blob: 1516f885954dd7792f905a9ca7ac9cc4c9d08a14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class UpdatableMethodOptimizationInfo implements MethodOptimizationInfo {
private boolean cannotBeKept = false;
private boolean classInitializerMayBePostponed = false;
private boolean hasBeenInlinedIntoSingleCallSite = false;
private Set<DexType> initializedClassesOnNormalExit =
private int returnedArgument = DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.UNKNOWN_RETURNED_ARGUMENT;
private boolean mayHaveSideEffects = DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.UNKNOWN_MAY_HAVE_SIDE_EFFECTS;
private boolean returnValueOnlyDependsOnArguments =
private boolean neverReturnsNull = DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.UNKNOWN_NEVER_RETURNS_NULL;
private boolean neverReturnsNormally =
private boolean returnsConstantNumber = DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.UNKNOWN_RETURNS_CONSTANT;
private long returnedConstantNumber =
private boolean returnsConstantString = DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.UNKNOWN_RETURNS_CONSTANT;
private DexString returnedConstantString =
private TypeLatticeElement returnsObjectOfType = DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.UNKNOWN_TYPE;
private ClassTypeLatticeElement returnsObjectWithLowerBoundType =
private InlinePreference inlining = InlinePreference.Default;
private boolean useIdentifierNameString =
private boolean checksNullReceiverBeforeAnySideEffect =
private boolean triggersClassInitBeforeAnySideEffect =
// Stores information about instance methods and constructors for
// class inliner, null value indicates that the method is not eligible.
private ClassInlinerEligibility classInlinerEligibility =
private TrivialInitializer trivialInitializerInfo =
private boolean initializerEnablingJavaAssertions =
private ParameterUsagesInfo parametersUsages =
// Stores information about nullability hint per parameter. If set, that means, the method
// somehow (e.g., null check, such as arg != null, or using checkParameterIsNotNull) ensures
// the corresponding parameter is not null, or throws NPE before any other side effects.
// This info is used by {@link UninstantiatedTypeOptimization#rewriteInvoke} that replaces an
// invocation with null throwing code if an always-null argument is passed. Also used by Inliner
// to give a credit to null-safe code, e.g., Kotlin's null safe argument.
// Note that this bit set takes into account the receiver for instance methods.
private BitSet nonNullParamOrThrow =
// Stores information about nullability facts per parameter. If set, that means, the method
// somehow (e.g., null check, such as arg != null, or NPE-throwing instructions such as array
// access or another invocation) ensures the corresponding parameter is not null, and that is
// guaranteed until the normal exits. That is, if the invocation of this method is finished
// normally, the recorded parameter is definitely not null. These facts are used to propagate
// non-null information through {@link NonNullTracker}.
// Note that this bit set takes into account the receiver for instance methods.
private BitSet nonNullParamOnNormalExits =
private boolean reachabilitySensitive = false;
private boolean returnValueHasBeenPropagated = false;
UpdatableMethodOptimizationInfo() {
// Intentionally left empty, just use the default values.
// Copy constructor used to create a mutable copy. Do not forget to copy from template when a new
// field is added.
