final DexMethod getDeclaredField; |
| public final DexMethod getMethod; |
| public final DexMethod getDeclaredMethod; |
| public final DexMethod getPackage = |
| createMethod(classType, createProto(packageType), "getPackage"); |
| public final DexMethod newInstance; |
| private final Set<DexMethod> getMembers; |
| public final Set<DexMethod> getNames; |
| |
| private ClassMethods() { |
| desiredAssertionStatus = createMethod(classDescriptor, |
| desiredAssertionStatusMethodName, booleanDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| forName = |
| createMethod( |
| classDescriptor, |
| forNameMethodName, |
| classDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {stringDescriptor}); |
| forName3 = |
| createMethod( |
| classDescriptor, |
| forNameMethodName, |
| classDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {stringDescriptor, booleanDescriptor, classLoaderDescriptor}); |
| getName = createMethod(classDescriptor, getNameName, stringDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| getCanonicalName = createMethod( |
| classDescriptor, getCanonicalNameName, stringDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| getSimpleName = createMethod( |
| classDescriptor, getSimpleNameName, stringDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| getTypeName = createMethod( |
| classDescriptor, getTypeNameName, stringDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| getConstructor = |
| createMethod(classType, createProto(constructorType, classArrayType), "getConstructor"); |
| getDeclaredConstructor = |
| createMethod( |
| classDescriptor, |
| getDeclaredConstructorName, |
| constructorDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {classArrayDescriptor}); |
| getField = createMethod(classDescriptor, getFieldName, fieldDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {stringDescriptor}); |
| getDeclaredField = createMethod(classDescriptor, getDeclaredFieldName, fieldDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {stringDescriptor}); |
| getMethod = createMethod(classDescriptor, getMethodName, methodDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {stringDescriptor, classArrayDescriptor}); |
| getDeclaredMethod = createMethod(classDescriptor, getDeclaredMethodName, methodDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {stringDescriptor, classArrayDescriptor}); |
| newInstance = |
| createMethod(classDescriptor, newInstanceName, objectDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| getMembers = ImmutableSet.of(getField, getDeclaredField, getMethod, getDeclaredMethod); |
| getNames = ImmutableSet.of(getName, getCanonicalName, getSimpleName, getTypeName); |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean isReflectiveClassLookup(DexMethod method) { |
| return method == forName || method == forName3; |
| } |
| |
| public boolean isReflectiveMemberLookup(DexMethod method) { |
| return getMembers.contains(method); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean isReflectiveNameLookup(DexMethod method) { |
| return getNames.contains(method); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class ConstructorMethods { |
| |
| public final DexMethod newInstance; |
| |
| private ConstructorMethods() { |
| newInstance = |
| createMethod( |
| constructorDescriptor, |
| newInstanceName, |
| objectDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {objectArrayDescriptor}); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class MethodMethods { |
| |
| public final DexMethod invoke = |
| createMethod( |
| methodType, createProto(objectType, objectType, objectArrayType), invokeMethodName); |
| |
| private MethodMethods() {} |
| } |
| |
| public class AndroidUtilLogMembers { |
| |
| public final DexMethod i = |
| createMethod(androidUtilLogType, createProto(intType, stringType, stringType), "i"); |
| |
| private AndroidUtilLogMembers() {} |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaLangAnnotationRetentionPolicyMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField CLASS = |
| createField( |
| javaLangAnnotationRetentionPolicyType, javaLangAnnotationRetentionPolicyType, "CLASS"); |
| |
| private JavaLangAnnotationRetentionPolicyMembers() {} |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaLangInvokeVarHandleMembers { |
| |
| public final DexMethod storeStoreFence = |
| createMethod(varHandleType, createProto(voidType), "storeStoreFence"); |
| |
| private JavaLangInvokeVarHandleMembers() {} |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaLangReflectArrayMembers { |
| |
| public final DexMethod newInstanceMethodWithDimensions = |
| createMethod( |
| javaLangReflectArrayType, |
| createProto(objectType, classType, intArrayType), |
| "newInstance"); |
| |
| private JavaLangReflectArrayMembers() {} |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaLangSystemMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField out = createField(javaLangSystemType, javaIoPrintStreamType, "out"); |
| |
| public final DexMethod arraycopy = |
| createMethod( |
| javaLangSystemType, |
| createProto(voidType, objectType, intType, objectType, intType, intType), |
| "arraycopy"); |
| public final DexMethod identityHashCode = |
| createMethod(javaLangSystemType, createProto(intType, objectType), identityHashCodeName); |
| |
| private JavaLangSystemMembers() {} |
| } |
| |
| public class JavaIoPrintStreamMembers { |
| |
| public final DexMethod printlnWithString = |
| createMethod(javaIoPrintStreamType, createProto(voidType, stringType), "println"); |
| |
| private JavaIoPrintStreamMembers() {} |
| } |
| |
| public class EnumMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField nameField = createField(enumType, stringType, "name"); |
| public final DexField ordinalField = createField(enumType, intType, "ordinal"); |
| |
| public final DexMethod valueOf; |
| public final DexMethod ordinalMethod; |
| public final DexMethod nameMethod; |
| public final DexMethod toString; |
| public final DexMethod compareTo; |
| public final DexMethod compareToWithObject = |
| createMethod(enumType, createProto(intType, objectType), "compareTo"); |
| public final DexMethod equals; |
| public final DexMethod hashCode; |
| |
| public final DexMethod constructor = |
| createMethod(enumType, createProto(voidType, stringType, intType), constructorMethodName); |
| public final DexMethod finalize = |
| createMethod(enumType, createProto(voidType), finalizeMethodName); |
| |
| private EnumMembers() { |
| valueOf = |
| createMethod( |
| enumDescriptor, |
| valueOfMethodName, |
| enumDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {classDescriptor, stringDescriptor}); |
| ordinalMethod = |
| createMethod(enumDescriptor, ordinalMethodName, intDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| nameMethod = |
| createMethod(enumDescriptor, nameMethodName, stringDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| toString = |
| createMethod( |
| enumDescriptor, |
| toStringMethodName, |
| stringDescriptor, |
| DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| compareTo = |
| createMethod( |
| enumDescriptor, compareToMethodName, intDescriptor, new DexString[] {enumDescriptor}); |
| equals = |
| createMethod( |
| enumDescriptor, |
| equalsMethodName, |
| booleanDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {objectDescriptor}); |
| hashCode = |
| createMethod(enumDescriptor, hashCodeMethodName, intDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| } |
| |
| public void forEachField(Consumer<DexField> fn) { |
| fn.accept(nameField); |
| fn.accept(ordinalField); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> fn) { |
| fn.accept(nameField); |
| fn.accept(ordinalField); |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean isNameOrOrdinalField(DexField field) { |
| return field == nameField || field == ordinalField; |
| } |
| |
| public boolean isEnumFieldCandidate(DexClassAndField staticField) { |
| FieldAccessFlags accessFlags = staticField.getAccessFlags(); |
| assert accessFlags.isStatic(); |
| return accessFlags.isEnum() && accessFlags.isFinal(); |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| // In some case, the enum field may be respecialized to an enum subtype. In this case, one |
| // can pass the encoded field as well as the field with the super enum type for the checks. |
| public boolean isEnumField( |
| DexClassAndField staticField, DexType enumType, Set<DexType> subtypes) { |
| assert staticField.getAccessFlags().isStatic(); |
| return (staticField.getType() == enumType || subtypes.contains(staticField.getType())) |
| && isEnumFieldCandidate(staticField); |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean isValuesFieldCandidate(DexClassAndField staticField, DexType enumType) { |
| FieldAccessFlags accessFlags = staticField.getAccessFlags(); |
| assert accessFlags.isStatic(); |
| return staticField.getType().isArrayType() |
| && staticField.getType().toArrayElementType(DexItemFactory.this) == enumType |
| && accessFlags.isSynthetic() |
| && accessFlags.isFinal(); |
| } |
| } |
| public class NullPointerExceptionMethods { |
| |
| public final DexMethod init = |
| createMethod(npeType, createProto(voidType), constructorMethodName); |
| public final DexMethod initWithMessage = |
| createMethod(npeType, createProto(voidType, stringType), constructorMethodName); |
| } |
| |
| public class IllegalArgumentExceptionMethods { |
| |
| public final DexMethod initWithMessage = |
| createMethod( |
| illegalArgumentExceptionType, createProto(voidType, stringType), constructorMethodName); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * All boxed types (Boolean, Byte, ...) have a field named TYPE which contains the Class object |
| * for the primitive type. |
| * |
| * E.g. for Boolean https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/Boolean.html#TYPE. |
| */ |
| public class PrimitiveTypesBoxedTypeFields { |
| |
| public final DexField byteTYPE; |
| public final DexField charTYPE; |
| public final DexField shortTYPE; |
| public final DexField intTYPE; |
| public final DexField longTYPE; |
| public final DexField floatTYPE; |
| public final DexField doubleTYPE; |
| |
| private final Map<DexField, DexType> boxedFieldTypeToPrimitiveType; |
| |
| private PrimitiveTypesBoxedTypeFields() { |
| byteTYPE = createField(boxedByteType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| charTYPE = createField(boxedCharType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| shortTYPE = createField(boxedShortType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| intTYPE = createField(boxedIntType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| longTYPE = createField(boxedLongType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| floatTYPE = createField(boxedFloatType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| doubleTYPE = createField(boxedDoubleType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| |
| boxedFieldTypeToPrimitiveType = |
| ImmutableMap.<DexField, DexType>builder() |
| .put(booleanMembers.TYPE, booleanType) |
| .put(byteTYPE, byteType) |
| .put(charTYPE, charType) |
| .put(shortTYPE, shortType) |
| .put(intTYPE, intType) |
| .put(longTYPE, longType) |
| .put(floatTYPE, floatType) |
| .put(doubleTYPE, doubleType) |
| .build(); |
| } |
| |
| public DexType boxedFieldTypeToPrimitiveType(DexField field) { |
| return boxedFieldTypeToPrimitiveType.get(field); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * A class that encompasses methods that create different types of atomic field updaters: |
| * Atomic(Integer|Long|Reference)FieldUpdater#newUpdater. |
| */ |
| public class AtomicFieldUpdaterMethods { |
| public final DexMethod intUpdater; |
| public final DexMethod longUpdater; |
| public final DexMethod referenceUpdater; |
| private final Set<DexMethod> updaters; |
| |
| private AtomicFieldUpdaterMethods() { |
| intUpdater = |
| createMethod( |
| intFieldUpdaterDescriptor, |
| newUpdaterName, |
| intFieldUpdaterDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {classDescriptor, stringDescriptor}); |
| longUpdater = |
| createMethod( |
| longFieldUpdaterDescriptor, |
| newUpdaterName, |
| longFieldUpdaterDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {classDescriptor, stringDescriptor}); |
| referenceUpdater = |
| createMethod( |
| referenceFieldUpdaterDescriptor, |
| newUpdaterName, |
| referenceFieldUpdaterDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {classDescriptor, classDescriptor, stringDescriptor}); |
| updaters = ImmutableSet.of(intUpdater, longUpdater, referenceUpdater); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean isFieldUpdater(DexMethod method) { |
| return updaters.contains(method); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class ShortMembers extends BoxedPrimitiveMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField TYPE = createField(boxedShortType, classType, "TYPE"); |
| |
| public final DexMethod shortValue = |
| createMethod(boxedShortType, createProto(shortType), "shortValue"); |
| public final DexMethod toString = |
| createMethod(boxedShortType, createProto(stringType), "toString"); |
| public final DexMethod valueOf = |
| createMethod(boxedShortType, createProto(boxedShortType, shortType), "valueOf"); |
| |
| private ShortMembers() {} |
| |
| @Override |
| public DexField getTypeField() { |
| return TYPE; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class StringMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexField CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER = |
| createField(stringType, javaUtilComparatorType, "CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER"); |
| |
| public final DexMethod isEmpty; |
| public final DexMethod length; |
| |
| public final DexMethod concat; |
| public final DexMethod constructor = |
| createMethod(stringType, createProto(voidType, stringType), constructorMethodName); |
| public final DexMethod contains; |
| public final DexMethod startsWith; |
| public final DexMethod substring; |
| public final DexMethod substringWithEndIndex; |
| public final DexMethod endsWith; |
| public final DexMethod equals; |
| public final DexMethod equalsIgnoreCase; |
| public final DexMethod contentEqualsCharSequence; |
| |
| public final DexMethod indexOfInt; |
| public final DexMethod indexOfIntWithFromIndex; |
| public final DexMethod indexOfString; |
| public final DexMethod indexOfStringWithFromIndex; |
| public final DexMethod lastIndexOfInt; |
| public final DexMethod lastIndexOfIntWithFromIndex; |
