blob: 829c227b737857fe1820b4ba7c3b8593873b4aa1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import static;
import static;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2BooleanMap;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
/** Encapsulates liveness and reachability information for an application. */
public class AppInfoWithLiveness extends AppInfoWithSubtyping {
* Set of types that are mentioned in the program. We at least need an empty abstract classitem
* for these.
private final Set<DexType> liveTypes;
/** Set of annotation types that are instantiated. */
private final Set<DexType> instantiatedAnnotationTypes;
* Set of service types (from META-INF/services/) that may have been instantiated reflectively via
* ServiceLoader.load() or ServiceLoader.loadInstalled().
public final Set<DexType> instantiatedAppServices;
/** Set of types that are actually instantiated. These cannot be abstract. */
final Set<DexType> instantiatedTypes;
/** Cache for {@link #isInstantiatedDirectlyOrIndirectly(DexType)}. */
private final IdentityHashMap<DexType, Boolean> indirectlyInstantiatedTypes =
new IdentityHashMap<>();
* Set of methods that are the immediate target of an invoke. They might not actually be live but
* are required so that invokes can find the method. If such a method is not live (i.e. not
* contained in {@link #liveMethods}, it may be marked as abstract and its implementation may be
* removed.
final SortedSet<DexMethod> targetedMethods;
* Set of program methods that are used as the bootstrap method for an invoke-dynamic instruction.
public final SortedSet<DexMethod> bootstrapMethods;
/** Set of methods that are the immediate target of an invoke-dynamic. */
public final SortedSet<DexMethod> methodsTargetedByInvokeDynamic;
/** Set of virtual methods that are the immediate target of an invoke-direct. */
final SortedSet<DexMethod> virtualMethodsTargetedByInvokeDirect;
* Set of methods that belong to live classes and can be reached by invokes. These need to be
* kept.
public final SortedSet<DexMethod> liveMethods;
* Information about all fields that are accessed by the program. The information includes whether
* a given field is read/written by the program, and it also includes all indirect accesses to
* each field. The latter is used, for example, during member rebinding.
private final FieldAccessInfoCollectionImpl fieldAccessInfoCollection;
* Set of all instance fields that are only written inside the <init>() methods of their enclosing
* class.
private Set<DexField> instanceFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingInstanceInitializers;
* Set of all static fields that are only written inside the <clinit>() method of their enclosing
* class.
private Set<DexField> staticFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingStaticInitializer;
/** Set of all methods referenced in virtual invokes, along with calling context. */
public final SortedMap<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> virtualInvokes;
/** Set of all methods referenced in interface invokes, along with calling context. */
public final SortedMap<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> interfaceInvokes;
/** Set of all methods referenced in super invokes, along with calling context. */
public final SortedMap<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> superInvokes;
/** Set of all methods referenced in direct invokes, along with calling context. */
public final SortedMap<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> directInvokes;
/** Set of all methods referenced in static invokes, along with calling context. */
public final SortedMap<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> staticInvokes;
* Set of live call sites in the code. Note that if desugaring has taken place call site objects
* will have been removed from the code.
public final Set<DexCallSite> callSites;
* Set of method signatures used in invoke-super instructions that either cannot be resolved or
* resolve to a private method (leading to an IllegalAccessError).
public final SortedSet<DexMethod> brokenSuperInvokes;
/** Set of all items that have to be kept independent of whether they are used. */
final Set<DexReference> pinnedItems;
/** All items with assumemayhavesideeffects rule. */
public final Map<DexReference, ProguardMemberRule> mayHaveSideEffects;
/** All items with assumenosideeffects rule. */
public final Map<DexReference, ProguardMemberRule> noSideEffects;
/** All items with assumevalues rule. */
public final Map<DexReference, ProguardMemberRule> assumedValues;
/** All methods that should be inlined if possible due to a configuration directive. */
public final Set<DexMethod> alwaysInline;
/** All methods that *must* be inlined due to a configuration directive (testing only). */
public final Set<DexMethod> forceInline;
/** All methods that *must* never be inlined due to a configuration directive (testing only). */
public final Set<DexMethod> neverInline;
/** Items for which to print inlining decisions for (testing only). */
public final Set<DexMethod> whyAreYouNotInlining;
/** All methods that may not have any parameters with a constant value removed. */
public final Set<DexMethod> keepConstantArguments;
/** All methods that may not have any unused arguments removed. */
public final Set<DexMethod> keepUnusedArguments;
/** All types that *must* never be inlined due to a configuration directive (testing only). */
public final Set<DexType> neverClassInline;
/** All types that *must* never be merged due to a configuration directive (testing only). */
public final Set<DexType> neverMerge;
/** Set of const-class references. */
public final Set<DexType> constClassReferences;
* All methods and fields whose value *must* never be propagated due to a configuration directive.