private UpdatableMethodOptimizationInfo(UpdatableMethodOptimizationInfo template) {
cannotBeKept = template.cannotBeKept;
classInitializerMayBePostponed = template.classInitializerMayBePostponed;
hasBeenInlinedIntoSingleCallSite = template.hasBeenInlinedIntoSingleCallSite;
initializedClassesOnNormalExit = template.initializedClassesOnNormalExit;
returnedArgument = template.returnedArgument;
mayHaveSideEffects = template.mayHaveSideEffects;
returnValueOnlyDependsOnArguments = template.returnValueOnlyDependsOnArguments;
neverReturnsNull = template.neverReturnsNull;
neverReturnsNormally = template.neverReturnsNormally;
returnsConstantNumber = template.returnsConstantNumber;
returnedConstantNumber = template.returnedConstantNumber;
returnsConstantString = template.returnsConstantString;
returnedConstantString = template.returnedConstantString;
returnsObjectOfType = template.returnsObjectOfType;
returnsObjectWithLowerBoundType = template.returnsObjectWithLowerBoundType;
inlining = template.inlining;
useIdentifierNameString = template.useIdentifierNameString;
checksNullReceiverBeforeAnySideEffect = template.checksNullReceiverBeforeAnySideEffect;
triggersClassInitBeforeAnySideEffect = template.triggersClassInitBeforeAnySideEffect;
classInlinerEligibility = template.classInlinerEligibility;
trivialInitializerInfo = template.trivialInitializerInfo;
initializerEnablingJavaAssertions = template.initializerEnablingJavaAssertions;
parametersUsages = template.parametersUsages;
nonNullParamOrThrow = template.nonNullParamOrThrow;
nonNullParamOnNormalExits = template.nonNullParamOnNormalExits;
reachabilitySensitive = template.reachabilitySensitive;
returnValueHasBeenPropagated = template.returnValueHasBeenPropagated;
public void fixupClassTypeReferences(
Function<DexType, DexType> mapping, AppView<? extends AppInfoWithSubtyping> appView) {
if (returnsObjectOfType != null) {
returnsObjectOfType = returnsObjectOfType.fixupClassTypeReferences(mapping, appView);
if (returnsObjectWithLowerBoundType != null) {
returnsObjectWithLowerBoundType =
returnsObjectWithLowerBoundType.fixupClassTypeReferences(mapping, appView);
public boolean isDefaultMethodOptimizationInfo() {
return false;
public boolean isUpdatableMethodOptimizationInfo() {
return true;
public UpdatableMethodOptimizationInfo asUpdatableMethodOptimizationInfo() {
return this;
public boolean cannotBeKept() {
return cannotBeKept;
// TODO(b/140214568): Should be package-private.
public void markCannotBeKept() {
cannotBeKept = true;
public boolean classInitializerMayBePostponed() {
return classInitializerMayBePostponed;
void markClassInitializerMayBePostponed() {
classInitializerMayBePostponed = true;
public TypeLatticeElement getDynamicReturnType() {
return returnsObjectOfType;
public ClassTypeLatticeElement getDynamicLowerBoundType() {
return returnsObjectWithLowerBoundType;
public Set<DexType> getInitializedClassesOnNormalExit() {
return initializedClassesOnNormalExit;
public TrivialInitializer getTrivialInitializerInfo() {
return trivialInitializerInfo;
public ParameterUsage getParameterUsages(int parameter) {
return parametersUsages == null ? null : parametersUsages.getParameterUsage(parameter);
public BitSet getNonNullParamOrThrow() {
return nonNullParamOrThrow;
public BitSet getNonNullParamOnNormalExits() {
return nonNullParamOnNormalExits;
public boolean hasBeenInlinedIntoSingleCallSite() {
return hasBeenInlinedIntoSingleCallSite;
void markInlinedIntoSingleCallSite() {
hasBeenInlinedIntoSingleCallSite = true;
public boolean isReachabilitySensitive() {
return reachabilitySensitive;
public boolean returnsArgument() {
return returnedArgument != -1;
public int getReturnedArgument() {
assert returnsArgument();
return returnedArgument;
public boolean neverReturnsNull() {
return neverReturnsNull;
public boolean neverReturnsNormally() {
return neverReturnsNormally;
public boolean returnsConstant() {
assert !(returnsConstantNumber && returnsConstantString);
return returnsConstantNumber || returnsConstantString;
public boolean returnsConstantNumber() {
return returnsConstantNumber;
public boolean returnsConstantString() {
return returnsConstantString;
public ClassInlinerEligibility getClassInlinerEligibility() {
return classInlinerEligibility;
public long getReturnedConstantNumber() {
assert returnsConstant();
return returnedConstantNumber;
public DexString getReturnedConstantString() {
assert returnsConstant();
return returnedConstantString;
public boolean isInitializerEnablingJavaAssertions() {
return initializerEnablingJavaAssertions;
