blob: 89782b69338c66caa32528b7181f38eaeef67f52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
public final class Java8MethodRewriter {
public static final String UTILITY_CLASS_NAME_PREFIX = "$r8$java8methods$utility";
private static final String UTILITY_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_PREFIX = "L$r8$java8methods$utility";
private final Set<DexType> holders = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet();
private final AppView<?> appView;
private final IRConverter converter;
private final DexItemFactory factory;
private final RewritableMethods rewritableMethods;
private Map<DexMethod, MethodGenerator> methodGenerators = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public Java8MethodRewriter(AppView<?> appView, IRConverter converter) {
this.appView = appView;
this.converter = converter;
this.factory = appView.dexItemFactory();
this.rewritableMethods = new RewritableMethods(factory, appView.options());
public void desugar(IRCode code) {
if (rewritableMethods.isEmpty()) {
return; // Nothing to do!
InstructionIterator iterator = code.instructionIterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Instruction instruction =;
if (!instruction.isInvokeStatic()) {
InvokeStatic invoke = instruction.asInvokeStatic();
MethodGenerator generator = getMethodGeneratorOrNull(invoke.getInvokedMethod());
if (generator == null) {
new InvokeStatic(generator.generateMethod(factory),
invoke.outValue(), invoke.inValues()));
methodGenerators.putIfAbsent(generator.generateMethod(factory), generator);
private Collection<DexProgramClass> findSynthesizedFrom(Builder<?> builder, DexType holder) {
for (DexProgramClass synthesizedClass : builder.getSynthesizedClasses()) {
if (holder == synthesizedClass.getType()) {
return synthesizedClass.getSynthesizedFrom();
return null;
public static boolean hasJava8MethodRewritePrefix(DexType clazz) {
return clazz.descriptor.toString().startsWith(UTILITY_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_PREFIX);
public void synthesizeUtilityClass(
Builder<?> builder, ExecutorService executorService, InternalOptions options)
throws ExecutionException {
if (holders.isEmpty()) {
Set<DexProgramClass> referencingClasses = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet();
AppInfo appInfo = appView.appInfo();
for (DexType holder : holders) {
DexClass definitionFor = appInfo.definitionFor(holder);
if (definitionFor == null) {
Collection<DexProgramClass> synthesizedFrom = findSynthesizedFrom(builder, holder);
assert synthesizedFrom != null;
} else {
MethodAccessFlags flags = MethodAccessFlags.fromSharedAccessFlags(
Constants.ACC_PUBLIC | Constants.ACC_STATIC | Constants.ACC_SYNTHETIC, false);
ClassAccessFlags classAccessFlags =
ClassAccessFlags.fromSharedAccessFlags(Constants.ACC_PUBLIC | Constants.ACC_SYNTHETIC);
for (MethodGenerator generator : methodGenerators.values()) {
DexMethod method = generator.generateMethod(factory);
TemplateMethodCode code = generator.generateTemplateMethod(options, method);
DexEncodedMethod dexEncodedMethod= new DexEncodedMethod(method,
flags, DexAnnotationSet.empty(), ParameterAnnotationsList.empty(), code);
DexProgramClass utilityClass =
new DexProgramClass(
new SynthesizedOrigin("java8 methods utility class", getClass()),
new DexEncodedMethod[] {dexEncodedMethod},
boolean addToMainDexList = -> appInfo.isInMainDexList(clazz.type));
converter.optimizeSynthesizedClass(utilityClass, executorService);
builder.addSynthesizedClass(utilityClass, addToMainDexList);
private MethodGenerator getMethodGeneratorOrNull(DexMethod method) {
DexMethod original = appView.graphLense().getOriginalMethodSignature(method);
assert original != null;
return rewritableMethods.getGenerator(
original.holder.descriptor,, original.proto);
private static final class ByteMethods extends TemplateMethodCode {
ByteMethods(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method, String methodName) {
super(options, method, methodName, method.proto.toDescriptorString());
public static ByteMethods hashCodeCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new ByteMethods(options, method, "hashCodeImpl");
public static int hashCodeImpl(byte i) {
return Byte.valueOf(i).hashCode();
private static final class ShortMethods extends TemplateMethodCode {
ShortMethods(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method, String methodName) {
super(options, method, methodName, method.proto.toDescriptorString());
public static ShortMethods hashCodeCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new ShortMethods(options, method, "hashCodeImpl");
public static int hashCodeImpl(short i) {
return Short.valueOf(i).hashCode();
private static final class IntegerMethods extends TemplateMethodCode {
IntegerMethods(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method, String methodName) {
super(options, method, methodName, method.proto.toDescriptorString());
public static IntegerMethods hashCodeCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new IntegerMethods(options, method, "hashCodeImpl");
public static IntegerMethods maxCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new IntegerMethods(options, method, "maxImpl");
public static IntegerMethods minCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new IntegerMethods(options, method, "minImpl");