* (testing only).
private final Set<DexReference> neverPropagateValue;
* All items with -identifiernamestring rule. Bound boolean value indicates the rule is explicitly
* specified by users (<code>true</code>) or not, i.e., implicitly added by R8 (<code>false</code>
* ).
public final Object2BooleanMap<DexReference> identifierNameStrings;
/** A set of types that have been removed by the {@link TreePruner}. */
final Set<DexType> prunedTypes;
/** A map from switchmap class types to their corresponding switchmaps. */
final Map<DexField, Int2ReferenceMap<DexField>> switchMaps;
/** A map from enum types to their value types and ordinals. */
final Map<DexType, Map<DexField, EnumValueInfo>> enumValueInfoMaps;
public static final class EnumValueInfo {
/** The anonymous subtype of this specific value or the enum type. */
public final DexType type;
public final int ordinal;
public EnumValueInfo(DexType type, int ordinal) {
this.type = type;
this.ordinal = ordinal;
final Set<DexType> instantiatedLambdas;
// TODO(zerny): Clean up the constructors so we have just one.
private AppInfoWithLiveness(
DexApplication application,
Set<DexType> liveTypes,
Set<DexType> instantiatedAnnotationTypes,
Set<DexType> instantiatedAppServices,
Set<DexType> instantiatedTypes,
SortedSet<DexMethod> targetedMethods,
SortedSet<DexMethod> bootstrapMethods,
SortedSet<DexMethod> methodsTargetedByInvokeDynamic,
SortedSet<DexMethod> virtualMethodsTargetedByInvokeDirect,
SortedSet<DexMethod> liveMethods,
FieldAccessInfoCollectionImpl fieldAccessInfoCollection,
Set<DexField> instanceFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingInstanceInitializers,
Set<DexField> staticFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingStaticInitializer,
SortedMap<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> virtualInvokes,
SortedMap<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> interfaceInvokes,
SortedMap<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> superInvokes,
SortedMap<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> directInvokes,
SortedMap<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> staticInvokes,
Set<DexCallSite> callSites,
SortedSet<DexMethod> brokenSuperInvokes,
Set<DexReference> pinnedItems,
Map<DexReference, ProguardMemberRule> mayHaveSideEffects,
Map<DexReference, ProguardMemberRule> noSideEffects,
Map<DexReference, ProguardMemberRule> assumedValues,
Set<DexMethod> alwaysInline,
Set<DexMethod> forceInline,
Set<DexMethod> neverInline,
Set<DexMethod> whyAreYouNotInlining,
Set<DexMethod> keepConstantArguments,
Set<DexMethod> keepUnusedArguments,
Set<DexType> neverClassInline,
Set<DexType> neverMerge,
Set<DexReference> neverPropagateValue,
Object2BooleanMap<DexReference> identifierNameStrings,
Set<DexType> prunedTypes,
Map<DexField, Int2ReferenceMap<DexField>> switchMaps,
Map<DexType, Map<DexField, EnumValueInfo>> enumValueInfoMaps,
Set<DexType> instantiatedLambdas,
Set<DexType> constClassReferences) {
this.liveTypes = liveTypes;
this.instantiatedAnnotationTypes = instantiatedAnnotationTypes;
this.instantiatedAppServices = instantiatedAppServices;
this.instantiatedTypes = instantiatedTypes;
this.targetedMethods = targetedMethods;
this.bootstrapMethods = bootstrapMethods;
this.methodsTargetedByInvokeDynamic = methodsTargetedByInvokeDynamic;
this.virtualMethodsTargetedByInvokeDirect = virtualMethodsTargetedByInvokeDirect;
this.liveMethods = liveMethods;
this.fieldAccessInfoCollection = fieldAccessInfoCollection;
this.instanceFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingInstanceInitializers =
this.staticFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingStaticInitializer =
this.pinnedItems = pinnedItems;
this.mayHaveSideEffects = mayHaveSideEffects;
this.noSideEffects = noSideEffects;
this.assumedValues = assumedValues;
this.virtualInvokes = virtualInvokes;
this.interfaceInvokes = interfaceInvokes;
this.superInvokes = superInvokes;
this.directInvokes = directInvokes;
this.staticInvokes = staticInvokes;
this.callSites = callSites;
this.brokenSuperInvokes = brokenSuperInvokes;
this.alwaysInline = alwaysInline;
this.forceInline = forceInline;
this.neverInline = neverInline;
this.whyAreYouNotInlining = whyAreYouNotInlining;
this.keepConstantArguments = keepConstantArguments;
this.keepUnusedArguments = keepUnusedArguments;
this.neverClassInline = neverClassInline;
this.neverMerge = neverMerge;
this.neverPropagateValue = neverPropagateValue;
this.identifierNameStrings = identifierNameStrings;
this.prunedTypes = prunedTypes;
this.switchMaps = switchMaps;
this.enumValueInfoMaps = enumValueInfoMaps;
this.instantiatedLambdas = instantiatedLambdas;
this.constClassReferences = constClassReferences;
public AppInfoWithLiveness(
AppInfoWithSubtyping appInfoWithSubtyping,
Set<DexType> liveTypes,
Set<DexType> instantiatedAnnotationTypes,
Set<DexType> instantiatedAppServices,
Set<DexType> instantiatedTypes,
SortedSet<DexMethod> targetedMethods,
SortedSet<DexMethod> bootstrapMethods,
SortedSet<DexMethod> methodsTargetedByInvokeDynamic,
SortedSet<DexMethod> virtualMethodsTargetedByInvokeDirect,
SortedSet<DexMethod> liveMethods,
FieldAccessInfoCollectionImpl fieldAccessInfoCollection,
Set<DexField> instanceFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingInstanceInitializers,
Set<DexField> staticFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingStaticInitializer,
SortedMap<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> virtualInvokes,
