blob: 5009d5e2c5059da8294c55ace7aaa5ad65bab865 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LabelNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LocalVariableNode;
* Abstraction of the java bytecode state at a given control-flow point.
* The abstract state is defined by the abstract contents of locals and contents of the stack.
public class JarState {
// Type representatives of "any object/array" using invalid names (only valid for asserting).
public static final Type REFERENCE_TYPE = Type.getObjectType("<any reference>");
public static final Type OBJECT_TYPE = Type.getObjectType("<any object>");
public static final Type ARRAY_TYPE = Type.getObjectType("[<any array>");
// Type representative for the null value (non-existent but works for tracking the types here).
public static final Type NULL_TYPE = Type.getObjectType("<null>");
// TODO(zerny): Define an internal Type wrapping ASM types so that we can define an actual value.
// Type representative for a value that may be either a boolean or a byte.
public static final Type BYTE_OR_BOOL_TYPE = null;
// Typed mapping from a local slot or stack slot to a virtual register.
public static class Slot {
public final int register;
public final Type type;
public String toString() {
return "r" + register + ":" + type;
public Slot(int register, Type type) {
assert type != REFERENCE_TYPE;
assert type != OBJECT_TYPE;
assert type != ARRAY_TYPE;
this.register = register;
this.type = type;
public boolean isCompatibleWith(Type other) {
return isCompatible(type, other);
public boolean isCategory1() {
return isCategory1(type);
public Type getArrayElementType() {
assert type == NULL_TYPE || type == ARRAY_TYPE || type.getSort() == Type.ARRAY;
if (type == JarState.NULL_TYPE) {
return null;
return getArrayElementType(type);
public static boolean isCategory1(Type type) {
return type != Type.LONG_TYPE && type != Type.DOUBLE_TYPE;
public static boolean isCompatible(Type type, Type other) {
assert type != REFERENCE_TYPE;
assert type != OBJECT_TYPE;
assert type != ARRAY_TYPE;
if (type == BYTE_OR_BOOL_TYPE) {
type = Type.BYTE_TYPE;
int sort = type.getSort();
int otherSort = other.getSort();
if (isReferenceCompatible(type, other)) {
return true;
// Integers are assumed compatible with any other 32-bit integral.
if (isIntCompatible(sort)) {
return isIntCompatible(otherSort);
if (isIntCompatible(otherSort)) {
return isIntCompatible(sort);
// In all other cases we require the two types to represent the same concrete type.
return type.equals(other);
private static Type getArrayElementType(Type type) {
String desc = type.getDescriptor();
assert desc.charAt(0) == '[';
return Type.getType(desc.substring(1));
private static boolean isIntCompatible(int sort) {
return Type.BOOLEAN <= sort && sort <= Type.INT;
private static boolean isReferenceCompatible(Type type, Type other) {
int sort = type.getSort();
int otherSort = other.getSort();
// Catch all matching.
if (other == REFERENCE_TYPE) {
return sort == Type.OBJECT || sort == Type.ARRAY;
if (other == OBJECT_TYPE) {
return sort == Type.OBJECT;
if (other == ARRAY_TYPE) {
return type == NULL_TYPE || sort == Type.ARRAY;
return (sort == Type.OBJECT && otherSort == Type.ARRAY)
|| (sort == Type.ARRAY && otherSort == Type.OBJECT)
|| (sort == Type.OBJECT && otherSort == Type.OBJECT)
|| (sort == Type.ARRAY && otherSort == Type.ARRAY
&& isReferenceCompatible(getArrayElementType(type), getArrayElementType(other)));
public static class Local {
final Slot slot;
final DebugLocalInfo info;
public Local(Slot slot, DebugLocalInfo info) {
this.slot = slot; = info;
// Immutable recording of the state (locals and stack should not be mutated).
private static class Snapshot {
public final Local[] locals;
public final ImmutableList<Slot> stack;
public Snapshot(Local[] locals, ImmutableList<Slot> stack) {
this.locals = locals;
this.stack = stack;
public String toString() {
return "locals: " + localsToString(Arrays.asList(locals))
+ ", stack: " + stackToString(stack);
private final int startOfStack;
private int topOfStack;
// Locals are split into three parts based on types:
// 1) reference-type locals have registers in range: [0; localsSize[
// 2) single-width locals have registers in range: [localsSize; 2*localsSize[
// 3) wide-width locals have registers in range: [2*localsSize; 3*localsSize[
// This ensures that we can insert debugging-ranges into the SSA graph (via DebugLocal{Start,End})
// without conflating locals that are shared among different types. This issue arises because a
// debugging range can be larger than the definite-assignment scope of a local (eg, a local
// introduced in an unscoped switch case). To ensure that the SSA graph is valid we must introduce
// the local before inserting any DebugLocalReads (we do so in the method prelude, but that can
// potentially lead to phi functions merging locals of different move-types. Thus we allocate
// registers from the three distinct spaces.
