Tool for comparing the size of individual classes in two apks

Can be used for quickly checking the size differences of two different
compilations of the same apk

The output (pass --report FILE to store in file instead) will contain:
  classes and their size that are only in one of the apks (sorted by size)
  classes, their size, and the percentage wise portion only in this file,
    when the size differs between the two apks, sorted by the percentage of
    the file that is only in the current apk
  files that are the same size.

By default the tool will put the extracted apk and the dex files in
a temporary directory that will be deleted, pass in --temp to specify
a destination that will not be deleted

Change-Id: I7aba15bc20935fb00321124a9842c68c5899f733
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e477320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2018, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+# Script for checking impact of a change by comparing the sizes of generated
+# classes in an apk.
+import glob
+import optparse
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+import toolhelper
+import utils
+import zipfile
+import StringIO
+USAGE = """%prog [options] app1 app2
+  NOTE: This only makes sense if minification is disabled"""
+def parse_options():
+  result = optparse.OptionParser(usage=USAGE)
+  result.add_option('--temp',
+                    help='Temporary directory to store extracted classes in')
+  result.add_option('--report',
+                    help='Print comparison to this location instead of stdout')
+  return result.parse_args()
+def extract_apk(apk, output):
+  if os.path.exists(output):
+    shutil.rmtree(output)
+  zipfile.ZipFile(apk).extractall(output)
+  with utils.ChangedWorkingDirectory(output):
+    dex = glob.glob('*.dex')
+    return [os.path.join(output, dexfile) for dexfile in dex]
+def ensure_exists(files):
+  for f in files:
+    if not os.path.exists(f):
+      raise Exception('%s does not exist')
+def extract_classes(input, output):
+  if os.path.exists(output):
+    shutil.rmtree(output)
+  os.makedirs(output)
+  args = ['--file-per-class',
+          '--output', output]
+  args.extend(input)
+  if'd8', args) is not 0:
+    raise Exception('Failed running d8')
+class FileInfo:
+  def __init__(self, path, root):
+    self.path = path
+    self.full_path = os.path.join(root, path)
+    self.size = os.path.getsize(self.full_path)
+def generate_file_info(path):
+  file_info_map = {}
+  with utils.ChangedWorkingDirectory(path):
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'):
+      for f in files:
+        assert f.endswith('dex')
+        file_path = os.path.join(root, f)
+        entry = FileInfo(file_path, path)
+        file_info_map[file_path] = entry
+  return file_info_map
+def print_info(app, app_files, only_in_app, bigger_in_app, output):
+  output.write('Only in %s\n' % app)
+  only_app_sorted = sorted(only_in_app,
+                           key=lambda a: app_files[a].size,
+                           reverse=True)
+  output.write('\n'.join(['  %s %s bytes' %
+                          (x, app_files[x].size) for x in only_app_sorted]))
+  output.write('\n\n')
+  output.write('Bigger in %s\n' % app)
+  # Sort by the percentage diff compared to size
+  percent = lambda a: (0.0 + bigger_in_app.get(a))/app_files.get(a).size * 100
+  for bigger in sorted(bigger_in_app, key=percent, reverse=True):
+    output.write('  {0:.3f}% {1} bytes {2}\n'.format(percent(bigger),
+                                                     bigger_in_app[bigger],
+                                                     bigger))
+  output.write('\n\n')
+def compare(app1_classes_dir, app2_classes_dir, app1, app2, report):
+  app1_files = generate_file_info(app1_classes_dir)
+  app2_files = generate_file_info(app2_classes_dir)
+  only_in_app1 = [k for k in app1_files if k not in app2_files]
+  only_in_app2 = [k for k in app2_files if k not in app1_files]
+  in_both = [k for k in app2_files if k in app1_files]
+  assert len(app1_files) == len(only_in_app1) + len(in_both)
+  assert len(app2_files) == len(only_in_app2) + len(in_both)
+  bigger_in_app1 = {}
+  bigger_in_app2 = {}
+  same_size = []
+  for f in in_both:
+    app1_entry = app1_files[f]
+    app2_entry = app2_files[f]
+    if app1_entry.size > app2_entry.size:
+      bigger_in_app1[f] = app1_entry.size - app2_entry.size
+    elif app2_entry.size > app1_entry.size:
+      bigger_in_app2[f] = app2_entry.size - app1_entry.size
+    else:
+      same_size.append(f)
+  output = open(report, 'w') if report else sys.stdout
+  print_info(app1, app1_files, only_in_app1, bigger_in_app1, output)
+  print_info(app2, app2_files, only_in_app2, bigger_in_app2, output)
+  output.write('Same size\n')
+  output.write('\n'.join(['  %s' % x for x in same_size]))
+  if report:
+    output.close()
+def Main():
+  (options, args) = parse_options()
+  if len(args) is not 2:
+    print args
+    print('Takes exactly two arguments, the two apps to compare')
+    return 1
+  app1 = args[0]
+  app2 = args[1]
+  ensure_exists([app1, app2])
+  with utils.TempDir() as temporary:
+    # If a temp dir is passed in, use that instead of the generated temporary
+    output = options.temp if options.temp else temporary
+    ensure_exists([output])
+    app1_input = [app1]
+    app2_input = [app2]
+    if app1.endswith('apk'):
+      app1_input = extract_apk(app1, os.path.join(output, 'app1'))
+    if app2.endswith('apk'):
+      app2_input = extract_apk(app2, os.path.join(output, 'app2'))
+    app1_classes_dir = os.path.join(output, 'app1_classes')
+    app2_classes_dir = os.path.join(output, 'app2_classes')
+    extract_classes(app1_input, app1_classes_dir)
+    extract_classes(app2_input, app2_classes_dir)
+    compare(app1_classes_dir, app2_classes_dir, app1, app2,
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  sys.exit(Main())