blob: 37acc4dae74d8731f993523533db5f7aff6f2246 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import static;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
* Implements low-level access methods for seeking on top of the database file defined by {@code
* AndroidApiLevelHashingDatabaseImpl} where a description of the format can also be found.
public abstract class AndroidApiDataAccess {
private static final String RESOURCE_NAME = "resources/new_api_database.ser";
private static final int ENTRY_SIZE_IN_BITS_FOR_CONSTANT_POOL_MAP = 17;
private static final int ENTRY_SIZE_IN_BITS_FOR_API_MAP = 18;
// The payload offset is an offset into the payload defined by an integer and a length defined by
// a short.
private static final int PAYLOAD_OFFSET_WITH_LENGTH = 4 + 2;
private static final byte ZERO_BYTE = (byte) 0;
private static class PositionAndLength {
private static PositionAndLength EMPTY = new PositionAndLength(0, 0);
private final int position;
private final int length;
private PositionAndLength(int position, int length) {
this.position = position;
this.length = length;
public static PositionAndLength create(int position, int length) {
if (position == 0 && length == 0) {
return EMPTY;
if ((position < 0 && length != 0) || (position > 0 && length == 0)) {
assert false : "Unexpected position and length";
return EMPTY;
return new PositionAndLength(position, length);
public static PositionAndLength create(byte[] data, int offset) {
return create(readIntFromOffset(data, offset), readShortFromOffset(data, offset + 4));
public int getPosition() {
return position;
public int getLength() {
return length;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return this == EMPTY;
public static int entrySizeInBitsForConstantPoolMap() {
public static int entrySizeInBitsForApiLevelMap() {
public static int apiLevelHash(DexReference reference) {
int entrySize = entrySizeInBitsForApiLevelMap();
int size = 1 << (entrySize - 1);
return (reference.hashCode() % size) + size;
public static int constantPoolHash(DexString string) {
int entrySize = entrySizeInBitsForConstantPoolMap();
int size = 1 << (entrySize - 1);
return (string.hashCode() % size) + size;
static int constantPoolEntrySize() {
static int constantPoolMapEntrySize() {
static int apiLevelHashMapEntrySize() {
static int constantPoolOffset() {
return 4;
static int constantPoolHashMapOffset(int constantPoolSize) {
return (constantPoolSize * constantPoolEntrySize()) + constantPoolOffset();
static int apiLevelHashMapOffset(int constantPoolSize) {
int constantPoolHashMapSize =
(1 << entrySizeInBitsForConstantPoolMap()) * constantPoolMapEntrySize();
return constantPoolHashMapOffset(constantPoolSize) + constantPoolHashMapSize;
static int payloadOffset(int constantPoolSize) {
int apiLevelSize = (1 << entrySizeInBitsForApiLevelMap()) * apiLevelHashMapEntrySize();
return apiLevelHashMapOffset(constantPoolSize) + apiLevelSize;
static int readIntFromOffset(byte[] data, int offset) {
return Ints.fromBytes(data[offset], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2], data[offset + 3]);
static int readShortFromOffset(byte[] data, int offset) {
return Ints.fromBytes(ZERO_BYTE, ZERO_BYTE, data[offset], data[offset + 1]);
private int constantPoolSizeCache = -1;
abstract int readConstantPoolSize();
abstract PositionAndLength getConstantPoolPayloadOffset(int index);
abstract PositionAndLength getConstantPoolHashMapPayloadOffset(int hash);
abstract PositionAndLength getApiLevelHashMapPayloadOffset(int hash);
abstract boolean payloadHasConstantPoolValue(int offset, int length, byte[] value);
abstract int payloadContainsConstantPoolValue(
int offset, int length, byte[] value, BiPredicate<Integer, byte[]> predicate);
abstract byte readApiLevelForPayloadOffset(int offset, int length, byte[] value);
public int getConstantPoolSize() {
if (constantPoolSizeCache == -1) {
constantPoolSizeCache = readConstantPoolSize();
return constantPoolSizeCache;
/** When the first bit is set (position < 0) then there is a single unique result for the hash. */
public static boolean isUniqueConstantPoolEntry(int position) {
return position < 0;
* If the position defines a unique result, the first byte is has the first bit set to 1 (making
* it negative) and the actual index specified in the least significant two bytes.