SortedMap<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> interfaceInvokes,
SortedMap<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> superInvokes,
SortedMap<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> directInvokes,
SortedMap<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> staticInvokes,
Set<DexCallSite> callSites,
SortedSet<DexMethod> brokenSuperInvokes,
Set<DexReference> pinnedItems,
Map<DexReference, ProguardMemberRule> mayHaveSideEffects,
Map<DexReference, ProguardMemberRule> noSideEffects,
Map<DexReference, ProguardMemberRule> assumedValues,
Set<DexMethod> alwaysInline,
Set<DexMethod> forceInline,
Set<DexMethod> neverInline,
Set<DexMethod> whyAreYouNotInlining,
Set<DexMethod> keepConstantArguments,
Set<DexMethod> keepUnusedArguments,
Set<DexType> neverClassInline,
Set<DexType> neverMerge,
Set<DexReference> neverPropagateValue,
Object2BooleanMap<DexReference> identifierNameStrings,
Set<DexType> prunedTypes,
Map<DexField, Int2ReferenceMap<DexField>> switchMaps,
Map<DexType, Map<DexField, EnumValueInfo>> enumValueInfoMaps,
Set<DexType> instantiatedLambdas,
Set<DexType> constClassReferences) {
this.liveTypes = liveTypes;
this.instantiatedAnnotationTypes = instantiatedAnnotationTypes;
this.instantiatedAppServices = instantiatedAppServices;
this.instantiatedTypes = instantiatedTypes;
this.targetedMethods = targetedMethods;
this.bootstrapMethods = bootstrapMethods;
this.methodsTargetedByInvokeDynamic = methodsTargetedByInvokeDynamic;
this.virtualMethodsTargetedByInvokeDirect = virtualMethodsTargetedByInvokeDirect;
this.liveMethods = liveMethods;
this.fieldAccessInfoCollection = fieldAccessInfoCollection;
this.instanceFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingInstanceInitializers =
this.staticFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingStaticInitializer =
this.pinnedItems = pinnedItems;
this.mayHaveSideEffects = mayHaveSideEffects;
this.noSideEffects = noSideEffects;
this.assumedValues = assumedValues;
this.virtualInvokes = virtualInvokes;
this.interfaceInvokes = interfaceInvokes;
this.superInvokes = superInvokes;
this.directInvokes = directInvokes;
this.staticInvokes = staticInvokes;
this.callSites = callSites;
this.brokenSuperInvokes = brokenSuperInvokes;
this.alwaysInline = alwaysInline;
this.forceInline = forceInline;
this.neverInline = neverInline;
this.whyAreYouNotInlining = whyAreYouNotInlining;
this.keepConstantArguments = keepConstantArguments;
this.keepUnusedArguments = keepUnusedArguments;
this.neverClassInline = neverClassInline;
this.neverMerge = neverMerge;
this.neverPropagateValue = neverPropagateValue;
this.identifierNameStrings = identifierNameStrings;
this.prunedTypes = prunedTypes;
this.switchMaps = switchMaps;
this.enumValueInfoMaps = enumValueInfoMaps;
this.instantiatedLambdas = instantiatedLambdas;
this.constClassReferences = constClassReferences;
private AppInfoWithLiveness(AppInfoWithLiveness previous) {
this(previous,, null, null);
private AppInfoWithLiveness(
AppInfoWithLiveness previous,
DexApplication application,
Collection<DexType> removedClasses,
Collection<DexReference> additionalPinnedItems) {
additionalPinnedItems == null
? previous.pinnedItems
: CollectionUtils.mergeSets(previous.pinnedItems, additionalPinnedItems),
removedClasses == null
? previous.prunedTypes
: CollectionUtils.mergeSets(previous.prunedTypes, removedClasses),
assert removedClasses == null || assertNoItemRemoved(previous.pinnedItems, removedClasses);
private AppInfoWithLiveness(
AppInfoWithLiveness previous, DirectMappedDexApplication application, GraphLense lense) {
this.liveTypes = rewriteItems(previous.liveTypes, lense::lookupType);
this.instantiatedAnnotationTypes =
rewriteItems(previous.instantiatedAnnotationTypes, lense::lookupType);
this.instantiatedAppServices =
rewriteItems(previous.instantiatedAppServices, lense::lookupType);
this.instantiatedTypes = rewriteItems(previous.instantiatedTypes, lense::lookupType);
this.instantiatedLambdas = rewriteItems(previous.instantiatedLambdas, lense::lookupType);
this.targetedMethods = lense.rewriteMethodsConservatively(previous.targetedMethods);
this.bootstrapMethods = lense.rewriteMethodsConservatively(previous.bootstrapMethods);
this.methodsTargetedByInvokeDynamic =
this.virtualMethodsTargetedByInvokeDirect =
this.liveMethods = lense.rewriteMethodsConservatively(previous.liveMethods);
this.fieldAccessInfoCollection = previous.fieldAccessInfoCollection.rewrittenWithLens(lense);
this.instanceFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingInstanceInitializers =
previous.instanceFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingInstanceInitializers, lense::lookupField);
this.staticFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingStaticInitializer =
previous.staticFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingStaticInitializer, lense::lookupField);
this.pinnedItems = lense.rewriteReferencesConservatively(previous.pinnedItems);
this.virtualInvokes =
previous.virtualInvokes, lense::lookupMethodInAllContexts);
this.interfaceInvokes =
previous.interfaceInvokes, lense::lookupMethodInAllContexts);
this.superInvokes =
previous.superInvokes, lense::lookupMethodInAllContexts);
this.directInvokes =
previous.directInvokes, lense::lookupMethodInAllContexts);
this.staticInvokes =
previous.staticInvokes, lense::lookupMethodInAllContexts);
// TODO(sgjesse): Rewrite call sites as well? Right now they are only used by minification
// after second tree shaking.
