blob: d7fd349e19894aba499c0b89c4c69812af32554e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import static;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.function.Function;
/* Specific subclass of AppInfo designed to support desugaring in D8. Desugaring requires a
* minimal amount of knowledge in the overall program, provided through classpath. Basic
* features are present, such as static and super look-ups, or isSubtype.
public class AppInfoWithClassHierarchy extends AppInfo {
private static final CreateDesugaringViewOnAppInfo WITNESS = new CreateDesugaringViewOnAppInfo();
static class CreateDesugaringViewOnAppInfo {
private CreateDesugaringViewOnAppInfo() {}
public static AppInfoWithClassHierarchy createInitialAppInfoWithClassHierarchy(
DexApplication application,
ClassToFeatureSplitMap classToFeatureSplitMap,
MainDexInfo mainDexInfo) {
return new AppInfoWithClassHierarchy(
private final ClassToFeatureSplitMap classToFeatureSplitMap;
/** Set of types that are mentioned in the program, but for which no definition exists. */
// TODO(b/175659048): Consider hoisting to AppInfo to allow using MissingClasses in D8 desugar.
private final MissingClasses missingClasses;
// For AppInfoWithLiveness subclass.
protected AppInfoWithClassHierarchy(
CommittedItems committedItems,
ClassToFeatureSplitMap classToFeatureSplitMap,
MainDexInfo mainDexInfo,
MissingClasses missingClasses) {
super(committedItems, mainDexInfo);
this.classToFeatureSplitMap = classToFeatureSplitMap;
this.missingClasses = missingClasses;
// For desugaring.
private AppInfoWithClassHierarchy(CreateDesugaringViewOnAppInfo witness, AppInfo appInfo) {
super(witness, appInfo);
this.classToFeatureSplitMap = ClassToFeatureSplitMap.createEmptyClassToFeatureSplitMap();
// TODO(b/175659048): Migrate the reporting of missing classes in D8 desugar to MissingClasses,
// and use the missing classes from AppInfo instead of MissingClasses.empty().
this.missingClasses = MissingClasses.empty();
public static AppInfoWithClassHierarchy createForDesugaring(AppInfo appInfo) {
assert !appInfo.hasClassHierarchy();
return new AppInfoWithClassHierarchy(WITNESS, appInfo);
public final AppInfoWithClassHierarchy rebuildWithClassHierarchy(CommittedItems commit) {
return new AppInfoWithClassHierarchy(
commit, getClassToFeatureSplitMap(), getMainDexInfo(), getMissingClasses());
public AppInfoWithClassHierarchy rebuildWithClassHierarchy(
Function<DexApplication, DexApplication> fn) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return new AppInfoWithClassHierarchy(
public AppInfoWithClassHierarchy rebuildWithMainDexInfo(MainDexInfo mainDexInfo) {
assert getClass() == AppInfoWithClassHierarchy.class;
assert checkIfObsolete();
return new AppInfoWithClassHierarchy(
public AppInfoWithClassHierarchy prunedCopyFrom(
PrunedItems prunedItems, ExecutorService executorService) throws ExecutionException {
assert getClass() == AppInfoWithClassHierarchy.class;
assert checkIfObsolete();
assert prunedItems.getPrunedApp() == app();
if (prunedItems.isEmpty()) {
return this;
return new AppInfoWithClassHierarchy(
public ClassToFeatureSplitMap getClassToFeatureSplitMap() {
return classToFeatureSplitMap;
public MissingClasses getMissingClasses() {
return missingClasses;
public boolean hasClassHierarchy() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return true;
public AppInfoWithClassHierarchy withClassHierarchy() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return this;
/** Primitive traversal over all (non-interface) superclasses of a given type. */
public <B> TraversalContinuation<B, ?> traverseSuperClasses(
DexClass clazz, TriFunction<DexType, DexClass, DexClass, TraversalContinuation<B, ?>> fn) {
DexClass currentClass = clazz;
while (currentClass != null && currentClass.getSuperType() != null) {
DexClass superclass = definitionFor(currentClass.getSuperType());
TraversalContinuation<B, ?> stepResult =
fn.apply(currentClass.getSuperType(), superclass, currentClass);
if (stepResult.shouldBreak()) {
return stepResult;
currentClass = superclass;
return doContinue();
* Primitive traversal over all supertypes of a given type.
