blob: 1d970a3743b124278e6644f5bd5d7e04b7895bb3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
public abstract class ProguardClassSpecification {
public abstract static class
Builder<C extends ProguardClassSpecification, B extends Builder<C, B>> {
protected Origin origin;
protected Position start;
protected Position end;
protected String source;
protected ProguardTypeMatcher classAnnotation;
protected ProguardAccessFlags classAccessFlags = new ProguardAccessFlags();
protected ProguardAccessFlags negatedClassAccessFlags = new ProguardAccessFlags();
protected boolean classTypeNegated = false;
protected ProguardClassType classType = ProguardClassType.UNSPECIFIED;
protected ProguardClassNameList classNames;
protected ProguardTypeMatcher inheritanceAnnotation;
protected ProguardTypeMatcher inheritanceClassName;
protected boolean inheritanceIsExtends = false;
protected List<ProguardMemberRule> memberRules = new LinkedList<>();
protected Builder() {
this(Origin.unknown(), Position.UNKNOWN);
protected Builder(Origin origin, Position start) {
this.origin = origin;
this.start = start;
public abstract C build();
public abstract B self();
public B setOrigin(Origin origin) {
this.origin = origin;
return self();
public B setStart(Position start) {
this.start = start;
return self();
public B setEnd(Position end) {
this.end = end;
return self();
public B setSource(String source) {
this.source = source;
return self();
public Position getPosition() {
if (start == null) {
return Position.UNKNOWN;
if (end == null || !((start instanceof TextPosition) && (end instanceof TextPosition))) {
return start;
return new TextRange((TextPosition) start, (TextPosition) end);
public List<ProguardMemberRule> getMemberRules() {
return memberRules;
public void setMemberRules(List<ProguardMemberRule> memberRules) {
this.memberRules = memberRules;
public boolean getInheritanceIsExtends() {
return inheritanceIsExtends;
public void setInheritanceIsExtends(boolean inheritanceIsExtends) {
this.inheritanceIsExtends = inheritanceIsExtends;
public boolean hasInheritanceClassName() {
return inheritanceClassName != null;
public ProguardTypeMatcher getInheritanceClassName() {
return inheritanceClassName;
public void setInheritanceClassName(ProguardTypeMatcher inheritanceClassName) {
this.inheritanceClassName = inheritanceClassName;
public ProguardTypeMatcher getInheritanceAnnotation() {
return inheritanceAnnotation;
public void setInheritanceAnnotation(ProguardTypeMatcher inheritanceAnnotation) {
this.inheritanceAnnotation = inheritanceAnnotation;
public ProguardClassNameList getClassNames() {
return classNames;
public void setClassNames(ProguardClassNameList classNames) {
this.classNames = classNames;
public ProguardClassType getClassType() {
return classType;
public void setClassType(ProguardClassType classType) {
this.classType = classType;
public boolean getClassTypeNegated() {
return classTypeNegated;
public void setClassTypeNegated(boolean classTypeNegated) {
this.classTypeNegated = classTypeNegated;
public ProguardAccessFlags getClassAccessFlags() {
return classAccessFlags;
public void setClassAccessFlags(ProguardAccessFlags flags) {
classAccessFlags = flags;
public ProguardAccessFlags getNegatedClassAccessFlags() {
return negatedClassAccessFlags;
public void setNegatedClassAccessFlags(ProguardAccessFlags flags) {
negatedClassAccessFlags = flags;
public ProguardTypeMatcher getClassAnnotation() {
return classAnnotation;
public void setClassAnnotation(ProguardTypeMatcher classAnnotation) {
this.classAnnotation = classAnnotation;
protected void matchAllSpecification() {
private final Origin origin;
private final Position position;
private final String source;
private final ProguardTypeMatcher classAnnotation;
private final ProguardAccessFlags classAccessFlags;
private final ProguardAccessFlags negatedClassAccessFlags;
private final boolean classTypeNegated;
private final ProguardClassType classType;
private final ProguardClassNameList classNames;
private final ProguardTypeMatcher inheritanceAnnotation;
private final ProguardTypeMatcher inheritanceClassName;
private final boolean inheritanceIsExtends;
private final List<ProguardMemberRule> memberRules;
protected ProguardClassSpecification(
Origin origin,
Position position,
String source,
ProguardTypeMatcher classAnnotation,
ProguardAccessFlags classAccessFlags,
ProguardAccessFlags negatedClassAccessFlags,
boolean classTypeNegated,
ProguardClassType classType,