this.callSites = previous.callSites;
this.brokenSuperInvokes = lense.rewriteMethodsConservatively(previous.brokenSuperInvokes);
// Don't rewrite pruned types - the removed types are identified by their original name.
this.prunedTypes = previous.prunedTypes;
this.mayHaveSideEffects =
rewriteReferenceKeys(previous.mayHaveSideEffects, lense::lookupReference);
this.noSideEffects = rewriteReferenceKeys(previous.noSideEffects, lense::lookupReference);
this.assumedValues = rewriteReferenceKeys(previous.assumedValues, lense::lookupReference);
assert lense.assertDefinitionsNotModified(
this.alwaysInline = lense.rewriteMethodsWithRenamedSignature(previous.alwaysInline);
this.forceInline = lense.rewriteMethodsWithRenamedSignature(previous.forceInline);
this.neverInline = lense.rewriteMethodsWithRenamedSignature(previous.neverInline);
this.whyAreYouNotInlining =
this.keepConstantArguments =
this.keepUnusedArguments =
assert lense.assertDefinitionsNotModified(
this.neverClassInline = rewriteItems(previous.neverClassInline, lense::lookupType);
this.neverMerge = rewriteItems(previous.neverMerge, lense::lookupType);
this.neverPropagateValue = lense.rewriteReferencesConservatively(previous.neverPropagateValue);
this.identifierNameStrings =
// Switchmap classes should never be affected by renaming.
assert lense.assertDefinitionsNotModified(
this.switchMaps = rewriteReferenceKeys(previous.switchMaps, lense::lookupField);
this.enumValueInfoMaps = rewriteReferenceKeys(previous.enumValueInfoMaps, lense::lookupType);
this.constClassReferences = previous.constClassReferences;
public AppInfoWithLiveness(
AppInfoWithLiveness previous,
Map<DexField, Int2ReferenceMap<DexField>> switchMaps,
Map<DexType, Map<DexField, EnumValueInfo>> enumValueInfoMaps) {
this.liveTypes = previous.liveTypes;
this.instantiatedAnnotationTypes = previous.instantiatedAnnotationTypes;
this.instantiatedAppServices = previous.instantiatedAppServices;
this.instantiatedTypes = previous.instantiatedTypes;
this.instantiatedLambdas = previous.instantiatedLambdas;
this.targetedMethods = previous.targetedMethods;
this.bootstrapMethods = previous.bootstrapMethods;
this.methodsTargetedByInvokeDynamic = previous.methodsTargetedByInvokeDynamic;
this.virtualMethodsTargetedByInvokeDirect = previous.virtualMethodsTargetedByInvokeDirect;
this.liveMethods = previous.liveMethods;
this.fieldAccessInfoCollection = previous.fieldAccessInfoCollection;
this.instanceFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingInstanceInitializers =
this.staticFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingStaticInitializer =
this.pinnedItems = previous.pinnedItems;
this.mayHaveSideEffects = previous.mayHaveSideEffects;
this.noSideEffects = previous.noSideEffects;
this.assumedValues = previous.assumedValues;
this.virtualInvokes = previous.virtualInvokes;
this.interfaceInvokes = previous.interfaceInvokes;
this.superInvokes = previous.superInvokes;
this.directInvokes = previous.directInvokes;
this.staticInvokes = previous.staticInvokes;
this.callSites = previous.callSites;
this.brokenSuperInvokes = previous.brokenSuperInvokes;
this.alwaysInline = previous.alwaysInline;
this.forceInline = previous.forceInline;
this.neverInline = previous.neverInline;
this.whyAreYouNotInlining = previous.whyAreYouNotInlining;
this.keepConstantArguments = previous.keepConstantArguments;
this.keepUnusedArguments = previous.keepUnusedArguments;
this.neverClassInline = previous.neverClassInline;
this.neverMerge = previous.neverMerge;
this.neverPropagateValue = previous.neverPropagateValue;
this.identifierNameStrings = previous.identifierNameStrings;
this.prunedTypes = previous.prunedTypes;
this.switchMaps = switchMaps;
this.enumValueInfoMaps = enumValueInfoMaps;
this.constClassReferences = previous.constClassReferences;
public boolean isLiveProgramClass(DexProgramClass clazz) {
return liveTypes.contains(clazz.type);
public boolean isLiveProgramType(DexType type) {
DexClass clazz = definitionFor(type);
return clazz.isProgramClass() && isLiveProgramClass(clazz.asProgramClass());
public boolean isNonProgramTypeOrLiveProgramType(DexType type) {
if (liveTypes.contains(type)) {
return true;
if (prunedTypes.contains(type)) {
return false;
DexClass clazz = definitionFor(type);
return clazz == null || !clazz.isProgramClass();
public Collection<DexClass> computeReachableInterfaces(Set<DexCallSite> desugaredCallSites) {
Set<DexClass> interfaces = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
Set<DexType> seen = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
Deque<DexType> worklist = new ArrayDeque<>();
for (DexProgramClass clazz : classes()) {
// TODO(b/129458850): Remove this once desugared classes are made part of the program classes.
for (DexCallSite callSite : desugaredCallSites) {
for (DexEncodedMethod method : lookupLambdaImplementedMethods(callSite)) {
for (DexCallSite callSite : callSites) {
for (DexEncodedMethod method : lookupLambdaImplementedMethods(callSite)) {
while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
DexType type = worklist.pop();
if (!seen.add(type)) {
DexClass definition = definitionFor(type);
if (definition == null) {
if (definition.isInterface()) {
if (definition.superType != null) {
Collections.addAll(worklist, definition.interfaces.values);
return interfaces;
* Const-classes is a conservative set of types that may be lock-candidates and cannot be merged.