| public final DexMethod lastIndexOfString; |
| public final DexMethod lastIndexOfStringWithFromIndex; |
| public final DexMethod compareTo; |
| public final DexMethod compareToIgnoreCase; |
| |
| public final DexMethod hashCode; |
| |
| public final DexMethod format; |
| public final DexMethod formatWithLocale; |
| public final DexMethod valueOf; |
| public final DexMethod toString; |
| public final DexMethod intern; |
| |
| public final DexMethod trim = createMethod(stringType, createProto(stringType), trimName); |
| |
| private StringMembers() { |
| isEmpty = createMethod( |
| stringDescriptor, isEmptyMethodName, booleanDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| length = createMethod( |
| stringDescriptor, lengthMethodName, intDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| |
| DexString[] charSequenceArgs = {charSequenceDescriptor}; |
| DexString[] intArgs = {intDescriptor}; |
| DexString[] intIntArgs = {intDescriptor, intDescriptor}; |
| DexString[] objectArgs = {objectDescriptor}; |
| DexString[] stringArgs = {stringDescriptor}; |
| DexString[] stringIntArgs = {stringDescriptor, intDescriptor}; |
| |
| concat = createMethod(stringDescriptor, concatMethodName, stringDescriptor, stringArgs); |
| contains = |
| createMethod(stringDescriptor, containsMethodName, booleanDescriptor, charSequenceArgs); |
| startsWith = |
| createMethod(stringDescriptor, startsWithMethodName, booleanDescriptor, stringArgs); |
| endsWith = createMethod(stringDescriptor, endsWithMethodName, booleanDescriptor, stringArgs); |
| substring = createMethod(stringDescriptor, substringName, stringDescriptor, intArgs); |
| substringWithEndIndex = |
| createMethod(stringDescriptor, substringName, stringDescriptor, intIntArgs); |
| equals = createMethod(stringDescriptor, equalsMethodName, booleanDescriptor, objectArgs); |
| equalsIgnoreCase = |
| createMethod(stringDescriptor, equalsIgnoreCaseMethodName, booleanDescriptor, stringArgs); |
| contentEqualsCharSequence = |
| createMethod( |
| stringDescriptor, contentEqualsMethodName, booleanDescriptor, charSequenceArgs); |
| |
| indexOfString = createMethod(stringDescriptor, indexOfMethodName, intDescriptor, stringArgs); |
| indexOfStringWithFromIndex = |
| createMethod(stringDescriptor, indexOfMethodName, intDescriptor, stringIntArgs); |
| indexOfInt = createMethod(stringDescriptor, indexOfMethodName, intDescriptor, intArgs); |
| indexOfIntWithFromIndex = |
| createMethod(stringDescriptor, indexOfMethodName, intDescriptor, intIntArgs); |
| lastIndexOfString = |
| createMethod(stringDescriptor, lastIndexOfMethodName, intDescriptor, stringArgs); |
| lastIndexOfStringWithFromIndex = |
| createMethod(stringDescriptor, lastIndexOfMethodName, intDescriptor, stringIntArgs); |
| lastIndexOfInt = |
| createMethod(stringDescriptor, lastIndexOfMethodName, intDescriptor, intArgs); |
| lastIndexOfIntWithFromIndex = |
| createMethod(stringDescriptor, lastIndexOfMethodName, intDescriptor, intIntArgs); |
| compareTo = createMethod(stringDescriptor, compareToMethodName, intDescriptor, stringArgs); |
| compareToIgnoreCase = |
| createMethod(stringDescriptor, compareToIgnoreCaseMethodName, intDescriptor, stringArgs); |
| |
| hashCode = createMethod(stringType, createProto(intType), hashCodeMethodName); |
| format = |
| createMethod( |
| stringDescriptor, |
| formatMethodName, |
| stringDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {stringDescriptor, objectArrayDescriptor}); |
| formatWithLocale = |
| createMethod( |
| stringDescriptor, |
| formatMethodName, |
| stringDescriptor, |
| new DexString[] {localeDescriptor, stringDescriptor, objectArrayDescriptor}); |
| |
| valueOf = createMethod(stringDescriptor, valueOfMethodName, stringDescriptor, objectArgs); |
| toString = createMethod( |
| stringDescriptor, toStringMethodName, stringDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| intern = createMethod( |
| stringDescriptor, internMethodName, stringDescriptor, DexString.EMPTY_ARRAY); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public void forEachFinalField(Consumer<DexField> consumer) { |
| consumer.accept(CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class StringBuildingMethods { |
| |
| public final DexMethod appendBoolean; |
| public final DexMethod appendChar; |
| public final DexMethod appendCharArray; |
| public final DexMethod appendSubCharArray; |
| public final DexMethod appendCharSequence; |
| public final DexMethod appendSubCharSequence; |
| public final DexMethod appendInt; |
| public final DexMethod appendDouble; |
| public final DexMethod appendFloat; |
| public final DexMethod appendLong; |
| public final DexMethod appendObject; |
| public final DexMethod appendString; |
| public final DexMethod appendStringBuffer; |
| public final DexMethod capacity; |
| public final DexMethod charSequenceConstructor; |
| public final DexMethod defaultConstructor; |
| public final DexMethod intConstructor; |
| public final DexMethod stringConstructor; |
| public final DexMethod toString; |
| |
| private final Set<DexMethod> appendMethods; |
| private final Set<DexMethod> appendPrimitiveMethods; |
| |
| private StringBuildingMethods(DexType receiver) { |
| DexString append = createString("append"); |
| appendBoolean = createMethod(receiver, createProto(receiver, booleanType), append); |
| appendChar = createMethod(receiver, createProto(receiver, charType), append); |
| appendCharArray = createMethod(receiver, createProto(receiver, charArrayType), append); |
| appendSubCharArray = |
| createMethod(receiver, createProto(receiver, charArrayType, intType, intType), append); |
| appendCharSequence = createMethod(receiver, createProto(receiver, charSequenceType), append); |
| appendSubCharSequence = |
| createMethod(receiver, createProto(receiver, charSequenceType, intType, intType), append); |
| appendInt = createMethod(receiver, createProto(receiver, intType), append); |
| appendDouble = createMethod(receiver, createProto(receiver, doubleType), append); |
| appendFloat = createMethod(receiver, createProto(receiver, floatType), append); |
| appendLong = createMethod(receiver, createProto(receiver, longType), append); |
| appendObject = createMethod(receiver, createProto(receiver, objectType), append); |
| appendString = createMethod(receiver, createProto(receiver, stringType), append); |
| appendStringBuffer = createMethod(receiver, createProto(receiver, stringBufferType), append); |
| capacity = createMethod(receiver, createProto(intType), createString("capacity")); |
| charSequenceConstructor = |
| createMethod(receiver, createProto(voidType, charSequenceType), constructorMethodName); |
| defaultConstructor = createMethod(receiver, createProto(voidType), constructorMethodName); |
| intConstructor = |
| createMethod(receiver, createProto(voidType, intType), constructorMethodName); |
| stringConstructor = |
| createMethod(receiver, createProto(voidType, stringType), constructorMethodName); |
| toString = createMethod(receiver, createProto(stringType), toStringMethodName); |
| |
| appendMethods = |
| ImmutableSet.of( |
| appendBoolean, |
| appendChar, |
| appendCharArray, |
| appendSubCharArray, |
| appendCharSequence, |
| appendSubCharSequence, |
| appendInt, |
| appendDouble, |
| appendFloat, |
