blob: fa0958bfcba34165eda1f79ecde17068562eb662 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
// Default and static method interface desugaring processor for classes.
// Adds default interface methods into the class when needed.
final class ClassProcessor {
private final InterfaceMethodRewriter rewriter;
// Set of already processed classes.
private final Set<DexClass> processedClasses = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
// Maps already created methods into default methods they were generated based on.
private final Map<DexEncodedMethod, DexEncodedMethod> createdMethods = new IdentityHashMap<>();
// Caches default interface method info for already processed interfaces.
private final Map<DexType, DefaultMethodsHelper.Collection> cache = new IdentityHashMap<>();
ClassProcessor(InterfaceMethodRewriter rewriter) {
this.rewriter = rewriter;
final Set<DexEncodedMethod> getForwardMethods() {
return createdMethods.keySet();
final void process(DexClass clazz) {
assert !clazz.isInterface();
if (!clazz.isProgramClass()) {
// We assume that library classes don't need to be processed, since they
// are provided by a runtime not supporting default interface methods.
// We also skip classpath classes, which results in sub-optimal behavior
// in case classpath superclass when processed adds a default method which
// could have been reused in this class otherwise.
if (!processedClasses.add(clazz)) {
return; // Has already been processed.
// Ensure superclasses are processed first. We need it since we use information
// about methods added to superclasses when we decide if we want to add a default
// method to class `clazz`.
DexType superType = clazz.superType;
// If superClass definition is missing, just skip this part and let real processing of its
// subclasses report the error if it is required.
DexClass superClass = superType == null ? null : rewriter.findDefinitionFor(superType);
if (superClass != null && superType != rewriter.factory.objectType) {
if (superClass.isInterface()) {
throw new CompilationError("Interface `" + superClass.toSourceString()
+ "` used as super class of `" + clazz.toSourceString() + "`.");
if (clazz.interfaces.isEmpty()) {
// Since superclass has already been processed and it has all missing methods
// added, these methods will be inherited by `clazz`, and only need to be revised
// in case this class has *additional* interfaces implemented, which may change
// the entire picture of the default method selection in runtime.
// Collect the default interface methods to be added to this class.
List<DexEncodedMethod> methodsToImplement = collectMethodsToImplement(clazz);
if (methodsToImplement.isEmpty()) {
// Add the methods.
DexEncodedMethod[] existing = clazz.virtualMethods();
clazz.setVirtualMethods(new DexEncodedMethod[existing.length + methodsToImplement.size()]);
System.arraycopy(existing, 0, clazz.virtualMethods(), 0, existing.length);
for (int i = 0; i < methodsToImplement.size(); i++) {
DexEncodedMethod method = methodsToImplement.get(i);
assert method.accessFlags.isPublic() && !method.accessFlags.isAbstract();
DexEncodedMethod newMethod = addForwardingMethod(method, clazz);
clazz.virtualMethods()[existing.length + i] = newMethod;
createdMethods.put(newMethod, method);
private DexEncodedMethod addForwardingMethod(DexEncodedMethod defaultMethod, DexClass clazz) {
DexMethod method = defaultMethod.method;
// NOTE: Never add a forwarding method to methods of classes unknown or coming from android.jar
// even if this results in invalid code, these classes are never desugared.
assert rewriter.findDefinitionFor(method.holder) != null
&& !rewriter.findDefinitionFor(method.holder).isLibraryClass();
// New method will have the same name, proto, and also all the flags of the
// default method, including bridge flag.
DexMethod newMethod = rewriter.factory.createMethod(clazz.type, method.proto,;
MethodAccessFlags newFlags = defaultMethod.accessFlags.copy();
return new DexEncodedMethod(newMethod, newFlags,
defaultMethod.annotations, defaultMethod.parameterAnnotations,
new SynthesizedCode(new ForwardMethodSourceCode(
clazz.type, method.proto, /* static method */ null,
// For a given class `clazz` inspects all interfaces it implements directly or
// indirectly and collect a set of all default methods to be implemented
// in this class.
private List<DexEncodedMethod> collectMethodsToImplement(DexClass clazz) {
DefaultMethodsHelper helper = new DefaultMethodsHelper();
DexClass current = clazz;
List<DexEncodedMethod> accumulatedVirtualMethods = new ArrayList<>();
// Collect candidate default methods by inspecting interfaces implemented
// by this class as well as its superclasses.
// We assume here that interfaces implemented by java.lang.Object don't
// have default methods to desugar since they are library interfaces. And we assume object
// methods don't hide any default interface methods. Default interface method matching Object's
// methods is supposed to fail with a compilation error.
