blob: afd923ce19a73edea68093ce9ce585e9a3326695 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
public class AppInfo {
public final DexApplication app;
public final DexItemFactory dexItemFactory;
private final ConcurrentHashMap<DexType, Map<Descriptor, KeyedDexItem>> definitions =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public AppInfo(DexApplication application) { = application;
this.dexItemFactory = app.dexItemFactory;
protected AppInfo(AppInfo previous) { =;
this.dexItemFactory = app.dexItemFactory;
protected AppInfo(AppInfo previous, GraphLense lense) {
// Do not rewrite basic structure, as the type information in the lense is about applied uses
// and not definitions.
private Map<Descriptor, KeyedDexItem> computeDefinitions(DexType type) {
Builder<Descriptor, KeyedDexItem> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
DexClass clazz = app.definitionFor(type);
if (clazz != null) {
clazz.forEachMethod(method -> builder.put(method.getKey(), method));
clazz.forEachField(field -> builder.put(field.getKey(), field));
public Iterable<DexProgramClass> classes() {
return app.classes();
public Iterable<DexLibraryClass> libraryClasses() {
return app.libraryClasses();
public DexClass definitionFor(DexType type) {
return app.definitionFor(type);
public DexEncodedMethod definitionFor(DexMethod method) {
return (DexEncodedMethod) getDefinitions(method.getHolder()).get(method);
public DexEncodedField definitionFor(DexField field) {
return (DexEncodedField) getDefinitions(field.getHolder()).get(field);
private Map<Descriptor, KeyedDexItem> getDefinitions(DexType type) {
Map<Descriptor, KeyedDexItem> typeDefinitions = definitions.get(type);
if (typeDefinitions != null) {
return typeDefinitions;
typeDefinitions = computeDefinitions(type);
Map<Descriptor, KeyedDexItem> existing = definitions.putIfAbsent(type, typeDefinitions);
return existing != null ? existing : typeDefinitions;
private DexEncodedMethod lookupDirectStaticOrConstructorTarget(DexMethod method) {
assert method.holder.isClassType();
return lookupTargetAlongSuperChain(method.holder, method, DexClass::findDirectTarget);
* Lookup static method following the super chain from the holder of {@code method}.
* <p>
* This method will lookup only static methods.
* @param method the method to lookup
* @return The actual target for {@code method} or {@code null} if none found.
public DexEncodedMethod lookupStaticTarget(DexMethod method) {
DexEncodedMethod target = lookupDirectStaticOrConstructorTarget(method);
return target == null || target.accessFlags.isStatic() ? target : null;
* Lookup direct method following the super chain from the holder of {@code method}.
* <p>
* This method will lookup private and constructor methods.
* @param method the method to lookup
* @return The actual target for {@code method} or {@code null} if none found.
public DexEncodedMethod lookupDirectTarget(DexMethod method) {
DexEncodedMethod target = lookupDirectStaticOrConstructorTarget(method);
return target == null || !target.accessFlags.isStatic() ? target : null;
* Lookup virtual method starting in type and following the super chain.
* <p>
* If the target cannot be found along the super-chain, look for a default implementation in one
* of the interfaces.
public DexEncodedMethod lookupVirtualTarget(DexType type, DexMethod method) {
assert type.isClassType();
DexEncodedMethod result
= lookupTargetAlongSuperChain(type, method, DexClass::findVirtualTarget);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return lookupTargetAlongInterfaceChain(type, method,
(dexClass, dexMethod) -> {
DexEncodedMethod virtualTarget = dexClass.findVirtualTarget(dexMethod);
return virtualTarget != null && virtualTarget.getCode() != null
? virtualTarget
: null;
* Lookup virtual method starting in type and following the super chain.
* <p>
* If the target cannot be found along the super-chain, look for a definition in one of
* the interfaces.
public DexEncodedMethod lookupVirtualDefinition(DexType type, DexMethod method) {
assert type.isClassType();
DexEncodedMethod result
= lookupTargetAlongSuperChain(type, method, DexClass::findVirtualTarget);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return lookupTargetAlongInterfaceChain(type, method, DexClass::findVirtualTarget);
* Lookup instance field starting in type and following the super chain.
public DexEncodedField lookupInstanceTarget(DexType type, DexField field) {
assert type.isClassType();
return lookupTargetAlongSuperChain(type, field, DexClass::findInstanceTarget);
* Lookup static field starting in type and following the super chain.
public DexEncodedField lookupStaticTarget(DexType type, DexField field) {
assert type.isClassType();
DexEncodedField target = lookupTargetAlongSuperChain(type, field, DexClass::findStaticTarget);
if (target == null) {
target = lookupTargetAlongInterfaceChain(type, field, DexClass::findStaticTarget);
return target;
* Traverse along the super chain until lookup returns non-null value.