* <p>No order is guaranteed for the traversal, but a given type will be visited at most once. The
* given type is *not* visited. The function indicates if traversal should continue or break. The
* result of the traversal is BREAK iff the function returned BREAK.
public TraversalContinuation<?, ?> traverseSuperTypes(
final DexClass clazz,
TriFunction<DexType, DexClass, Boolean, TraversalContinuation<?, ?>> fn) {
// We do an initial zero-allocation pass over the class super chain as it does not require a
// worklist/seen-set. Only if the traversal is not aborted and there actually are interfaces,
// do we continue traversal over the interface types. This is assuming that the second pass
// over the super chain is less expensive than the eager allocation of the worklist.
int interfaceCount = 0;
DexClass currentClass = clazz;
while (currentClass != null) {
interfaceCount += currentClass.interfaces.values.length;
if (currentClass.superType == null) {
TraversalContinuation<?, ?> stepResult =
fn.apply(currentClass.superType, currentClass, false);
if (stepResult.shouldBreak()) {
return stepResult;
currentClass = definitionFor(currentClass.superType);
if (interfaceCount == 0) {
return doContinue();
// Interfaces exist, create a worklist and seen set to ensure single visits.
Set<DexType> seen = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
Deque<DexType> worklist = new ArrayDeque<>();
// Populate the worklist with the direct interfaces of the super chain.
DexClass currentClass = clazz;
while (currentClass != null) {
for (DexType iface : currentClass.interfaces.values) {
if (seen.add(iface)) {
TraversalContinuation<?, ?> stepResult = fn.apply(iface, currentClass, true);
if (stepResult.shouldBreak()) {
return stepResult;
if (currentClass.superType == null) {
currentClass = definitionFor(currentClass.superType);
// Iterate all interfaces.
while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
DexType type = worklist.removeFirst();
DexClass definition = definitionFor(type);
if (definition != null) {
for (DexType iface : definition.interfaces.values) {
if (seen.add(iface)) {
TraversalContinuation<?, ?> stepResult = fn.apply(iface, definition, true);
if (stepResult.shouldBreak()) {
return stepResult;
return doContinue();
* Iterate each super type of class.
* <p>Same as traverseSuperTypes, but unconditionally visits all.
public void forEachSuperType(DexClass clazz, TriConsumer<DexType, DexClass, Boolean> fn) {
(superType, subclass, isInterface) -> {
fn.accept(superType, subclass, isInterface);
return doContinue();
public boolean isSubtype(DexType subtype, DexType supertype) {
assert subtype != null;
assert supertype != null;
assert subtype.isClassType();
assert supertype.isClassType();
return subtype == supertype || isStrictSubtypeOf(subtype, supertype);
public boolean isStrictSubtypeOf(DexType subtype, DexType supertype) {
assert subtype != null;
assert supertype != null;
assert subtype.isClassType();
assert supertype.isClassType();
if (subtype == supertype) {
return false;
// Treat object special: it is always the supertype even for broken hierarchies.
if (subtype == dexItemFactory().objectType) {
return false;
if (supertype == dexItemFactory().objectType) {
return true;
if (!subtype.isClassType() || !supertype.isClassType()) {
return false;
DexClass clazz = definitionFor(subtype);
if (clazz == null) {
return false;
// TODO(b/123506120): Report missing types when the predicate is inconclusive.
