blob: 26993a642d26f7a7cf5cfb6886280a67d06cc1c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class ClassTypeElement extends ReferenceTypeElement {
// Least upper bound of interfaces that this class type is implementing.
// Lazily computed on demand via DexItemFactory, where the canonicalized set will be maintained.
private InterfaceCollection lazyInterfaces;
private AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView;
// On-demand link between other nullability-variants.
private final NullabilityVariants<ClassTypeElement> variants;
private final DexType type;
public static ClassTypeElement create(
DexType classType,
Nullability nullability,
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView,
InterfaceCollection interfaces) {
assert appView != null;
assert appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations();
assert interfaces != null;
return NullabilityVariants.create(
variants -> new ClassTypeElement(classType, nullability, interfaces, variants, appView));
public static ClassTypeElement create(
DexType classType,
Nullability nullability,
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView) {
assert appView != null;
assert appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations();
return NullabilityVariants.create(
variants -> new ClassTypeElement(classType, nullability, null, variants, appView));
public static ClassTypeElement createForD8(DexType classType, Nullability nullability) {
return NullabilityVariants.create(
variants ->
new ClassTypeElement(
classType, nullability, InterfaceCollection.empty(), variants, null));
private ClassTypeElement(
DexType classType,
Nullability nullability,
InterfaceCollection interfaces,
NullabilityVariants<ClassTypeElement> variants,
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView) {
assert appView != null
? appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations()
: (interfaces != null && interfaces.isEmpty());
assert classType.isClassType();
this.type = classType;
this.appView = appView;
this.lazyInterfaces = interfaces;
this.variants = variants;
public DexType getClassType() {
return type;
public InterfaceCollection getInterfaces() {
if (lazyInterfaces == null) {
// Class type interfaces are cached on DexItemFactory.
assert appView != null;
assert appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations();
return appView
.getOrComputeLeastUpperBoundOfImplementedInterfaces(type, appView);
return lazyInterfaces;
private ClassTypeElement createVariant(
Nullability nullability, NullabilityVariants<ClassTypeElement> variants) {
assert this.nullability != nullability;
return new ClassTypeElement(type, nullability, lazyInterfaces, variants, appView);
public ClassTypeElement getOrCreateVariant(Nullability nullability) {
return nullability.equals(nullability())
? this
: variants.getOrCreateElement(nullability, this::createVariant);
public boolean isBasedOnMissingClass(AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView) {
return appView.appInfo().isMissingOrHasMissingSuperType(getClassType())
|| getInterfaces()
.anyMatch((iface, isKnown) -> appView.appInfo().isMissingOrHasMissingSuperType(iface));
public boolean isClassType() {
return true;
public ClassTypeElement asClassType() {
return this;
public ClassTypeElement asDefinitelyNotNull() {
return getOrCreateVariant(Nullability.definitelyNotNull());
public ClassTypeElement asMeetWithNotNull() {
return getOrCreateVariant(;
public ClassTypeElement joinNullability(Nullability nullability) {
return getOrCreateVariant(nullability().join(nullability));
public ClassTypeElement meetNullability(Nullability nullability) {
return getOrCreateVariant(nullability().meet(nullability));
public DexType toDexType(DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
if (type == dexItemFactory.objectType) {
DexType singleKnownInterface = getInterfaces().getSingleKnownInterface();
if (singleKnownInterface != null) {
return singleKnownInterface;
return type;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(" ");
builder.append(" {");
InterfaceCollection interfaces = getInterfaces();
List<Pair<DexType, Boolean>> sortedInterfaces = interfaces.getInterfaceList();
pair ->
? pair.getFirst().toString()
: ("maybe(" + pair.getFirst() + ")"))
.collect(Collectors.joining(", ")));
return builder.toString();
public int hashCode() {
// The interfaces of a type do not contribute to its hashCode as they are lazily computed.
