blob: 673326cd6bba6a1e6dcfe82ccae7cb372ffe0ea6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
// TODO(herhut): Canonicalize reason objects.
public abstract class KeepReason {
public abstract GraphEdgeInfo.EdgeKind edgeKind();
public abstract GraphNode getSourceNode(Enqueuer enqueuer);
static KeepReason annotatedOn(DexDefinition definition) {
return new AnnotatedOn(definition);
static KeepReason dueToKeepRule(ProguardKeepRuleBase rule) {
if (rule instanceof ProguardKeepRule) {
return new DueToKeepRule(rule);
if (rule instanceof ProguardIfRule) {
ProguardIfRule ifRule = (ProguardIfRule) rule;
return new DueToConditionalKeepRule(ifRule, ifRule.getPreconditions());
throw new Unreachable("Unexpected proguard keep rule: " + rule);
static KeepReason dueToConditionalKeepRule(ProguardKeepRuleBase rule, DexReference reference) {
return new DueToConditionalKeepRule(rule, reference);
static KeepReason dueToProguardCompatibilityKeepRule(ProguardKeepRule rule) {
return new DueToProguardCompatibilityKeepRule(rule);
static KeepReason instantiatedIn(DexEncodedMethod method) {
return new InstatiatedIn(method);
public static KeepReason invokedViaSuperFrom(DexEncodedMethod from) {
return new InvokedViaSuper(from);
public static KeepReason reachableFromLiveType(DexType type) {
return new ReachableFromLiveType(type);
public static KeepReason invokedFrom(DexEncodedMethod method) {
return new InvokedFrom(method);
public static KeepReason invokedFromLambdaCreatedIn(DexEncodedMethod method) {
return new InvokedFromLambdaCreatedIn(method);
public static KeepReason isLibraryMethod() {
return IsLibraryMethod.getInstance();
public static KeepReason fieldReferencedIn(DexEncodedMethod method) {
return new ReferencedFrom(method);
public static KeepReason referencedInAnnotation(DexItem holder) {
return new ReferencedInAnnotation(holder);
public boolean isDueToKeepRule() {
return false;
public boolean isDueToReflectiveUse() {
return false;
public boolean isDueToProguardCompatibility() {
return false;
public boolean isDueToConditionalKeepRule() {
return false;
public boolean isInstantiatedIn() {
return false;
public InstatiatedIn asInstantiatedIn() {
return null;
public ProguardKeepRuleBase getProguardKeepRule() {
return null;
public static KeepReason targetedBySuperFrom(DexEncodedMethod from) {
return new TargetedBySuper(from);
public static KeepReason reflectiveUseIn(DexEncodedMethod method) {
return new ReflectiveUseFrom(method);
public static KeepReason methodHandleReferencedIn(DexEncodedMethod method) {
return new MethodHandleReferencedFrom(method);
public Collection<DexReference> getPreconditions() {
throw new Unreachable();
private static class DueToKeepRule extends KeepReason {
final ProguardKeepRuleBase keepRule;
private DueToKeepRule(ProguardKeepRuleBase keepRule) {
this.keepRule = keepRule;
public EdgeKind edgeKind() {
return EdgeKind.KeepRule;
public boolean isDueToKeepRule() {
return true;
public ProguardKeepRuleBase getProguardKeepRule() {
return keepRule;
public GraphNode getSourceNode(Enqueuer enqueuer) {
return enqueuer.getKeepRuleGraphNode(keepRule);
private static class DueToProguardCompatibilityKeepRule extends DueToKeepRule {
private DueToProguardCompatibilityKeepRule(ProguardKeepRule keepRule) {
public EdgeKind edgeKind() {
return EdgeKind.CompatibilityRule;
public boolean isDueToProguardCompatibility() {
return true;
private static class DueToConditionalKeepRule extends DueToKeepRule {
private final Set<DexReference> preconditions;
public DueToConditionalKeepRule(ProguardKeepRuleBase rule, DexReference precondition) {
this(rule, Collections.singleton(precondition));
assert precondition != null;
public DueToConditionalKeepRule(ProguardKeepRuleBase rule, Set<DexReference> preconditions) {
assert !preconditions.isEmpty();
this.preconditions = preconditions;
public Set<DexReference> getPreconditions() {
return preconditions;
public boolean isDueToConditionalKeepRule() {
return true;
public EdgeKind edgeKind() {
return EdgeKind.ConditionalKeepRule;