return traverseSuperTypes(
(superType, subclass, isInterface) -> superType == supertype ? doBreak() : doContinue())
public boolean isSubtype(DexClass subclass, DexClass superclass) {
return superclass.isInterface()
? isSubtype(subclass.getType(), superclass.getType())
: isSubtypeOfClass(subclass, superclass);
public boolean isSubtypeOfClass(DexClass subclass, DexClass superclass) {
assert subclass != null;
assert superclass != null;
assert !superclass.isInterface();
if (subclass.isInterface()) {
return superclass.getType() == dexItemFactory().objectType;
return subclass == superclass || isStrictSubtypeOfClass(subclass, superclass);
public boolean isStrictSubtypeOfClass(DexClass subclass, DexClass superclass) {
assert subclass != null;
assert superclass != null;
assert !subclass.isInterface();
assert !superclass.isInterface();
if (subclass == superclass) {
return false;
// Treat object special: it is always the superclass even for broken hierarchies.
if (subclass.getType() == dexItemFactory().objectType) {
return false;
if (superclass.getType() == dexItemFactory().objectType) {
return true;
TraversalContinuation<Boolean, ?> result =
(currentType, currentClass, immediateSubclass) -> {
if (currentType == superclass.getType()) {
return doBreak(true);
if (currentClass == null) {
return doBreak(false);
if (superclass.isProgramClass() && !currentClass.isProgramClass()) {
return doBreak(false);
return doContinue();
return result.isBreak() && result.asBreak().getValue();
public boolean inSameHierarchy(DexType type, DexType other) {
assert type.isClassType();
assert other.isClassType();
return isSubtype(type, other) || isSubtype(other, type);
public boolean inDifferentHierarchy(DexType type1, DexType type2) {
return !inSameHierarchy(type1, type2);
public boolean isMissingOrHasMissingSuperType(DexType type) {
DexClass clazz = definitionFor(type);
return clazz == null || clazz.hasMissingSuperType(this);
/** Collect all interfaces that this type directly or indirectly implements. */
public InterfaceCollection implementedInterfaces(DexType type) {
assert type.isClassType();
DexClass clazz = definitionFor(type);
if (clazz == null) {
return InterfaceCollection.empty();
// Fast path for a type below object with no interfaces.
if (clazz.superType == dexItemFactory().objectType && clazz.interfaces.isEmpty()) {
return clazz.isInterface()
? InterfaceCollection.singleton(type)
: InterfaceCollection.empty();
// Slow path traverses the full super type hierarchy.
Builder builder = InterfaceCollection.builder();
if (clazz.isInterface()) {
builder.addInterface(type, true);
// First find all interface leafs from the class super-type chain.
Set<DexType> seenAndKnown = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
Deque<Pair<DexClass, Boolean>> worklist = new ArrayDeque<>();
DexClass implementor = clazz;
while (implementor != null) {
for (DexType iface : implementor.interfaces) {
if (seenAndKnown.contains(iface)) {
boolean isKnown =
InterfaceCollection.isKnownToImplement(iface, implementor.getType(), options());
builder.addInterface(iface, isKnown);
if (isKnown) {
DexClass definition = definitionFor(iface);
if (definition != null && !definition.interfaces.isEmpty()) {
worklist.add(new Pair<>(definition, isKnown));
if (implementor.superType == null
|| implementor.superType == options().dexItemFactory().objectType) {
implementor = definitionFor(implementor.superType);
// Second complete the worklist of interfaces. All paths must be visited as an interface may
// be unknown on one but not on another.
while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
Pair<DexClass, Boolean> item = worklist.poll();
DexClass implementor = item.getFirst();
assert !implementor.interfaces.isEmpty();
for (DexType itf : implementor.interfaces) {
if (seenAndKnown.contains(itf)) {
// A derived interface is known only if the full chain leading to it is known.