public static IntegerMethods sumCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new IntegerMethods(options, method, "sumImpl");
public static IntegerMethods divideUnsignedCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new IntegerMethods(options, method, "divideUnsignedImpl");
public static IntegerMethods remainderUnsignedCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new IntegerMethods(options, method, "remainderUnsignedImpl");
public static IntegerMethods compareUnsignedCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new IntegerMethods(options, method, "compareUnsignedImpl");
public static int hashCodeImpl(int i) {
return Integer.valueOf(i).hashCode();
public static int maxImpl(int a, int b) {
return java.lang.Math.max(a, b);
public static int minImpl(int a, int b) {
return java.lang.Math.min(a, b);
public static int sumImpl(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
public static int divideUnsignedImpl(int dividend, int divisor) {
long dividendLong = dividend & 0xffffffffL;
long divisorLong = divisor & 0xffffffffL;
return (int) (dividendLong / divisorLong);
public static int remainderUnsignedImpl(int dividend, int divisor) {
long dividendLong = dividend & 0xffffffffL;
long divisorLong = divisor & 0xffffffffL;
return (int) (dividendLong % divisorLong);
public static int compareUnsignedImpl(int a, int b) {
int aFlipped = a ^ Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int bFlipped = b ^ Integer.MIN_VALUE;
return, bFlipped);
private static final class DoubleMethods extends TemplateMethodCode {
DoubleMethods(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method, String methodName) {
super(options, method, methodName, method.proto.toDescriptorString());
public static DoubleMethods hashCodeCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new DoubleMethods(options, method, "hashCodeImpl");
public static DoubleMethods maxCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new DoubleMethods(options, method, "maxImpl");
public static DoubleMethods minCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new DoubleMethods(options, method, "minImpl");
public static DoubleMethods sumCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new DoubleMethods(options, method, "sumImpl");
public static DoubleMethods isFiniteCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new DoubleMethods(options, method, "isFiniteImpl");
public static int hashCodeImpl(double d) {
return Double.valueOf(d).hashCode();
public static double maxImpl(double a, double b) {
return java.lang.Math.max(a, b);
public static double minImpl(double a, double b) {
return java.lang.Math.min(a, b);
public static double sumImpl(double a, double b) {
return a + b;
public static boolean isFiniteImpl(double d) {
Double boxed = Double.valueOf(d);
return !boxed.isInfinite() && !boxed.isNaN();
private static final class FloatMethods extends TemplateMethodCode {
FloatMethods(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method, String methodName) {
super(options, method, methodName, method.proto.toDescriptorString());
public static FloatMethods hashCodeCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new FloatMethods(options, method, "hashCodeImpl");
public static FloatMethods maxCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new FloatMethods(options, method, "maxImpl");
public static FloatMethods minCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new FloatMethods(options, method, "minImpl");
public static FloatMethods sumCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new FloatMethods(options, method, "sumImpl");
public static FloatMethods isFiniteCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new FloatMethods(options, method, "isFiniteImpl");
public static int hashCodeImpl(float d) {
return Float.valueOf(d).hashCode();
public static float maxImpl(float a, float b) {
return java.lang.Math.max(a, b);
public static float minImpl(float a, float b) {
return java.lang.Math.min(a, b);
public static float sumImpl(float a, float b) {
return a + b;
public static boolean isFiniteImpl(float d) {
Float boxed = Float.valueOf(d);
return !boxed.isInfinite() && !boxed.isNaN();
private static final class BooleanMethods extends TemplateMethodCode {
BooleanMethods(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method, String methodName) {
super(options, method, methodName, method.proto.toDescriptorString());
public static BooleanMethods hashCodeCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new BooleanMethods(options, method, "hashCodeImpl");
public static BooleanMethods logicalAndCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new BooleanMethods(options, method, "logicalAndImpl");
public static BooleanMethods logicalOrCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new BooleanMethods(options, method, "logicalOrImpl");
public static BooleanMethods logicalXorCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new BooleanMethods(options, method, "logicalXorImpl");
public static int hashCodeImpl(boolean b) {
return Boolean.valueOf(b).hashCode();
public static boolean logicalAndImpl(boolean a, boolean b) {
return a && b;
public static boolean logicalOrImpl(boolean a, boolean b) {
return a || b;
public static boolean logicalXorImpl(boolean a, boolean b) {
return a ^ b;
