blob: e6b61f82c7dff27718b81fa009055eaa0caca39e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
public final class ClassInliner {
private final DexItemFactory factory;
private final int totalMethodInstructionLimit;
private final ConcurrentHashMap<DexType, Boolean> knownClasses = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public interface InlinerAction {
void inline(Map<InvokeMethodWithReceiver, InliningInfo> methods);
public ClassInliner(DexItemFactory factory, int totalMethodInstructionLimit) {
this.factory = factory;
this.totalMethodInstructionLimit = totalMethodInstructionLimit;
// Process method code and inline eligible class instantiations, in short:
// - collect all 'new-instance' and 'static-get' instructions (called roots below) in
// the original code. Note that class inlining, if happens, mutates code and may add
// new root instructions. Processing them as well is possible, but does not seem to
// bring much value.
// - for each 'new-instance' root we check if it is eligible for inlining, i.e:
// -> the class of the new instance is 'eligible' (see computeClassEligible(...))
// -> the instance is initialized with 'eligible' constructor (see comments in
// CodeRewriter::identifyClassInlinerEligibility(...))
// -> has only 'eligible' uses, i.e:
// * as a receiver of a field read/write for a field defined in same class
// as method.
// * as a receiver of virtual or interface call with single target being
// an eligible method according to identifyClassInlinerEligibility(...);
// NOTE: if method receiver is used as a return value, the method call
// should ignore return value
// - for each 'static-get' root we check if it is eligible for inlining, i.e:
// -> the class of the new instance is 'eligible' (see computeClassEligible(...))
// *and* has a trivial class constructor (see CoreRewriter::computeClassInitializerInfo
// and description in isClassAndUsageEligible(...)) initializing the field root reads
// -> has only 'eligible' uses, (see above)
// - inline eligible root instructions, i.e:
// -> force inline methods called on the instance (including the initializer);
// (this may introduce additional instance field reads/writes on the receiver)
// -> replace instance field reads with appropriate values calculated based on
// fields writes
// -> remove the call to superclass initializer (if root is 'new-instance')
// -> remove all field writes
// -> remove root instructions
// For example:
// Original code:
// class C {
// static class L {
// final int x;
// L(int x) {
// this.x = x;
// }
// int getX() {
// return x;
// }
// }
// static class F {
// final static F I = new F();
// int getX() {
// return 123;
// }
// }
// static int method1() {
// return new L(1).x;
// }
// static int method2() {
// return new L(1).getX();
// }
// static int method3() {
// return F.I.getX();
// }
// }
// Code after class C is 'inlined':
// class C {
// static int method1() {
// return 1;
// }
// static int method2() {
// return 1;
// }
// static int method3() {
// return "F::getX";
// }
// }
public final void processMethodCode(
AppInfoWithLiveness appInfo,
DexEncodedMethod method,
IRCode code,
Predicate<DexEncodedMethod> isProcessedConcurrently,
InlinerAction inliner) {
// Collect all the new-instance and static-get instructions in the code before inlining.
List<Instruction> roots =
.filter(insn -> insn.isNewInstance() || insn.isStaticGet())
for (Instruction root : roots) {
Value eligibleInstance = root.outValue();
if (eligibleInstance == null) {
DexType eligibleClass = root.isNewInstance()
? root.asNewInstance().clazz : root.asStaticGet().getField().type;
DexClass eligibleClassDefinition = appInfo.definitionFor(eligibleClass);
if (eligibleClassDefinition == null) {
// Check the static initializer of the type.
if (!isClassAndUsageEligible(root, eligibleClass,
eligibleClassDefinition, isProcessedConcurrently, appInfo)) {
Map<InvokeMethodWithReceiver, InliningInfo> methodCalls =
checkInstanceUsersEligibility(appInfo, method, isProcessedConcurrently,
root, eligibleInstance, eligibleClass, eligibleClassDefinition);
if (methodCalls == null) {
if (!instructionLimitExempt(eligibleClassDefinition, appInfo) &&
getTotalEstimatedMethodSize(methodCalls) >= totalMethodInstructionLimit) {
// Inline the class instance.