boolean isKnown =
&& InterfaceCollection.isKnownToImplement(itf, implementor.getType(), options());
builder.addInterface(itf, isKnown);
if (isKnown) {
DexClass definition = definitionFor(itf);
if (definition != null && !definition.interfaces.isEmpty()) {
worklist.add(new Pair<>(definition, isKnown));
public boolean isExternalizable(DexType type) {
return isSubtype(type, dexItemFactory().externalizableType);
public boolean isSerializable(DexType type) {
return isSubtype(type, dexItemFactory().serializableType);
public List<DexProgramClass> computeProgramClassRelationChain(
DexProgramClass subClass, DexProgramClass superClass) {
assert isSubtype(subClass.type, superClass.type);
assert !subClass.isInterface();
if (!superClass.isInterface()) {
return computeChainInClassHierarchy(subClass, superClass.type);
// If the super type is an interface we first compute the program chain upwards, and in a
// top-down order check if the interface is a super-type to the class. Computing it this way
// guarantees to find the instantiated program-classes of the longest chain.
List<DexProgramClass> relationChain =
computeChainInClassHierarchy(subClass, dexItemFactory().objectType);
WorkList<DexType> interfaceWorklist = WorkList.newIdentityWorkList();
for (int i = relationChain.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
DexProgramClass clazz = relationChain.get(i);
if (isInterfaceInSuperTypes(clazz, superClass.type, interfaceWorklist)) {
return relationChain.subList(0, i + 1);
return Collections.emptyList();
private boolean isInterfaceInSuperTypes(
DexProgramClass clazz, DexType ifaceToFind, WorkList<DexType> workList) {
while (workList.hasNext()) {
DexType superType =;
if (superType == ifaceToFind) {
return true;
DexClass superClass = definitionFor(superType);
if (superClass != null) {
return false;
private List<DexProgramClass> computeChainInClassHierarchy(
DexProgramClass subClass, DexType superType) {
assert isSubtype(subClass.type, superType);
assert !subClass.isInterface();
assert superType == dexItemFactory().objectType
|| definitionFor(superType) == null
|| !definitionFor(superType).isInterface();
List<DexProgramClass> relationChain = new ArrayList<>();
DexClass current = subClass;
while (current != null) {
if (current.isProgramClass()) {
if (current.type == superType) {
return relationChain;
current = definitionFor(current.superType);
return relationChain;
public boolean methodDefinedInInterfaces(DexEncodedMethod method, DexType implementingClass) {
DexClass holder = definitionFor(implementingClass);
if (holder == null) {
return false;
for (DexType iface : holder.interfaces.values) {
if (methodDefinedInInterface(method, iface)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean methodDefinedInInterface(DexEncodedMethod method, DexType iface) {
DexClass potentialHolder = definitionFor(iface);
if (potentialHolder == null) {
return false;
assert potentialHolder.isInterface();
for (DexEncodedMethod virtualMethod : potentialHolder.virtualMethods()) {
if (virtualMethod.getReference().match(method.getReference())
&& virtualMethod.accessFlags.isSameVisibility(method.accessFlags)) {
return true;
for (DexType parentInterface : potentialHolder.interfaces.values) {
if (methodDefinedInInterface(method, parentInterface)) {
return true;
return false;
* Helper method used for emulated interface resolution (not in JVM specifications). The result
* may be abstract.
public DexClassAndMethod lookupMaximallySpecificMethod(DexClass clazz, DexMethod method) {
return new MethodResolution(this::definitionFor, dexItemFactory())
.lookupMaximallySpecificTarget(clazz, method);
* Helper methods used for emulated interface resolution (not in JVM specifications). Answers the
* abstract interface methods that the resolution could but does not necessarily resolve into.
public List<Entry<DexClass, DexEncodedMethod>> getAbstractInterfaceMethods(
DexClass clazz, DexMethod method) {
return new MethodResolution(this::definitionFor, dexItemFactory())
.getAbstractInterfaceMethods(clazz, method);
MethodResolutionResult resolveMaximallySpecificTarget(DexClass clazz, DexMethod method) {
return new MethodResolution(this::definitionFor, dexItemFactory())
.resolveMaximallySpecificTarget(clazz, method);
MethodResolutionResult resolveMaximallySpecificTarget(LambdaDescriptor lambda, DexMethod method) {
return new MethodResolution(this::definitionFor, dexItemFactory())
.resolveMaximallySpecificTarget(lambda, method);
* Lookup instance field starting in type and following the interface and super chain.