private static final class LongMethods extends TemplateMethodCode {
LongMethods(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method, String methodName) {
super(options, method, methodName, method.proto.toDescriptorString());
public static LongMethods hashCodeCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new LongMethods(options, method, "hashCodeImpl");
public static LongMethods maxCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new LongMethods(options, method, "maxImpl");
public static LongMethods minCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new LongMethods(options, method, "minImpl");
public static LongMethods sumCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new LongMethods(options, method, "sumImpl");
public static LongMethods divideUnsignedCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new LongMethods(options, method, "divideUnsignedImpl");
public static LongMethods remainderUnsignedCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new LongMethods(options, method, "remainderUnsignedImpl");
public static LongMethods compareUnsignedCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new LongMethods(options, method, "compareUnsignedImpl");
public static int hashCodeImpl(long i) {
return Long.valueOf(i).hashCode();
public static long maxImpl(long a, long b) {
return java.lang.Math.max(a, b);
public static long minImpl(long a, long b) {
return java.lang.Math.min(a, b);
public static long sumImpl(long a, long b) {
return a + b;
public static long divideUnsignedImpl(long dividend, long divisor) {
// This implementation is adapted from Guava's and
if (divisor < 0) { // i.e., divisor >= 2^63:
// Reference implementation calls, divisor) whose
// implementation is, UnsignedLong.flip(b)). The
// implementations of flip() and compare() are inlined here instead.
long dividendFlipped = dividend ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
long divisorFlipped = divisor ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
if (dividendFlipped < divisorFlipped) {
return 0; // dividend < divisor
} else {
return 1; // dividend >= divisor
// Optimization - use signed division if dividend < 2^63
if (dividend >= 0) {
return dividend / divisor;
// Otherwise, approximate the quotient, check, and correct if necessary. Our approximation is
// guaranteed to be either exact or one less than the correct value. This follows from the
// fact that floor(floor(x)/i) == floor(x/i) for any real x and integer i != 0. The proof is
// not quite trivial.
long quotient = ((dividend >>> 1) / divisor) << 1;
long rem = dividend - quotient * divisor;
// Reference implementation calls, divisor) whose
// implementation is, UnsignedLong.flip(b)). The
// implementations of flip() and compare() are inlined here instead.
long remFlipped = rem ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
long divisorFlipped = divisor ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
return quotient + (remFlipped >= divisorFlipped ? 1 : 0);
public static long remainderUnsignedImpl(long dividend, long divisor) {
// This implementation is adapted from Guava's and
if (divisor < 0) { // i.e., divisor >= 2^63:
// Reference implementation calls, divisor) whose
// implementation is, UnsignedLong.flip(b)). The
// implementations of flip() and compare() are inlined here instead.
long dividendFlipped = dividend ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
long divisorFlipped = divisor ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
if (dividendFlipped < divisorFlipped) {
return dividend; // dividend < divisor
} else {
return dividend - divisor; // dividend >= divisor
// Optimization - use signed modulus if dividend < 2^63
if (dividend >= 0) {
return dividend % divisor;
// Otherwise, approximate the quotient, check, and correct if necessary. Our approximation is
// guaranteed to be either exact or one less than the correct value. This follows from the
// fact that floor(floor(x)/i) == floor(x/i) for any real x and integer i != 0. The proof is
// not quite trivial.
long quotient = ((dividend >>> 1) / divisor) << 1;
long rem = dividend - quotient * divisor;
// Reference implementation calls, divisor) whose
// implementation is, UnsignedLong.flip(b)). The
// implementations of flip() and compare() are inlined here instead.
long remFlipped = rem ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
long divisorFlipped = divisor ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
return rem - (remFlipped >= divisorFlipped ? divisor : 0);
public static int compareUnsignedImpl(long a, long b) {
long aFlipped = a ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
long bFlipped = b ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
return, bFlipped);
private static final class CharacterMethods extends TemplateMethodCode {
CharacterMethods(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method, String methodName) {
super(options, method, methodName, method.proto.toDescriptorString());
public static CharacterMethods hashCodeCode(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return new CharacterMethods(options, method, "hashCodeImpl");
public static int hashCodeImpl(char i) {
return Character.valueOf(i).hashCode();
public static final class RewritableMethods {
// Map class, method, proto to a generator for creating the code and method.