return Objects.hash(nullability, type);
public TypeElement fixupClassTypeReferences(
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> ignore,
Function<DexType, DexType> mapping,
Set<DexType> prunedTypes) {
assert appView != null;
assert appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations();
DexType mappedType = mapping.apply(type);
if (mappedType.isPrimitiveType()) {
return PrimitiveTypeElement.fromDexType(mappedType, false);
// If there are no interfaces, then just return the mapped type element. Otherwise, the list of
// interfaces require rewriting.
if (lazyInterfaces == null || lazyInterfaces.isEmpty()) {
return mappedType == type ? this : create(mappedType, nullability, appView);
// For most types there will not have been a change thus we iterate without allocating a new
// set for holding modified interfaces.
BooleanBox hasChangedInterfaces = new BooleanBox();
Box<DexClass> interfaceToClassChange = new Box<>();
(iface, isKnown) -> {
if (prunedTypes.contains(iface)) {
DexType substitutedType = mapping.apply(iface);
if (iface != substitutedType) {
DexClass mappedClass = appView.definitionFor(substitutedType);
if (!mappedClass.isInterface()) {
if (interfaceToClassChange.isSet()
&& mappedClass != interfaceToClassChange.get()) {
throw new CompilationError(
"More than one interface has changed to a class: "
+ interfaceToClassChange.get()
+ " and "
+ mappedClass);
if (hasChangedInterfaces.get()) {
if (interfaceToClassChange.isSet()) {
assert !interfaceToClassChange.get().isInterface();
assert mappedType == appView.dexItemFactory().objectType;
return create(interfaceToClassChange.get().type, nullability, appView);
} else {
Builder builder = InterfaceCollection.builder();
(iface, isKnown) -> {
DexType rewritten = mapping.apply(iface);
assert iface == rewritten || isKnown : "Rewritten implies program types thus known.";
builder.addInterface(rewritten, isKnown);
return create(mappedType, nullability, appView,;
return mappedType == type ? this : create(mappedType, nullability, appView, getInterfaces());
ClassTypeElement join(ClassTypeElement other, AppView<?> appView) {
if (appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations()) {
return joinWithClassHierarchy(other);
} else {
return joinWithoutClassHierarchy(other.getClassType(), other.nullability(), appView);
ReferenceTypeElement join(ArrayTypeElement other, AppView<?> appView) {
DexItemFactory dexItemFactory = appView.dexItemFactory();
if (appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations()) {
DexType lubType = appView.dexItemFactory().objectType;
return joinWithClassHierarchy(
} else {
return joinWithoutClassHierarchy(dexItemFactory.objectType, other.nullability(), appView);
public ReferenceTypeElement join(ReferenceTypeElement other, AppView<?> appView) {
if (other.isArrayType()) {
return join(other.asArrayType(), appView);
if (other.isClassType()) {
return join(other.asClassType(), appView);
assert other.isNullType();
return joinNullability(other.nullability());
private ClassTypeElement joinWithClassHierarchy(ClassTypeElement other) {
assert appView != null;
assert appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations();
DexType lubType =
computeLeastUpperBoundOfClasses(appView.appInfo(), getClassType(), other.getClassType());
return joinWithClassHierarchy(lubType, other.getInterfaces(), other.nullability());
private ClassTypeElement joinWithClassHierarchy(
DexType lubType, InterfaceCollection otherInterfaces, Nullability nullability) {
assert appView != null;
assert appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations();
InterfaceCollection interfaces = getInterfaces();
InterfaceCollection lubInterfaces =
? interfaces
: computeLeastUpperBoundOfInterfaces(appView, interfaces, otherInterfaces);
InterfaceCollection lubInterfacesDefault =
.getOrComputeLeastUpperBoundOfImplementedInterfaces(lubType, appView);
Nullability lubNullability = nullability().join(nullability);
// If the computed interfaces are identical to the interfaces of `lubType`, then do not include
// the interfaces in the ClassTypeElement. This canonicalization of interfaces reduces memory,
// but also reduces the amount of work involved in lens rewriting class type elements (the null
// element does not require any rewriting).