* <p>The result is the field that will be hit at runtime, if such field is known. A result of
* null indicates that the field is either undefined or not an instance field.
public DexEncodedField lookupInstanceTargetOn(DexType type, DexField field) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
assert type.isClassType();
DexEncodedField result = resolveFieldOn(type, field).getResolvedField();
return result == null || result.accessFlags.isStatic() ? null : result;
public DexEncodedField lookupInstanceTarget(DexField field) {
return lookupInstanceTargetOn(field.holder, field);
* Lookup static field starting in type and following the interface and super chain.
* <p>The result is the field that will be hit at runtime, if such field is known. A result of
* null indicates that the field is either undefined or not a static field.
public DexClassAndField lookupStaticTargetOn(DexType type, DexField field) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
assert type.isClassType();
DexClassAndField result = resolveFieldOn(type, field).getResolutionPair();
return result == null || !result.getAccessFlags().isStatic() ? null : result;
public DexClassAndField lookupStaticTarget(DexField field) {
return lookupStaticTargetOn(field.getHolderType(), field);
* Lookup static method following the super chain from the holder of {@code method}.
* <p>This method will resolve the method on the holder of {@code method} and only return a
* non-null value if the result of resolution was a static, non-abstract method.
* @param method the method to lookup
* @return The actual target for {@code method} or {@code null} if none found.
// TODO(b/155968472): This should take a parameter `boolean isInterface` and use resolveMethod().
public DexEncodedMethod lookupStaticTarget(DexMethod method, DexProgramClass context) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return unsafeResolveMethodDueToDexFormat(method).lookupInvokeStaticTarget(context, this);
// TODO(b/155968472): This should take a parameter `boolean isInterface` and use resolveMethod().
public DexEncodedMethod lookupStaticTarget(DexMethod method, ProgramMethod context) {
return lookupStaticTarget(method, context.getHolder());
* Lookup super method following the super chain from the holder of {@code method}.
* <p>This method will resolve the method on the holder of {@code method} and only return a
* non-null value if the result of resolution was an instance (i.e. non-static) method.
* @param method the method to lookup
* @param context the class the invoke is contained in, i.e., the holder of the caller.
* @return The actual target for {@code method} or {@code null} if none found.
// TODO(b/155968472): This should take a parameter `boolean isInterface` and use resolveMethod().
public DexClassAndMethod lookupSuperTarget(DexMethod method, DexProgramClass context) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return unsafeResolveMethodDueToDexFormat(method).lookupInvokeSuperTarget(context, this);
// TODO(b/155968472): This should take a parameter `boolean isInterface` and use resolveMethod().
public DexClassAndMethod lookupSuperTarget(DexMethod method, ProgramMethod context) {
return lookupSuperTarget(method, context.getHolder());
* Lookup direct method following the super chain from the holder of {@code method}.
* <p>This method will lookup private and constructor methods.
* @param method the method to lookup
* @return The actual target for {@code method} or {@code null} if none found.
// TODO(b/155968472): This should take a parameter `boolean isInterface` and use resolveMethod().
public DexEncodedMethod lookupDirectTarget(DexMethod method, DexProgramClass context) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return unsafeResolveMethodDueToDexFormat(method).lookupInvokeDirectTarget(context, this);
// TODO(b/155968472): This should take a parameter `boolean isInterface` and use resolveMethod().
public DexEncodedMethod lookupDirectTarget(DexMethod method, ProgramMethod context) {
return lookupDirectTarget(method, context.getHolder());
* This method will query the definition of the holder to decide on which resolution to use.
