blob: 7fb7e88db6808b0d23bacdd30cc38db3ee554ebe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;
public class B77496850 extends TestBase {
static final String LOGTAG = "";
// Mock class for the code in PathParser below.
public static class Path {
void rLineTo(int x, int y) {
void cubicTo(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) {
// Mock class for the code in PathParser below.
public static class Log {
static void w(String x, String y) {
// Code copied from Android support library:
public static class PathParser {
private static void drawArc(Path p,
float x0,
float y0,
float x1,
float y1,
float a,
float b,
float theta,
boolean isMoreThanHalf,
boolean isPositiveArc) {
/* Convert rotation angle from degrees to radians */
double thetaD = Math.toRadians(theta);
/* Pre-compute rotation matrix entries */
double cosTheta = Math.cos(thetaD);
double sinTheta = Math.sin(thetaD);
/* Transform (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) into unit space */
/* using (inverse) rotation, followed by (inverse) scale */
double x0p = (x0 * cosTheta + y0 * sinTheta) / a;
double y0p = (-x0 * sinTheta + y0 * cosTheta) / b;
double x1p = (x1 * cosTheta + y1 * sinTheta) / a;
double y1p = (-x1 * sinTheta + y1 * cosTheta) / b;
/* Compute differences and averages */
double dx = x0p - x1p;
double dy = y0p - y1p;
double xm = (x0p + x1p) / 2;
double ym = (y0p + y1p) / 2;
/* Solve for intersecting unit circles */
double dsq = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (dsq == 0.0) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, " Points are coincident");
return; /* Points are coincident */
double disc = 1.0 / dsq - 1.0 / 4.0;
if (disc < 0.0) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Points are too far apart " + dsq);
float adjust = (float) (Math.sqrt(dsq) / 1.99999);
drawArc(p, x0, y0, x1, y1, a * adjust,
b * adjust, theta, isMoreThanHalf, isPositiveArc);
return; /* Points are too far apart */
double s = Math.sqrt(disc);
double sdx = s * dx;
double sdy = s * dy;
double cx;
double cy;
if (isMoreThanHalf == isPositiveArc) {
cx = xm - sdy;
cy = ym + sdx;
} else {
cx = xm + sdy;
cy = ym - sdx;
double eta0 = Math.atan2((y0p - cy), (x0p - cx));
double eta1 = Math.atan2((y1p - cy), (x1p - cx));
double sweep = (eta1 - eta0);
if (isPositiveArc != (sweep >= 0)) {
if (sweep > 0) {
sweep -= 2 * Math.PI;
} else {
sweep += 2 * Math.PI;
cx *= a;
cy *= b;
double tcx = cx;
cx = cx * cosTheta - cy * sinTheta;
cy = tcx * sinTheta + cy * cosTheta;
arcToBezier(p, cx, cy, a, b, x0, y0, thetaD, eta0, sweep);
* Converts an arc to cubic Bezier segments and records them in p.
