blob: f41f4660d49f203d1a811d27419162227217df99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
public class DexType extends DexReference implements PresortedComparable<DexType> {
public static final DexType[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {};
private static final int ROOT_LEVEL = 0;
private static final int UNKNOWN_LEVEL = -1;
private static final int INTERFACE_LEVEL = -2;
// Since most Java types has no sub-types, we can just share an empty immutable set until we need
// to add to it.
private static final Set<DexType> NO_DIRECT_SUBTYPE = ImmutableSet.of();
public final DexString descriptor;
private String toStringCache = null;
private int hierarchyLevel = UNKNOWN_LEVEL;
* Set of direct subtypes. This set has to remain sorted to ensure determinism. The actual sorting
* is not important but {@link #slowCompareTo(DexType)} works well.
private Set<DexType> directSubtypes = NO_DIRECT_SUBTYPE;
// Caching what interfaces this type is implementing. This includes super-interface hierarchy.
private Set<DexType> implementedInterfaces;
DexType(DexString descriptor) {
assert !descriptor.toString().contains(".");
this.descriptor = descriptor;
public int computeHashCode() {
return descriptor.hashCode();
public boolean computeEquals(Object other) {
if (other instanceof DexType) {
return descriptor.equals(((DexType) other).descriptor);
return false;
private void ensureDirectSubTypeSet() {
if (directSubtypes == NO_DIRECT_SUBTYPE) {
directSubtypes = new TreeSet<>(DexType::slowCompareTo);
private void setLevel(int level) {
if (level == hierarchyLevel) {
if (hierarchyLevel == INTERFACE_LEVEL) {
assert level == ROOT_LEVEL + 1;
} else if (level == INTERFACE_LEVEL) {
assert hierarchyLevel == ROOT_LEVEL + 1 || hierarchyLevel == UNKNOWN_LEVEL;
hierarchyLevel = INTERFACE_LEVEL;
} else {
assert hierarchyLevel == UNKNOWN_LEVEL;
hierarchyLevel = level;
public synchronized void addDirectSubtype(DexType type) {
assert hierarchyLevel != UNKNOWN_LEVEL;
type.setLevel(hierarchyLevel + 1);
void tagAsSubtypeRoot() {
void tagAsInteface() {
public boolean isMissingOrHasMissingSuperType(DexDefinitionSupplier definitions) {
DexClass clazz = definitions.definitionFor(this);
return clazz == null || clazz.hasMissingSuperType(definitions);
public boolean isInterface() {
assert hierarchyLevel != UNKNOWN_LEVEL : "Program class missing: " + this;
assert isClassType();
return hierarchyLevel == INTERFACE_LEVEL;
public boolean isExternalizable(DexDefinitionSupplier definitions) {
return implementedInterfaces(definitions)
public boolean isSerializable(DexDefinitionSupplier definitions) {
return implementedInterfaces(definitions)
public boolean classInitializationMayHaveSideEffects(DexDefinitionSupplier definitions) {
return classInitializationMayHaveSideEffects(definitions, Predicates.alwaysFalse());
public boolean classInitializationMayHaveSideEffects(
DexDefinitionSupplier definitions, Predicate<DexType> ignore) {
DexClass clazz = definitions.definitionFor(this);
return clazz == null || clazz.classInitializationMayHaveSideEffects(definitions, ignore);
public boolean initializationOfParentTypesMayHaveSideEffects(AppInfo appInfo) {
return initializationOfParentTypesMayHaveSideEffects(appInfo, Predicates.alwaysFalse());
public boolean initializationOfParentTypesMayHaveSideEffects(
AppInfo appInfo, Predicate<DexType> ignore) {
DexClass clazz = appInfo.definitionFor(this);
return clazz == null || clazz.initializationOfParentTypesMayHaveSideEffects(appInfo, ignore);
public boolean isUnknown() {
return hierarchyLevel == UNKNOWN_LEVEL;
synchronized void addInterfaceSubtype(DexType type) {
// Interfaces all inherit from java.lang.Object. However, we assign a special level to
// identify them later on.
static void clearSubtypeInformation(DexType type) {
type.hierarchyLevel = UNKNOWN_LEVEL;
type.directSubtypes = NO_DIRECT_SUBTYPE;
public boolean isSubtypeOf(DexType other, DexDefinitionSupplier definitions) {
return this == other || isStrictSubtypeOf(other, definitions);
public boolean hasSubtypes() {
return !directSubtypes.isEmpty();
public boolean isStrictSubtypeOf(DexType other, DexDefinitionSupplier definitions) {
// For all erroneous cases, saying `no`---not a strict subtype---is conservative.
return isStrictSubtypeOf(other, definitions, false);
// Depending on optimizations, conservative answer of subtype relation may vary.