* <p>This is to overcome the shortcoming of the DEX file format that does not allow to encode the
* kind of a method reference.
public MethodResolutionResult unsafeResolveMethodDueToDexFormat(DexMethod method) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return new MethodResolution(this::definitionFor, dexItemFactory())
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethod(DexMethod invokedMethod, boolean isInterface) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return resolveMethodOn(invokedMethod.getHolderType(), invokedMethod, isInterface);
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethodOn(DexClass clazz, DexMethod method) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return clazz.isInterface()
? resolveMethodOnInterface(clazz, method)
: resolveMethodOnClass(clazz, method);
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethodOn(
DexClass clazz, DexMethodSignature methodSignature) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return clazz.isInterface()
? resolveMethodOnInterface(clazz, methodSignature)
: resolveMethodOnClass(clazz, methodSignature);
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethodOn(
DexType holder, DexMethod method, boolean isInterface) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return isInterface
? resolveMethodOnInterface(holder, method)
: resolveMethodOnClass(holder, method);
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethodOnClassHolder(DexMethod method) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return resolveMethodOnClass(method.getHolderType(), method);
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethodOnClass(DexType holder, DexMethod method) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return resolveMethodOnClass(holder, method.getProto(), method.getName());
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethodOnClass(DexType holder, DexMethodSignature signature) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return resolveMethodOnClass(holder, signature.getProto(), signature.getName());
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethodOnClass(
DexType holder, DexProto proto, DexString name) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return new MethodResolution(this::definitionFor, dexItemFactory())
.resolveMethodOnClass(holder, proto, name);
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethodOnClass(DexClass clazz, DexMethod method) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return resolveMethodOnClass(clazz, method.getProto(), method.getName());
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethodOnClass(DexClass clazz, DexMethodSignature signature) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return resolveMethodOnClass(clazz, signature.getProto(), signature.getName());
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethodOnClass(
DexClass clazz, DexProto proto, DexString name) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return new MethodResolution(this::definitionFor, dexItemFactory())
.resolveMethodOnClass(clazz, proto, name);
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethodOnInterfaceHolder(DexMethod method) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return resolveMethodOnInterface(method.getHolderType(), method);
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethodOnInterface(DexType holder, DexMethod method) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return new MethodResolution(this::definitionFor, dexItemFactory())
.resolveMethodOnInterface(holder, method.getProto(), method.getName());
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethodOnInterface(DexClass clazz, DexMethod method) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return resolveMethodOnInterface(clazz, method.getProto(), method.getName());
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethodOnInterface(
DexClass clazz, DexMethodSignature methodSignature) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return resolveMethodOnInterface(clazz, methodSignature.getProto(), methodSignature.getName());
public MethodResolutionResult resolveMethodOnInterface(
DexClass clazz, DexProto proto, DexString name) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return new MethodResolution(this::definitionFor, dexItemFactory())
.resolveMethodOnInterface(clazz, proto, name);
* Implements resolution of a field descriptor against the holder of the field. See also {@link
* #resolveFieldOn}.
public FieldResolutionResult resolveField(DexField field) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return resolveFieldOn(field.holder, field);
/** Intentionally drops {@param context} since this is only needed in D8. */
public FieldResolutionResult resolveFieldOn(DexType type, DexField field, ProgramMethod context) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return resolveFieldOn(type, field);
// Keep as instance methods to ensure that one needs AppInfoWithClassHierarchy to do resolution.
public FieldResolutionResult resolveFieldOn(DexType type, DexField field) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return new FieldResolution(this).resolveFieldOn(type, field);
// Keep as instance methods to ensure that one needs AppInfoWithClassHierarchy to do resolution.
public FieldResolutionResult resolveFieldOn(DexClass clazz, DexField field) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return new FieldResolution(this).resolveFieldOn(clazz, field);