private <S extends DexItem, T extends Descriptor<S, T>> S lookupTargetAlongSuperChain(
DexType type,
T desc,
BiFunction<DexClass, T, S> lookup) {
assert type != null;
DexClass holder = definitionFor(type);
while (holder != null) {
S result = lookup.apply(holder, desc);
if (result != null) {
return result;
if (holder.superType == null) {
return null;
holder = definitionFor(holder.superType);
return null;
* Traverse along the super chain and the interface chains until lookup returns non-null value.
private <S extends DexItem, T extends Descriptor<S, T>> S lookupTargetAlongSuperAndInterfaceChain(
DexType type,
T desc,
BiFunction<DexClass, T, S> lookup) {
DexClass holder = definitionFor(type);
if (holder == null) {
return null;
S result = lookup.apply(holder, desc);
if (result != null) {
return result;
if (holder.superType != null) {
result = lookupTargetAlongSuperAndInterfaceChain(holder.superType, desc, lookup);
if (result != null) {
return result;
for (DexType iface : holder.interfaces.values) {
result = lookupTargetAlongSuperAndInterfaceChain(iface, desc, lookup);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return null;
private boolean isDefaultMethod(DexItem dexItem) {
return dexItem != null && dexItem instanceof DexEncodedMethod &&
!((DexEncodedMethod) dexItem).accessFlags.isStatic() &&
((DexEncodedMethod) dexItem).getCode() != null;
/** Returns if <code>interface1</code> is a super interface of <code>interface2</code> */
private boolean isSuperInterfaceOf(DexType interface1, DexType interface2) {
assert definitionFor(interface1).isInterface();
DexClass holder = definitionFor(interface2);
assert holder.isInterface();
for (DexType iface : holder.interfaces.values) {
if (iface == interface1 || isSuperInterfaceOf(interface1, iface)) {
return true;
return false;
private <S extends DexItem> S resolveAmbiguousResult(S previousResult, S newResult) {
// For default methods return the item found lowest in the interface hierarchy. Different
// implementations can come from different paths in a diamond.
// See §9.4.1 in The Java® Language Specification, Java SE 8 Edition.
if (previousResult != null
&& previousResult != newResult
&& isDefaultMethod(previousResult)
&& isDefaultMethod(newResult)) {
DexEncodedMethod previousMethod = (DexEncodedMethod) previousResult;
DexEncodedMethod newMethod = (DexEncodedMethod) newResult;
if (isSuperInterfaceOf(previousMethod.method.getHolder(), newMethod.method.getHolder())) {
return newResult;
if (isSuperInterfaceOf(newMethod.method.getHolder(), previousMethod.method.getHolder())) {
return previousResult;
throw new CompilationError("Duplicate default methods named "
+ previousResult.toSourceString()
+ " are inherited from the types "
+ previousMethod.method.holder.getName()
+ " and "
+ newMethod.method.holder.getName());
} else {
// Return the first item found for everything except default methods.
return previousResult != null ? previousResult : newResult;
* Traverse along the interface chains until lookup returns non-null value.
private <S extends DexItem, T extends Descriptor<S, T>> S lookupTargetAlongInterfaceChain(
DexType type,
T desc,
BiFunction<DexClass, T, S> lookup) {
DexClass holder = definitionFor(type);
if (holder == null) {
// TODO(herhut): The subtype hierarchy is broken. Handle this case.
return null;
S result = null;
for (DexType iface : holder.interfaces.values) {
S localResult = lookupTargetAlongSuperAndInterfaceChain(iface, desc, lookup);
if (localResult != null) {
result = resolveAmbiguousResult(result, localResult);
if (holder.superType != null) {
S localResult = lookupTargetAlongInterfaceChain(holder.superType, desc, lookup);
if (localResult != null) {
result = resolveAmbiguousResult(result, localResult);
return result;
public DexEncodedMethod lookup(Type type, DexMethod target) {
DexEncodedMethod definition;
DexType holder = target.getHolder();
if (!holder.isClassType()) {
return null;
if (type == Type.VIRTUAL || type == Type.INTERFACE) {
definition = lookupVirtualDefinition(holder, target);
} else if (type == Type.DIRECT) {
definition = lookupDirectTarget(target);
} else if (type == Type.STATIC) {
definition = lookupStaticTarget(target);
} else if (type == Type.SUPER) {
definition = lookupVirtualTarget(holder, target);
} else {
return null;
return definition;
public boolean hasSubtyping() {
return false;
public AppInfoWithSubtyping withSubtyping() {
return null;
public boolean hasLiveness() {
return false;
public AppInfoWithLiveness withLiveness() {
return null;
public void registerNewType(DexType newType, DexType superType) {
// We do not track subtyping relationships in the basic AppInfo. So do nothing.
public List<DexClass> getSuperTypeClasses(DexType type) {
List<DexClass> result = new ArrayList<>();
do {
DexClass clazz = definitionFor(type);
if (clazz == null) {
type = clazz.superType;
} while (type != null);
return result;