* @param p The target for the cubic Bezier segments
* @param cx The x coordinate center of the ellipse
* @param cy The y coordinate center of the ellipse
* @param a The radius of the ellipse in the horizontal direction
* @param b The radius of the ellipse in the vertical direction
* @param e1x E(eta1) x coordinate of the starting point of the arc
* @param e1y E(eta2) y coordinate of the starting point of the arc
* @param theta The angle that the ellipse bounding rectangle makes with horizontal plane
* @param start The start angle of the arc on the ellipse
* @param sweep The angle (positive or negative) of the sweep of the arc on the ellipse
private static void arcToBezier(Path p,
double cx,
double cy,
double a,
double b,
double e1x,
double e1y,
double theta,
double start,
double sweep) {
// Taken from equations at:
// and
// Maximum of 45 degrees per cubic Bezier segment
int numSegments = (int) Math.ceil(Math.abs(sweep * 4 / Math.PI));
double eta1 = start;
double cosTheta = Math.cos(theta);
double sinTheta = Math.sin(theta);
double cosEta1 = Math.cos(eta1);
double sinEta1 = Math.sin(eta1);
double ep1x = (-a * cosTheta * sinEta1) - (b * sinTheta * cosEta1);
double ep1y = (-a * sinTheta * sinEta1) + (b * cosTheta * cosEta1);
double anglePerSegment = sweep / numSegments;
for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) {
double eta2 = eta1 + anglePerSegment;
double sinEta2 = Math.sin(eta2);
double cosEta2 = Math.cos(eta2);
double e2x = cx + (a * cosTheta * cosEta2) - (b * sinTheta * sinEta2);
double e2y = cy + (a * sinTheta * cosEta2) + (b * cosTheta * sinEta2);
double ep2x = -a * cosTheta * sinEta2 - b * sinTheta * cosEta2;
double ep2y = -a * sinTheta * sinEta2 + b * cosTheta * cosEta2;
double tanDiff2 = Math.tan((eta2 - eta1) / 2);
double alpha =
Math.sin(eta2 - eta1) * (Math.sqrt(4 + (3 * tanDiff2 * tanDiff2)) - 1) / 3;
double q1x = e1x + alpha * ep1x;
double q1y = e1y + alpha * ep1y;
double q2x = e2x - alpha * ep2x;
double q2y = e2y - alpha * ep2y;
// Adding this no-op call to workaround a proguard related issue.
p.rLineTo(0, 0);
p.cubicTo((float) q1x,
(float) q1y,
(float) q2x,
(float) q2y,
(float) e2x,
(float) e2y);
eta1 = eta2;
e1x = e2x;
e1y = e2y;
ep1x = ep2x;
ep1y = ep2y;
// Same code as PathParser above, but with exception handlers in the two methods.
public static class PathParserWithExceptionHandler {
private static void drawArc(Path p,
float x0,
float y0,
float x1,
float y1,
float a,
float b,
float theta,
boolean isMoreThanHalf,
boolean isPositiveArc) {
try {
/* Convert rotation angle from degrees to radians */
double thetaD = Math.toRadians(theta);
/* Pre-compute rotation matrix entries */
double cosTheta = Math.cos(thetaD);
double sinTheta = Math.sin(thetaD);
/* Transform (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) into unit space */
/* using (inverse) rotation, followed by (inverse) scale */
double x0p = (x0 * cosTheta + y0 * sinTheta) / a;
double y0p = (-x0 * sinTheta + y0 * cosTheta) / b;
double x1p = (x1 * cosTheta + y1 * sinTheta) / a;
double y1p = (-x1 * sinTheta + y1 * cosTheta) / b;
/* Compute differences and averages */
double dx = x0p - x1p;
double dy = y0p - y1p;
double xm = (x0p + x1p) / 2;
double ym = (y0p + y1p) / 2;
/* Solve for intersecting unit circles */
double dsq = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (dsq == 0.0) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, " Points are coincident");
return; /* Points are coincident */
double disc = 1.0 / dsq - 1.0 / 4.0;
if (disc < 0.0) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Points are too far apart " + dsq);
float adjust = (float) (Math.sqrt(dsq) / 1.99999);
drawArc(p, x0, y0, x1, y1, a * adjust,
b * adjust, theta, isMoreThanHalf, isPositiveArc);
return; /* Points are too far apart */
double s = Math.sqrt(disc);
double sdx = s * dx;
double sdy = s * dy;
double cx;
double cy;
if (isMoreThanHalf == isPositiveArc) {
cx = xm - sdy;
cy = ym + sdx;
} else {
cx = xm + sdy;
cy = ym - sdx;
double eta0 = Math.atan2((y0p - cy), (x0p - cx));
double eta1 = Math.atan2((y1p - cy), (x1p - cx));
double sweep = (eta1 - eta0);
if (isPositiveArc != (sweep >= 0)) {
if (sweep > 0) {
sweep -= 2 * Math.PI;
} else {
sweep += 2 * Math.PI;
cx *= a;
cy *= b;
double tcx = cx;
cx = cx * cosTheta - cy * sinTheta;
cy = tcx * sinTheta + cy * cosTheta;
arcToBezier(p, cx, cy, a, b, x0, y0, thetaD, eta0, sweep);
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Ignore.