public boolean useIdentifierNameString() {
return useIdentifierNameString;
public boolean forceInline() {
return inlining == InlinePreference.ForceInline;
public boolean neverInline() {
return inlining == InlinePreference.NeverInline;
public boolean checksNullReceiverBeforeAnySideEffect() {
return checksNullReceiverBeforeAnySideEffect;
public boolean triggersClassInitBeforeAnySideEffect() {
return triggersClassInitBeforeAnySideEffect;
public boolean mayHaveSideEffects() {
return mayHaveSideEffects;
public boolean returnValueOnlyDependsOnArguments() {
return returnValueOnlyDependsOnArguments;
void setParameterUsages(ParameterUsagesInfo parametersUsages) {
this.parametersUsages = parametersUsages;
void setNonNullParamOrThrow(BitSet facts) {
this.nonNullParamOrThrow = facts;
void setNonNullParamOnNormalExits(BitSet facts) {
this.nonNullParamOnNormalExits = facts;
public void setReachabilitySensitive(boolean reachabilitySensitive) {
this.reachabilitySensitive = reachabilitySensitive;
void setClassInlinerEligibility(ClassInlinerEligibility eligibility) {
this.classInlinerEligibility = eligibility;
void setTrivialInitializer(TrivialInitializer info) {
this.trivialInitializerInfo = info;
void setInitializerEnablingJavaAssertions() {
this.initializerEnablingJavaAssertions = true;
void markInitializesClassesOnNormalExit(Set<DexType> initializedClassesOnNormalExit) {
this.initializedClassesOnNormalExit = initializedClassesOnNormalExit;
void markReturnsArgument(int argument) {
assert argument >= 0;
assert returnedArgument == -1 || returnedArgument == argument;
returnedArgument = argument;
void markMayNotHaveSideEffects() {
mayHaveSideEffects = false;
void markReturnValueOnlyDependsOnArguments() {
returnValueOnlyDependsOnArguments = true;
void markNeverReturnsNull() {
neverReturnsNull = true;
void markNeverReturnsNormally() {
neverReturnsNormally = true;
void markReturnsConstantNumber(long value) {
assert !returnsConstantString;
assert !returnsConstantNumber || returnedConstantNumber == value
: "return constant number changed from " + returnedConstantNumber + " to " + value;
returnsConstantNumber = true;
returnedConstantNumber = value;
void markReturnsConstantString(DexString value) {
assert !returnsConstantNumber;
assert !returnsConstantString || returnedConstantString == value
: "return constant string changed from " + returnedConstantString + " to " + value;
returnsConstantString = true;
returnedConstantString = value;
void markReturnsObjectOfType(AppView<?> appView, TypeLatticeElement type) {
assert type != null;
// We may get more precise type information if the method is reprocessed (e.g., due to
// optimization info collected from all call sites), and hence the `returnsObjectOfType` is
// allowed to become more precise.
// TODO(b/142559221): non-materializable assume instructions?
// Nullability could be less precise, though. For example, suppose a value is known to be
// non-null after a safe invocation, hence recorded with the non-null variant. If that call is
// inlined and the method is reprocessed, such non-null assumption cannot be made again.
assert returnsObjectOfType == DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.UNKNOWN_TYPE
|| type.lessThanOrEqualUpToNullability(returnsObjectOfType, appView)
: "return type changed from " + returnsObjectOfType + " to " + type;
returnsObjectOfType = type;
void markReturnsObjectWithLowerBoundType(ClassTypeLatticeElement type) {
assert type != null;
// Currently, we only have a lower bound type when we have _exact_ runtime type information.
// Thus, the type should never become more precise (although the nullability could).
assert returnsObjectWithLowerBoundType == DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.UNKNOWN_CLASS_TYPE
|| (type.equalUpToNullability(returnsObjectWithLowerBoundType)
&& type.nullability()
: "lower bound type changed from " + returnsObjectWithLowerBoundType + " to " + type;
returnsObjectWithLowerBoundType = type;
// TODO(b/140214568): Should be package-private.
public void markForceInline() {
// For concurrent scenarios we should allow the flag to be already set
assert inlining == InlinePreference.Default || inlining == InlinePreference.ForceInline;
inlining = InlinePreference.ForceInline;
// TODO(b/140214568): Should be package-private.
public void unsetForceInline() {
// For concurrent scenarios we should allow the flag to be already unset
assert inlining == InlinePreference.Default || inlining == InlinePreference.ForceInline;
inlining = InlinePreference.Default;
// TODO(b/140214568): Should be package-private.