| appendLong, |
| appendObject, |
| appendString, |
| appendStringBuffer); |
| appendPrimitiveMethods = |
| ImmutableSet.of( |
| appendBoolean, appendChar, appendInt, appendDouble, appendFloat, appendLong); |
| constructorMethods = |
| ImmutableSet.of( |
| charSequenceConstructor, defaultConstructor, intConstructor, stringConstructor); |
| } |
| |
| public final Set<DexMethod> constructorMethods; |
| |
| public boolean isAppendMethod(DexMethod method) { |
| return appendMethods.contains(method); |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean isAppendObjectMethod(DexMethod method) { |
| return method == appendObject; |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean isAppendCharSequenceMethod(DexMethod method) { |
| return method == appendCharSequence || method == appendSubCharSequence; |
| } |
| |
| public boolean isAppendObjectOrCharSequenceMethod(DexMethod method) { |
| return isAppendObjectMethod(method) || isAppendCharSequenceMethod(method); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean isAppendPrimitiveMethod(DexMethod method) { |
| return appendPrimitiveMethods.contains(method); |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean isAppendSubArrayMethod(DexMethod method) { |
| return appendSubCharArray == method || appendSubCharSequence == method; |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean isAppendStringMethod(DexMethod method) { |
| return method == appendString; |
| } |
| |
| public boolean isConstructorMethod(DexMethod method) { |
| return constructorMethods.contains(method); |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean constructorInvokeIsSideEffectFree( |
| DexMethod invokedMethod, List<Value> arguments) { |
| if (invokedMethod == defaultConstructor) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| if (invokedMethod == charSequenceConstructor) { |
| // Performs callbacks on the given CharSequence, which may have side effects. |
| TypeElement charSequenceType = arguments.get(1).getType(); |
| return charSequenceType.isClassType() |
| && charSequenceType.asClassType().getClassType() == stringType; |
| } |
| |
| if (invokedMethod == intConstructor) { |
| // NegativeArraySizeException - if the capacity argument is less than 0. |
| Value capacityValue = arguments.get(1); |
| if (capacityValue.hasValueRange()) { |
| return capacityValue.getValueRange().getMin() >= 0; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| if (invokedMethod == stringConstructor) { |
| // NullPointerException - if str is null. |
| Value strValue = arguments.get(1); |
| return !strValue.getType().isNullable(); |
| } |
| |
| assert false : "Unexpected invoke targeting `" + invokedMethod.toSourceString() + "`"; |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean isAppendCharArrayMethod(DexMethod method) { |
| return method == appendCharArray || method == appendSubCharArray; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class SupplierMembers extends LibraryMembers { |
| |
| public final DexMethod get = createMethod(supplierType, createProto(objectType), getString); |
| |
| private SupplierMembers() {} |
| } |
| |
| public class PolymorphicMethods { |
| |
| private final DexProto signature = createProto(objectType, objectArrayType); |
| private final DexProto setSignature = createProto(voidType, objectArrayType); |
| private final DexProto compareAndSetSignature = createProto(booleanType, objectArrayType); |
| |
| public final Set<DexString> varHandleMethodsWithPolymorphicReturnType = |
| createStrings( |
| "compareAndExchange", |
| "compareAndExchangeAcquire", |
| "compareAndExchangeRelease", |
| getString, |
| "getAcquire", |
| "getAndAdd", |
| "getAndAddAcquire", |
| "getAndAddRelease", |
| "getAndBitwiseAnd", |
| "getAndBitwiseAndAcquire", |
| "getAndBitwiseAndRelease", |
| "getAndBitwiseOr", |
| "getAndBitwiseOrAcquire", |
| "getAndBitwiseOrRelease", |
| "getAndBitwiseXor", |
| "getAndBitwiseXorAcquire", |
| "getAndBitwiseXorRelease", |
| "getAndSet", |
| "getAndSetAcquire", |
| "getAndSetRelease", |
| "getOpaque", |
| "getVolatile"); |
| |
| private final Set<DexString> varHandleSetMethods = |
| createStrings(setString, "setOpaque", setReleaseString, setVolatileString); |
| |
| public final Set<DexString> varHandleCompareAndSetMethodNames = |
| createStrings( |
| compareAndSetString, |
| weakCompareAndSetString, |
| "weakCompareAndSetAcquire", |
| "weakCompareAndSetPlain", |
| "weakCompareAndSetRelease"); |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public DexMethod canonicalize(DexMethod invokeProto) { |
| DexMethod result = null; |
| if (invokeProto.holder == methodHandleType) { |
| if (invokeProto.name == invokeMethodName || invokeProto.name == invokeExactMethodName) { |
| result = createMethod(methodHandleType, signature, invokeProto.name); |
| } |
| } else if (invokeProto.holder == varHandleType) { |
| if (varHandleMethodsWithPolymorphicReturnType.contains(invokeProto.name)) { |
| result = createMethod(varHandleType, signature, invokeProto.name); |
| } else if (varHandleSetMethods.contains(invokeProto.name)) { |
| result = createMethod(varHandleType, setSignature, invokeProto.name); |
| } else if (varHandleCompareAndSetMethodNames.contains(invokeProto.name)) { |
| result = createMethod(varHandleType, compareAndSetSignature, invokeProto.name); |
| } |
| } |
| assert (result != null) == isPolymorphicInvoke(invokeProto); |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| private Set<DexString> createStrings(Object... strings) { |
| IdentityHashMap<DexString, DexString> map = new IdentityHashMap<>(); |
| for (Object string : strings) { |
| DexString dexString = |
| string instanceof String ? createString((String) string) : (DexString) string; |
| map.put(dexString, dexString); |
| } |
| return map.keySet(); |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean isPolymorphicInvoke(DexMethod invokeProto) { |
| if (invokeProto.holder == methodHandleType) { |
| return invokeProto.name == invokeMethodName || invokeProto.name == invokeExactMethodName; |
| } |
| if (invokeProto.holder == varHandleType) { |
| return varHandleMethodsWithPolymorphicReturnType.contains(invokeProto.name) |
| || varHandleSetMethods.contains(invokeProto.name) |
| || varHandleCompareAndSetMethodNames.contains(invokeProto.name); |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class ProxyMethods { |
| |
| public final DexMethod newProxyInstance; |
| |
| private ProxyMethods() { |
| newProxyInstance = |
| createMethod( |
| proxyType, |
| createProto(objectType, classLoaderType, classArrayType, invocationHandlerType), |
| createString("newProxyInstance")); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class ServiceLoaderMethods { |
| |
| public final DexMethod load; |
| public final DexMethod loadWithClassLoader; |
| public final DexMethod loadInstalled; |
| public final DexMethod iterator; |
| |
| private ServiceLoaderMethods() { |
| DexString loadName = createString("load"); |
| load = createMethod(serviceLoaderType, createProto(serviceLoaderType, classType), loadName); |
| loadWithClassLoader = |
| createMethod( |
| serviceLoaderType, |
| createProto(serviceLoaderType, classType, classLoaderType), |
| loadName); |
| loadInstalled = |
| createMethod( |
| serviceLoaderType, |
