blob: 5c85355b1819f55a7950885062c6ac03260f478c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
public class KotlinTestParameters {
private final int index;
private final KotlinCompiler kotlinc;
private final KotlinTargetVersion targetVersion;
private KotlinTestParameters(
KotlinCompiler kotlinc, KotlinTargetVersion targetVersion, int index) {
this.index = index;
this.kotlinc = kotlinc;
this.targetVersion = targetVersion;
public KotlinCompiler getCompiler() {
return kotlinc;
public KotlinTargetVersion getTargetVersion() {
return targetVersion;
public boolean is(KotlinCompilerVersion compilerVersion) {
public boolean is(KotlinCompilerVersion compilerVersion, KotlinTargetVersion targetVersion) {
return is(compilerVersion) && this.targetVersion == targetVersion;
public boolean isFirst() {
return index == 0;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public String toString() {
return kotlinc + "[target=" + targetVersion + "]";
public static class Builder {
private Predicate<KotlinCompilerVersion> compilerFilter = c -> false;
private Predicate<KotlinTargetVersion> targetVersionFilter = t -> false;
private Builder() {}
private Builder withCompilerFilter(Predicate<KotlinCompilerVersion> predicate) {
compilerFilter = compilerFilter.or(predicate);
return this;
private Builder withTargetVersionFilter(Predicate<KotlinTargetVersion> predicate) {
targetVersionFilter = targetVersionFilter.or(predicate);
return this;
public Builder withAllCompilers() {
withCompilerFilter(compiler -> true);
return this;
public Builder withAllCompilersAndTargetVersions() {
return withAllCompilers().withAllTargetVersions();
public Builder withCompiler(KotlinCompilerVersion compilerVersion) {
withCompilerFilter(c -> c.isEqualTo(compilerVersion));
return this;
public Builder withAllTargetVersions() {
withTargetVersionFilter(t -> true);
return this;
public Builder withTargetVersion(KotlinTargetVersion targetVersion) {
withTargetVersionFilter(t -> t.equals(targetVersion));
return this;
public KotlinTestParametersCollection build() {
List<KotlinTestParameters> testParameters = new ArrayList<>();
int index = 0;
for (KotlinCompilerVersion kotlinVersion : KotlinCompilerVersion.values()) {
for (KotlinTargetVersion targetVersion : KotlinTargetVersion.values()) {
// KotlinTargetVersion java 6 is deprecated from kotlinc 1.5 and forward, no need to run
// tests on that target.
if (targetVersion == KotlinTargetVersion.JAVA_6
&& kotlinVersion.equals(KotlinCompilerVersion.KOTLINC_1_5_0)) {
if (compilerFilter.test(kotlinVersion) && targetVersionFilter.test(targetVersion)) {
new KotlinTestParameters(
new KotlinCompiler(kotlinVersion), targetVersion, index++));
assert !testParameters.isEmpty();
return new KotlinTestParametersCollection(testParameters);