blob: 61d9439828165f0135b24b96d6762c124db4e056 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2IntMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2IntMap.Entry;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2IntOpenHashMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.ToIntFunction;
public class ObjectToOffsetMapping {
private final static int NOT_FOUND = -1;
private final static int NOT_SET = -2;
private final GraphLens graphLens;
private final NamingLens namingLens;
private final InitClassLens initClassLens;
private final LensCodeRewriterUtils lensCodeRewriter;
// Sorted collection of objects mapped to their offsets.
private final DexProgramClass[] classes;
private final Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap<DexProto> protos;
private final Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap<DexType> types;
private final Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap<DexMethod> methods;
private final Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap<DexField> fields;
private final Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap<DexString> strings;
private final Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap<DexCallSite> callSites;
private final Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap<DexMethodHandle> methodHandles;
private DexString firstJumboString;
public ObjectToOffsetMapping(
AppView<?> appView,
GraphLens graphLens,
NamingLens namingLens,
InitClassLens initClassLens,
Collection<DexProgramClass> classes,
Collection<DexProto> protos,
Collection<DexType> types,
Collection<DexMethod> methods,
Collection<DexField> fields,
Collection<DexString> strings,
Collection<DexCallSite> callSites,
Collection<DexMethodHandle> methodHandles,
Timing timing) {
assert appView != null;
assert graphLens != null;
assert classes != null;
assert protos != null;
assert types != null;
assert methods != null;
assert fields != null;
assert strings != null;
assert callSites != null;
assert methodHandles != null;
assert initClassLens != null;
this.graphLens = graphLens;
this.namingLens = namingLens;
this.initClassLens = initClassLens;
this.lensCodeRewriter = new LensCodeRewriterUtils(appView);
timing.begin("Sort strings");
this.strings = createSortedMap(strings, DexString::compareTo, this::setFirstJumboString);
timing.begin("Sort types");
this.types = createSortedMap(types, compareWithStringTable(), this::failOnOverflow);
timing.begin("Sort classes");
this.classes = sortClasses(appView.appInfo(), classes, namingLens);
timing.begin("Sort protos");
this.protos = createSortedMap(protos, compareWithTypeTable(), this::failOnOverflow);
timing.begin("Sort methods");
this.methods = createSortedMap(methods, compareWithTypeTable(), this::failOnOverflow);
timing.begin("Sort fields");
this.fields = createSortedMap(fields, compareWithTypeTable(), this::failOnOverflow);
timing.begin("Sort call-sites");
this.callSites = createSortedMap(callSites, DexCallSite::compareTo, this::failOnOverflow);
timing.begin("Sort method handles");
this.methodHandles =
createSortedMap(methodHandles, compareWithTypeTable(), this::failOnOverflow);
private <T extends NamingLensComparable<T>> Comparator<T> compareWithStringTable() {
return (a, b) ->
a, b, namingLens, (ToIntFunction<DexString>) strings::getInt);
private <T extends NamingLensComparable<T>> Comparator<T> compareWithTypeTable() {
return (a, b) ->, b, namingLens, strings::getInt, types::getInt);
private void setFirstJumboString(DexString string) {
assert firstJumboString == null;
firstJumboString = string;
private void failOnOverflow(DexItem item) {
throw new CompilationError("Index overflow for " + item.getClass());
private <T> Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap<T> createSortedMap(
Collection<T> items, Comparator<T> comparator, Consumer<T> onUInt16Overflow) {
if (items.isEmpty()) {
return new Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap<>();
// Sort items and compute the offset mapping for each in sorted order.
