blob: 02b46e20e9bcefa0f25b2262bca5bf33d8c23e1d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2024, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import historic_run
import json
import os
import perf
import utils
import sys
APPS = ['NowInAndroidApp', 'TiviApp']
TARGETS = ['r8-full']
def ParseJsonFromCloudStorage(filename):
gs_location = perf.GetGSLocation(filename)
if not utils.file_exists_on_cloud_storage(gs_location):
return None
content = utils.cat_file_on_cloud_storage(gs_location)
return json.loads(''.join(content))
return None
def main():
if utils.get_HEAD_branch() != 'main':
print('Expected to be on branch \'main\'')
# Get the N most recent commits sorted by newest first.
top = utils.get_HEAD_sha1()
bottom = utils.get_nth_sha1_from_HEAD(NUM_COMMITS - 1)
commits = historic_run.enumerate_git_commits(top, bottom)
assert len(commits) == NUM_COMMITS
# Aggregate all the result.json files into a single benchmark_data.json file
# that has the same format as tools/perf/benchmark_data.json.
benchmark_data = []
for commit in commits:
benchmarks = {}
for app in APPS:
for target in TARGETS:
filename = perf.GetArtifactLocation(app, target, commit.hash(),
app_benchmark_data = ParseJsonFromCloudStorage(filename)
if app_benchmark_data:
benchmarks[app] = app_benchmark_data
if len(benchmarks):
'author': commit.author_name(),
'hash': commit.hash(),
'submitted': commit.committer_timestamp(),
'title': commit.title(),
'benchmarks': benchmarks
with utils.TempDir() as temp:
benchmark_data_file = os.path.join(temp, 'benchmark_data.json')
with open(benchmark_data_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump(benchmark_data, f)
perf.ArchiveOutputFile(benchmark_data_file, 'benchmark_data.json')
if __name__ == '__main__':