| createProto(serviceLoaderType, classType), |
| createString("loadInstalled")); |
| iterator = |
| createMethod( |
| serviceLoaderType, createProto(javaUtilIteratorType), createString("iterator")); |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean isLoadMethod(DexMethod method) { |
| return method == load || method == loadWithClassLoader || method == loadInstalled; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public class IteratorMethods { |
| public final DexMethod hasNext = |
| createMethod(javaUtilIteratorType, createProto(booleanType), hasNextName); |
| public final DexMethod next = |
| createMethod(javaUtilIteratorType, createProto(objectType), nextName); |
| } |
| |
| private static <T extends DexItem> T canonicalize(Map<T, T> map, T item) { |
| assert item != null; |
| assert !DexItemFactory.isInternalSentinel(item); |
| T previous = map.putIfAbsent(item, item); |
| return previous == null ? item : previous; |
| } |
| |
| public DexString createMarkerString(int size, byte[] content) { |
| DexString potentialMarker = createString(size, content); |
| if (Marker.hasMarkerPrefix(potentialMarker.content)) { |
| markers.put(potentialMarker, potentialMarker); |
| } |
| return potentialMarker; |
| } |
| |
| public DexString createMarkerString(String marker) { |
| DexString potentialMarker = createString(marker); |
| if (Marker.hasMarkerPrefix(potentialMarker.content)) { |
| markers.put(potentialMarker, potentialMarker); |
| } |
| return potentialMarker; |
| } |
| |
| public DexString createString(int size, byte[] content) { |
| assert !sorted; |
| return canonicalize(strings, new DexString(size, content)); |
| } |
| |
| public DexString createString(String source) { |
| assert !sorted; |
| return canonicalize(strings, new DexString(source)); |
| } |
| |
| public static String escapeMemberString(String str) { |
| return str.replace('.', '$'); |
| } |
| |
| public String createMemberString(String baseName, DexType holder, int index) { |
| StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append(baseName); |
| if (holder != null) { |
| sb.append('$').append(escapeMemberString(holder.toSourceString())); |
| } |
| |
| if (index > 0) { |
| sb.append("$").append(index); |
| } |
| |
| return sb.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| public <T> T createFreshMember( |
| Function<DexString, Optional<T>> tryString, String baseName, DexType holder) { |
| return createFreshMember(tryString, baseName, holder, 0); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Find a fresh method name that is not used by any other method. The method name takes the form |
| * "basename$holdername" or "basename$holdername$index". |
| * |
| * @param tryString callback to check if the method name is in use. |
| */ |
| public <T> T createFreshMember( |
| Function<DexString, Optional<T>> tryString, String baseName, DexType holder, int index) { |
| int offset = 0; |
| while (true) { |
| assert offset < 1000; |
| DexString name = createString(createMemberString(baseName, holder, index + offset)); |
| Optional<T> result = tryString.apply(name); |
| if (result.isPresent()) { |
| return result.get(); |
| } |
| offset++; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Find a fresh method name that is not used by any other method. The method name takes the form |
| * "basename" or "basename$index". |
| * |
| * @param tryString callback to check if the method name is in use. |
| */ |
| public <T extends DexMember<?, ?>> T createFreshMember( |
| Function<DexString, Optional<T>> tryString, String baseName) { |
| return createFreshMember(tryString, baseName, null); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Find a fresh method name that is not in the string pool. The name takes the form |
| * "basename$holdername" or "basename$holdername$index". |
| */ |
| public DexString createGloballyFreshMemberString(String baseName, DexType holder) { |
| assert !sorted; |
| int index = 0; |
| while (true) { |
| String name = createMemberString(baseName, holder, index++); |
| DexString dexName = lookupString(name); |
| if (dexName == null) { |
| return createString(name); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Find a fresh method name that is not in the string pool. The name takes the form "basename" or |
| * "basename$index". |
| */ |
| public DexString createGloballyFreshMemberString(String baseName) { |
| return createGloballyFreshMemberString(baseName, null); |
| } |
| |
| public DexType createFreshTypeName(DexType type, Predicate<DexType> isFresh) { |
| return createFreshTypeName(type, isFresh, 0); |
| } |
| |
| public DexType createFreshTypeName(DexType type, Predicate<DexType> isFresh, int index) { |
| while (true) { |
| DexType newType = type.addSuffixId(index++, this); |
| if (isFresh.test(newType)) { |
| return newType; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Tries to find a method name for insertion into the class {@code target} of the form |
| * baseName$holder$n, where {@code baseName} and {@code holder} are supplied by the user, and |
| * {@code n} is picked to be the first number so that {@code isFresh.apply(method)} returns {@code |
| * true}. |
| * |
| * @param holder indicates where the method originates from. |
| */ |
| public DexMethod createFreshMethodNameWithHolder( |
| String baseName, |
| DexType holder, |
| DexProto proto, |
| DexType target, |
| Predicate<DexMethod> isFresh) { |
| assert holder != null; |
| return internalCreateFreshMethodNameWithHolder(baseName, holder, proto, target, isFresh); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod createFreshMethodNameWithoutHolder( |
| String baseName, DexProto proto, DexType target, Predicate<DexMethod> isFresh) { |
| return createFreshMethodNameWithoutHolder(baseName, proto, target, isFresh, 0); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Tries to find a method name for insertion into the class {@code target} of the form baseName$n, |
| * where {@code baseName} is supplied by the user, and {@code n} is picked to be the first number |
| * starting from {@param index} so that {@code isFresh.apply(method)} returns {@code true}. |
| */ |
| public DexMethod createFreshMethodNameWithoutHolder( |
| String baseName, DexProto proto, DexType target, Predicate<DexMethod> isFresh, int index) { |
| return internalCreateFreshMethodNameWithHolder(baseName, null, proto, target, isFresh, index); |
| } |
| |
| private DexMethod internalCreateFreshMethodNameWithHolder( |
| String baseName, |
| DexType holder, |
| DexProto proto, |
| DexType target, |
| Predicate<DexMethod> isFresh) { |
| return internalCreateFreshMethodNameWithHolder(baseName, holder, proto, target, isFresh, 0); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Used to find a fresh method name of the from {@code baseName$n}, or {@code baseName$holder$n} |
| * if {@param holder} is non-null. |
| */ |
| private DexMethod internalCreateFreshMethodNameWithHolder( |
| String baseName, |
| DexType holder, |
| DexProto proto, |
| DexType target, |
| Predicate<DexMethod> isFresh, |
| int index) { |
| return createFreshMember( |
| name -> { |
| DexMethod tryMethod = createMethod(target, proto, name); |
| if (isFresh.test(tryMethod)) { |
| return Optional.of(tryMethod); |
| } else { |
| return Optional.empty(); |
