blob: e449c88d6eba0bdd18c9cec8d15d56402c5d8fe8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.objectweb.asm.AnnotationVisitor;
* Abstract base parser to help converting a parser of one type to another via delegation.
* @param <T1> Type of input parser.
* @param <T2> Type of output parser (e.g., the parser subclassing this base).
* @param <P> Properties (same for both parsers).
public abstract class ConvertingPropertyParser<T1, T2, P> implements PropertyParser<T2, P> {
private final PropertyParser<T1, P> parser;
private final Function<T1, T2> converter;
public ConvertingPropertyParser(PropertyParser<T1, P> parser, Function<T1, T2> converter) {
this.parser = parser;
this.converter = converter;
private Consumer<T1> wrap(Consumer<T2> fn) {
return v1 -> fn.accept(converter.apply(v1));
public void setProperty(String name, P property) {
parser.setProperty(name, property);
public boolean isDeclared() {
return parser.isDeclared();
public T2 getValue() {
return converter.apply(parser.getValue());
public boolean tryParse(String name, Object value, Consumer<T2> setValue) {
return parser.tryParse(name, value, wrap(setValue));
public boolean tryParseEnum(String name, String descriptor, String value, Consumer<T2> setValue) {
return parser.tryParseEnum(name, descriptor, value, wrap(setValue));
public AnnotationVisitor tryParseArray(String name, Consumer<T2> setValue) {
return parser.tryParseArray(name, wrap(setValue));
public AnnotationVisitor tryParseAnnotation(
String name, String descriptor, Consumer<T2> setValue) {
return parser.tryParseAnnotation(name, descriptor, wrap(setValue));