* When using synchronized blocks, we cannot ensure that const-class locks will not flow in. This
* can potentially cause incorrect behavior when merging classes. A conservative choice is to not
* merge any const-class classes. More info at b/142438687.
public boolean isLockCandidate(DexType type) {
return constClassReferences.contains(type);
public AppInfoWithLiveness withoutStaticFieldsWrites(Set<DexField> noLongerWrittenFields) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
if (noLongerWrittenFields.isEmpty()) {
return this;
AppInfoWithLiveness result = new AppInfoWithLiveness(this);
info -> {
if (noLongerWrittenFields.contains(info.getField())) {
// Note that this implicitly mutates the current AppInfoWithLiveness, since the `info`
// instance is shared between the old and the new AppInfoWithLiveness. This should not
// lead to any problems, though, since the new AppInfo replaces the old AppInfo (we
// never use an obsolete AppInfo).
result.staticFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingStaticInitializer =
return result;
private <T extends PresortedComparable<T>> SortedSet<T> filter(
Set<T> items, Predicate<T> predicate) {
return ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(
public Map<DexField, EnumValueInfo> getEnumValueInfoMapFor(DexType enumClass) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return enumValueInfoMaps.get(enumClass);
public Int2ReferenceMap<DexField> getSwitchMapFor(DexField field) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return switchMaps.get(field);
/** This method provides immutable access to `fieldAccessInfoCollection`. */
public FieldAccessInfoCollection<? extends FieldAccessInfo> getFieldAccessInfoCollection() {
return fieldAccessInfoCollection;
private boolean assertNoItemRemoved(Collection<DexReference> items, Collection<DexType> types) {
Set<DexType> typeSet = ImmutableSet.copyOf(types);
for (DexReference item : items) {
DexType typeToCheck;
if (item.isDexType()) {
typeToCheck = item.asDexType();
} else if (item.isDexMethod()) {
typeToCheck = item.asDexMethod().holder;
} else {
assert item.isDexField();
typeToCheck = item.asDexField().holder;
assert !typeSet.contains(typeToCheck);
return true;
public boolean isInstantiatedDirectly(DexType type) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
assert type.isClassType();
return type.isD8R8SynthesizedClassType()
|| instantiatedTypes.contains(type)
|| instantiatedLambdas.contains(type)
|| instantiatedAnnotationTypes.contains(type);
public boolean isInstantiatedIndirectly(DexType type) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
assert type.isClassType();
synchronized (indirectlyInstantiatedTypes) {
if (indirectlyInstantiatedTypes.containsKey(type)) {
return indirectlyInstantiatedTypes.get(type).booleanValue();
for (DexType directSubtype : allImmediateSubtypes(type)) {
if (isInstantiatedDirectlyOrIndirectly(directSubtype)) {
indirectlyInstantiatedTypes.put(type, Boolean.TRUE);
return true;
indirectlyInstantiatedTypes.put(type, Boolean.FALSE);
return false;
public boolean isInstantiatedDirectlyOrIndirectly(DexType type) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
assert type.isClassType();
return isInstantiatedDirectly(type) || isInstantiatedIndirectly(type);
public boolean isFieldRead(DexEncodedField encodedField) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
DexField field = encodedField.field;
FieldAccessInfoImpl info = fieldAccessInfoCollection.get(field);
if (info != null && info.isRead()) {
return true;
return isPinned(field)
// Fields in the class that is synthesized by D8/R8 would be used soon.
|| field.holder.isD8R8SynthesizedClassType()
// For library classes we don't know whether a field is read.
|| isLibraryOrClasspathField(encodedField);
public boolean isFieldWritten(DexEncodedField encodedField) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return isFieldWrittenByFieldPutInstruction(encodedField) || isPinned(encodedField.field);
public boolean isFieldWrittenByFieldPutInstruction(DexEncodedField encodedField) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
DexField field = encodedField.field;
FieldAccessInfoImpl info = fieldAccessInfoCollection.get(field);
if (info != null && info.isWritten()) {
// The field is written directly by the program itself.
return true;
if (field.holder.isD8R8SynthesizedClassType()) {
// Fields in the class that is synthesized by D8/R8 would be used soon.
return true;
if (isLibraryOrClasspathField(encodedField)) {
// For library classes we don't know whether a field is rewritten.