// From a correctness point of view, both solutions should work.
return lubInterfaces.equals(lubInterfacesDefault)
? create(lubType, lubNullability, appView)
: create(lubType, lubNullability, appView, lubInterfaces);
ClassTypeElement joinWithoutClassHierarchy(
DexType other, Nullability nullability, AppView<?> appView) {
assert !appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations();
assert lazyInterfaces != null;
assert lazyInterfaces.isEmpty();
return createForD8(
getClassType() == other ? getClassType() : appView.dexItemFactory().objectType,
* Internal marker for finding the LUB between sets of interfaces.
* <p>The marker is used both as the identification of which side the traversal is on and if that
* item is known to always be present. That use denotes a immutable use fo the marker and reuses
* the static constants defined below. When traversing the interface super chains each point is
* mapped to a mutable marking that keeps track of what paths have reached it. The mutable use is
* allocated with 'createEmpty' and updated with 'merge'.
private static class InterfaceMarker {
// Each side is tracked with a three-valued marking.
// Note that the value FALSE is not part of the possible three values, only:
// FALSE: not marked / not present.
// TRUE: marked and known to be present.
// UNKNOWN: marked and unknown if actually present.
private OptionalBool left;
private OptionalBool right;
static final InterfaceMarker LEFT_KNOWN =
new InterfaceMarker(OptionalBool.TRUE, OptionalBool.FALSE);
static final InterfaceMarker LEFT_UNKNOWN =
new InterfaceMarker(OptionalBool.UNKNOWN, OptionalBool.FALSE);
static final InterfaceMarker RIGHT_KNOWN =
new InterfaceMarker(OptionalBool.FALSE, OptionalBool.TRUE);
static final InterfaceMarker RIGHT_UNKNOWN =
new InterfaceMarker(OptionalBool.FALSE, OptionalBool.UNKNOWN);
static InterfaceMarker forLeft(boolean isKnown) {
return isKnown ? LEFT_KNOWN : LEFT_UNKNOWN;
static InterfaceMarker forRight(boolean isKnown) {
static InterfaceMarker createUnmarked() {
return new InterfaceMarker(OptionalBool.FALSE, OptionalBool.FALSE);
public InterfaceMarker(OptionalBool left, OptionalBool right) {
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
assert !isMarkedOnBothSides();
boolean isMarked() {
return left.isPossiblyTrue() || right.isPossiblyTrue();
boolean isMarkedOnBothSides() {
return left.isPossiblyTrue() && right.isPossiblyTrue();
static OptionalBool knownIfAnyIsKnown(OptionalBool v1, OptionalBool v2) {
assert v1.isPossiblyTrue() || v2.isPossiblyTrue();
return v1.isTrue() || v2.isTrue() ? OptionalBool.TRUE : OptionalBool.UNKNOWN;
boolean knownIfBothAreKnown() {
assert isMarkedOnBothSides();
return left.isTrue() && right.isTrue();
boolean merge(InterfaceMarker marker) {
assert marker.isMarked();
assert !marker.isMarkedOnBothSides();
if (marker.left.isPossiblyTrue()) {
OptionalBool oldLeft = left;
left = knownIfAnyIsKnown(left, marker.left);
// Only continue if the other side is absent and this side changed.
return right.isFalse() && left != oldLeft;
} else {
OptionalBool oldRight = right;
right = knownIfAnyIsKnown(right, marker.right);
// Only continue if the other side is absent and this side changed.
return left.isFalse() && right != oldRight;
private static class InterfaceWithMarker {
final DexType itf;
final InterfaceMarker marker;
InterfaceWithMarker(DexType itf, InterfaceMarker marker) {
this.itf = itf;
this.marker = marker;
public static DexType computeLeastUpperBoundOfClasses(
AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo, DexType type1, DexType type2) {
// Compiling R8 with R8, this hits more than 1/3 of cases.
if (type1 == type2) {
return type1;
// Compiling R8 with R8, this hits more than 1/3 of cases.