ProguardClassNameList classNames,
ProguardTypeMatcher inheritanceAnnotation,
ProguardTypeMatcher inheritanceClassName,
boolean inheritanceIsExtends,
List<ProguardMemberRule> memberRules) {
this.origin = origin;
this.position = position;
this.source =source;
this.classAnnotation = classAnnotation;
this.classAccessFlags = classAccessFlags;
this.negatedClassAccessFlags = negatedClassAccessFlags;
this.classTypeNegated = classTypeNegated;
this.classType = classType;
assert classType != null;
this.classNames = classNames;
this.inheritanceAnnotation = inheritanceAnnotation;
this.inheritanceClassName = inheritanceClassName;
this.inheritanceIsExtends = inheritanceIsExtends;
this.memberRules = memberRules;
public Origin getOrigin() {
return origin;
public Position getPosition() {
return position;
public String getSource() {
return source;
public List<ProguardMemberRule> getMemberRules() {
return memberRules;
public boolean getInheritanceIsExtends() {
return inheritanceIsExtends;
public boolean getInheritanceIsImplements() {
return !inheritanceIsExtends;
public boolean hasInheritanceClassName() {
return inheritanceClassName != null;
public ProguardTypeMatcher getInheritanceClassName() {
return inheritanceClassName;
public ProguardTypeMatcher getInheritanceAnnotation() {
return inheritanceAnnotation;
public ProguardClassNameList getClassNames() {
return classNames;
public ProguardClassType getClassType() {
return classType;
public boolean getClassTypeNegated() {
return classTypeNegated;
public ProguardAccessFlags getClassAccessFlags() {
return classAccessFlags;
public ProguardAccessFlags getNegatedClassAccessFlags() {
return negatedClassAccessFlags;
public ProguardTypeMatcher getClassAnnotation() {
return classAnnotation;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof ProguardClassSpecification)) {
return false;
ProguardClassSpecification that = (ProguardClassSpecification) o;
if (classTypeNegated != that.classTypeNegated) {
return false;
if (inheritanceIsExtends != that.inheritanceIsExtends) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(classAnnotation, that.classAnnotation)) {
return false;
if (!classAccessFlags.equals(that.classAccessFlags)) {
return false;
if (!negatedClassAccessFlags.equals(that.negatedClassAccessFlags)) {
return false;
if (classType != that.classType) {
return false;
if (!classNames.equals(that.classNames)) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(inheritanceAnnotation, that.inheritanceAnnotation)) {
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(inheritanceClassName, that.inheritanceClassName)) {
return false;
return memberRules.equals(that.memberRules);
public int hashCode() {
// Used multiplier 3 to avoid too much overflow when computing hashCode.
int result = (classAnnotation != null ? classAnnotation.hashCode() : 0);
result = 3 * result + classAccessFlags.hashCode();
result = 3 * result + negatedClassAccessFlags.hashCode();
result = 3 * result + (classTypeNegated ? 1 : 0);
result = 3 * result + (classType != null ? classType.hashCode() : 0);
result = 3 * result + classNames.hashCode();
result = 3 * result + (inheritanceAnnotation != null ? inheritanceAnnotation.hashCode() : 0);
result = 3 * result + (inheritanceClassName != null ? inheritanceClassName.hashCode() : 0);
result = 3 * result + (inheritanceIsExtends ? 1 : 0);
result = 3 * result + memberRules.hashCode();
return result;
protected StringBuilder append(StringBuilder builder, boolean includeMemberRules) {
boolean needsSpaceBeforeClassType =
StringUtils.appendNonEmpty(builder, "@", classAnnotation, null)
| StringUtils.appendNonEmpty(builder, "", classAccessFlags, null)
| StringUtils.appendNonEmpty(
builder, "!", negatedClassAccessFlags.toString().replace(" ", " !"), null);
if (needsSpaceBeforeClassType) {
builder.append(' ');
if (classTypeNegated) {
builder.append(' ');
if (hasInheritanceClassName()) {
builder.append(inheritanceIsExtends ? "extends" : "implements");
StringUtils.appendNonEmpty(builder, "@", inheritanceAnnotation, null);
builder.append(' ');
if (includeMemberRules && !memberRules.isEmpty()) {
builder.append(" {").append(System.lineSeparator());
memberRules.forEach(memberRule -> {
builder.append(" ");
return builder;
* Short String representation without member rules.
public String toShortString() {
return append(new StringBuilder(), false).toString();
public String toString() {
return append(new StringBuilder(), true).toString();