return true;
return false;
public boolean isInstanceFieldWrittenOnlyInEnclosingInstanceInitializers(DexEncodedField field) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
assert isFieldWritten(field) : "Expected field `" + field.toSourceString() + "` to be written";
return instanceFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingInstanceInitializers.contains(field.field);
public boolean isStaticFieldWrittenOnlyInEnclosingStaticInitializer(DexEncodedField field) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
assert isFieldWritten(field) : "Expected field `" + field.toSourceString() + "` to be written";
return staticFieldsWrittenOnlyInEnclosingStaticInitializer.contains(field.field);
public boolean mayPropagateValueFor(DexReference reference) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return !isPinned(reference) && !neverPropagateValue.contains(reference);
private boolean isLibraryOrClasspathField(DexEncodedField field) {
DexClass holder = definitionFor(field.field.holder);
return holder == null || holder.isLibraryClass() || holder.isClasspathClass();
private static <T extends PresortedComparable<T>> ImmutableSortedSet<T> rewriteItems(
Set<T> original, Function<T, T> rewrite) {
ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<T> builder =
new ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<>(PresortedComparable::slowCompare);
for (T item : original) {
private static <T extends PresortedComparable<T>, S>
SortedMap<T, Set<S>> rewriteKeysConservativelyWhileMergingValues(
Map<T, Set<S>> original, Function<T, Set<T>> rewrite) {
SortedMap<T, Set<S>> result = new TreeMap<>(PresortedComparable::slowCompare);
for (T item : original.keySet()) {
Set<T> rewrittenKeys = rewrite.apply(item);
for (T rewrittenKey : rewrittenKeys) {
.computeIfAbsent(rewrittenKey, k -> Sets.newIdentityHashSet())
return Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(result);
protected boolean hasAnyInstantiatedLambdas(DexType type) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return instantiatedLambdas.contains(type);
public boolean hasLiveness() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return true;
public AppInfoWithLiveness withLiveness() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return this;
public boolean isPinned(DexReference reference) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return pinnedItems.contains(reference);
public boolean isMethodPinnedDirectlyOrInAncestor(DexMethod method) {
// Look in all ancestor types.
DexClass currentClass = definitionFor(method.holder);
if (currentClass == null || !currentClass.isProgramClass()) {
return false;
Set<DexType> visited = SetUtils.newIdentityHashSet(currentClass.allImmediateSupertypes());
Deque<DexType> worklist = new ArrayDeque<>(visited);
while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
DexType type = worklist.removeFirst();
assert visited.contains(type);
DexClass clazz = definitionFor(type);
if (clazz == null || !clazz.isProgramClass()) {
DexEncodedMethod methodInClass = clazz.lookupVirtualMethod(method);
if (methodInClass != null && isPinned(methodInClass.method)) {
return true;
for (DexType superType : clazz.allImmediateSupertypes()) {
if (visited.add(superType)) {
return false;
public Iterable<DexReference> getPinnedItems() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return pinnedItems;
* Returns a copy of this AppInfoWithLiveness where the set of classes is pruned using the given
* DexApplication object.
public AppInfoWithLiveness prunedCopyFrom(
DexApplication application,
Collection<DexType> removedClasses,
Collection<DexReference> additionalPinnedItems) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return new AppInfoWithLiveness(this, application, removedClasses, additionalPinnedItems);
public AppInfoWithLiveness rewrittenWithLense(
DirectMappedDexApplication application, GraphLense lense) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return new AppInfoWithLiveness(this, application, lense);
* Returns true if the given type was part of the original program but has been removed during
* tree shaking.
public boolean wasPruned(DexType type) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return prunedTypes.contains(type);
public Set<DexType> getPrunedTypes() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return prunedTypes;
public DexEncodedMethod lookupSingleTarget(
Type type, DexMethod target, DexType invocationContext) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
DexType holder = target.holder;
if (!holder.isClassType()) {
return null;
switch (type) {
return lookupSingleVirtualTarget(target, invocationContext);
return lookupSingleInterfaceTarget(target, invocationContext);
case DIRECT:
return lookupDirectTarget(target);
case STATIC:
return lookupStaticTarget(target);
case SUPER:
return lookupSuperTarget(target, invocationContext);
return null;
private DexEncodedMethod validateSingleVirtualTarget(
DexEncodedMethod singleTarget, DexEncodedMethod resolutionResult) {
assert resolutionResult.isValidVirtualTarget(options());
if (singleTarget == null || singleTarget == DexEncodedMethod.SENTINEL) {
return null;
// Art978_virtual_interfaceTest correctly expects an IncompatibleClassChangeError exception
// at runtime.
if (isInvalidSingleVirtualTarget(singleTarget, resolutionResult)) {
return null;
return singleTarget;
private boolean isInvalidSingleVirtualTarget(
DexEncodedMethod singleTarget, DexEncodedMethod resolutionResult) {
assert resolutionResult.isValidVirtualTarget(options());
// Art978_virtual_interfaceTest correctly expects an IncompatibleClassChangeError exception
// at runtime.
return !singleTarget.accessFlags.isAtLeastAsVisibleAs(resolutionResult.accessFlags);
/** For mapping invoke virtual instruction to single target method. */
public DexEncodedMethod lookupSingleVirtualTarget(DexMethod method, DexType invocationContext) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return lookupSingleVirtualTarget(method, invocationContext, method.holder, null);
public DexEncodedMethod lookupSingleVirtualTarget(
DexMethod method,
DexType invocationContext,
DexType refinedReceiverType,
ClassTypeLatticeElement receiverLowerBoundType) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
DexEncodedMethod directResult = nestAccessLookup(method, invocationContext);
if (directResult != null) {
return directResult;
// If the lower-bound on the receiver type is the same as the upper-bound, then we have exact
// runtime type information. In this case, the invoke will dispatch to the resolution result
// from the runtime type of the receiver.