forceInlineAllMethodInvocations(inliner, methodCalls);
removeSuperClassInitializerAndFieldReads(code, root, eligibleInstance);
removeFieldWrites(eligibleInstance, eligibleClass);
// Restore normality.
assert code.isConsistentSSA();
private boolean isClassAndUsageEligible(Instruction root,
DexType eligibleClass, DexClass eligibleClassDefinition,
Predicate<DexEncodedMethod> isProcessedConcurrently, AppInfoWithLiveness appInfo) {
if (!isClassEligible(appInfo, eligibleClass)) {
return false;
if (root.isNewInstance()) {
// There must be no static initializer on the class itself.
return !eligibleClassDefinition.hasClassInitializer();
assert root.isStaticGet();
// Checking if we can safely inline class implemented following singleton-like
// pattern, by which we assume a static final field holding on to the reference
// initialized in class constructor.
// In general we are targeting cases when the class is defined as:
// class X {
// static final X F;
// static {
// F = new X();
// }
// }
// and being used as follows:
// void foo() {
// f = X.F;
// }
// The main difference from the similar case of class inliner with 'new-instance'
// instruction is that in this case the instance we inline is not just leaked, but
// is actually published via X.F field. There are several risks we need to address
// in this case:
// Risk: instance stored in field X.F has changed after it was initialized in
// class initializer
// Solution: we assume that final field X.F is not modified outside the class
// initializer. In rare cases when it is (e.g. via reflections) it should
// be marked with keep rules
// Risk: instance stored in field X.F is not initialized yet
// Solution: not initialized instance can only be visible if X.<clinit>
// triggers other class initialization which references X.F. This
// situation should never happen if we:
// -- don't allow any superclasses to have static initializer,
// -- don't allow any subclasses,
// -- guarantee the class has trivial class initializer
// (see CodeRewriter::computeClassInitializerInfo), and
// -- guarantee the instance is initialized with trivial instance
// initializer (see CodeRewriter::computeInstanceInitializerInfo)
// Risk: instance stored in field X.F was mutated
// Solution: we require that class X does not have any instance fields, and
// if any of its superclasses has instance fields, accessing them will make
// this instance not eligible for inlining. I.e. even though the instance is
// publicized and its state has been mutated, it will not effect the logic
// of class inlining
if (eligibleClassDefinition.instanceFields().length > 0 ||
!eligibleClassDefinition.accessFlags.isFinal()) {
return false;
// Singleton instance must be initialized in class constructor.
DexEncodedMethod classInitializer = eligibleClassDefinition.getClassInitializer();
if (classInitializer == null || isProcessedConcurrently.test(classInitializer)) {
return false;
TrivialInitializer info =
assert info == null || info instanceof ClassTrivialInitializer;
DexField instanceField = root.asStaticGet().getField();
// Singleton instance field must NOT be pinned.
return info != null &&
((ClassTrivialInitializer) info).field == instanceField &&
private Map<InvokeMethodWithReceiver, InliningInfo> checkInstanceUsersEligibility(
AppInfoWithSubtyping appInfo, DexEncodedMethod method,
Predicate<DexEncodedMethod> isProcessedConcurrently,
Instruction root, Value receiver,
DexType eligibleClass, DexClass eligibleClassDefinition) {
// No Phi users.
if (receiver.numberOfPhiUsers() > 0) {
return null; // Not eligible.
Map<InvokeMethodWithReceiver, InliningInfo> methodCalls = new IdentityHashMap<>();
for (Instruction user : receiver.uniqueUsers()) {
// Field read/write.
if (user.isInstanceGet() ||
(user.isInstancePut() && user.asInstancePut().value() != receiver)) {
DexField field = user.asFieldInstruction().getField();
if (field.clazz == eligibleClass &&
eligibleClassDefinition.lookupInstanceField(field) != null) {
// Since class inliner currently only supports classes directly extending
// java.lang.Object, we don't need to worry about fields defined in superclasses.
return null; // Not eligible.