// Note that this last assumption will be broken if Object API is augmented with a new method in
// the future.
while (current.type != rewriter.factory.objectType) {
for (DexType type : current.interfaces.values) {
helper.merge(getOrCreateInterfaceInfo(clazz, current, type));
List<DexEncodedMethod> defaultMethodsInDirectInterface = helper.createFullList();
List<DexEncodedMethod> toBeImplementedFromDirectInterface =
new ArrayList<>(defaultMethodsInDirectInterface.size());
// toBeImplementedFromDirectInterface are those that we know for sure we need to implement by
// looking at the already desugared super classes.
// Remaining methods in defaultMethodsInDirectInterface are those methods we need to look at
// the hierarchy to know how they should be handled.
if (toBeImplementedFromDirectInterface.isEmpty()
&& defaultMethodsInDirectInterface.isEmpty()) {
// No interface with default in direct hierarchy, nothing to do: super already has all that
// is needed.
return Collections.emptyList();
if (current.superType == null) {
} else {
DexClass superClass = rewriter.findDefinitionFor(current.superType);
if (superClass != null) {
current = superClass;
} else {
String message = "Default method desugaring of `" + clazz.toSourceString() + "` failed";
if (current == clazz) {
message += " because its super class `" + clazz.superType.toSourceString()
+ "` is missing";
} else {
message +=
" because it's hierarchy is incomplete. The class `"
+ current.superType.toSourceString()
+ "` is missing and it is the declared super class of `"
+ current.toSourceString() + "`";
throw new CompilationError(message);
List<DexEncodedMethod> candidates = helper.createCandidatesList();
if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
return candidates;
// Remove from candidates methods defined in class or any of its superclasses.
List<DexEncodedMethod> toBeImplemented = new ArrayList<>(candidates.size());
current = clazz;
while (true) {
// Hide candidates by virtual method of the class.
hideCandidates(Arrays.asList(current.virtualMethods()), candidates, toBeImplemented);
if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
return toBeImplemented;
DexType superType = current.superType;
DexClass superClass = null;
if (superType != null) {
superClass = rewriter.findDefinitionFor(superType);
// It's available or we would have failed while analyzing the hierarchy for interfaces.
assert superClass != null;
if (superClass == null || superType == rewriter.factory.objectType) {
// Note that default interface methods must never have same
// name/signature as any method in java.lang.Object (JLS ยง9.4.1.2).
// Everything still in candidate list is not hidden.
// NOTE: we also intentionally remove all candidates coming from android.jar
// since it is only possible in case v24+ version of android.jar is provided.
// WARNING: This may result in incorrect code on older platforms!
method -> {
DexClass holder = rewriter.findDefinitionFor(method.method.holder);
// Holder of a found method to implement is a defined interface.
assert holder != null;
return holder.isLibraryClass();
return toBeImplemented;
current = superClass;
private void hideCandidates(List<DexEncodedMethod> virtualMethods,
List<DexEncodedMethod> candidates, List<DexEncodedMethod> toBeImplemented) {
Iterator<DexEncodedMethod> it = candidates.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
DexEncodedMethod candidate =;
for (DexEncodedMethod encoded : virtualMethods) {
if (candidate.method.match(encoded)) {
// Found a methods hiding the candidate.
DexEncodedMethod basedOnCandidate = createdMethods.get(encoded);
if (basedOnCandidate != null) {
// The method we found is a method we have generated for a default interface
// method in a superclass. If the method is based on the same candidate we don't
// need to re-generate this method again since it is going to be inherited.
if (basedOnCandidate != candidate) {
// Need to re-generate since the inherited version is
// based on a different candidate.
// Done with this candidate.
private DefaultMethodsHelper.Collection getOrCreateInterfaceInfo(
DexClass classToDesugar,
DexClass implementing,
DexType iface) {
DefaultMethodsHelper.Collection collection = cache.get(iface);
if (collection != null) {
return collection;
collection = createInterfaceInfo(classToDesugar, implementing, iface);
cache.put(iface, collection);
return collection;
private DefaultMethodsHelper.Collection createInterfaceInfo(
DexClass classToDesugar,
DexClass implementing,
DexType iface) {
DefaultMethodsHelper helper = new DefaultMethodsHelper();
DexClass definedInterface = rewriter.findDefinitionFor(iface);
if (definedInterface == null) {
rewriter.warnMissingInterface(classToDesugar, implementing, iface);
return helper.wrapInCollection();
if (!definedInterface.isInterface()) {
throw new CompilationError(
"Type " + iface.toSourceString() + " is referenced as an interface of `"
+ implementing.toString() + "`.");
// Merge information from all superinterfaces.
for (DexType superinterface : definedInterface.interfaces.values) {
helper.merge(getOrCreateInterfaceInfo(classToDesugar, definedInterface, superinterface));
// Hide by virtual methods of this interface.
for (DexEncodedMethod virtual : definedInterface.virtualMethods()) {
// Add all default methods of this interface.
for (DexEncodedMethod encoded : definedInterface.virtualMethods()) {
if (rewriter.isDefaultMethod(encoded)) {
return helper.wrapInCollection();