if (receiverLowerBoundType != null) {
if (receiverLowerBoundType.getClassType() == refinedReceiverType) {
ResolutionResult resolutionResult = resolveMethod(method.holder, method, false);
if (resolutionResult.hasSingleTarget()
&& resolutionResult.isValidVirtualTargetForDynamicDispatch()) {
ResolutionResult refinedResolutionResult = resolveMethod(refinedReceiverType, method);
if (refinedResolutionResult.hasSingleTarget()
&& refinedResolutionResult.isValidVirtualTargetForDynamicDispatch()) {
return validateSingleVirtualTarget(
refinedResolutionResult.asSingleTarget(), resolutionResult.asSingleTarget());
return null;
} else {
// We should never hit the case at the moment, but if we start tracking more precise lower-
// bound type information, we should handle this case as well.
// This implements the logic from
assert method != null;
assert isSubtype(refinedReceiverType, method.holder);
if (method.holder.isArrayType()) {
// For javac output this will only be clone(), but in general the methods from Object can
// be invoked with an array type holder.
return null;
DexClass holder = definitionFor(method.holder);
if (holder == null || holder.isNotProgramClass() || holder.isInterface()) {
return null;
boolean refinedReceiverIsStrictSubType = refinedReceiverType != method.holder;
DexClass refinedHolder =
refinedReceiverIsStrictSubType ? definitionFor(refinedReceiverType) : holder;
assert refinedHolder != null;
assert refinedHolder.isProgramClass();
assert !refinedHolder.isInterface();
if (method.isSingleVirtualMethodCached(refinedReceiverType)) {
return method.getSingleVirtualMethodCache(refinedReceiverType);
// First get the target for the holder type.
ResolutionResult topMethod = resolveMethodOnClass(holder, method);
// We might hit none or multiple targets. Both make this fail at runtime.
if (!topMethod.hasSingleTarget() || !topMethod.isValidVirtualTarget(options())) {
method.setSingleVirtualMethodCache(refinedReceiverType, null);
return null;
// Now, resolve the target with the refined receiver type.
ResolutionResult refinedResolutionResult =
refinedReceiverIsStrictSubType ? resolveMethodOnClass(refinedHolder, method) : topMethod;
DexEncodedMethod topSingleTarget = refinedResolutionResult.asSingleTarget();
DexClass topHolder = definitionFor(topSingleTarget.method.holder);
// We need to know whether the top method is from an interface, as that would allow it to be
// shadowed by a default method from an interface further down.
boolean topIsFromInterface = topHolder.isInterface();
// Now look at all subtypes and search for overrides.
DexEncodedMethod result =
assert result != DexEncodedMethod.SENTINEL;
method.setSingleVirtualMethodCache(refinedReceiverType, result);
return result;
private DexEncodedMethod nestAccessLookup(DexMethod method, DexType invocationContext) {
if (method.holder == invocationContext || !definitionFor(invocationContext).isInANest()) {
return null;
DexEncodedMethod directTarget = lookupDirectTarget(method);
assert directTarget == null || directTarget.method.holder == method.holder;
if (directTarget != null
&& directTarget.isPrivateMethod()
&& NestUtils.sameNest(method.holder, invocationContext, this)) {
return directTarget;
return null;
* Computes which methods overriding <code>method</code> are visible for the subtypes of type.
* <p><code>candidate</code> is the definition further up the hierarchy that is visible from the
* subtypes. If <code>candidateIsReachable</code> is true, the provided candidate is already a
* target for a type further up the chain, so anything found in subtypes is a conflict. If it is
* false, the target exists but is not reachable from a live type.
* <p>Returns <code>null</code> if the given type has no subtypes or all subtypes are abstract.
* Returns {@link DexEncodedMethod#SENTINEL} if multiple live overrides were found. Returns the
* single virtual target otherwise.
private DexEncodedMethod findSingleTargetFromSubtypes(
DexType type,
DexMethod method,
DexEncodedMethod candidate,
boolean candidateIsReachable,
boolean checkForInterfaceConflicts) {
// For kept types we do not know all subtypes, so abort if the method is also kept.
if (isPinned(type) && isMethodPinnedDirectlyOrInAncestor(candidate.method)) {
return DexEncodedMethod.SENTINEL;
// If the candidate is reachable, we already have a previous result.
DexEncodedMethod result = candidateIsReachable ? candidate : null;
for (DexType subtype : allImmediateExtendsSubtypes(type)) {
DexClass clazz = definitionFor(subtype);
DexEncodedMethod target = clazz.lookupVirtualMethod(method);
if (target != null && !target.isPrivateMethod()) {
// We found a method on this class. If this class is not abstract it is a runtime
// reachable override and hence a conflict.
if (!clazz.accessFlags.isAbstract()) {
if (result != null && result != target) {
// We found a new target on this subtype that does not match the previous one. Fail.
return DexEncodedMethod.SENTINEL;
// Add the first or matching target.
result = target;
if (checkForInterfaceConflicts) {
// We have to check whether there are any default methods in implemented interfaces.
if (interfacesMayHaveDefaultFor(clazz.interfaces, method)) {
return DexEncodedMethod.SENTINEL;
DexEncodedMethod newCandidate = target == null ? candidate : target;
// If we have a new target and did not fail, it is not an override of a reachable method.