// Eligible constructor call (for new instance roots only).
if (user.isInvokeDirect() && root.isNewInstance()) {
InliningInfo inliningInfo = isEligibleConstructorCall(appInfo, method,
user.asInvokeDirect(), receiver, eligibleClass, isProcessedConcurrently);
if (inliningInfo != null) {
methodCalls.put(user.asInvokeDirect(), inliningInfo);
return null; // Not eligible.
// Eligible virtual method call.
if (user.isInvokeVirtual() || user.isInvokeInterface()) {
InliningInfo inliningInfo = isEligibleMethodCall(
appInfo, method, user.asInvokeMethodWithReceiver(),
receiver, eligibleClass, isProcessedConcurrently);
if (inliningInfo != null) {
methodCalls.put(user.asInvokeMethodWithReceiver(), inliningInfo);
return null; // Not eligible.
return null; // Not eligible.
return methodCalls;
// Remove call to superclass initializer, replace field reads with appropriate
// values, insert phis when needed.
private void removeSuperClassInitializerAndFieldReads(
IRCode code, Instruction root, Value eligibleInstance) {
Map<DexField, FieldValueHelper> fieldHelpers = new IdentityHashMap<>();
for (Instruction user : eligibleInstance.uniqueUsers()) {
// Remove the call to superclass constructor.
if (root.isNewInstance() &&
user.isInvokeDirect() &&
user.asInvokeDirect().getInvokedMethod() == factory.objectMethods.constructor) {
if (user.isInstanceGet()) {
// Replace a field read with appropriate value.
replaceFieldRead(code, root, user.asInstanceGet(), fieldHelpers);
if (user.isInstancePut()) {
// Skip in this iteration since these instructions are needed to
// properly calculate what value should field reads be replaced with.
throw new Unreachable("Unexpected usage left after method inlining: " + user);
private void removeFieldWrites(Value receiver, DexType clazz) {
for (Instruction user : receiver.uniqueUsers()) {
if (!user.isInstancePut()) {
throw new Unreachable("Unexpected usage left after field reads removed: " + user);
if (user.asInstancePut().getField().clazz != clazz) {
throw new Unreachable("Unexpected field write left after field reads removed: " + user);
private int getTotalEstimatedMethodSize(Map<InvokeMethodWithReceiver, InliningInfo> methodCalls) {
int totalSize = 0;
for (InliningInfo info : methodCalls.values()) {
totalSize +=;
return totalSize;
private boolean instructionLimitExempt(
DexClass eligibleClassDefinition, AppInfoWithLiveness appInfo) {
if (appInfo.isPinned(eligibleClassDefinition.type)) {
return false;
KotlinInfo kotlinInfo = eligibleClassDefinition.getKotlinInfo();
return kotlinInfo != null &&
kotlinInfo.isSyntheticClass() &&
private void replaceFieldRead(IRCode code, Instruction root,
InstanceGet fieldRead, Map<DexField, FieldValueHelper> fieldHelpers) {
Value value = fieldRead.outValue();
if (value != null) {
FieldValueHelper helper = fieldHelpers.computeIfAbsent(
fieldRead.getField(), field -> new FieldValueHelper(field, code, root));
Value newValue = helper.getValueForFieldRead(fieldRead.getBlock(), fieldRead);
for (FieldValueHelper fieldValueHelper : fieldHelpers.values()) {
fieldValueHelper.replaceValue(value, newValue);
assert value.numberOfAllUsers() == 0;
// Describes and caches what values are supposed to be used instead of field reads.