private final int localsSize;
private final Local[] locals;
// Mapping from local-variable nodes to their canonical local info.
private final Map<LocalVariableNode, DebugLocalInfo> localVariables;
// Scope-points of all local variables for inserting debug scoping instructions.
private final Multimap<LabelNode, LocalVariableNode> localVariableStartPoints;
private final Multimap<LabelNode, LocalVariableNode> localVariableEndPoints;
private final Deque<Slot> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
private final Map<Integer, Snapshot> targetStates = new HashMap<>();
// Mode denoting that the state setup is done and we are now emitting IR.
// Concretely we treat all remaining byte-or-bool types as bytes (no actual type can flow there).
private boolean building = false;
public JarState(int maxLocals, Map<LocalVariableNode, DebugLocalInfo> localVariables) {
int localsRegistersSize = maxLocals * 3;
localsSize = maxLocals;
locals = new Local[localsRegistersSize];
startOfStack = localsRegistersSize;
topOfStack = startOfStack;
this.localVariables = localVariables;
localVariableStartPoints = HashMultimap.create();
localVariableEndPoints = HashMultimap.create();
private void populateLocalTables() {
for (LocalVariableNode node : localVariables.keySet()) {
if (node.start != node.end) {
localVariableStartPoints.put(node.start, node);
localVariableEndPoints.put(node.end, node);
public void setBuilding() {
assert stack.isEmpty();
building = true;
for (int i = 0; i < locals.length; i++) {
Local local = locals[i];
if (local != null && local.slot.type == BYTE_OR_BOOL_TYPE) {
locals[i] = new Local(new Slot(local.slot.register, Type.BYTE_TYPE),;
for (Entry<Integer, Snapshot> entry : targetStates.entrySet()) {
Local[] locals = entry.getValue().locals;
for (int i = 0; i < locals.length; i++) {
Local local = locals[i];
if (local != null && local.slot.type == BYTE_OR_BOOL_TYPE) {
locals[i] = new Local(new Slot(local.slot.register, Type.BYTE_TYPE),;
ImmutableList.Builder<Slot> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
boolean found = false;
for (Slot slot : entry.getValue().stack) {
if (slot.type == BYTE_OR_BOOL_TYPE) {
found = true;
builder.add(new Slot(slot.register, Type.BYTE_TYPE));
} else {
if (found) {
entry.setValue(new Snapshot(locals,;
// Local variable procedures.
public List<Local> openLocals(LabelNode label) {
Collection<LocalVariableNode> nodes = localVariableStartPoints.get(label);
ArrayList<Local> locals = new ArrayList<>(nodes.size());
for (LocalVariableNode node : nodes) {
locals.add(setLocal(node.index, Type.getType(node.desc), localVariables.get(node)));
// Sort to ensure deterministic instruction ordering (correctness is unaffected).
locals.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(local -> local.slot.register));
return locals;
public List<Local> getLocalsToClose(LabelNode label) {
Collection<LocalVariableNode> nodes = localVariableEndPoints.get(label);
ArrayList<Local> locals = new ArrayList<>(nodes.size());
for (LocalVariableNode node : nodes) {
Type type = Type.getType(node.desc);
int register = getLocalRegister(node.index, type);
Local local = getLocalForRegister(register);
assert local != null;
// Sort to ensure deterministic instruction ordering (correctness is unaffected).