private final Map<DexString, Map<DexString, Map<DexProto, MethodGenerator>>> rewritable =
new HashMap<>();
public RewritableMethods(DexItemFactory factory, InternalOptions options) {
if (!options.canUseJava8SignedOperations()) {
if (!options.canUseJava8UnsignedOperations()) {
boolean isEmpty() {
return rewritable.isEmpty();
private void initializeJava8SignedOperations(DexItemFactory factory) {
// Byte
DexString clazz = factory.boxedByteDescriptor;
// int Byte.hashCode(byte i)
DexString method = factory.createString("hashCode");
DexProto proto = factory.createProto(factory.intType, factory.byteType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(ByteMethods::hashCodeCode, clazz, method, proto));
// Short
clazz = factory.boxedShortDescriptor;
// int Short.hashCode(short i)
method = factory.createString("hashCode");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.intType, factory.shortType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(ShortMethods::hashCodeCode, clazz, method, proto));
// Integer
clazz = factory.boxedIntDescriptor;
// int Integer.hashCode(int i)
method = factory.createString("hashCode");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.intType, factory.intType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(IntegerMethods::hashCodeCode, clazz, method, proto));
// int Integer.max(int a, int b)
method = factory.createString("max");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.intType, factory.intType, factory.intType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(IntegerMethods::maxCode, clazz, method, proto));
// int Integer.min(int a, int b)
method = factory.createString("min");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.intType, factory.intType, factory.intType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(IntegerMethods::minCode, clazz, method, proto));
// int Integer.sum(int a, int b)
method = factory.createString("sum");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.intType, factory.intType, factory.intType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(IntegerMethods::sumCode, clazz, method, proto));
// Double
clazz = factory.boxedDoubleDescriptor;
// int Double.hashCode(double d)
method = factory.createString("hashCode");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.intType, factory.doubleType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(DoubleMethods::hashCodeCode, clazz, method, proto));
// double Double.max(double a, double b)
method = factory.createString("max");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.doubleType, factory.doubleType, factory.doubleType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(DoubleMethods::maxCode, clazz, method, proto));
// double Double.min(double a, double b)
method = factory.createString("min");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.doubleType, factory.doubleType, factory.doubleType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(DoubleMethods::minCode, clazz, method, proto));
// double Double.sum(double a, double b)
method = factory.createString("sum");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.doubleType, factory.doubleType, factory.doubleType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(DoubleMethods::sumCode, clazz, method, proto));
// boolean Double.isFinite(double a)
method = factory.createString("isFinite");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.booleanType, factory.doubleType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(DoubleMethods::isFiniteCode, clazz, method, proto));
// Float
clazz = factory.boxedFloatDescriptor;
// int Float.hashCode(float d)
method = factory.createString("hashCode");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.intType, factory.floatType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(FloatMethods::hashCodeCode, clazz, method, proto));
// float Float.max(float a, float b)
method = factory.createString("max");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.floatType, factory.floatType, factory.floatType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(FloatMethods::maxCode, clazz, method, proto));
// float Float.min(float a, float b)
method = factory.createString("min");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.floatType, factory.floatType, factory.floatType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(FloatMethods::minCode, clazz, method, proto));
// float Float.sum(float a, float b)
method = factory.createString("sum");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.floatType, factory.floatType, factory.floatType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(FloatMethods::sumCode, clazz, method, proto));
// boolean Float.isFinite(float a)
method = factory.createString("isFinite");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.booleanType, factory.floatType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(FloatMethods::isFiniteCode, clazz, method, proto));
// Boolean
clazz = factory.boxedBooleanDescriptor;
// int Boolean.hashCode(boolean b)
method = factory.createString("hashCode");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.intType, factory.booleanType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(BooleanMethods::hashCodeCode, clazz, method, proto));
// boolean Boolean.logicalAnd(boolean a, boolean b)
method = factory.createString("logicalAnd");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.booleanType, factory.booleanType, factory.booleanType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(BooleanMethods::logicalAndCode, clazz, method, proto));
// boolean Boolean.logicalOr(boolean a, boolean b)