// Pass different `orElse` in that case.
public boolean isStrictSubtypeOf(
DexType other, DexDefinitionSupplier definitions, boolean orElse) {
if (this == other) {
return false;
// Treat the object class special as it is always the supertype, even in the case of broken
// subtype chains.
if (this == definitions.dexItemFactory().objectType) {
return false;
if (other == definitions.dexItemFactory().objectType) {
return true;
if (this.hierarchyLevel == INTERFACE_LEVEL) {
return isInterfaceSubtypeOf(this, other, definitions);
if (other.hierarchyLevel == INTERFACE_LEVEL) {
return -> isSubtypeOf(subtype, definitions));
return isSubtypeOfClass(other, definitions, orElse);
private boolean isInterfaceSubtypeOf(
DexType candidate, DexType other, DexDefinitionSupplier definitions) {
if (candidate == other || other == definitions.dexItemFactory().objectType) {
return true;
DexClass candidateHolder = definitions.definitionFor(candidate);
if (candidateHolder == null) {
return false;
for (DexType iface : candidateHolder.interfaces.values) {
assert iface.hierarchyLevel == INTERFACE_LEVEL;
if (isInterfaceSubtypeOf(iface, other, definitions)) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean isSubtypeOfClass(
DexType other, DexDefinitionSupplier definitions, boolean orElse) {
DexType self = this;
if (other.hierarchyLevel == UNKNOWN_LEVEL) {
// We have no definition for this class, hence it is not part of the hierarchy.
return orElse;
while (other.hierarchyLevel < self.hierarchyLevel) {
DexClass holder = definitions.definitionFor(self);
assert holder != null && !holder.isInterface();
self = holder.superType;
return self == other;
public Set<DexType> allImmediateSubtypes() {
return directSubtypes;
* Apply the given function to all classes that directly extend this class.
* <p>
* If this class is an interface, then this method will visit all sub-interfaces. This deviates
* from the dex-file encoding, where subinterfaces "implement" their super interfaces. However,
* it is consistent with the source language.
public void forAllExtendsSubtypes(Consumer<DexType> f) {
public Iterable<DexType> allExtendsSubtypes() {
assert hierarchyLevel != UNKNOWN_LEVEL;
if (hierarchyLevel == INTERFACE_LEVEL) {
return Iterables.filter(directSubtypes, DexType::isInterface);
} else if (hierarchyLevel == ROOT_LEVEL) {
// This is the object type. Filter out interfaces
return Iterables.filter(directSubtypes, t -> !t.isInterface());
} else {
return directSubtypes;
* Apply the given function to all classes that directly implement this interface.
* <p>
* The implementation does not consider how the hierarchy is encoded in the dex file, where
* interfaces "implement" their super interfaces. Instead it takes the view of the source
* language, where interfaces "extend" their superinterface.
public void forAllImplementsSubtypes(Consumer<DexType> f) {
public Iterable<DexType> allImplementsSubtypes() {
if (hierarchyLevel == INTERFACE_LEVEL) {
return Iterables.filter(directSubtypes, subtype -> !subtype.isInterface());
return ImmutableList.of();
public static Iterable<DexType> allInterfaces(DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
assert dexItemFactory.objectType.hierarchyLevel == ROOT_LEVEL;
return Iterables.filter(dexItemFactory.objectType.directSubtypes, DexType::isInterface);
public static void forAllInterfaces(DexItemFactory factory, Consumer<DexType> f) {
* Collect all interfaces that this type directly or indirectly implements.
* @param definitions where the definition of a certain {@link DexType} is looked up.
* @return a set of interfaces of {@link DexType}.
public Set<DexType> implementedInterfaces(DexDefinitionSupplier definitions) {
if (implementedInterfaces != null) {
return implementedInterfaces;
synchronized (this) {
if (implementedInterfaces == null) {
Set<DexType> interfaces = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
implementedInterfaces(definitions, interfaces);
implementedInterfaces = interfaces;
return implementedInterfaces;
private void implementedInterfaces(DexDefinitionSupplier definitions, Set<DexType> interfaces) {
DexClass dexClass = definitions.definitionFor(this);
// Loop to traverse the super type hierarchy of the current type.
while (dexClass != null) {
if (dexClass.isInterface()) {
for (DexType itf : dexClass.interfaces.values) {
itf.implementedInterfaces(definitions, interfaces);
if (dexClass.superType == null) {
dexClass = definitions.definitionFor(dexClass.superType);
public boolean isSamePackage(DexType other) {
return getPackageDescriptor().equals(other.getPackageDescriptor());
public String toDescriptorString() {
return descriptor.toString();
public String toSourceString() {
if (toStringCache == null) {
// TODO(ager): Pass in a ProguardMapReader to map names back to original names.