locals.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(local -> local.slot.register));
return locals;
public void closeLocals(List<Local> localsToClose) {
for (Local local : localsToClose) {
assert local != null;
assert local == getLocalForRegister(local.slot.register);
setLocalForRegister(local.slot.register, local.slot.type, null);
public ImmutableList<Local> getLocals() {
ImmutableList.Builder<Local> nonNullLocals = ImmutableList.builder();
for (Local local : locals) {
if (local != null) {
int getLocalRegister(int index, Type type) {
assert index < localsSize;
if (type == BYTE_OR_BOOL_TYPE) {
assert Slot.isCategory1(type);
return index + localsSize;
if (type.getSort() == Type.OBJECT || type.getSort() == Type.ARRAY) {
return index;
return Slot.isCategory1(type) ? index + localsSize : index + 2 * localsSize;
public DebugLocalInfo getLocalInfoForRegister(int register) {
if (register >= locals.length) {
return null;
Local local = getLocalForRegister(register);
return local == null ? null :;
private Local getLocalForRegister(int register) {
return locals[register];
private Local getLocal(int index, Type type) {
return getLocalForRegister(getLocalRegister(index, type));
private Local setLocal(int index, Type type, DebugLocalInfo info) {
return setLocalForRegister(getLocalRegister(index, type), type, info);
private Local setLocalForRegister(int register, Type type, DebugLocalInfo info) {
Slot slot = new Slot(register, type);
Local local = new Local(slot, info);
locals[register] = local;
return local;
public int writeLocal(int index, Type type) {
assert nonNullType(type);
Local local = getLocal(index, type);
if (local != null && != null && !local.slot.isCompatibleWith(type)) {
throw new InvalidDebugInfoException(
"Attempt to write value of type " + prettyType(type) + " to local " +;
// We cannot assume consistency for writes because we do not have complete information about the
// scopes of locals. We assume the program to be verified and overwrite if the types mismatch.
if (local == null || ( == null && !typeEquals(local.slot.type, type))) {
local = setLocal(index, type, null);
return local.slot.register;
public boolean typeEquals(Type type1, Type type2) {
return (type1 == BYTE_OR_BOOL_TYPE && type2 == BYTE_OR_BOOL_TYPE)
|| (type1 != null && type1.equals(type2));
public Slot readLocal(int index, Type type) {
Local local = getLocal(index, type);
assert local != null;
if ( != null && !local.slot.isCompatibleWith(type)) {
throw new InvalidDebugInfoException(
"Attempt to read value of type " + prettyType(type) + " from local " +;
assert local.slot.isCompatibleWith(type);
return local.slot;
public boolean nonNullType(Type type) {
return type != null || !building;
// Stack procedures.
public int push(Type type) {
assert nonNullType(type);
int top = topOfStack;
// For simplicity, every stack slot (and local variable) is wide (uses two registers).
topOfStack += 2;
Slot slot = new Slot(top, type);
return top;
public Slot peek() {
return stack.peek();
public Slot peek(Type type) {
Slot slot = stack.peek();
assert slot.isCompatibleWith(type);
return slot;
public Slot pop() {
assert topOfStack > startOfStack;
// For simplicity, every stack slot (and local variable) is wide (uses two registers).
topOfStack -= 2;
Slot slot = stack.pop();
assert nonNullType(slot.type);
assert slot.register == topOfStack;
return slot;
public Slot pop(Type type) {
Slot slot = pop();
boolean compatible = slot.isCompatibleWith(type);
if (!compatible && !localVariables.isEmpty()) {
throw new InvalidDebugInfoException("Expected to read stack value of type " + prettyType(type)
+ " but found value of type " + prettyType(slot.type));
assert compatible;
return slot;
public Slot[] popReverse(int count) {
Slot[] slots = new Slot[count];
for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
slots[i] = pop();
return slots;
public Slot[] popReverse(int count, Type type) {
Slot[] slots = popReverse(count);
assert verifySlots(slots, type);
return slots;
// State procedures.
public boolean hasState(int offset) {
return targetStates.get(offset) != null;
public void restoreState(int offset) {
Snapshot snapshot = targetStates.get(offset);
assert snapshot != null;
assert locals.length == snapshot.locals.length;
System.arraycopy(snapshot.locals, 0, locals, 0, locals.length);
topOfStack = startOfStack + 2 * stack.size();
public boolean recordStateForTarget(int target, JarSourceCode source) {
return recordStateForTarget(target, locals.clone(), ImmutableList.copyOf(stack), source);
public boolean recordStateForExceptionalTarget(int target, JarSourceCode source) {
return recordStateForTarget(target, locals.clone(), ImmutableList.of(), source);
private boolean recordStateForTarget(int target, Local[] locals, ImmutableList<Slot> stack,
JarSourceCode source) {
if (!localVariables.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < locals.length; i++) {
if (locals[i] != null) {
locals[i] = new Local(locals[i].slot, null);
// TODO(zerny): Precompute and sort the local ranges.