DexType objectType = appInfo.dexItemFactory().objectType;
if (type1 == objectType || type2 == objectType) {
return objectType;
// Compiling R8 with R8, there are no hierarchies above height 10.
// The overhead of a hash map likely outweighs the speed of scanning an array.
Collection<DexType> types = new ArrayList<>(10);
DexType type = type1;
while (true) {
if (type == type2) {
return type;
DexClass clazz = appInfo.definitionFor(type);
if (clazz == null || clazz.superType == null || clazz.superType == objectType) {
type = clazz.superType;
// In pathological cases, realloc to a set if large.
if (types.size() > 20) {
types = SetUtils.newIdentityHashSet(types);
type = type2;
while (true) {
if (types.contains(type)) {
return type;
DexClass clazz = appInfo.definitionFor(type);
if (clazz == null || clazz.superType == null || clazz.superType == objectType) {
type = clazz.superType;
return objectType;
public static InterfaceCollection computeLeastUpperBoundOfInterfaces(
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView,
InterfaceCollection s1,
InterfaceCollection s2) {
if (s1.isEmpty() || s2.isEmpty()) {
return InterfaceCollection.empty();
// Synchronization is required, see b/242286733.
synchronized (appView.dexItemFactory().leastUpperBoundOfInterfacesTable) {
InterfaceCollection cached =
appView.dexItemFactory().leastUpperBoundOfInterfacesTable.get(s1, s2);
if (cached != null) {
return cached;
cached = appView.dexItemFactory().leastUpperBoundOfInterfacesTable.get(s2, s1);
if (cached != null) {
return cached;
Map<DexType, InterfaceMarker> seen = new IdentityHashMap<>();
Queue<InterfaceWithMarker> worklist = new ArrayDeque<>();
(itf1, isKnown) ->
worklist.add(new InterfaceWithMarker(itf1, InterfaceMarker.forLeft(isKnown))));
(itf2, isKnown) ->
worklist.add(new InterfaceWithMarker(itf2, InterfaceMarker.forRight(isKnown))));
while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
InterfaceWithMarker item = worklist.poll();
DexType itf = item.itf;
InterfaceMarker marker = item.marker;
InterfaceMarker marking = seen.computeIfAbsent(itf, k -> InterfaceMarker.createUnmarked());
if (marking.merge(marker)) {
// Put super interfaces into the worklist.
DexClass itfClass = appView.definitionFor(itf);
if (itfClass != null) {
for (DexType superItf : itfClass.interfaces.values) {
worklist.add(new InterfaceWithMarker(superItf, marker));
List<Pair<DexType, Boolean>> commonlyVisited = new ArrayList<>(seen.size());
(itf, marking) -> {
// Keep commonly visited interfaces only
if (marking.isMarkedOnBothSides()) {
commonlyVisited.add(new Pair<>(itf, marking.knownIfBothAreKnown()));
Builder lubBuilder = InterfaceCollection.builder();
for (Pair<DexType, Boolean> entry : commonlyVisited) {
// If there is a strict sub interface of this interface, it is not the least element.
boolean notTheLeast = false;
for (Pair<DexType, Boolean> other : commonlyVisited) {
if (appView.appInfo().isStrictSubtypeOf(other.getFirst(), entry.getFirst())) {
notTheLeast = true;
if (notTheLeast) {
lubBuilder.addInterface(entry.getFirst(), entry.getSecond());
InterfaceCollection lub =;
// Cache the computation result only if the given two sets of interfaces are different.
if (!s1.equals(s2)) {
synchronized (appView.dexItemFactory().leastUpperBoundOfInterfacesTable) {
appView.dexItemFactory().leastUpperBoundOfInterfacesTable.put(s1, s2, lub);
return lub;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof ClassTypeElement)) {
return false;
ClassTypeElement other = (ClassTypeElement) o;
if (nullability() != other.nullability()) {
return false;
if (!type.equals(other.type)) {
return false;
return getInterfaces().equals(other.getInterfaces());