if (DexItemFactory.isInternalSentinel(this)) {
toStringCache = descriptor.toString();
} else {
toStringCache = DescriptorUtils.descriptorToJavaType(toDescriptorString());
return toStringCache;
public char toShorty() {
char c = (char) descriptor.content[0];
return c == '[' ? 'L' : c;
public String toSmaliString() {
return toDescriptorString();
public String toString() {
return toSourceString();
public void collectIndexedItems(IndexedItemCollection collection,
DexMethod method, int instructionOffset) {
if (collection.addType(this)) {
collection.getRenamedDescriptor(this).collectIndexedItems(collection, method,
public void flushCachedValues() {
toStringCache = null;
public int getOffset(ObjectToOffsetMapping mapping) {
return mapping.getOffsetFor(this);
public boolean isDexType() {
return true;
public DexType asDexType() {
return this;
public int compareTo(DexType other) {
return sortedCompareTo(other.getSortedIndex());
public int slowCompareTo(DexType other) {
return descriptor.slowCompareTo(other.descriptor);
public int slowCompareTo(DexType other, NamingLens namingLens) {
DexString thisDescriptor = namingLens.lookupDescriptor(this);
DexString otherDescriptor = namingLens.lookupDescriptor(other);
return thisDescriptor.slowCompareTo(otherDescriptor);
public int layeredCompareTo(DexType other, NamingLens namingLens) {
DexString thisDescriptor = namingLens.lookupDescriptor(this);
DexString otherDescriptor = namingLens.lookupDescriptor(other);
return thisDescriptor.compareTo(otherDescriptor);
public boolean isPrimitiveType() {
return isPrimitiveType((char) descriptor.content[0]);
private boolean isPrimitiveType(char c) {
return c == 'Z' || c == 'B' || c == 'S' || c == 'C' || c == 'I' || c == 'F' || c == 'J'
|| c == 'D';
public boolean isVoidType() {
return (char) descriptor.content[0] == 'V';
public boolean isBooleanType() {
return descriptor.content[0] == 'Z';
public boolean isByteType() {
return descriptor.content[0] == 'B';
public boolean isCharType() {
return descriptor.content[0] == 'C';
public boolean isShortType() {
return descriptor.content[0] == 'S';
public boolean isIntType() {
return descriptor.content[0] == 'I';
public boolean isFloatType() {
return descriptor.content[0] == 'F';
public boolean isLongType() {
return descriptor.content[0] == 'J';
public boolean isDoubleType() {
return descriptor.content[0] == 'D';
public boolean isArrayType() {
char firstChar = (char) descriptor.content[0];
return firstChar == '[';
public boolean isClassType() {
char firstChar = (char) descriptor.content[0];
return firstChar == 'L';
public boolean isPrimitiveArrayType() {
if (!isArrayType()) {
return false;
return isPrimitiveType((char) descriptor.content[1]);
public boolean isD8R8SynthesizedClassType() {
String name = toSourceString();
return name.contains(COMPANION_CLASS_NAME_SUFFIX)
|| name.contains(LAMBDA_CLASS_NAME_PREFIX)
|| name.contains(OutlineOptions.CLASS_NAME)
|| name.contains(TwrCloseResourceRewriter.UTILITY_CLASS_NAME)
|| name.contains(Java8MethodRewriter.UTILITY_CLASS_NAME_PREFIX);
public int elementSizeForPrimitiveArrayType() {
assert isPrimitiveArrayType();
switch (descriptor.content[1]) {
case 'Z': // boolean
case 'B': // byte
return 1;
case 'S': // short
case 'C': // char
return 2;
case 'I': // int
case 'F': // float
return 4;
case 'J': // long
case 'D': // double
return 8;
throw new Unreachable("Not array of primitives '" + descriptor + "'");
public int getNumberOfLeadingSquareBrackets() {
int leadingSquareBrackets = 0;
while (descriptor.content[leadingSquareBrackets] == '[') {
return leadingSquareBrackets;
public DexType toBaseType(DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
int leadingSquareBrackets = getNumberOfLeadingSquareBrackets();
if (leadingSquareBrackets == 0) {
return this;
DexString newDesc = dexItemFactory.createString(descriptor.size - leadingSquareBrackets,
Arrays.copyOfRange(descriptor.content, leadingSquareBrackets, descriptor.content.length));
return dexItemFactory.createType(newDesc);
public DexType replaceBaseType(DexType newBase, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
assert this.isArrayType();
assert !newBase.isArrayType();
int leadingSquareBrackets = getNumberOfLeadingSquareBrackets();
byte[] content = new byte[newBase.descriptor.content.length + leadingSquareBrackets];
Arrays.fill(content, 0, leadingSquareBrackets, (byte) '[');
System.arraycopy(newBase.descriptor.content, 0, content, leadingSquareBrackets,
DexString newDesc = dexItemFactory
.createString(newBase.descriptor.size + leadingSquareBrackets, content);
return dexItemFactory.createType(newDesc);
public DexType toArrayElementType(DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
assert this.isArrayType();
DexString newDesc = dexItemFactory.createString(descriptor.size - 1,
Arrays.copyOfRange(descriptor.content, 1, descriptor.content.length));
return dexItemFactory.createType(newDesc);
static boolean validateLevelsAreCorrect(Function<DexType, DexClass> definitions,
DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
Set<DexType> seenTypes = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
Deque<DexType> worklist = new ArrayDeque<>();
DexType objectType = dexItemFactory.objectType;
while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
DexType next = worklist.pop();
DexClass nextHolder = definitions.apply(next);
DexType superType;
if (nextHolder == null) {
// We might lack the definition of Object, so guard against that.
