blob: b4849594d01e39d4e6337837f483328ced71b151 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.nio.file.Path;
// Actual test parameters for a specific configuration. Currently just the runtime configuration.
public class TestParameters {
private final TestRuntime runtime;
private final AndroidApiLevel apiLevel;
public TestParameters(TestRuntime runtime) {
this(runtime, null);
public TestParameters(TestRuntime runtime, AndroidApiLevel apiLevel) {
assert runtime != null;
this.runtime = runtime;
this.apiLevel = apiLevel;
public static TestParametersBuilder builder() {
return new TestParametersBuilder();
public static TestParametersCollection justNoneRuntime() {
return builder().withNoneRuntime().build();
* Returns true if the runtime uses resolution to lookup the constructor targeted by a given
* invoke, so that it is valid to have non-rebound constructor invokes.
* <p>Example: If value `v` is an uninitialized instanceof type `T`, then calling `T.<init>()`
* succeeds on ART even if `T.<init>()` does not exists, as ART will resolve the constructor, find
* `Object.<init>()`, and use this method to initialize `v`. On the JVM and on Dalvik, this is a
* runtime error.
public boolean canHaveNonReboundConstructorInvoke() {
// TODO(b/246679983): Turned off while diagnosing b/246679983.
return false && isDexRuntime() && getApiLevel().isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(AndroidApiLevel.L);
public boolean canUseDefaultAndStaticInterfaceMethods() {
assert isCfRuntime() || isDexRuntime();
assert !isCfRuntime() || apiLevel == null
: "Use canUseDefaultAndStaticInterfaceMethodsWhenDesugaring when using CF api levels.";
return isCfRuntime()
|| getApiLevel()
public boolean canUseDefaultAndStaticInterfaceMethodsWhenDesugaring() {
assert isCfRuntime() || isDexRuntime();
assert apiLevel != null;
return getApiLevel()
public boolean canUseNativeDexPC() {
assert isCfRuntime() || isDexRuntime();
return isDexRuntime() && getDexRuntimeVersion().isNewerThanOrEqual(DexVm.Version.V8_1_0);
public boolean canUseNestBasedAccesses() {
assert isCfRuntime() || isDexRuntime();
return isCfRuntime() && getRuntime().asCf().isNewerThanOrEqual(CfVm.JDK11);
// Convenience predicates.
public boolean isDexRuntime() {
return runtime.isDex();
public DexRuntime asDexRuntime() {
return getRuntime().asDex();
public boolean isCfRuntime() {
return runtime.isCf();
public boolean isCfRuntime(CfVm vm) {
return runtime.isCf() && runtime.asCf().getVm() == vm;
public CfRuntime asCfRuntime() {
return getRuntime().asCf();
public boolean isDexRuntimeVersion(DexVm.Version vm) {
return isDexRuntime() && vm == getDexRuntimeVersion();
public boolean isNoneRuntime() {
return runtime == NoneRuntime.getInstance();
public void configureApiLevel(TestCompilerBuilder<?, ?, ?, ?, ?> testCompilerBuilder) {
// TODO(b/270021825): Tests should not access the underlying API level directly, but may be
// allowed to query if the api level satisfies some condition.
public AndroidApiLevel getApiLevel() {
if (runtime.isDex() && apiLevel == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Use of getApiLevel without configured API levels for TestParametersCollection.");
return apiLevel;
public Path getDefaultAndroidJar() {
assert isDexRuntime();
return ToolHelper.getFirstSupportedAndroidJar(getApiLevel());
public Path getDefaultAndroidJarAbove(AndroidApiLevel minimumCompileApiLevel) {
assert isDexRuntime();
return ToolHelper.getFirstSupportedAndroidJar(getApiLevel().max(minimumCompileApiLevel));
public Path getDefaultRuntimeLibrary() {
return isCfRuntime() ? ToolHelper.getJava8RuntimeJar() : getDefaultAndroidJar();
// Access to underlying runtime/wrapper.
public TestRuntime getRuntime() {
return runtime;
public boolean isOrSimulateNoneRuntime() {
return isNoneRuntime()
|| (runtime != null && runtime.equals(TestRuntime.getDefaultCfRuntime()));
// Helper function to get the "backend" for a given runtime target.
public Backend getBackend() {
return runtime.getBackend();
public String toString() {
if (apiLevel != null) {
return runtime.toString() + ", api:" + apiLevel.getLevel();
return runtime.toString();
public void assertNoneRuntime() {
assertEquals(NoneRuntime.getInstance(), runtime);
public DexVm.Version getDexRuntimeVersion() {
return getRuntime().asDex().getVm().getVersion();