| } |
| }, |
| baseName, |
| holder, |
| index); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Tries to find a method name for insertion into the class {@code target} of the form |
| * baseName$holder$n, where {@code baseName} and {@code holder} are supplied by the user, and |
| * {@code n} is picked to be the first number so that {@code isFresh.apply(method)} returns {@code |
| * true}. |
| * |
| * @param holder indicates where the method originates from. |
| */ |
| public DexMethodSignature createFreshMethodSignatureName( |
| String baseName, DexType holder, DexProto proto, Predicate<DexMethodSignature> isFresh) { |
| return createFreshMember( |
| name -> { |
| DexMethodSignature trySignature = DexMethodSignature.create(name, proto); |
| if (isFresh.test(trySignature)) { |
| return Optional.of(trySignature); |
| } else { |
| return Optional.empty(); |
| } |
| }, |
| baseName, |
| holder); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Tries to find a method name for insertion into the class {@code holder} of the form baseName$n, |
| * where {@code baseName} is supplied by the user, and {@code n} is picked to be the first number |
| * so that {@code isFresh.apply(method)} returns {@code true}. |
| */ |
| public DexField createFreshFieldNameWithoutHolder( |
| DexType holder, DexType type, String baseName, Predicate<DexField> isFresh) { |
| return internalCreateFreshFieldName(null, holder, type, baseName, isFresh); |
| } |
| |
| private DexField internalCreateFreshFieldName( |
| DexType originalHolder, |
| DexType newHolder, |
| DexType type, |
| String baseName, |
| Predicate<DexField> isFresh) { |
| return createFreshMember( |
| name -> { |
| DexField candidate = createField(newHolder, type, name); |
| return isFresh.test(candidate) ? Optional.of(candidate) : Optional.empty(); |
| }, |
| baseName, |
| originalHolder); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod createClassInitializer(DexType holder) { |
| return createMethod(holder, createProto(voidType), classConstructorMethodName); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod createInstanceInitializer(DexType holder, DexType... parameters) { |
| return createMethod(holder, createProto(voidType, parameters), constructorMethodName); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod createInstanceInitializer(DexType holder, DexTypeList parameters) { |
| return createInstanceInitializer(holder, parameters.values); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod createInstanceInitializerWithFreshProto( |
| DexMethod method, List<Supplier<DexType>> extraTypes, Predicate<DexMethod> isFresh) { |
| return createInstanceInitializerWithFreshProto(method, extraTypes, isFresh, emptyConsumer()); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod createInstanceInitializerWithFreshProto( |
| DexMethod method, |
| List<Supplier<DexType>> extraTypes, |
| Predicate<DexMethod> isFresh, |
| Consumer<Set<DexType>> usedExtraTypesConsumer) { |
| assert method.isInstanceInitializer(this); |
| return createInstanceInitializerWithFreshProto( |
| method.proto, |
| extraTypes, |
| proto -> Optional.of(method.withProto(proto, this)).filter(isFresh), |
| usedExtraTypesConsumer); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod createInstanceInitializerWithFreshProto( |
| DexMethod method, DexType extraType, Predicate<DexMethod> isFresh) { |
| assert method.isInstanceInitializer(this); |
| return createInstanceInitializerWithFreshProto( |
| method.proto, |
| ImmutableList.of(() -> extraType), |
| proto -> Optional.of(method.withProto(proto, this)).filter(isFresh), |
| emptyConsumer()); |
| } |
| |
| private class FreshInstanceInitializerCandidate { |
| |
| DexProto protoWithoutExtraType; |
| Supplier<DexType> extraTypeSupplier; |
| Set<DexType> usedExtraTypes; |
| |
| FreshInstanceInitializerCandidate( |
| DexProto protoWithoutExtraType, |
| Supplier<DexType> extraTypeSupplier, |
| Set<DexType> usedExtraTypes) { |
| this.protoWithoutExtraType = protoWithoutExtraType; |
| this.extraTypeSupplier = extraTypeSupplier; |
| this.usedExtraTypes = SetUtils.newIdentityHashSet(usedExtraTypes); |
| } |
| |
| DexProto createProto() { |
| DexType extraType = extraTypeSupplier.get(); |
| usedExtraTypes.add(extraType); |
| return appendTypeToProto(protoWithoutExtraType, extraType); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private DexMethod createInstanceInitializerWithFreshProto( |
| DexProto proto, |
| List<Supplier<DexType>> extraTypes, |
| Function<DexProto, Optional<DexMethod>> isFresh, |
| Consumer<Set<DexType>> usedExtraTypesConsumer) { |
| Optional<DexMethod> resultWithNoExtraTypes = isFresh.apply(proto); |
| if (resultWithNoExtraTypes.isPresent()) { |
| return resultWithNoExtraTypes.get(); |
| } |
| assert !extraTypes.isEmpty(); |
| Deque<FreshInstanceInitializerCandidate> worklist = new ArrayDeque<>(extraTypes.size()); |
| for (Supplier<DexType> extraTypeSupplier : extraTypes) { |
| worklist.addLast( |
| new FreshInstanceInitializerCandidate(proto, extraTypeSupplier, Collections.emptySet())); |
| } |
| int count = 0; |
| while (true) { |
| assert count++ < 100; |
| assert !worklist.isEmpty(); |
| FreshInstanceInitializerCandidate candidate = worklist.removeFirst(); |
| DexProto tryProto = candidate.createProto(); |
| Optional<DexMethod> object = isFresh.apply(tryProto); |
| if (object.isPresent()) { |
| assert !candidate.usedExtraTypes.isEmpty(); |
| usedExtraTypesConsumer.accept(candidate.usedExtraTypes); |
| return object.get(); |
| } |
| for (Supplier<DexType> extraTypeSupplier : extraTypes) { |
| worklist.addLast( |
| new FreshInstanceInitializerCandidate( |
| tryProto, extraTypeSupplier, candidate.usedExtraTypes)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public DexString lookupString(int size, byte[] content) { |
| return strings.get(new DexString(size, content)); |
| } |
| |
| public DexString lookupString(String source) { |
| return strings.get(new DexString(source)); |
| } |
| |
| // Debugging support to extract marking string. |
| // Find all markers. |
| public synchronized Collection<Marker> extractMarkers() { |
| Set<Marker> markers = new HashSet<>(); |
| for (DexString dexString : this.markers.keySet()) { |
| Marker marker = Marker.parse(dexString); |
| if (marker != null) { |
| markers.add(marker); |
| } |
| } |
| return markers; |
| } |
| |
| // Non-synchronized internal create. |
| private DexType internalCreateType(DexString descriptor) { |
| assert !sorted; |
| assert descriptor != null; |
| DexType result = types.get(descriptor); |
| if (result == null) { |
| result = new DexType(descriptor); |
| assert result.isArrayType() |
| || result.isClassType() |
| || result.isPrimitiveType() |
| || result.isVoidType() |
| : descriptor.toString(); |
| assert !isInternalSentinel(result); |
| types.put(descriptor, result); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| private DexType createStaticallyKnownType(String descriptor) { |
| return createStaticallyKnownType(createString(descriptor)); |
| } |
| |
| private DexType createStaticallyKnownType(Class<?> clazz) { |
| // This uses Class.getName() and not Class.getTypeName(), as the compilers are also |
| // running on Art versions where Class.getTypeName() is not present (7.0 and before). |