superType = next == dexItemFactory.objectType ? null : dexItemFactory.objectType;
} else {
superType = nextHolder.superType;
assert !seenTypes.contains(next);
if (superType == null) {
assert next.hierarchyLevel == ROOT_LEVEL;
} else {
assert superType.hierarchyLevel == next.hierarchyLevel - 1
|| (superType.hierarchyLevel == ROOT_LEVEL && next.hierarchyLevel == INTERFACE_LEVEL);
assert superType.directSubtypes.contains(next);
if (next.hierarchyLevel != INTERFACE_LEVEL) {
// Only traverse the class hierarchy subtypes, not interfaces.
} else if (nextHolder != null) {
// Test that the interfaces of this class are interfaces and have this class as subtype.
for (DexType iface : nextHolder.interfaces.values) {
assert iface.directSubtypes.contains(next);
assert iface.hierarchyLevel == INTERFACE_LEVEL;
return true;
private String getPackageOrName(boolean packagePart) {
assert isClassType();
String descriptor = toDescriptorString();
int lastSeparator = descriptor.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSeparator == -1) {
return packagePart ? "" : descriptor.substring(1, descriptor.length() - 1);
} else {
return packagePart ? descriptor.substring(1, lastSeparator)
: descriptor.substring(lastSeparator + 1, descriptor.length() - 1);
public DexType getSingleSubtype() {
assert hierarchyLevel != UNKNOWN_LEVEL;
if (directSubtypes.size() == 1) {
return Iterables.getFirst(directSubtypes, null);
} else {
return null;
public String getPackageDescriptor() {
return getPackageOrName(true);
public String getName() {
if (isPrimitiveType()) {
return toSourceString();
return getPackageOrName(false);
/** Get the fully qualified name using '/' in place of '.', aka the "internal type name" in ASM */
public String getInternalName() {
assert isClassType() || isArrayType();
return DescriptorUtils.descriptorToInternalName(toDescriptorString());
public boolean isImmediateSubtypeOf(DexType type) {
assert hierarchyLevel != UNKNOWN_LEVEL;
return type.directSubtypes.contains(this);
public DexType computeLeastUpperBoundOfClasses(DexDefinitionSupplier definitions, DexType other) {
if (this == other) {
return this;
DexType objectType = definitions.dexItemFactory().objectType;
// If we have no definition for either class, stop proceeding.
if (hierarchyLevel == UNKNOWN_LEVEL || other.hierarchyLevel == UNKNOWN_LEVEL) {
return objectType;
if (this == objectType || other == objectType) {
return objectType;
DexType t1;
DexType t2;
if (other.hierarchyLevel < this.hierarchyLevel) {
t1 = other;
t2 = this;
} else {
t1 = this;
t2 = other;
// From now on, t2.hierarchyLevel >= t1.hierarchyLevel
DexClass dexClass;
// Make both of other and this in the same level.
while (t2.hierarchyLevel > t1.hierarchyLevel) {
dexClass = definitions.definitionFor(t2);
if (dexClass == null || dexClass.superType == null) {
return objectType;
t2 = dexClass.superType;
// At this point, they are at the same level.
// lubType starts from t1, and will move up; t2 starts from itself, and will move up, too.
// They move up in their own hierarchy tree, and will repeat the process until they meet.
// (It will stop at anytime when either one's definition is not found.)
DexType lubType = t1;
while (t2 != lubType) {
dexClass = definitions.definitionFor(t2);
if (dexClass == null) {
lubType = objectType;
t2 = dexClass.superType;
dexClass = definitions.definitionFor(lubType);
if (dexClass == null) {
lubType = objectType;
lubType = dexClass.superType;
return lubType;