method = factory.createString("logicalOr");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.booleanType, factory.booleanType, factory.booleanType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(BooleanMethods::logicalOrCode, clazz, method, proto));
// boolean Boolean.logicalXor(boolean a, boolean b)
method = factory.createString("logicalXor");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.booleanType, factory.booleanType, factory.booleanType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(BooleanMethods::logicalXorCode, clazz, method, proto));
// Long
clazz = factory.boxedLongDescriptor;
// int Long.hashCode(long i)
method = factory.createString("hashCode");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.intType, factory.longType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(LongMethods::hashCodeCode, clazz, method, proto));
// long Long.max(long a, long b)
method = factory.createString("max");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.longType, factory.longType, factory.longType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(LongMethods::maxCode, clazz, method, proto));
// long Long.min(long a, long b)
method = factory.createString("min");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.longType, factory.longType, factory.longType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(LongMethods::minCode, clazz, method, proto));
// long Long.sum(long a, long b)
method = factory.createString("sum");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.longType, factory.longType, factory.longType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(LongMethods::sumCode, clazz, method, proto));
// Character
clazz = factory.boxedCharDescriptor;
// int Character.hashCode(char i)
method = factory.createString("hashCode");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.intType, factory.charType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method)
.put(proto, new MethodGenerator(CharacterMethods::hashCodeCode, clazz, method, proto));
private void initializeJava8UnsignedOperations(DexItemFactory factory) {
DexString clazz = factory.boxedIntDescriptor;
// int Integer.divideUnsigned(int a, int b)
DexString method = factory.createString("divideUnsigned");
DexProto proto = factory.createProto(factory.intType, factory.intType, factory.intType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method).put(proto,
new MethodGenerator(IntegerMethods::divideUnsignedCode, clazz, method, proto));
// int Integer.remainderUnsigned(int a, int b)
method = factory.createString("remainderUnsigned");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.intType, factory.intType, factory.intType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method).put(proto,
new MethodGenerator(IntegerMethods::remainderUnsignedCode, clazz, method, proto));
// int Integer.compareUnsigned(int a, int b)
method = factory.createString("compareUnsigned");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.intType, factory.intType, factory.intType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method).put(proto,
new MethodGenerator(IntegerMethods::compareUnsignedCode, clazz, method, proto));
clazz = factory.boxedLongDescriptor;
// long Long.divideUnsigned(long a, long b)
method = factory.createString("divideUnsigned");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.longType, factory.longType, factory.longType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method).put(proto,
new MethodGenerator(LongMethods::divideUnsignedCode, clazz, method, proto));
// long Long.remainderUnsigned(long a, long b)
method = factory.createString("remainderUnsigned");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.longType, factory.longType, factory.longType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method).put(proto,
new MethodGenerator(LongMethods::remainderUnsignedCode, clazz, method, proto));
// int Long.compareUnsigned(long a, long b)
method = factory.createString("compareUnsigned");
proto = factory.createProto(factory.intType, factory.longType, factory.longType);
addOrGetMethod(clazz, method).put(proto,
new MethodGenerator(LongMethods::compareUnsignedCode, clazz, method, proto));
private Map<DexString, Map<DexProto, MethodGenerator>> addOrGetClass(DexString clazz) {
return rewritable.computeIfAbsent(clazz, k -> new HashMap<>());
private Map<DexProto, MethodGenerator> addOrGetMethod(
DexString clazz, DexString method) {
return addOrGetClass(clazz).computeIfAbsent(method, k -> new HashMap<>());
public MethodGenerator getGenerator(DexString clazz, DexString method, DexProto proto) {
Map<DexString, Map<DexProto, MethodGenerator>> classMap = rewritable.get(clazz);
if (classMap != null) {
Map<DexProto, MethodGenerator> methodMap = classMap.get(method);
if (methodMap != null) {
return methodMap.get(proto);
return null;
public static class MethodGenerator {
private final BiFunction<InternalOptions, DexMethod, TemplateMethodCode> generator;
private final DexString clazz;
private final DexString method;
private final DexProto proto;
private DexMethod dexMethod;
public MethodGenerator(
BiFunction<InternalOptions, DexMethod, TemplateMethodCode> generator,
DexString clazz, DexString method, DexProto proto) {
this.generator = generator;
this.clazz = clazz;
this.method = method;
this.proto = proto;
public DexMethod generateMethod(DexItemFactory factory) {
if (dexMethod != null) {
return dexMethod;
String unqualifiedName =
String postFix = "$" + unqualifiedName + "$" + method + "$" + proto.shorty.toString();
DexType clazz = factory.createType(UTILITY_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_PREFIX + postFix + ";");
dexMethod = factory.createMethod(clazz, proto, method);
return dexMethod;
public TemplateMethodCode generateTemplateMethod(InternalOptions options, DexMethod method) {
return generator.apply(options, method);