for (Entry<LocalVariableNode, DebugLocalInfo> entry : localVariables.entrySet()) {
LocalVariableNode node = entry.getKey();
int startOffset = source.getOffset(node.start);
int endOffset = source.getOffset(node.end);
if (startOffset <= target && target < endOffset) {
int register = getLocalRegister(node.index, Type.getType(node.desc));
Local local = locals[register];
locals[register] = new Local(local.slot, entry.getValue());
Snapshot snapshot = targetStates.get(target);
if (snapshot != null) {
Local[] newLocals = mergeLocals(snapshot.locals, locals);
ImmutableList<Slot> newStack = mergeStacks(snapshot.stack, stack);
if (newLocals != snapshot.locals || newStack != snapshot.stack) {
targetStates.put(target, new Snapshot(newLocals, newStack));
return true;
// The snapshot is up to date - no new type information recoded.
return false;
targetStates.put(target, new Snapshot(locals, stack));
return true;
private boolean isRefinement(Type current, Type other) {
return (current == JarState.NULL_TYPE && other != JarState.NULL_TYPE)
|| (current == JarState.BYTE_OR_BOOL_TYPE && other != JarState.BYTE_OR_BOOL_TYPE);
private ImmutableList<Slot> mergeStacks(
ImmutableList<Slot> currentStack, ImmutableList<Slot> newStack) {
assert currentStack.size() == newStack.size();
List<Slot> mergedStack = null;
for (int i = 0; i < currentStack.size(); i++) {
if (isRefinement(currentStack.get(i).type, newStack.get(i).type)) {
if (mergedStack == null) {
mergedStack = new ArrayList<>();
mergedStack.addAll(currentStack.subList(0, i));
} else if (mergedStack != null) {
assert currentStack.get(i).isCompatibleWith(newStack.get(i).type);
return mergedStack != null ? ImmutableList.copyOf(mergedStack) : currentStack;
private Local[] mergeLocals(Local[] currentLocals, Local[] newLocals) {
assert currentLocals.length == newLocals.length;
Local[] mergedLocals = null;
for (int i = 0; i < currentLocals.length; i++) {
Local currentLocal = currentLocals[i];
Local newLocal = newLocals[i];
if (currentLocal == null || newLocal == null) {
// If this assert triggers we can get different debug information for the same local
// on different control-flow paths and we will have to merge them.
assert ==;
if (isRefinement(currentLocal.slot.type, newLocal.slot.type)) {
if (mergedLocals == null) {
mergedLocals = new Local[currentLocals.length];
System.arraycopy(currentLocals, 0, mergedLocals, 0, i);
Slot newSlot = new Slot(newLocal.slot.register, newLocal.slot.type);
mergedLocals[i] = new Local(newSlot,;
} else if (mergedLocals != null) {
mergedLocals[i] = currentLocals[i];
return mergedLocals != null ? mergedLocals : currentLocals;
// Other helpers.
private static boolean verifySlots(Slot[] slots, Type type) {
for (Slot slot : slots) {
assert slot.isCompatibleWith(type);
return true;
// Printing helpers.
public String toString() {
return "locals: " + localsToString(Arrays.asList(locals)) + ", stack: " + stackToString(stack);
public static String stackToString(Collection<Slot> stack) {
List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>(stack.size());
for (Slot slot : stack) {
if (slot.type == BYTE_OR_BOOL_TYPE) {
} else {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("{ ");
for (int i = strings.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (i > 0) {
builder.append(", ");
builder.append(" }");
return builder.toString();
public static String localsToString(Collection<Local> locals) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("{ ");
boolean first = true;
for (Local local : locals) {
if (!first) {
builder.append(", ");
} else {
first = false;
if (local == null) {
} else if ( != null) {
} else if (local.slot.type == BYTE_OR_BOOL_TYPE) {
} else {
builder.append(" }");
return builder.toString();
private String prettyType(Type type) {
if (type == BYTE_OR_BOOL_TYPE) {
return "<byte|bool>";
if (type == ARRAY_TYPE) {
return type.getElementType().getInternalName();
if (type == REFERENCE_TYPE || type == OBJECT_TYPE || type == NULL_TYPE) {
return type.getInternalName();
return DescriptorUtils.descriptorToJavaType(type.getDescriptor());