| return createStaticallyKnownType( |
| createString(DescriptorUtils.javaTypeToDescriptor(clazz.getName()))); |
| } |
| |
| private DexType createStaticallyKnownType(DexString descriptor) { |
| DexType type = internalCreateType(descriptor); |
| // Conservatively add all statically known types to "compiler synthesized types set". |
| addPossiblySynthesizedType(type); |
| return type; |
| } |
| |
| // Safe synchronized external create. May be used for statically known types in synthetic code. |
| // See the generated BackportedMethods.java for reference. |
| public synchronized DexType createSynthesizedType(String descriptor) { |
| DexType type = internalCreateType(createString(descriptor)); |
| addPossiblySynthesizedType(type); |
| return type; |
| } |
| |
| // Registration of a type that is only dynamically known (eg, in the desugared lib spec), but |
| // will be referenced during desugaring. |
| public void registerTypeNeededForDesugaring(DexType type) { |
| addPossiblySynthesizedType(type); |
| } |
| |
| private void addPossiblySynthesizedType(DexType type) { |
| if (type.isArrayType()) { |
| type = type.toBaseType(this); |
| } |
| if (type.isClassType()) { |
| possibleCompilerSynthesizedTypes.add(type); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public boolean isPossiblyCompilerSynthesizedType(DexType type) { |
| return possibleCompilerSynthesizedTypes.contains(type); |
| } |
| |
| public void forEachPossiblyCompilerSynthesizedType(Consumer<DexType> fn) { |
| possibleCompilerSynthesizedTypes.forEach(fn); |
| } |
| |
| // Safe synchronized external create. Should never be used to create a statically known type! |
| public synchronized DexType createType(DexString descriptor) { |
| return internalCreateType(descriptor); |
| } |
| |
| public DexType createType(String descriptor) { |
| return createType(createString(descriptor)); |
| } |
| |
| public DexType createType(ClassReference clazz) { |
| return createType(clazz.getDescriptor()); |
| } |
| |
| public DexType lookupType(DexString descriptor) { |
| return types.get(descriptor); |
| } |
| |
| public DexType createArrayType(int nesting, DexType baseType) { |
| assert nesting > 0; |
| return createType("[".repeat(nesting) + baseType.toDescriptorString()); |
| } |
| |
| public DexField createField(DexType clazz, DexType type, DexString name) { |
| assert !sorted; |
| DexField field = new DexField(clazz, type, name, skipNameValidationForTesting); |
| return canonicalize(fields, field); |
| } |
| |
| public DexField createField(DexType clazz, DexType type, String name) { |
| return createField(clazz, type, createString(name)); |
| } |
| |
| public DexField createField(FieldReference fieldReference) { |
| return createField( |
| createType(fieldReference.getHolderClass().getDescriptor()), |
| createType(fieldReference.getFieldType().getDescriptor()), |
| fieldReference.getFieldName()); |
| } |
| |
| public DexProto createProto(DexType returnType, DexTypeList parameters) { |
| assert !sorted; |
| DexProto proto = new DexProto(returnType, parameters); |
| return canonicalize(protos, proto); |
| } |
| |
| public DexProto createProto(DexType returnType, DexType... parameters) { |
| assert !sorted; |
| return createProto( |
| returnType, parameters.length == 0 ? DexTypeList.empty() : new DexTypeList(parameters)); |
| } |
| |
| public DexProto createProto(DexType returnType, List<DexType> parameters) { |
| return createProto(returnType, parameters.toArray(DexType.EMPTY_ARRAY)); |
| } |
| |
| public DexProto prependHolderToProto(DexMethod method) { |
| return method.getProto().prependParameter(method.getHolderType(), this); |
| } |
| |
| public DexProto prependHolderToProtoIf(DexMethod method, boolean condition) { |
| return condition ? prependHolderToProto(method) : method.getProto(); |
| } |
| |
| public DexProto appendTypeToProto(DexProto initialProto, DexType extraLastType) { |
| DexType[] parameterTypes = new DexType[initialProto.parameters.size() + 1]; |
| System.arraycopy( |
| initialProto.parameters.values, 0, parameterTypes, 0, initialProto.parameters.size()); |
| parameterTypes[parameterTypes.length - 1] = extraLastType; |
| return createProto(initialProto.returnType, parameterTypes); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod appendTypeToMethod(DexMethod initialMethod, DexType extraLastType) { |
| DexProto newProto = appendTypeToProto(initialMethod.proto, extraLastType); |
| return createMethod(initialMethod.holder, newProto, initialMethod.name); |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public DexProto applyClassMappingToProto( |
| DexProto proto, Function<DexType, DexType> mapping, Map<DexProto, DexProto> cache) { |
| assert cache != null; |
| DexProto result = cache.get(proto); |
| if (result == null) { |
| DexType returnType = mapping.apply(proto.returnType); |
| DexType[] parameters = applyClassMappingToDexTypes(proto.parameters.values, mapping); |
| if (returnType == proto.returnType && parameters == proto.parameters.values) { |
| result = proto; |
| } else { |
| // Should be different if reference has changed. |
| assert returnType == proto.returnType || !returnType.equals(proto.returnType); |
| assert parameters == proto.parameters.values |
| || !Arrays.equals(parameters, proto.parameters.values); |
| result = createProto(returnType, parameters); |
| } |
| cache.put(proto, result); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| private static DexType[] applyClassMappingToDexTypes( |
| DexType[] types, Function<DexType, DexType> mapping) { |
| Map<Integer, DexType> changed = new Int2ReferenceArrayMap<>(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { |
| DexType applied = mapping.apply(types[i]); |
| if (applied != types[i]) { |
| changed.put(i, applied); |
| } |
| } |
| return changed.isEmpty() |
| ? types |
| : ArrayUtils.copyWithSparseChanges(DexType[].class, types, changed); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod createMethod(DexType holder, DexProto proto, DexString name) { |
| assert !sorted; |
| DexMethod method = new DexMethod(holder, proto, name, skipNameValidationForTesting); |
| return canonicalize(methods, method); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod createMethod(DexType holder, DexProto proto, String name) { |
| return createMethod(holder, proto, createString(name)); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod createMethod(MethodReference methodReference) { |
| DexString[] formals = new DexString[methodReference.getFormalTypes().size()]; |
| ListUtils.forEachWithIndex( |
| methodReference.getFormalTypes(), |
| (formal, index) -> { |
| formals[index] = createString(formal.getDescriptor()); |
| }); |
| return createMethod( |
| createString(methodReference.getHolderClass().getDescriptor()), |
| createString(methodReference.getMethodName()), |
| methodReference.getReturnType() == null |
| ? voidDescriptor |
| : createString(methodReference.getReturnType().getDescriptor()), |
| formals); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethodHandle createMethodHandle( |
| MethodHandleType type, |
| DexMember<? extends DexItem, ? extends DexMember<?, ?>> fieldOrMethod, |
| boolean isInterface) { |
