| // Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| package com.android.tools.r8.utils; |
| |
| import com.android.tools.r8.DiagnosticsHandler; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.Resource.Origin; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.dex.Marker; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.errors.InvalidDebugInfoException; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexEncodedMethod; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexItemFactory; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexMethod; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.shaking.ProguardConfiguration; |
| import com.android.tools.r8.shaking.ProguardConfigurationRule; |
| import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; |
| import java.nio.file.Path; |
| import java.util.ArrayList; |
| import java.util.HashMap; |
| import java.util.List; |
| import java.util.Map; |
| import java.util.Set; |
| import java.util.TreeSet; |
| import java.util.function.Function; |
| |
| public class InternalOptions { |
| |
| public final DexItemFactory itemFactory; |
| public final ProguardConfiguration proguardConfiguration; |
| |
| // Constructor for testing and/or other utilities. |
| public InternalOptions() { |
| itemFactory = new DexItemFactory(); |
| proguardConfiguration = ProguardConfiguration.defaultConfiguration(itemFactory); |
| } |
| |
| // Constructor for D8. |
| public InternalOptions(DexItemFactory factory) { |
| assert factory != null; |
| itemFactory = factory; |
| proguardConfiguration = ProguardConfiguration.defaultConfiguration(itemFactory); |
| } |
| |
| // Constructor for R8. |
| public InternalOptions(ProguardConfiguration proguardConfiguration) { |
| assert proguardConfiguration != null; |
| this.proguardConfiguration = proguardConfiguration; |
| itemFactory = proguardConfiguration.getDexItemFactory(); |
| } |
| |
| public final int NOT_SPECIFIED = -1; |
| |
| public boolean printTimes = false; |
| |
| public boolean outputClassFiles = false; |
| |
| // Optimization-related flags. These should conform to -dontoptimize. |
| public boolean skipDebugLineNumberOpt = false; |
| public boolean skipClassMerging = true; |
| public boolean inlineAccessors = true; |
| public boolean removeSwitchMaps = true; |
| public final OutlineOptions outline = new OutlineOptions(); |
| |
| // Number of threads to use while processing the dex files. |
| public int numberOfThreads = NOT_SPECIFIED; |
| // Print smali disassembly. |
| public boolean useSmaliSyntax = false; |
| // Verbose output. |
| public boolean verbose = false; |
| // Silencing output. |
| public boolean quiet = false; |
| |
| // Hidden marker for classes.dex |
| private boolean hasMarker = false; |
| private Marker marker; |
| |
| public boolean hasMarker() { |
| return hasMarker; |
| } |
| |
| public void setMarker(Marker marker) { |
| this.hasMarker = true; |
| this.marker = marker; |
| } |
| |
| public Marker getMarker() { |
| assert hasMarker(); |
| return marker; |
| } |
| |
| public List<String> methodsFilter = ImmutableList.of(); |
| public int minApiLevel = AndroidApiLevel.getDefault().getLevel(); |
| // Skipping min_api check and compiling an intermediate result intended for later merging. |
| public boolean intermediate = false; |
| public List<String> logArgumentsFilter = ImmutableList.of(); |
| |
| // Flag to turn on/off desugaring in D8/R8. |
| public boolean enableDesugaring = true; |
| // Defines interface method rewriter behavior. |
| public OffOrAuto interfaceMethodDesugaring = OffOrAuto.Auto; |
| // Defines try-with-resources rewriter behavior. |
| public OffOrAuto tryWithResourcesDesugaring = OffOrAuto.Auto; |
| |
| // Application writing mode. |
| public OutputMode outputMode = OutputMode.Indexed; |
| |
| public boolean useTreeShaking = true; |
| public boolean useDiscardedChecker = true; |
| |
| public boolean printCfg = false; |
| public String printCfgFile; |
| public Path printMainDexListFile; |
| public boolean ignoreMissingClasses = false; |
| // EXPERIMENTAL flag to get behaviour as close to Proguard as possible. |
| public boolean forceProguardCompatibility = false; |
| public boolean skipMinification = false; |
| public boolean disableAssertions = true; |
| public boolean debugKeepRules = false; |
