blob: 643d2953574b23b73fca5155d108fc94c4840d56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
public final class LongMethods {
public static int hashCode(long l) {
return (int) (l ^ (l >>> 32));
public static long divideUnsigned(long dividend, long divisor) {
// This implementation is adapted from Guava's and
if (divisor < 0) { // i.e., divisor >= 2^63:
// Reference implementation calls, divisor) whose
// implementation is, UnsignedLong.flip(b)). The
// implementations of flip() and compare() are inlined here instead.
long dividendFlipped = dividend ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
long divisorFlipped = divisor ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
if (dividendFlipped < divisorFlipped) {
return 0; // dividend < divisor
} else {
return 1; // dividend >= divisor
// Optimization - use signed division if dividend < 2^63
if (dividend >= 0) {
return dividend / divisor;
// Otherwise, approximate the quotient, check, and correct if necessary. Our approximation is
// guaranteed to be either exact or one less than the correct value. This follows from the
// fact that floor(floor(x)/i) == floor(x/i) for any real x and integer i != 0. The proof is
// not quite trivial.
long quotient = ((dividend >>> 1) / divisor) << 1;
long rem = dividend - quotient * divisor;
// Reference implementation calls, divisor) whose
// implementation is, UnsignedLong.flip(b)). The
// implementations of flip() and compare() are inlined here instead.
long remFlipped = rem ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
long divisorFlipped = divisor ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
return quotient + (remFlipped >= divisorFlipped ? 1 : 0);
public static long remainderUnsigned(long dividend, long divisor) {
// This implementation is adapted from Guava's and
if (divisor < 0) { // i.e., divisor >= 2^63:
// Reference implementation calls, divisor) whose
// implementation is, UnsignedLong.flip(b)). The
// implementations of flip() and compare() are inlined here instead.
long dividendFlipped = dividend ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
long divisorFlipped = divisor ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
if (dividendFlipped < divisorFlipped) {
return dividend; // dividend < divisor
} else {
return dividend - divisor; // dividend >= divisor
// Optimization - use signed modulus if dividend < 2^63
if (dividend >= 0) {
return dividend % divisor;
// Otherwise, approximate the quotient, check, and correct if necessary. Our approximation is
// guaranteed to be either exact or one less than the correct value. This follows from the
// fact that floor(floor(x)/i) == floor(x/i) for any real x and integer i != 0. The proof is
// not quite trivial.
long quotient = ((dividend >>> 1) / divisor) << 1;
long rem = dividend - quotient * divisor;
// Reference implementation calls, divisor) whose
// implementation is, UnsignedLong.flip(b)). The
// implementations of flip() and compare() are inlined here instead.
long remFlipped = rem ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
long divisorFlipped = divisor ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
return rem - (remFlipped >= divisorFlipped ? divisor : 0);
public static int compareUnsigned(long a, long b) {
long aFlipped = a ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
long bFlipped = b ^ Long.MIN_VALUE;
return, bFlipped);
public static long parseUnsignedLong(String s) {
return Long.parseUnsignedLong(s, 10);
public static long parseUnsignedLongWithRadix(String s, int radix) {
// This implementation is adapted from Guava's
int length = s.length();
if (length == 0) {
throw new NumberFormatException("empty string");
if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX || radix > Character.MAX_RADIX) {
// Explicit String.concat to work around
throw new NumberFormatException("illegal radix: ".concat(String.valueOf(radix)));
long maxValueBeforeRadixMultiply = Long.divideUnsigned(-1L, radix);
// If the string starts with '+' and contains at least two characters, skip the plus.
int start = s.charAt(0) == '+' && length > 1 ? 1 : 0;
long value = 0;
for (int pos = start; pos < length; pos++) {
int digit = Character.digit(s.charAt(pos), radix);
if (digit == -1) {
throw new NumberFormatException(s);
if (// high bit is already set
value < 0
// or radix multiply will overflow
|| value > maxValueBeforeRadixMultiply
// or digit add will overflow after radix multiply
|| (value == maxValueBeforeRadixMultiply
&& digit > (int) Long.remainderUnsigned(-1L, radix))) {
// Explicit String.concat to work around
throw new NumberFormatException("Too large for unsigned long: ".concat(s));
value = (value * radix) + digit;
return value;
public static String toUnsignedString(long l) {
return Long.toUnsignedString(l, 10);
public static String toUnsignedStringWithRadix(long l, int radix) {
// This implementation is adapted from Guava's
if (l == 0) {
// Simply return "0"
return "0";
} else if (l > 0) {
return Long.toString(l, radix);
} else {
if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX || radix > Character.MAX_RADIX) {
radix = 10;
char[] buf = new char[64];
int i = buf.length;
if ((radix & (radix - 1)) == 0) {
// Radix is a power of two so we can avoid division.
int shift = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(radix);
int mask = radix - 1;
do {
buf[--i] = Character.forDigit(((int) l) & mask, radix);
l >>>= shift;
} while (l != 0);
} else {
// Separate off the last digit using unsigned division. That will leave
// a number that is nonnegative as a signed integer.
long quotient;
if ((radix & 1) == 0) {
// Fast path for the usual case where the radix is even.
quotient = (l >>> 1) / (radix >>> 1);
} else {
quotient = Long.divideUnsigned(l, radix);
long rem = l - quotient * radix;
buf[--i] = Character.forDigit((int) rem, radix);
l = quotient;
// Simple modulo/division approach
while (l > 0) {
buf[--i] = Character.forDigit((int) (l % radix), radix);
l /= radix;
// Generate string
return new String(buf, i, buf.length - i);