| return createMethodHandle(type, fieldOrMethod, isInterface, null); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethodHandle createMethodHandle( |
| MethodHandleType type, |
| DexMember<? extends DexItem, ? extends DexMember<?, ?>> fieldOrMethod, |
| boolean isInterface, |
| DexMethod rewrittenTarget) { |
| assert !sorted; |
| DexMethodHandle methodHandle = |
| new DexMethodHandle(type, fieldOrMethod, isInterface, rewrittenTarget); |
| return canonicalize(methodHandles, methodHandle); |
| } |
| |
| public DexCallSite createCallSite( |
| DexString methodName, |
| DexProto methodProto, |
| DexMethodHandle bootstrapMethod, |
| List<DexValue> bootstrapArgs) { |
| // Call sites are never equal and therefore we do not canonicalize. |
| assert !sorted; |
| return new DexCallSite(methodName, methodProto, bootstrapMethod, bootstrapArgs); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod createMethod( |
| DexString clazzDescriptor, |
| DexString name, |
| DexString returnTypeDescriptor, |
| DexString[] parameterDescriptors) { |
| assert !sorted; |
| DexType clazz = createType(clazzDescriptor); |
| DexType returnType = createType(returnTypeDescriptor); |
| DexType[] parameterTypes = new DexType[parameterDescriptors.length]; |
| for (int i = 0; i < parameterDescriptors.length; i++) { |
| parameterTypes[i] = createType(parameterDescriptors[i]); |
| } |
| DexProto proto = createProto(returnType, parameterTypes); |
| |
| return createMethod(clazz, proto, name); |
| } |
| |
| public DexMethod createClinitMethod(DexType holder) { |
| return createMethod(holder, createProto(voidType), classConstructorMethodName); |
| } |
| |
| public AdvanceLine createAdvanceLine(int delta) { |
| synchronized (advanceLines) { |
| return advanceLines.computeIfAbsent(delta, AdvanceLine::new); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public AdvancePC createAdvancePC(int delta) { |
| synchronized (advancePCs) { |
| return advancePCs.computeIfAbsent(delta, AdvancePC::new); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public Default createDefault(int value) { |
| synchronized (defaults) { |
| return defaults.computeIfAbsent(value, Default::new); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public Default createDefault(int lineDelta, int pcDelta) { |
| return createDefault(Default.create(lineDelta, pcDelta).value); |
| } |
| |
| public EndLocal createEndLocal(int registerNum) { |
| synchronized (endLocals) { |
| return endLocals.computeIfAbsent(registerNum, EndLocal::new); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public RestartLocal createRestartLocal(int registerNum) { |
| synchronized (restartLocals) { |
| return restartLocals.computeIfAbsent(registerNum, RestartLocal::new); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public SetEpilogueBegin createSetEpilogueBegin() { |
| return setEpilogueBegin; |
| } |
| |
| public SetPrologueEnd createSetPrologueEnd() { |
| return setPrologueEnd; |
| } |
| |
| public SetFile createSetFile(DexString fileName) { |
| synchronized (setFiles) { |
| return setFiles.computeIfAbsent(fileName, SetFile::new); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(tamaskenez) b/69024229 Measure if canonicalization is worth it. |
| public SetPositionFrame createPositionFrame(Position position) { |
| synchronized (setInlineFrames) { |
| return setInlineFrames.computeIfAbsent(new SetPositionFrame(position), p -> p); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean isConstructor(DexMethod method) { |
| return method.name == constructorMethodName; |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") |
| public boolean isClassConstructor(DexMethod method) { |
| return method.name == classConstructorMethodName; |
| } |
| |
| public void clearTypeElementsCache() { |
| referenceTypes.clear(); |
| classTypeInterfaces.clear(); |
| leastUpperBoundOfInterfacesTable.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean verifyNoCachedTypeElements() { |
| assert referenceTypes.isEmpty(); |
| assert classTypeInterfaces.isEmpty(); |
| assert leastUpperBoundOfInterfacesTable.isEmpty(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| public ReferenceTypeElement createReferenceTypeElement( |
| DexType type, Nullability nullability, AppView<?> appView) { |
| // Class case: |
| // If two concurrent threads will try to create the same class-type the concurrent hash map will |
| // synchronize on the type in .computeIfAbsent and only a single class type is created. |
| // |
| // Array case: |
| // Arrays will create a lattice element for its base type thus we take special care here. |
| // Multiple threads may race recursively to create a base type. We have two cases: |
| // (i) If base type is class type and the threads will race to create the class type but only a |
| // single one will be created (Class case). |
| // (ii) If base is ArrayLattice case we can use our induction hypothesis to get that only one |
| // element is created for us up to this case. Threads will now race to return from the |
| // latest recursive call and fight to get access to .computeIfAbsent to add the |
| // ArrayTypeElement but only one will enter. The property that only one |
| // ArrayTypeElement is created per level therefore holds inductively. |
| TypeElement memberType = null; |
| if (type.isArrayType()) { |
| ReferenceTypeElement existing = referenceTypes.get(type); |
| if (existing != null) { |
| return existing.getOrCreateVariant(nullability); |
| } |
| memberType = |
| TypeElement.fromDexType( |
| type.toArrayElementType(this), Nullability.maybeNull(), appView, true); |
| } |
| TypeElement finalMemberType = memberType; |
| return referenceTypes |
| .computeIfAbsent( |
| type, |
| t -> { |
| if (type.isClassType()) { |
| if (!appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations()) { |
| // Don't reason at the level of interfaces in D8. |
| return ClassTypeElement.createForD8(type, nullability); |
| } |
| assert appView.appInfo().hasClassHierarchy(); |
| if (appView.isInterface(type).isTrue()) { |
| return ClassTypeElement.create( |
| objectType, |
| nullability, |
| appView.withClassHierarchy(), |
| InterfaceCollection.singleton(type)); |
| } |
| // In theory, `interfaces` is the least upper bound of implemented interfaces. |
| // It is expensive to walk through type hierarchy; collect implemented interfaces; |
| // and compute the least upper bound of two interface sets. Hence, lazy |
| // computations. Most likely during lattice join. See {@link |
| // ClassTypeElement#getInterfaces}. |
| return ClassTypeElement.create(type, nullability, appView.withClassHierarchy()); |
| } |
| assert type.isArrayType(); |
| return ArrayTypeElement.create(finalMemberType, nullability); |
| }) |
| .getOrCreateVariant(nullability); |
| } |
| |
| public InterfaceCollection getOrComputeLeastUpperBoundOfImplementedInterfaces( |
| DexType type, AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView) { |
| return classTypeInterfaces.computeIfAbsent( |
| type, |
| t -> { |
| InterfaceCollection itfs = appView.appInfo().implementedInterfaces(t); |
| return computeLeastUpperBoundOfInterfaces(appView, itfs, itfs); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| @Deprecated |
| synchronized public void forAllTypes(Consumer<DexType> f) { |
| new ArrayList<>(types.values()).forEach(f); |
| } |
| } |