blob: 136f72def00304d1577002de4952bd1afe24b028 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package class_inliner_lambda_k_style
private var COUNT = 0
fun next() = "${COUNT++}".padStart(3, '0')
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
testKotlinSequencesStateful(5, 2, produceSequence(10))
data class Record(val foo: String, val good: Boolean)
fun testKotlinSequencesStateless(strings: Sequence<String>) {
// Stateless k-style lambda { Record(it, false) }.forEach { println(it) }
fun testKotlinSequencesStateful(a: Int, b: Int, strings: Sequence<String>) {
// Big stateful k-style lambda
val capture = next() {
val x = it.toInt()
val y = a + x
val z = capture.toInt() + b
println("logging $x/$y/$z") // Intentional
Record(it, y % z == 0)
}.forEach {
private fun produceSequence(size: Int): Sequence<String> {
var count = size
return generateSequence { if (count-- > 0) next() else null }
// Need this to make sure testKotlinSequenceXXX is not processed
// concurrently with invoke() on lambdas.
fun useRecord() = useRecord2()
fun useRecord2() = Record("", true)