blob: 152e8c7b53609b0975e52479255e11d068aabf82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
public class CompareToVisitorWithTypeEquivalence extends CompareToVisitorBase {
public static <T> int run(T item1, T item2, RepresentativeMap map, StructuralMapping<T> visit) {
return run(item1, item2, map, (i1, i2, visitor) -> visitor.visit(i1, i2, visit));
public static <T> int run(
T item1, T item2, RepresentativeMap map, CompareToAccept<T> compareToAccept) {
if (item1 == item2) {
return 0;
CompareToVisitorWithTypeEquivalence state = new CompareToVisitorWithTypeEquivalence(map);
return compareToAccept.acceptCompareTo(item1, item2, state);
private final RepresentativeMap representatives;
public CompareToVisitorWithTypeEquivalence(RepresentativeMap representatives) {
this.representatives = representatives;
public int visitDexType(DexType type1, DexType type2) {
if (type1 == type2) {
return 0;
DexType repr1 = representatives.getRepresentative(type1);
DexType repr2 = representatives.getRepresentative(type2);
return debug(repr1.getDescriptor().acceptCompareTo(repr2.getDescriptor(), this));