| public boolean allowParameterName = false; |
| |
| public boolean debug = false; |
| public final TestingOptions testing = new TestingOptions(); |
| |
| public ImmutableList<ProguardConfigurationRule> mainDexKeepRules = ImmutableList.of(); |
| public boolean minimalMainDex; |
| |
| public static class InvalidParameterAnnotationInfo { |
| |
| final DexMethod method; |
| final int expectedParameterCount; |
| final int actualParameterCount; |
| |
| public InvalidParameterAnnotationInfo( |
| DexMethod method, int expectedParameterCount, int actualParameterCount) { |
| this.method = method; |
| this.expectedParameterCount = expectedParameterCount; |
| this.actualParameterCount = actualParameterCount; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public boolean warningMissingEnclosingMember = false; |
| |
| private Map<Origin, List<InvalidParameterAnnotationInfo>> warningInvalidParameterAnnotations; |
| |
| private Map<Origin, List<DexEncodedMethod>> warningInvalidDebugInfo; |
| |
| // Don't read code from dex files. Used to extract non-code information from vdex files where |
| // the code contains unsupported byte codes. |
| public boolean skipReadingDexCode = false; |
| |
| public Path proguardMapOutput = null; |
| |
| public DiagnosticsHandler diagnosticsHandler = new DefaultDiagnosticsHandler(); |
| |
| public void warningInvalidParameterAnnotations( |
| DexMethod method, Origin origin, int expected, int actual) { |
| if (warningInvalidParameterAnnotations == null) { |
| warningInvalidParameterAnnotations = new HashMap<>(); |
| } |
| warningInvalidParameterAnnotations |
| .computeIfAbsent(origin, k -> new ArrayList<>()) |
| .add(new InvalidParameterAnnotationInfo(method, expected, actual)); |
| } |
| |
| public void warningInvalidDebugInfo( |
| DexEncodedMethod method, Origin origin, InvalidDebugInfoException e) { |
| if (warningInvalidDebugInfo == null) { |
| warningInvalidDebugInfo = new HashMap<>(); |
| } |
| warningInvalidDebugInfo.computeIfAbsent(origin, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(method); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean printWarnings() { |
| boolean printed = false; |
| boolean printOutdatedToolchain = false; |
| if (warningInvalidParameterAnnotations != null) { |
| // TODO(b/67626202): Add a regression test with a program that hits this issue. |
| diagnosticsHandler.warning( |
| new StringDiagnostic( |
| "Invalid parameter counts in MethodParameter attributes. " |
| + "This is likely due to Proguard having removed a parameter.")); |
| for (Origin origin : new TreeSet<>(warningInvalidParameterAnnotations.keySet())) { |
| StringBuilder builder = |
| new StringBuilder("Methods with invalid MethodParameter attributes:"); |
| for (InvalidParameterAnnotationInfo info : warningInvalidParameterAnnotations.get(origin)) { |
| builder |
| .append("\n ") |
| .append(info.method) |
| .append(" expected count: ") |
| .append(info.expectedParameterCount) |
| .append(" actual count: ") |
| .append(info.actualParameterCount); |
| } |
| diagnosticsHandler.info(new StringDiagnostic(builder.toString(), origin)); |
| } |
| printed = true; |
| } |
| if (warningInvalidDebugInfo != null) { |
| int count = 0; |
| for (List<DexEncodedMethod> methods : warningInvalidDebugInfo.values()) { |
| count += methods.size(); |
| } |
| diagnosticsHandler.warning( |
| new StringDiagnostic( |
| "Stripped invalid locals information from " |
| + count |
| + (count == 1 ? " method." : " methods."))); |
| for (Origin origin : new TreeSet<>(warningInvalidDebugInfo.keySet())) { |
| StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Methods with invalid locals information:"); |
| for (DexEncodedMethod method : warningInvalidDebugInfo.get(origin)) { |
| builder.append("\n ").append(method.toSourceString()); |
| } |
| diagnosticsHandler.info(new StringDiagnostic(builder.toString(), origin)); |
| } |
| printed = true; |
| printOutdatedToolchain = true; |
| } |
| if (warningMissingEnclosingMember) { |
| diagnosticsHandler.warning( |
| new StringDiagnostic( |
| "InnerClass annotations are missing corresponding EnclosingMember annotations." |
| + " Such InnerClass annotations are ignored.")); |
| printed = true; |
| printOutdatedToolchain = true; |
| } |
| if (printOutdatedToolchain) { |
| diagnosticsHandler.info( |
