blob: f303854a35d2ba08196c12b3fe3430fbe2766e87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class SubtypingInfo {
private static final int ROOT_LEVEL = 0;
private static final int UNKNOWN_LEVEL = -1;
private static final int INTERFACE_LEVEL = -2;
// Since most Java types has no sub-types, we can just share an empty immutable set until we
// need to add to it.
private static final Set<DexType> NO_DIRECT_SUBTYPE = ImmutableSet.of();
// Map from types to their subtypes.
private final Map<DexType, Set<DexType>> subtypeMap;
private final Map<DexType, TypeInfo> typeInfo;
private final DexItemFactory factory;
private SubtypingInfo(
Map<DexType, TypeInfo> typeInfo,
Map<DexType, Set<DexType>> subtypeMap,
DexItemFactory factory) {
this.typeInfo = typeInfo;
this.subtypeMap = subtypeMap;
this.factory = factory;
public static SubtypingInfo create(AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView) {
return create(appView.appInfo());
public static SubtypingInfo create(AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
DirectMappedDexApplication directApp =;
return create(
directApp.programClasses(), directApp.classpathClasses(), directApp.libraryClasses()),
public static SubtypingInfo create(
Iterable<? extends DexClass> classes, DexDefinitionSupplier definitions) {
Map<DexType, TypeInfo> typeInfo = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
Map<DexType, Set<DexType>> subtypeMap = new IdentityHashMap<>();
populateSubtypeMap(classes, subtypeMap, typeInfo, definitions);
return new SubtypingInfo(typeInfo, subtypeMap, definitions.dexItemFactory());
private static void populateSuperType(
Map<DexType, Set<DexType>> map,
Map<DexType, TypeInfo> typeInfo,
DexType superType,
DexClass baseClass,
DexDefinitionSupplier definitionSupplier) {
if (superType != null) {
Set<DexType> set = map.computeIfAbsent(superType, ignore -> new HashSet<>());
if (set.add(baseClass.type)) {
// Only continue recursion if type has been added to set.
populateAllSuperTypes(map, typeInfo, superType, baseClass, definitionSupplier);
private TypeInfo getTypeInfo(DexType type) {
return getTypeInfo(type, typeInfo);
private static TypeInfo getTypeInfo(DexType type, Map<DexType, TypeInfo> typeInfo) {
assert type != null;
return typeInfo.computeIfAbsent(type, TypeInfo::new);
private static void populateAllSuperTypes(
Map<DexType, Set<DexType>> map,
Map<DexType, TypeInfo> typeInfo,
DexType holder,
DexClass baseClass,
DexDefinitionSupplier definitionSupplier) {
DexClass holderClass = definitionSupplier.contextIndependentDefinitionFor(holder);
// Skip if no corresponding class is found.
TypeInfo typeInfoHere = getTypeInfo(holder, typeInfo);
if (holderClass != null) {
(superType, isInterface) -> {
populateSuperType(map, typeInfo, superType, baseClass, definitionSupplier);
TypeInfo superTypeInfo = getTypeInfo(superType, typeInfo);
if (isInterface) {
} else {
if (holderClass.isInterface()) {
} else {
// The subtype chain is broken, at least make this type a subtype of Object.
DexType objectType = definitionSupplier.dexItemFactory().objectType;
if (holder != objectType) {
getTypeInfo(objectType, typeInfo).addDirectSubtype(typeInfoHere);
private static void populateSubtypeMap(
Iterable<? extends DexClass> classes,
Map<DexType, Set<DexType>> map,
Map<DexType, TypeInfo> typeInfo,
DexDefinitionSupplier definitionSupplier) {
getTypeInfo(definitionSupplier.dexItemFactory().objectType, typeInfo).tagAsSubtypeRoot();
for (DexClass clazz : classes) {
populateAllSuperTypes(map, typeInfo, clazz.type, clazz, definitionSupplier);
map.replaceAll((k, v) -> ImmutableSet.copyOf(v));
assert validateLevelsAreCorrect(typeInfo, definitionSupplier);
private static boolean validateLevelsAreCorrect(
Map<DexType, TypeInfo> typeInfo, DexDefinitionSupplier definitionSupplier) {
Set<DexType> seenTypes = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
Deque<DexType> worklist = new ArrayDeque<>();
DexType objectType = definitionSupplier.dexItemFactory().objectType;
while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
DexType next = worklist.pop();
DexClass nextHolder = definitionSupplier.contextIndependentDefinitionFor(next);
DexType superType;
if (nextHolder == null) {
// We might lack the definition of Object, so guard against that.
superType = next == objectType ? null : objectType;
} else {
superType = nextHolder.superType;
assert !seenTypes.contains(next);
TypeInfo nextInfo = getTypeInfo(next, typeInfo);
if (superType == null) {
assert nextInfo.hierarchyLevel == ROOT_LEVEL;
} else {
TypeInfo superInfo = getTypeInfo(superType, typeInfo);
assert superInfo.hierarchyLevel == nextInfo.hierarchyLevel - 1
|| (superInfo.hierarchyLevel == ROOT_LEVEL
&& nextInfo.hierarchyLevel == INTERFACE_LEVEL);
assert superInfo.directSubtypes.contains(next);
if (nextInfo.hierarchyLevel != INTERFACE_LEVEL) {
// Only traverse the class hierarchy subtypes, not interfaces.