public void markNeverInline() {
// For concurrent scenarios we should allow the flag to be already set
assert inlining == InlinePreference.Default || inlining == InlinePreference.NeverInline;
inlining = InlinePreference.NeverInline;
// TODO(b/140214568): Should be package-private.
public void markUseIdentifierNameString() {
useIdentifierNameString = true;
void markCheckNullReceiverBeforeAnySideEffect(boolean mark) {
checksNullReceiverBeforeAnySideEffect = mark;
void markTriggerClassInitBeforeAnySideEffect(boolean mark) {
triggersClassInitBeforeAnySideEffect = mark;
// TODO(b/140214568): Should be package-private.
public void markAsPropagated() {
returnValueHasBeenPropagated = true;
public boolean returnValueHasBeenPropagated() {
return returnValueHasBeenPropagated;
public UpdatableMethodOptimizationInfo mutableCopy() {
assert this != DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.DEFAULT_INSTANCE;
return new UpdatableMethodOptimizationInfo(this);
public void adjustOptimizationInfoAfterRemovingThisParameter() {
// cannotBeKept: doesn't depend on `this`
// classInitializerMayBePostponed: `this` could trigger <clinit> of the previous holder.
classInitializerMayBePostponed = false;
// hasBeenInlinedIntoSingleCallSite: then it should not be staticized.
hasBeenInlinedIntoSingleCallSite = false;
// initializedClassesOnNormalExit: `this` could trigger <clinit> of the previous holder.
initializedClassesOnNormalExit =
// At least, `this` pointer is not used in `returnedArgument`.
assert returnedArgument == DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.UNKNOWN_RETURNED_ARGUMENT
|| returnedArgument > 0;
returnedArgument =
returnedArgument == DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.UNKNOWN_RETURNED_ARGUMENT
? DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.UNKNOWN_RETURNED_ARGUMENT : returnedArgument - 1;
// mayHaveSideEffects: `this` Argument didn't have side effects, so removing it doesn't affect
// whether or not the method may have side effects.
// returnValueOnlyDependsOnArguments:
// if the method did before, so it does even after removing `this` Argument
// code is not changed, and thus the following *return* info is not changed either.
// * neverReturnsNull
// * neverReturnsNormally
// * returnsConstantNumber
// * returnedConstantNumber
// * returnsConstantString
// * returnedConstantString
// * returnsObjectOfType
// * returnsObjectWithLowerBoundType
// inlining: it is not inlined, and thus staticized. No more chance of inlining, though.
inlining = InlinePreference.Default;
// useIdentifierNameString: code is not changed.
// checksNullReceiverBeforeAnySideEffect: no more receiver.
checksNullReceiverBeforeAnySideEffect =
// triggersClassInitBeforeAnySideEffect: code is not changed.
triggersClassInitBeforeAnySideEffect =
// classInlinerEligibility: chances are the method is not an instance method anymore.
classInlinerEligibility = DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.UNKNOWN_CLASS_INLINER_ELIGIBILITY;
// trivialInitializerInfo: chances are the enclosing class is
trivialInitializerInfo = DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.UNKNOWN_TRIVIAL_INITIALIZER;
// initializerEnablingJavaAssertions: `this` could trigger <clinit> of the previous holder.
initializerEnablingJavaAssertions =
parametersUsages =
parametersUsages == DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.UNKNOWN_PARAMETER_USAGE_INFO
? DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.UNKNOWN_PARAMETER_USAGE_INFO
: parametersUsages.remove(0);
nonNullParamOrThrow =
nonNullParamOrThrow == DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.NO_NULL_PARAMETER_OR_THROW_FACTS
? DefaultMethodOptimizationInfo.NO_NULL_PARAMETER_OR_THROW_FACTS
: nonNullParamOrThrow.get(1, nonNullParamOrThrow.length());
nonNullParamOnNormalExits =
: nonNullParamOnNormalExits.get(1, nonNullParamOnNormalExits.length());
// reachabilitySensitive: doesn't depend on `this`
// returnValueHasBeenPropagated: doesn't depend on `this`