| new StringDiagnostic( |
| "Some warnings are typically a sign of using an outdated Java toolchain." |
| + " To fix, recompile the source with an updated toolchain.")); |
| } |
| return printed; |
| } |
| |
| public boolean hasMethodsFilter() { |
| return methodsFilter.size() > 0; |
| } |
| |
| public boolean methodMatchesFilter(DexEncodedMethod method) { |
| // Not specifying a filter matches all methods. |
| if (!hasMethodsFilter()) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| // Currently the filter is simple string equality on the qualified name. |
| String qualifiedName = method.qualifiedName(); |
| return methodsFilter.indexOf(qualifiedName) >= 0; |
| } |
| |
| public boolean methodMatchesLogArgumentsFilter(DexEncodedMethod method) { |
| // Not specifying a filter matches no methods. |
| if (logArgumentsFilter.size() == 0) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| // Currently the filter is simple string equality on the qualified name. |
| String qualifiedName = method.qualifiedName(); |
| return logArgumentsFilter.indexOf(qualifiedName) >= 0; |
| } |
| |
| public enum PackageObfuscationMode { |
| // General package obfuscation. |
| NONE, |
| // Repackaging all classes into the single user-given (or top-level) package. |
| // Repackaging all packages into the single user-given (or top-level) package. |
| } |
| |
| public static class OutlineOptions { |
| |
| public boolean enabled = true; |
| public static final String className = "r8.GeneratedOutlineSupport"; |
| public String methodPrefix = "outline"; |
| public int minSize = 3; |
| public int maxSize = 99; |
| public int threshold = 20; |
| } |
| |
| public static class TestingOptions { |
| |
| public Function<Set<DexEncodedMethod>, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> irOrdering = |
| Function.identity(); |
| |
| public boolean invertConditionals = false; |
| } |
| |
| public boolean canUseInvokePolymorphicOnVarHandle() { |
| return minApiLevel >= AndroidApiLevel.P.getLevel(); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean canUseInvokePolymorphic() { |
| return minApiLevel >= AndroidApiLevel.O.getLevel(); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean canUseConstantMethodHandle() { |
| return minApiLevel >= AndroidApiLevel.P.getLevel(); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean canUseConstantMethodType() { |
| return minApiLevel >= AndroidApiLevel.P.getLevel(); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean canUseInvokeCustom() { |
| return minApiLevel >= AndroidApiLevel.O.getLevel(); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean canUseDefaultAndStaticInterfaceMethods() { |
| return minApiLevel >= AndroidApiLevel.N.getLevel(); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean canUsePrivateInterfaceMethods() { |
| return minApiLevel >= AndroidApiLevel.N.getLevel(); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean canUseMultidex() { |
| return intermediate || minApiLevel >= AndroidApiLevel.L.getLevel(); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean canUseLongCompareAndObjectsNonNull() { |
| return minApiLevel >= AndroidApiLevel.K.getLevel(); |
| } |
| |
| public boolean canUseSuppressedExceptions() { |
| return minApiLevel >= AndroidApiLevel.K.getLevel(); |
| } |
| |
| // APIs for accessing parameter names annotations are not available before Android O, thus does |
| // not emit them to avoid wasting space in Dex files because runtimes before Android O will ignore |
| // them. |
| public boolean canUseParameterNameAnnotations() { |
| return minApiLevel >= AndroidApiLevel.O.getLevel(); |
| } |
| |
| // Dalvik x86-atom backend had a bug that made it crash on filled-new-array instructions for |
| // arrays of objects. This is unfortunate, since this never hits arm devices, but we have |
| // to disallow filled-new-array of objects for dalvik until kitkat. The buggy code was |
| // removed during the jelly-bean release cycle and is not there from kitkat. |
| // |
| // Buggy code that accidentally call code that only works on primitives arrays. |
| // |
| // https://android.googlesource.com/platform/dalvik/+/ics-mr0/vm/mterp/out/InterpAsm-x86-atom.S#25106 |
| public boolean canUseFilledNewArrayOfObjects() { |
| return minApiLevel >= AndroidApiLevel.K.getLevel(); |
| } |
| } |