* Converts an arc to cubic Bezier segments and records them in p.
* @param p The target for the cubic Bezier segments
* @param cx The x coordinate center of the ellipse
* @param cy The y coordinate center of the ellipse
* @param a The radius of the ellipse in the horizontal direction
* @param b The radius of the ellipse in the vertical direction
* @param e1x E(eta1) x coordinate of the starting point of the arc
* @param e1y E(eta2) y coordinate of the starting point of the arc
* @param theta The angle that the ellipse bounding rectangle makes with horizontal plane
* @param start The start angle of the arc on the ellipse
* @param sweep The angle (positive or negative) of the sweep of the arc on the ellipse
private static void arcToBezier(Path p,
double cx,
double cy,
double a,
double b,
double e1x,
double e1y,
double theta,
double start,
double sweep) {
try {
// Taken from equations at:
// and
// Maximum of 45 degrees per cubic Bezier segment
int numSegments = (int) Math.ceil(Math.abs(sweep * 4 / Math.PI));
double eta1 = start;
double cosTheta = Math.cos(theta);
double sinTheta = Math.sin(theta);
double cosEta1 = Math.cos(eta1);
double sinEta1 = Math.sin(eta1);
double ep1x = (-a * cosTheta * sinEta1) - (b * sinTheta * cosEta1);
double ep1y = (-a * sinTheta * sinEta1) + (b * cosTheta * cosEta1);
double anglePerSegment = sweep / numSegments;
for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) {
double eta2 = eta1 + anglePerSegment;
double sinEta2 = Math.sin(eta2);
double cosEta2 = Math.cos(eta2);
double e2x = cx + (a * cosTheta * cosEta2) - (b * sinTheta * sinEta2);
double e2y = cy + (a * sinTheta * cosEta2) + (b * cosTheta * sinEta2);
double ep2x = -a * cosTheta * sinEta2 - b * sinTheta * cosEta2;
double ep2y = -a * sinTheta * sinEta2 + b * cosTheta * cosEta2;
double tanDiff2 = Math.tan((eta2 - eta1) / 2);
double alpha =
Math.sin(eta2 - eta1) * (Math.sqrt(4 + (3 * tanDiff2 * tanDiff2)) - 1) / 3;
double q1x = e1x + alpha * ep1x;
double q1y = e1y + alpha * ep1y;
double q2x = e2x - alpha * ep2x;
double q2y = e2y - alpha * ep2y;
// Adding this no-op call to workaround a proguard related issue.
p.rLineTo(0, 0);
p.cubicTo((float) q1x,
(float) q1y,
(float) q2x,
(float) q2y,
(float) e2x,
(float) e2y);
eta1 = eta2;
e1x = e2x;
e1y = e2y;
ep1x = ep2x;
ep1y = ep2y;
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Ignore.
// Reproduction from b/77496850.
public static class Reproduction {
public int test() {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
count += arcToBezier(1.0, 1.0, 2.0);
return count;
private static int arcToBezier(double a, double b, double sweep) {
int count = 0;
int numSegments = (int) sweep;
double cosTheta = 0.5;
double sinTheta = 0.5;
double cosEta1 = 0.5;
double sinEta1 = 0.5;
double ep1x = (-a * cosTheta * sinEta1) - (b * sinTheta * cosEta1);
double anglePerSegment = sweep / numSegments;
for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) {
if (numSegments != count) {
return 1;
return 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
System.out.println(new Reproduction().test());
// Reproduction from b/77496850 with exception handler.