private abstract static class BasedOnOtherMethod extends KeepReason {
private final DexEncodedMethod method;
private BasedOnOtherMethod(DexEncodedMethod method) {
this.method = method;
abstract String getKind();
public DexMethod getMethod() {
return method.method;
public GraphNode getSourceNode(Enqueuer enqueuer) {
return enqueuer.getMethodGraphNode(method.method);
public static class InstatiatedIn extends BasedOnOtherMethod {
private InstatiatedIn(DexEncodedMethod method) {
public boolean isInstantiatedIn() {
return true;
public InstatiatedIn asInstantiatedIn() {
return this;
public EdgeKind edgeKind() {
return EdgeKind.InstantiatedIn;
String getKind() {
return "instantiated in";
private static class InvokedViaSuper extends BasedOnOtherMethod {
private InvokedViaSuper(DexEncodedMethod method) {
public EdgeKind edgeKind() {
return EdgeKind.InvokedViaSuper;
String getKind() {
return "invoked via super from";
private static class TargetedBySuper extends BasedOnOtherMethod {
private TargetedBySuper(DexEncodedMethod method) {
public EdgeKind edgeKind() {
return EdgeKind.TargetedBySuper;
String getKind() {
return "targeted by super from";
private static class InvokedFrom extends BasedOnOtherMethod {
private InvokedFrom(DexEncodedMethod method) {
public EdgeKind edgeKind() {
return EdgeKind.InvokedFrom;
String getKind() {
return "invoked from";
private static class InvokedFromLambdaCreatedIn extends BasedOnOtherMethod {
private InvokedFromLambdaCreatedIn(DexEncodedMethod method) {
public EdgeKind edgeKind() {
return EdgeKind.InvokedFromLambdaCreatedIn;
String getKind() {
return "invoked from lambda created in";
private static class ReferencedFrom extends BasedOnOtherMethod {
private ReferencedFrom(DexEncodedMethod method) {
public EdgeKind edgeKind() {
return EdgeKind.ReferencedFrom;
String getKind() {
return "referenced from";
private static class ReachableFromLiveType extends KeepReason {
private final DexType type;
private ReachableFromLiveType(DexType type) {
this.type = type;
public EdgeKind edgeKind() {
return EdgeKind.ReachableFromLiveType;
public GraphNode getSourceNode(Enqueuer enqueuer) {
return enqueuer.getClassGraphNode(type);
private static class IsLibraryMethod extends KeepReason {
private static final IsLibraryMethod instance = new IsLibraryMethod();
private IsLibraryMethod() {}
public static IsLibraryMethod getInstance() {
return instance;
public EdgeKind edgeKind() {
return EdgeKind.IsLibraryMethod;
public GraphNode getSourceNode(Enqueuer enqueuer) {
return null;
private static class ReferencedInAnnotation extends KeepReason {
private final DexItem holder;
private ReferencedInAnnotation(DexItem holder) {
this.holder = holder;
public EdgeKind edgeKind() {
return EdgeKind.ReferencedInAnnotation;
public GraphNode getSourceNode(Enqueuer enqueuer) {
return enqueuer.getAnnotationGraphNode(holder);
private static class AnnotatedOn extends KeepReason {
private final DexDefinition holder;
private AnnotatedOn(DexDefinition holder) {
this.holder = holder;
public EdgeKind edgeKind() {
return EdgeKind.AnnotatedOn;
public GraphNode getSourceNode(Enqueuer enqueuer) {
if (holder.isDexClass()) {
return enqueuer.getClassGraphNode(holder.asDexClass().type);
} else if (holder.isDexEncodedField()) {
return enqueuer.getFieldGraphNode(holder.asDexEncodedField().field);
} else {
assert holder.isDexEncodedMethod();
return enqueuer.getMethodGraphNode(holder.asDexEncodedMethod().method);
private static class ReflectiveUseFrom extends BasedOnOtherMethod {
private ReflectiveUseFrom(DexEncodedMethod method) {
public boolean isDueToReflectiveUse() {
return true;
public EdgeKind edgeKind() {
return EdgeKind.ReflectiveUseFrom;
String getKind() {
return "reflective use in";
private static class MethodHandleReferencedFrom extends BasedOnOtherMethod {
private MethodHandleReferencedFrom(DexEncodedMethod method) {
public EdgeKind edgeKind() {
return EdgeKind.MethodHandleUseFrom;
String getKind() {
return "method handle referenced from";