private static final class FieldValueHelper {
final DexField field;
final IRCode code;
final Instruction root;
private Value defaultValue = null;
private final Map<BasicBlock, Value> ins = new IdentityHashMap<>();
private final Map<BasicBlock, Value> outs = new IdentityHashMap<>();
private FieldValueHelper(DexField field, IRCode code, Instruction root) {
this.field = field;
this.code = code;
this.root = root;
void replaceValue(Value oldValue, Value newValue) {
for (Entry<BasicBlock, Value> entry : ins.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() == oldValue) {
for (Entry<BasicBlock, Value> entry : outs.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() == oldValue) {
Value getValueForFieldRead(BasicBlock block, Instruction valueUser) {
assert valueUser != null;
Value value = getValueDefinedInTheBlock(block, valueUser);
return value != null ? value : getOrCreateInValue(block);
private Value getOrCreateOutValue(BasicBlock block) {
Value value = outs.get(block);
if (value != null) {
return value;
value = getValueDefinedInTheBlock(block, null);
if (value == null) {
// No value defined in the block.
value = getOrCreateInValue(block);
assert value != null;
outs.put(block, value);
return value;
private Value getOrCreateInValue(BasicBlock block) {
Value value = ins.get(block);
if (value != null) {
return value;
List<BasicBlock> predecessors = block.getPredecessors();
if (predecessors.size() == 1) {
value = getOrCreateOutValue(predecessors.get(0));
ins.put(block, value);
} else {
// Create phi, add it to the block, cache in ins map for future use.
Phi phi = new Phi(,
block, ValueType.fromDexType(field.type), null);
ins.put(block, phi);
List<Value> operands = new ArrayList<>();
for (BasicBlock predecessor : block.getPredecessors()) {
// Add phi, but don't remove trivial phis; since we cache the phi
// we just created for future use we should delay removing trivial
// phis until we are done with replacing fields reads.
phi.addOperands(operands, false);
value = phi;
assert value != null;
return value;
private Value getValueDefinedInTheBlock(BasicBlock block, Instruction stopAt) {
InstructionListIterator iterator = stopAt == null ?
block.listIterator(block.getInstructions().size()) : block.listIterator(stopAt);
Instruction valueProducingInsn = null;
while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {
Instruction instruction = iterator.previous();
assert instruction != null;
if (instruction == root ||
(instruction.isInstancePut() &&
instruction.asInstancePut().getField() == field &&
instruction.asInstancePut().object() == root.outValue())) {
valueProducingInsn = instruction;
if (valueProducingInsn == null) {
return null;
if (valueProducingInsn.isInstancePut()) {
return valueProducingInsn.asInstancePut().value();
assert root == valueProducingInsn;
if (defaultValue == null) {
// If we met newInstance it means that default value is supposed to be used.
defaultValue = code.createValue(ValueType.fromDexType(field.type));
ConstNumber defaultValueInsn = new ConstNumber(defaultValue, 0);
LinkedList<Instruction> instructions = block.getInstructions();
instructions.add(instructions.indexOf(root) + 1, defaultValueInsn);
return defaultValue;
private void forceInlineAllMethodInvocations(
InlinerAction inliner, Map<InvokeMethodWithReceiver, InliningInfo> methodCalls) {
if (!methodCalls.isEmpty()) {
private void removeInstruction(Instruction instruction) {
instruction.inValues().forEach(v -> v.removeUser(instruction));
private DexEncodedMethod findSingleTarget(
AppInfo appInfo, InvokeMethodWithReceiver invoke, DexType instanceType) {
// We don't use computeSingleTarget(...) on invoke since it sometimes fails to
// find the single target, while this code may be more successful since we exactly
// know what is the actual type of the receiver.
// Note that we also intentionally limit ourselves to methods directly defined in
// the instance's class. This may be improved later.