public static class ReproductionWithExceptionHandler {
public int test() {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
count += arcToBezier(1.0, 1.0, 2.0);
return count;
private static int arcToBezier(double a, double b, double sweep) {
try {
int count = 0;
int numSegments = (int) sweep;
double cosTheta = 0.5;
double sinTheta = 0.5;
double cosEta1 = 0.5;
double sinEta1 = 0.5;
double ep1x = (-a * cosTheta * sinEta1) - (b * sinTheta * cosEta1);
double anglePerSegment = sweep / numSegments;
for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) {
if (numSegments != count) {
return 1;
return 0;
} catch (Throwable t) {
return 1;
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
System.out.println(new ReproductionWithExceptionHandler().test());
private int countInvokeDoubleIsNan(DexItemFactory factory, DexCode code) {
int count = 0;
DexMethod doubleIsNaN = factory.createMethod(
new DexString[]{factory.doubleDescriptor});
for (int i = 0; i < code.instructions.length; i++) {
if (code.instructions[i] instanceof InvokeStatic) {
InvokeStatic invoke = (InvokeStatic) code.instructions[i];
if (invoke.getMethod() == doubleIsNaN) {
return count;
private void checkPathParserMethods(AndroidApp app, Class testClass, int a, int b)
throws Exception {
CodeInspector inspector = new CodeInspector(app);
DexItemFactory factory = inspector.getFactory();
ClassSubject clazz = inspector.clazz(testClass);
MethodSubject drawArc = clazz.method(
getClass().getCanonicalName() + "$Path",
"float", "float", "float", "float", "float", "float", "float", "boolean", "boolean"));
MethodSubject arcToBezier = clazz.method(
getClass().getCanonicalName() + "$Path",
"double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double",
"double", "double", "double"));
assertEquals(a, countInvokeDoubleIsNan(factory, drawArc.getMethod().getCode().asDexCode()));
assertEquals(b, countInvokeDoubleIsNan(factory, arcToBezier.getMethod().getCode().asDexCode()));
private void runTestPathParser(
Tool compiler, Class testClass, AndroidApiLevel apiLevel, int a, int b)
throws Exception {
AndroidApp app = readClasses(Path.class, Log.class, testClass);
if (compiler == Tool.D8) {
app = compileWithD8(app, o -> o.setMinApiLevel(apiLevel));
} else {
assert compiler == Tool.R8;
app = compileWithR8(app, "-keep class * { *; }", o -> o.setMinApiLevel(apiLevel));
checkPathParserMethods(app, testClass, a, b);
public void testSupportLibraryPathParser() throws Exception{
for (Tool tool : Tool.valuesR8andD8()) {
runTestPathParser(tool, PathParser.class, AndroidApiLevel.K, 14, 1);
runTestPathParser(tool, PathParser.class, AndroidApiLevel.L, 0, 0);
runTestPathParser(tool, PathParserWithExceptionHandler.class, AndroidApiLevel.K, 14, 1);
runTestPathParser(tool, PathParserWithExceptionHandler.class, AndroidApiLevel.L, 0, 0);
private void runTestReproduction(
Tool compiler, Class testClass, AndroidApiLevel apiLevel, int expectedInvokeDoubleIsNanCount)
throws Exception {
AndroidApp app = readClasses(testClass);
if (compiler == Tool.D8) {
app = compileWithD8(app, o -> o.setMinApiLevel(apiLevel));
} else {
assert compiler == Tool.R8;
app = compileWithR8(app, "-keep class * { *; }", o -> o.setMinApiLevel(apiLevel));
CodeInspector inspector = new CodeInspector(app);
DexItemFactory factory = inspector.getFactory();
ClassSubject clazz = inspector.clazz(testClass);
MethodSubject arcToBezier = clazz.method(
"int", "arcToBezier", ImmutableList.of("double", "double", "double"));
countInvokeDoubleIsNan(factory, arcToBezier.getMethod().getCode().asDexCode()));
public void testReproduction() throws Exception{
for (Tool tool : Tool.valuesR8andD8()) {
runTestReproduction(tool, Reproduction.class, AndroidApiLevel.K, tool == Tool.D8 ? 1 : 0);
runTestReproduction(tool, Reproduction.class, AndroidApiLevel.L, 0);
tool, ReproductionWithExceptionHandler.class, AndroidApiLevel.K, tool == Tool.D8 ? 1 : 0);
runTestReproduction(tool, ReproductionWithExceptionHandler.class, AndroidApiLevel.L, 0);