ArrayList<T> sorted = new ArrayList<>(items);
Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap<T> map = new Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap<>(items.size());
int index = 0;
for (T item : sorted) {
if (index == Constants.U16BIT_MAX + 1) {
map.put(item, index++);
return map;
* Here, 'depth' of a program class is an integer one bigger then the maximum depth of its
* superclass and implemented interfaces. The depth of classes without any or without known
* superclasses and interfaces is 1.
private static class ProgramClassDepthsMemoized {
private final static int UNKNOWN_DEPTH = -1;
private final AppInfo appInfo;
private final Reference2IntMap<DexProgramClass> depthOfClasses = new Reference2IntOpenHashMap<>();
ProgramClassDepthsMemoized(AppInfo appInfo) {
this.appInfo = appInfo;
int getDepth(DexProgramClass programClass) {
int depth = depthOfClasses.getInt(programClass);
// TODO(b/65536002): use "computeIntIfAbsent" after upgrading to fastutils 8.x.
if (depth == UNKNOWN_DEPTH) {
// Emulating the algorithm of
DexType superType = programClass.superType;
int maxDepth;
if (superType == null) {
maxDepth = 0;
} else {
maxDepth = 1;
DexProgramClass superClass = appInfo.programDefinitionFor(superType, programClass);
if (superClass != null) {
maxDepth = getDepth(superClass);
for (DexType inf : programClass.interfaces.values) {
DexProgramClass infClass = appInfo.programDefinitionFor(inf, programClass);
maxDepth = Math.max(maxDepth, infClass == null ? 1 : getDepth(infClass));
depth = maxDepth + 1;
depthOfClasses.put(programClass, depth);
return depth;
private static DexProgramClass[] sortClasses(
AppInfo appInfo, Collection<DexProgramClass> classes, NamingLens namingLens) {
// Collect classes in subtyping order, based on a sorted list of classes to start with.
ProgramClassDepthsMemoized classDepths = new ProgramClassDepthsMemoized(appInfo);
List<DexProgramClass> sortedClasses =
(x, y) -> {
int dx = classDepths.getDepth(x);
int dy = classDepths.getDepth(y);
return dx != dy ? dx - dy : x.type.compareToWithNamingLens(y.type, namingLens);
return sortedClasses.toArray(DexProgramClass.EMPTY_ARRAY);
private static <T> Collection<T> keysOrEmpty(Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap<T> map) {
// The key-set is deterministic (linked) and inserted in sorted order.
return map == null ? Collections.emptyList() : map.keySet();
public GraphLens getGraphLens() {
return graphLens;
public NamingLens getNamingLens() {
return namingLens;
public LensCodeRewriterUtils getLensCodeRewriter() {
return lensCodeRewriter;
public Collection<DexMethod> getMethods() {
return keysOrEmpty(methods);
public DexProgramClass[] getClasses() {
return classes;
public Collection<DexType> getTypes() {
return keysOrEmpty(types);
public Collection<DexProto> getProtos() {
return keysOrEmpty(protos);
public Collection<DexField> getFields() {
return keysOrEmpty(fields);
public Collection<DexString> getStrings() {
return keysOrEmpty(strings);
public Collection<DexCallSite> getCallSites() {
return keysOrEmpty(callSites);
public Collection<DexMethodHandle> getMethodHandles() {
return keysOrEmpty(methodHandles);
public boolean hasJumboStrings() {
return firstJumboString != null;
public DexString getFirstJumboString() {
return firstJumboString;
public DexString getFirstString() {
for (Entry<DexString> dexStringEntry : strings.reference2IntEntrySet()) {
if (dexStringEntry.getIntValue() == 0) {
return dexStringEntry.getKey();
return null;
private <T extends IndexedDexItem> int getOffsetFor(T item, Reference2IntMap<T> map) {
int index = map.getInt(item);
assert index != NOT_SET : "Index was not set: " + item;
assert index != NOT_FOUND : "Missing dependency: " + item;
return index;
public int getOffsetFor(DexProto proto) {
return getOffsetFor(proto, protos);
public int getOffsetFor(DexField field) {
return getOffsetFor(field, fields);
public int getOffsetFor(DexMethod method) {
return getOffsetFor(method, methods);
public int getOffsetFor(DexString string) {
return getOffsetFor(string, strings);
public int getOffsetFor(DexType type) {
return getOffsetFor(type, types);
public int getOffsetFor(DexCallSite callSite) {
return getOffsetFor(callSite, callSites);
public int getOffsetFor(DexMethodHandle methodHandle) {
return getOffsetFor(methodHandle, methodHandles);
public DexField getClinitField(DexType type) {
return initClassLens.getInitClassField(type);