} else if (nextHolder != null) {
// Test that the interfaces of this class are interfaces and have this class as subtype.
for (DexType iface : nextHolder.interfaces.values) {
TypeInfo ifaceInfo = getTypeInfo(iface, typeInfo);
assert ifaceInfo.directSubtypes.contains(next);
assert ifaceInfo.hierarchyLevel == INTERFACE_LEVEL;
return true;
public Set<DexType> subtypes(DexType type) {
assert type.isClassType();
Set<DexType> subtypes = subtypeMap.get(type);
return subtypes == null ? ImmutableSet.of() : subtypes;
public DexType getSingleDirectSubtype(DexType type) {
TypeInfo info = getTypeInfo(type);
assert info.hierarchyLevel != SubtypingInfo.UNKNOWN_LEVEL;
if (info.directSubtypes.size() == 1) {
return Iterables.getFirst(info.directSubtypes, null);
} else {
return null;
* Apply the given function to all classes that directly extend this class.
* <p>If this class is an interface, then this method will visit all sub-interfaces. This deviates
* from the dex-file encoding, where subinterfaces "implement" their super interfaces. However, it
* is consistent with the source language.
public void forAllImmediateExtendsSubtypes(DexType type, Consumer<DexType> f) {
public Iterable<DexType> allImmediateExtendsSubtypes(DexType type) {
TypeInfo info = getTypeInfo(type);
assert info.hierarchyLevel != SubtypingInfo.UNKNOWN_LEVEL;
if (info.hierarchyLevel == SubtypingInfo.INTERFACE_LEVEL) {
return Iterables.filter(info.directSubtypes, t -> getTypeInfo(t).isInterface());
} else if (info.hierarchyLevel == SubtypingInfo.ROOT_LEVEL) {
// This is the object type. Filter out interfaces
return Iterables.filter(info.directSubtypes, t -> !getTypeInfo(t).isInterface());
} else {
return info.directSubtypes;
* Apply the given function to all classes that directly implement this interface.
* <p>The implementation does not consider how the hierarchy is encoded in the dex file, where
* interfaces "implement" their super interfaces. Instead it takes the view of the source
* language, where interfaces "extend" their superinterface.
public void forAllImmediateImplementsSubtypes(DexType type, Consumer<DexType> f) {
public Iterable<DexType> allImmediateImplementsSubtypes(DexType type) {
TypeInfo info = getTypeInfo(type);
if (info.hierarchyLevel == SubtypingInfo.INTERFACE_LEVEL) {
return Iterables.filter(info.directSubtypes, subtype -> !getTypeInfo(subtype).isInterface());
return ImmutableList.of();
public Set<DexType> allImmediateSubtypes(DexType type) {
return getTypeInfo(type).directSubtypes;
public void forAllInterfaceRoots(Consumer<DexType> fn) {
subtype -> getTypeInfo(subtype).isInterface())
private static class TypeInfo {
private final DexType type;
private int hierarchyLevel = UNKNOWN_LEVEL;
* Set of direct subtypes. This set has to remain sorted to ensure determinism. The actual
* sorting is not important but {@link DexType#compareTo(StructuralItem)} works well.
private Set<DexType> directSubtypes = NO_DIRECT_SUBTYPE;
TypeInfo(DexType type) {
this.type = type;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(type, directSubtypes);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof TypeInfo)) {
return false;
TypeInfo other = (TypeInfo) obj;
return other.type == type && other.directSubtypes.equals(directSubtypes);
public String toString() {
return "TypeInfo{" + type + ", level:" + hierarchyLevel + "}";
private void ensureDirectSubTypeSet() {
if (directSubtypes == NO_DIRECT_SUBTYPE) {
directSubtypes = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(DexType::compareTo);
private void setLevel(int level) {
if (level == hierarchyLevel) {
if (hierarchyLevel == INTERFACE_LEVEL) {
assert level == ROOT_LEVEL + 1;
} else if (level == INTERFACE_LEVEL) {
assert hierarchyLevel == ROOT_LEVEL + 1 || hierarchyLevel == UNKNOWN_LEVEL;
hierarchyLevel = INTERFACE_LEVEL;
} else {
assert hierarchyLevel == UNKNOWN_LEVEL;
hierarchyLevel = level;
private void addDirectSubtype(TypeInfo subtypeInfo) {
assert hierarchyLevel != UNKNOWN_LEVEL;
subtypeInfo.setLevel(hierarchyLevel + 1);
private void tagAsSubtypeRoot() {
private void tagAsInterface() {
private boolean isInterface() {
assert hierarchyLevel != UNKNOWN_LEVEL : "Program class missing: " + this;
assert type.isClassType();
return hierarchyLevel == INTERFACE_LEVEL;
private void addInterfaceSubtype(DexType type) {
// Interfaces all inherit from java.lang.Object. However, we assign a special level to
// identify them later on.