public static int getConstantPoolIndexFromUniqueConstantPoolEntry(int position) {
assert isUniqueConstantPoolEntry(position);
return unsetBitAtIndex(position, 32);
public int getConstantPoolIndex(DexString string) {
PositionAndLength constantPoolIndex =
if (constantPoolIndex.isEmpty()) {
return -1;
int position = constantPoolIndex.getPosition();
int length = constantPoolIndex.getLength();
if (isUniqueConstantPoolEntry(position)) {
int nonTaggedPosition = getConstantPoolIndexFromUniqueConstantPoolEntry(position);
if (isConstantPoolEntry(nonTaggedPosition, string.content)) {
return nonTaggedPosition;
} else {
assert length > 0;
return payloadContainsConstantPoolValue(
position, length, string.content, this::isConstantPoolEntry);
return -1;
public boolean isConstantPoolEntry(int index, byte[] value) {
PositionAndLength constantPoolPayloadOffset = getConstantPoolPayloadOffset(index);
if (constantPoolPayloadOffset.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return payloadHasConstantPoolValue(
constantPoolPayloadOffset.getPosition(), constantPoolPayloadOffset.getLength(), value);
public byte getApiLevelForReference(byte[] serialized, DexReference reference) {
PositionAndLength apiLevelPayloadOffset =
if (apiLevelPayloadOffset.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
return readApiLevelForPayloadOffset(
apiLevelPayloadOffset.getPosition(), apiLevelPayloadOffset.getLength(), serialized);
public static byte findApiForReferenceHelper(byte[] data, int offset, int length, byte[] value) {
int index = offset;
while (index < offset + length) {
// Read size of entry
int lengthOfEntry = Ints.fromBytes(ZERO_BYTE, ZERO_BYTE, data[index], data[index + 1]);
int startIndex = index + 2;
int endIndex = startIndex + lengthOfEntry;
if (isSerializedDescriptor(value, data, startIndex, lengthOfEntry)) {
return data[endIndex];
index = endIndex + 1;
return 0;
protected static boolean isSerializedDescriptor(
byte[] serialized, byte[] candidate, int offset, int length) {
if (serialized.length != length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (serialized[i] != candidate[i + offset]) {
return false;
return true;
public static class AndroidApiDataAccessInMemory extends AndroidApiDataAccess {
private final byte[] data;
private AndroidApiDataAccessInMemory(byte[] data) { = data;
public static AndroidApiDataAccessInMemory create() {
byte[] data;
try (InputStream apiInputStream =
AndroidApiDataAccess.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(RESOURCE_NAME); ) {
if (apiInputStream == null) {
URL resource = AndroidApiDataAccess.class.getClassLoader().getResource(RESOURCE_NAME);
throw new CompilationError("Could not find the api database at: " + resource);
data = ByteStreams.toByteArray(apiInputStream);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new CompilationError("Could not read the api database.", e);
return new AndroidApiDataAccessInMemory(data);
public int readConstantPoolSize() {
return readIntFromOffset(data, 0);
PositionAndLength getConstantPoolPayloadOffset(int index) {
int offset = constantPoolOffset() + (index * constantPoolEntrySize());
return PositionAndLength.create(data, offset);
PositionAndLength getConstantPoolHashMapPayloadOffset(int hash) {
int offset =
constantPoolHashMapOffset(getConstantPoolSize()) + (hash * constantPoolMapEntrySize());
return PositionAndLength.create(data, offset);
PositionAndLength getApiLevelHashMapPayloadOffset(int hash) {
int offset =
apiLevelHashMapOffset(getConstantPoolSize()) + (hash * apiLevelHashMapEntrySize());
return PositionAndLength.create(data, offset);
boolean payloadHasConstantPoolValue(int offset, int length, byte[] value) {
return isSerializedDescriptor(
value, data, payloadOffset(getConstantPoolSize()) + offset, length);
int payloadContainsConstantPoolValue(
int offset, int length, byte[] value, BiPredicate<Integer, byte[]> predicate) {
int payloadOffset = payloadOffset(getConstantPoolSize());
int startInPayload = payloadOffset + offset;
int endInPayload = startInPayload + length;
if (data.length < endInPayload) {
return -1;
for (int i = startInPayload; i < endInPayload; i += 2) {
int index = Ints.fromBytes(ZERO_BYTE, ZERO_BYTE, data[i], data[i + 1]);
if (predicate.test(index, value)) {
return index;
return -1;
byte readApiLevelForPayloadOffset(int offset, int length, byte[] value) {
return findApiForReferenceHelper(
data, payloadOffset(getConstantPoolSize()) + offset, length, value);