// Whether the target is actually reachable depends on whether this class is abstract.
// If we did not find a new target, the candidate is reachable if it was before, or if this
// class is not abstract.
boolean newCandidateIsReachable =
!clazz.accessFlags.isAbstract() || ((target == null) && candidateIsReachable);
DexEncodedMethod subtypeTarget =
subtype, method, newCandidate, newCandidateIsReachable, checkForInterfaceConflicts);
if (subtypeTarget != null) {
// We found a target in the subclasses. If we already have a different result, fail.
if (result != null && result != subtypeTarget) {
return DexEncodedMethod.SENTINEL;
// Remember this new result.
result = subtypeTarget;
return result;
* Checks whether any interface in the given list or their super interfaces implement a default
* method.
* <p>This method is conservative for unknown interfaces and interfaces from the library.
private boolean interfacesMayHaveDefaultFor(DexTypeList ifaces, DexMethod method) {
for (DexType iface : ifaces.values) {
DexClass clazz = definitionFor(iface);
if (clazz == null || clazz.isNotProgramClass()) {
return true;
DexEncodedMethod candidate = clazz.lookupMethod(method);
if (candidate != null && !candidate.accessFlags.isAbstract()) {
return true;
if (interfacesMayHaveDefaultFor(clazz.interfaces, method)) {
return true;
return false;
public DexEncodedMethod lookupSingleInterfaceTarget(DexMethod method, DexType invocationContext) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return lookupSingleInterfaceTarget(method, invocationContext, method.holder, null);
public DexEncodedMethod lookupSingleInterfaceTarget(
DexMethod method,
DexType invocationContext,
DexType refinedReceiverType,
ClassTypeLatticeElement receiverLowerBoundType) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
DexEncodedMethod directResult = nestAccessLookup(method, invocationContext);
if (directResult != null) {
return directResult;
if (instantiatedLambdas.contains(method.holder)) {
return null;
// If the lower-bound on the receiver type is the same as the upper-bound, then we have exact
// runtime type information. In this case, the invoke will dispatch to the resolution result
// from the runtime type of the receiver.
if (receiverLowerBoundType != null) {
if (receiverLowerBoundType.getClassType() == refinedReceiverType) {
ResolutionResult resolutionResult = resolveMethod(method.holder, method, true);
if (resolutionResult.hasSingleTarget()
&& resolutionResult.isValidVirtualTargetForDynamicDispatch()) {
ResolutionResult refinedResolutionResult = resolveMethod(refinedReceiverType, method);
if (refinedResolutionResult.hasSingleTarget()
&& refinedResolutionResult.isValidVirtualTargetForDynamicDispatch()) {
return validateSingleVirtualTarget(
refinedResolutionResult.asSingleTarget(), resolutionResult.asSingleTarget());
return null;
} else {
// We should never hit the case at the moment, but if we start tracking more precise lower-
// bound type information, we should handle this case as well.
DexClass holder = definitionFor(method.holder);
if ((holder == null) || holder.isNotProgramClass() || !holder.accessFlags.isInterface()) {
return null;
// First check that there is a target for this invoke-interface to hit. If there is none,
// this will fail at runtime.
DexEncodedMethod topTarget = resolveMethodOnInterface(holder, method).asSingleTarget();
if (topTarget == null || !topTarget.isValidVirtualTarget(options())) {
return null;
// For kept types we cannot ensure a single target.
if (pinnedItems.contains(method.holder)) {
return null;
DexEncodedMethod result = null;
// The loop will ignore abstract classes that are not kept as they should not be a target
// at runtime.
Iterable<DexType> subTypesToExplore =
refinedReceiverType == method.holder
? subtypes(method.holder)
: Iterables.concat(
ImmutableList.of(refinedReceiverType), subtypes(refinedReceiverType));
for (DexType type : subTypesToExplore) {
if (instantiatedLambdas.contains(type)) {
return null;
if (pinnedItems.contains(type)) {
// For kept classes we cannot ensure a single target.
return null;
DexClass clazz = definitionFor(type);
if (clazz.isInterface()) {
// Default methods are looked up when looking at a specific subtype that does not
// override them, so we ignore interface methods here. Otherwise, we would look up
// default methods that are factually never used.
} else if (!clazz.accessFlags.isAbstract()) {
DexEncodedMethod resolutionResult = resolveMethodOnClass(clazz, method).asSingleTarget();
if (resolutionResult == null || isInvalidSingleVirtualTarget(resolutionResult, topTarget)) {
// This will fail at runtime.
return null;
if (result != null && result != resolutionResult) {
return null;
result = resolutionResult;
assert result == null || !isInvalidSingleVirtualTarget(result, topTarget);
return result == null || !result.isVirtualMethod() ? null : result;
public AppInfoWithLiveness addSwitchMaps(Map<DexField, Int2ReferenceMap<DexField>> switchMaps) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
assert this.switchMaps.isEmpty();
return new AppInfoWithLiveness(this, switchMaps, enumValueInfoMaps);
public AppInfoWithLiveness addEnumValueInfoMaps(
Map<DexType, Map<DexField, EnumValueInfo>> enumValueInfoMaps) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
assert this.enumValueInfoMaps.isEmpty();
return new AppInfoWithLiveness(this, switchMaps, enumValueInfoMaps);