blob: 269b85c3c942999a35a3a0d1162de71549ac0b8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.Optional;
/** Android dex version */
public enum DexVersion implements Ordered<DexVersion> {
V35(35, new byte[] {'0', '3', '5'}, Layout.SINGLE_DEX),
V37(37, new byte[] {'0', '3', '7'}, Layout.SINGLE_DEX),
V38(38, new byte[] {'0', '3', '8'}, Layout.SINGLE_DEX),
V39(39, new byte[] {'0', '3', '9'}, Layout.SINGLE_DEX),
V40(40, new byte[] {'0', '4', '0'}, Layout.SINGLE_DEX),
V41(41, new byte[] {'0', '4', '1'}, Layout.CONTAINER_DEX);
public enum Layout {
public boolean isContainer() {
return this == CONTAINER_DEX;
public int getHeaderSize() {
return isContainer() ? Constants.TYPE_HEADER_ITEM_SIZE_V41 : Constants.TYPE_HEADER_ITEM_SIZE;
private final int dexVersion;
private final byte[] dexVersionBytes;
private final Layout layout;
DexVersion(int dexVersion, byte[] dexVersionBytes, Layout layout) {
this.dexVersion = dexVersion;
this.dexVersionBytes = dexVersionBytes;
this.layout = layout;
public Layout getLayout() {
return layout;
public boolean isContainerDex() {
return getLayout() == Layout.CONTAINER_DEX;
public int getIntValue() {
return dexVersion;
public byte[] getBytes() {
return dexVersionBytes;
public boolean matchesApiLevel(AndroidApiLevel androidApiLevel) {
return getDexVersion(androidApiLevel).dexVersion >= dexVersion;
public static DexVersion getDexVersion(AndroidApiLevel androidApiLevel) {
switch (androidApiLevel) {
// MAIN is an unknown higher api version we therefore choose the highest known version.
case MAIN:
case V:
case U:
case T:
case Sv2:
case S:
case R:
// Dex version should have been V40 starting from API level 30, see b/269089718.
// return DexVersion.V40;
case Q:
case P:
return DexVersion.V39;
case O_MR1:
case O:
return DexVersion.V38;
case N_MR1:
case N:
return DexVersion.V37;
case B:
case B_1_1:
case C:
case D:
case E:
case E_0_1:
case E_MR1:
case F:
case G:
case G_MR1:
case H:
case H_MR1:
case H_MR2:
case I:
case I_MR1:
case J:
case J_MR1:
case J_MR2:
case K:
case K_WATCH:
case L:
case L_MR1:
case M:
return DexVersion.V35;
throw new Unreachable("Unsupported api level " + androidApiLevel);
public static Optional<DexVersion> getDexVersion(int intValue) {
switch (intValue) {
case 35:
return Optional.of(V35);
case 37:
return Optional.of(V37);
case 38:
return Optional.of(V38);
case 39:
return Optional.of(V39);
case 40:
return Optional.of(V40);
case 41:
return Optional.of(V41);
return Optional.empty();
public static Optional<DexVersion> getDexVersion(char b0, char b1, char b2) {
if (b0 != '0') {
return Optional.empty();
for (DexVersion candidate : DexVersion.values()) {
assert candidate.getBytes()[0] == '0';
if (candidate.getBytes()[2] == b2 && candidate.getBytes()[1] == b1) {
return Optional.of(candidate);
return Optional.empty();