blob: b79b61655b1d156c78a09b10f40c5f7f898e934a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
public class KeepMethodNamePattern {
private static final String INIT_STRING = "<init>";
private static final String CLINIT_STRING = "<clinit>";
private static final KeepMethodNamePattern ANY =
new KeepMethodNamePattern(KeepStringPattern.any());
private static final KeepMethodNamePattern INSTANCE_INIT =
new KeepMethodNamePattern(KeepStringPattern.exact(INIT_STRING));
private static final KeepMethodNamePattern CLASS_INIT =
new KeepMethodNamePattern(KeepStringPattern.exact(CLINIT_STRING));
public static KeepMethodNamePattern any() {
return KeepMethodNamePattern.ANY;
public static KeepMethodNamePattern instanceInitializer() {
return KeepMethodNamePattern.INSTANCE_INIT;
public static KeepMethodNamePattern classInitializer() {
return KeepMethodNamePattern.CLASS_INIT;
public static KeepMethodNamePattern exact(String methodName) {
return fromStringPattern(KeepStringPattern.exact(methodName));
public static KeepMethodNamePattern fromStringPattern(KeepStringPattern pattern) {
if (pattern.isAny()) {
return KeepMethodNamePattern.ANY;
if (pattern.isExact()) {
String exact = pattern.asExactString();
if (INIT_STRING.equals(exact)) {
return KeepMethodNamePattern.INSTANCE_INIT;
if (CLINIT_STRING.equals(exact)) {
return KeepMethodNamePattern.CLASS_INIT;
return new KeepMethodNamePattern(pattern);
private final KeepStringPattern pattern;
private KeepMethodNamePattern(KeepStringPattern pattern) {
assert pattern != null;
this.pattern = pattern;
public KeepStringPattern asStringPattern() {
return pattern;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof KeepMethodNamePattern)) {
return false;
KeepMethodNamePattern that = (KeepMethodNamePattern) o;
return pattern.equals(that.pattern);
public int hashCode() {
return pattern.hashCode();
public String toString() {
return pattern.toString();
public boolean isAny() {
return ANY == this;
public boolean isClassInitializer() {
return CLASS_INIT == this;
public boolean isInstanceInitializer() {
return INSTANCE_INIT == this;
public boolean isExact() {
return pattern.isExact();
public String asExactString() {
return pattern.asExactString();