blob: de25bd76b6759aa3fd956de707889b291070d4e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* Maintains a set of canonical positions. Also supports appending a new caller at the end of the
* caller chain of a Position.
public class CanonicalPositions {
private final Position callerPosition;
private final Map<Position, Position> canonicalPositions;
private final Position preamblePosition;
// Lazily computed synthetic position for shared exceptional exits in synchronized methods.
private Position syntheticPosition;
public CanonicalPositions(
Position callerPosition,
int expectedPositionsCount,
DexMethod method) {
canonicalPositions =
new HashMap<>(1 + (callerPosition == null ? 0 : 1) + expectedPositionsCount);
this.callerPosition = callerPosition;
if (callerPosition != null) {
canonicalPositions.put(callerPosition, callerPosition);
preamblePosition =
callerPosition == null
? Position.synthetic(0, method, null)
: new Position(0, null, method, callerPosition);
canonicalPositions.put(preamblePosition, preamblePosition);
public Position getPreamblePosition() {
return preamblePosition;
* Update the internal set if this is the first occurrence of the position's value and return
* canonical instance of position.
public Position getCanonical(Position position) {
Position canonical = canonicalPositions.putIfAbsent(position, position);
return canonical != null ? canonical : position;
* Append callerPosition (supplied in constructor) to the end of caller's caller chain and return
* the canonical instance. Always returns null if preserveCaller (also supplied in constructor) is
* false.
public Position canonicalizeCallerPosition(Position caller) {
if (caller == null) {
return callerPosition;
if (caller.callerPosition == null && callerPosition == null) {
return getCanonical(caller);
Position callerOfCaller = canonicalizeCallerPosition(caller.callerPosition);
return getCanonical(
? Position.noneWithMethod(caller.method, callerOfCaller)
: new Position(caller.line, caller.file, caller.method, callerOfCaller));
// If we need to emit a synthetic position for exceptional monitor exits, we try to cook up a
// position that is not actually a valid program position, so as not to incorrectly position the
// user on an exit that is not the actual exit being taken. Our heuristic for this is that if the
// method has at least two positions we use the first position minus one as the synthetic exit.
// If the method only has one position it is safe to just use that position.
public Position getExceptionalExitPosition(
boolean debug, Supplier<Iterable<Position>> positions, DexMethod originalMethod) {
if (syntheticPosition == null) {
if (debug) {
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (Position position : positions.get()) {
// No inlining in debug mode, so the position is from the only frame.
assert position == position.getOutermostCaller();
int line = position.line;
min = Math.min(min, line);
max = Math.max(max, line);
syntheticPosition =
(min == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
? getPreamblePosition()
: Position.synthetic(min < max ? min - 1 : min, originalMethod, callerPosition);
} else {
// If in release mode we explicitly associate a synthetic none position with monitor exit.
// This is safe as the runtime must never throw at this position because the monitor cannot
// be null and the thread calling exit can only be the same thread that entered the monitor
// at method entry.
syntheticPosition = Position.syntheticNone();
return syntheticPosition;