blob: d3388bc657a4545943d1c30ddc7887e0c453b750 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class RewrittenTypeInfo extends ArgumentInfo {
private final DexType castType;
private final DexType oldType;
private final DexType newType;
private final SingleValue singleValue;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
private RewrittenTypeInfo(
DexType oldType, DexType newType, DexType castType, SingleValue singleValue) {
this.castType = castType;
this.oldType = oldType;
this.newType = newType;
this.singleValue = singleValue;
public RewrittenTypeInfo combine(RewrittenPrototypeDescription other) {
return other.hasRewrittenReturnInfo() ? combine(other.getRewrittenReturnInfo()) : this;
public DexType getCastType() {
return castType;
public DexType getNewType() {
return newType;
public DexType getOldType() {
return oldType;
public SingleValue getSingleValue() {
return singleValue;
boolean hasBeenChangedToReturnVoid() {
return newType.isVoidType();
public boolean hasCastType() {
return castType != null;
public boolean hasSingleValue() {
return singleValue != null;
public boolean isRewrittenTypeInfo() {
return true;
public RewrittenTypeInfo asRewrittenTypeInfo() {
return this;
public ArgumentInfo combine(ArgumentInfo info) {
if (info.isRemovedArgumentInfo()) {
return info;
assert info.isRewrittenTypeInfo();
return combine(info.asRewrittenTypeInfo());
public RewrittenTypeInfo combine(RewrittenTypeInfo other) {
assert !getNewType().isVoidType();
assert getNewType() == other.getOldType();
return new RewrittenTypeInfo(
getOldType(), other.getNewType(), getCastType(), other.getSingleValue());
public RewrittenTypeInfo rewrittenWithLens(
AppView<AppInfoWithLiveness> appView, GraphLens graphLens, GraphLens codeLens) {
DexType rewrittenCastType = castType != null ? graphLens.lookupType(castType, codeLens) : null;
DexType rewrittenNewType = graphLens.lookupType(newType, codeLens);
SingleValue rewrittenSingleValue =
hasSingleValue() ? getSingleValue().rewrittenWithLens(appView, graphLens, codeLens) : null;
if (rewrittenCastType != castType
|| rewrittenNewType != newType
|| rewrittenSingleValue != singleValue) {
// The old type is intentionally not rewritten.
return new RewrittenTypeInfo(
oldType, rewrittenNewType, rewrittenCastType, rewrittenSingleValue);
return this;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
RewrittenTypeInfo other = (RewrittenTypeInfo) obj;
return oldType == other.oldType
&& newType == other.newType
&& Objects.equals(singleValue, other.singleValue);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(oldType, newType, singleValue);
public static class Builder {
private DexType castType;
private DexType oldType;
private DexType newType;
private SingleValue singleValue;
public Builder applyIf(boolean condition, Consumer<Builder> consumer) {
if (condition) {
return this;
public Builder setCastType(DexType castType) {
this.castType = castType;
return this;
public Builder setOldType(DexType oldType) {
this.oldType = oldType;
return this;
public Builder setNewType(DexType newType) {
this.newType = newType;
return this;
public Builder setSingleValue(SingleValue singleValue) {
this.singleValue = singleValue;
return this;
public RewrittenTypeInfo build() {
return new RewrittenTypeInfo(oldType, newType, castType, singleValue);