DexClass clazz = appInfo.definitionFor(instanceType);
if (clazz != null) {
DexMethod callee = invoke.getInvokedMethod();
for (DexEncodedMethod candidate : clazz.virtualMethods()) {
if ( == && candidate.method.proto == callee.proto) {
return candidate;
return null;
private InliningInfo isEligibleConstructorCall(
AppInfoWithSubtyping appInfo,
DexEncodedMethod method,
InvokeDirect initInvoke,
Value receiver,
DexType inlinedClass,
Predicate<DexEncodedMethod> isProcessedConcurrently) {
// Must be a constructor of the exact same class.
DexMethod init = initInvoke.getInvokedMethod();
if (!factory.isConstructor(init)) {
return null;
// Must be a constructor called on the receiver.
if (initInvoke.inValues().lastIndexOf(receiver) != 0) {
return null;
assert init.holder == inlinedClass
: "Inlined constructor? [invoke: " + initInvoke +
", expected class: " + inlinedClass + "]";
DexEncodedMethod definition = appInfo.definitionFor(init);
if (definition == null || isProcessedConcurrently.test(definition)) {
return null;
if (!definition.isInliningCandidate(method, Reason.SIMPLE, appInfo)) {
// We won't be able to inline it here.
// Note that there may be some false negatives here since the method may
// reference private fields of its class which are supposed to be replaced
// with arguments after inlining. We should try and improve it later.
// Using -allowaccessmodification mitigates this.
return null;
return definition.getOptimizationInfo().getClassInlinerEligibility() != null
? new InliningInfo(definition, inlinedClass) : null;
private InliningInfo isEligibleMethodCall(
AppInfoWithSubtyping appInfo,
DexEncodedMethod method,
InvokeMethodWithReceiver invoke,
Value receiver,
DexType inlinedClass,
Predicate<DexEncodedMethod> isProcessedConcurrently) {
if (invoke.inValues().lastIndexOf(receiver) > 0) {
return null; // Instance passed as an argument.
DexEncodedMethod singleTarget =
findSingleTarget(appInfo, invoke, inlinedClass);
if (singleTarget == null || isProcessedConcurrently.test(singleTarget)) {
return null;
if (method == singleTarget) {
return null; // Don't inline itself.
ClassInlinerEligibility eligibility =
if (eligibility == null) {
return null;
// If the method returns receiver and the return value is actually
// used in the code the method is not eligible.
if (eligibility.returnsReceiver &&
invoke.outValue() != null && invoke.outValue().numberOfAllUsers() > 0) {
return null;
if (!singleTarget.isInliningCandidate(method, Reason.SIMPLE, appInfo)) {
// We won't be able to inline it here.
// Note that there may be some false negatives here since the method may
// reference private fields of its class which are supposed to be replaced
// with arguments after inlining. We should try and improve it later.
// Using -allowaccessmodification mitigates this.
return null;
return new InliningInfo(singleTarget, inlinedClass);
private boolean isClassEligible(AppInfo appInfo, DexType clazz) {
Boolean eligible = knownClasses.get(clazz);
if (eligible == null) {
Boolean computed = computeClassEligible(appInfo, clazz);
Boolean existing = knownClasses.putIfAbsent(clazz, computed);
assert existing == null || existing == computed;
eligible = existing == null ? computed : existing;
return eligible;
// Class is eligible for this optimization. Eligibility implementation:
// - is not an abstract class or interface
// - directly extends java.lang.Object
// - does not declare finalizer
// - does not trigger any static initializers except for its own
private boolean computeClassEligible(AppInfo appInfo, DexType clazz) {
DexClass definition = appInfo.definitionFor(clazz);
if (definition == null || definition.isLibraryClass() ||
definition.accessFlags.isAbstract() || definition.accessFlags.isInterface()) {
return false;
// Must directly extend Object.
if (definition.superType != factory.objectType) {
return false;
// Class must not define finalizer.
for (DexEncodedMethod method : definition.virtualMethods()) {
if ( == factory.finalizeMethodName &&
method.method.proto == factory.objectMethods.finalize.proto) {
return false;
// Check for static initializers in this class or any of interfaces it implements.
return !appInfo.canTriggerStaticInitializer(clazz, true);